TravelLog vs Bz

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TravelLog VS Blazekinmaster-Zeo

  • 2v2 Singles
  • 1 day DQ
  • 2 recovers, 5 chills
  • Switch = KO
  • One ability
  • No items

Arena: The ASB Tournament Arena

Surrounded by thousands of screaming Pokemon fans, the ASB Arena can be best described as a standard Pokemon battling arena. In the center of the arena lies a dirt-based floor outlined to show two separate sides (with a white Pokeball center). Surrounding the dirt is a moat filled with water. The moat is about fifteen feet wide and creates a perimeter around the dirt arena. The arena itself is eighty feet wide, one hundred feet long. All moves, weathers, and abilities are legal for the match, since it's an outdoor arena with a large water source and packed dirt. Pokemon must stay in the arena (or the dimensions of the arena in the case of Flying Pokemon, who cannot leave the arena and cannot fly higher than sixty feet). This prevents Pokemon from injuring the crowd watching the tournament. There are no outside interruptions by fans, Pokemon, or other elements not associated with the current battle.

TravelLog's Team


Litwick [Danse Macabre] (Male)
Nature: Modest (+SpA,-Atk)
Type: Ghost/Fire

Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.

Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.


Flash Fire: (Innate)
This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures, and takes the energy of any fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack’s Base Attack Power by two (2).

Flame Body: (Innate)
This Pokemon’s external temperature is kept at such a high level that any contact attack used on this Pokemon has a 30% chance of burning the opponent.

Shadow Tag: (DW/Innate)
Upon entry into battle, this Pokemon’s Shadow expands across the arena and dissipates, forcing opposing Pokemon to stay within 10 meters of this Pokemon. The Shadow entirely negates the ability to switch for every Pokemon except those who also have Shadow Tag.


HP: 90
Atk: 1 (-)
Def: 2
SpA: 4 (+)
SpD: 2
Spe: 20


Fire Spin
Confuse Ray
Night Shade
Flame Burst

Acid Armor
Clear Smog
Heat Wave

Calm Mind


Breezi [Zephyr] (M)
Nature: Modest (+SpA; -Atk)
Type: Poison/Flying

Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.

Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.


Persistent: (Innate)
This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.

Vital Spirit: (Innate)
This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.

Unburden(DW): (Innate)
This Pokemon is incredibly possessive. If it uses or loses an item in battle its rage swells and its speed doubles (x2) until it receives another item.

HP: 90
Atk: 1 (-)
Def: 2
SpA: 4 (+)
SpD: 2
Spe: 85


Knock Off
Healing Beam
Razor Wind
Make Friends
Air Slash

Earth Power

Energy Ball
Shadow Ball

Blazekinmaster-Zeo's Team


Torchic Blazer (Male)
Nature: Naughty (Plus attack Minus Special defence)
Type: Fire
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas


Blaze (Innate)
When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any fire attack is increased by two (2).

Speed Boost (DW): (Innate)
Pokemon with this ability increase their speed as the battle progresses, boosting it one (1) stage at the end of each round at the cost of 2% of their energy. This overrides the normal drop in stats that ocurs at the end of each round (stats other than Speed are still affected).

HP: 90
Atk: 3 (+)
Def: 2
SpA: 3
SpD: 1 (-)
Spe: 45


Focus Energy
Fire Spin

Baton Pass
Crush Claw
Flame Burst

Flame thrower
Shadow Claw
Sword dance


Gible Mighty (gender?)
Nature: Adamant (Add one to Atk, subtract one from SpA)
Type: Dragon/Ground

Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.

Ground:Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings


Sand Veil (Innate)
This Pokemon is used to reacting in desert conditions and gets a 20% evasion boost during Sandstorms. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.

Rough Skin (DW) (Innate)
When struck with a contact attack, this Pokemon’s abrasive skin causes pain to the opponent, dealing 25% of the damage received to the opponent.

HP: 90
Atk: 3 (+)
Def: 2
SpA: 0 (-)
SpD: 2
Spe: 42


Dragon Rage
Sand Tomb

Dragon Breath
Iron Head

Hone Claws


  1. TravelLog will send out.
  2. Bz will send out
  3. Bz will issue actions
  4. TravelLog will issue actions
  5. I will ref
  6. TravelLog will issue actions
  7. Bz will issue actions
  8. I will ref
  9. Jump to step three
So you're up TravelLog
Thanks to -Charmander- for the format
alright, let's get things rolling with a taunt to make sure he can't use swords dance or will-o-wisp, then use sand attack, followed by earth power

Round 1

"Coming down"



..HP: 90
..Energy: 100%
..Status: x.x
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent
..Sand Attack
..Earth Power




.HP: 90....
.Energy: 100%...
.Status: x...
.Boosts: x...
.Ability: Blaze..
Sword Dance..
Crush Claw..


Both pokemon stand feets away from each other thinking about their first move. Torchic begins the battle with a little dance to power up his attack, but before he finish spinning freneticly Zephyr calls him a stupid little chicken, this makes Blazer to lose concentration and just became a little dizzy.

The breezi then lands to grab some dirt and proceds to throw a large amount of it directly at Blaze's eyes, this will definitely make attacking harder, but that doesn't stop him and he continues scratching Zephyr for a little damage, although I don't think it's enough to make him fall it was a nice try

Still Zephyr is upset for the marks on his little parachute so he concentrates his mental power make the ground all around begin to crack with a golden light that iluminites the field, but the little torchic doesn't seem do pleased of the spectacular act since he received a lot of damage thanks to it, he tries to focus to create little fireballs to burn Zephyr, but he can't he still very upset about before, he'll have to wait to get his revenge





..HP: 80
..Energy: 80%
..Status: x.x
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent




.HP: 70....
.Energy: 94%...
.Status: Taunted (3 actions) ...
.Boosts: -1 acc (4 actions)...
.Ability: Blaze..

Zephyr used Taunt!
Blazer fell for the Taunt!
-10 energy

Blazer couldn't use Swords Dance after the Taunt!

Zephyr used Sand Attack!
Blazer's Accuracy fell! (-1 Acc)
-3 energy

Blazer used Crush Claw!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=712 Hit]: 515/1000 (Hit)
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 138/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To -1 Def) [<=500 Yes]: 898/1000 (No)
(8 + 1.5) x 1.0 = 9.5 ~ 10 damage
-6 energy

Zephyr used Earth Power!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 914/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To -1 SpD) [<=100 Yes]: 616/1000 (No)
(9 + 4.5) x 1.5 = 20.25 ~ 20 damage
-7 energy

Blazer couldn't use Will-o-Wisp after the Taunt!

TravelLog your actions
* I used Persistant as the ability, correct me if you want to use Vital Spirit
no Persistant was correct. Anyway...

use Encore to keep him using useless Will-o-Wisps, then use Earth Power, then use Earth Power again!

Round 2

"When the Earth is your Enemy..."



..HP: 80
..Energy: 80%
..Status: x.x
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent
..Earth Power
..Earth Power




.HP: 70....
.Energy: 94%...
.Status: Taunted (3 actions) ...
.Boosts: -1 acc (4 actions)...
.Ability: Blaze....
Crush Claw..
Flame Burst..


Breezies are known for being tricky, and this one is no exception, just when Blazer though it has a chance at a comeback, Zephyr had other plans and gave him an encore, the torchic completely forgot what he was supposed to do and just repeated the last thing he remembered, the bad thing about that is that he only repeat what happened last round with the same result, he coudn't focus as well as he wish he could and his Will-o-Wisp failed once again

Zephyr concentrates his mental power onece again, braking the ground with the same bright light and damaging the little chicken for good damage, Blazer continues to try to burn Zephyr but he cannot concentrate with all the light around him

Zephyr uses his mental power to make the ground hurt Blazer and once again he succed into taking a big chuck of health from the torchic, he is not happy, but the only thing he can do is to continue to use WoW to do at least something to the little parachuter, but once again, his focus ability lets him down and all that came out from his mouth is a little blue smoke, not enough to burn a little kakuna, maybe next round...





..HP: 80
..Energy: 52%
..Status: x.x
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent




.HP: 30....
.Energy: 94%...
.Status: x.x ...
.Boosts: -1 acc (1 action)...
.Ability: Blaze..

Zephyr used Encore!
Blazer received an Encore!
-10 energy

Blazer couldn't use Will-o-Wisp after the Taunt!

Zephyr used Earth Power!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 423/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To -1 SpD) [<=100 Yes]: 360/1000 (No)
(9 + 4.5) x 1.5 = 20.25 ~ 20 damage
-7 energy

Blazer couldn't use Will-o-Wisp after the Taunt!

Zephyr used Earth Power!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 74/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To -1 SpD) [<=100 Yes]: 770/1000 (No)
(9 + 4.5) x 1.5 = 20.25 ~ 20 damage
-11 energy

Blazer couldn't use Will-o-Wisp after the Taunt!

Bz your actions
Great job Zephyr! Now let's finish this guy up with an Air Slash, followed by an Earth Power, then chill

if you receive more than 25 damage before the chill, replace it with a wish

edit: @Gerard, why did Zephyr's HP go down to 80 from 90???

Round 3
"Playing with Fire"



..HP: 80
..Energy: 52%
..Status: x.x
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent
..Air Slash
..Earth Power




.HP: 30....
.Energy: 94%...
.Status: x.x ...
.Boosts: -1 acc (1 action)...
.Ability: Blaze..
Crush Claw..
Flame Burst..


Zephyr's lttle parachute is beginning to glow in a very bright light, it appears to be creating beautiful blue spheres that the Breezy is concentrainting with its feets, hehas created an amazing spiral of wind that hit's the little torchic for some damage, still he is not really impresed and he continues to use all of the power he had acumulated from all those previou turns and launches it directly to Zephyr, it's so hot that Zephyr's feets actually begin to burn a little bit, oh no! it appears that he has actually been burned

Zephir then concentrates his mental power to brake the ground once again with that same golden light that has dmaged Blazer so much before, Blazer cannot take more and after being send flying into the air and landing in the little pond around the arena he falls, the little chicken couldn't stand more punishment and finally fainted, still Zephir is still damaed from last round powerful flamethower and is hurted by it's feet

Zephir is tired so he lands safely on the dirt to make a wish, he glows brightly while looking at the sky, that doens't stop his feet to start hurting once again while he does so





..HP: 59
..Energy: 22%
..Status: Burned (1st Degree)
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent




.HP: KO....
.Energy: ........
.Ability: Blaze..

Zephyr used Air Slash!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=950 Hit]: 778/1000 (Hit)
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 65/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To Flinch) [<=300 Yes]: 576/1000 (No)
(8 + 3 + 4.5) x 1.0 = 15.5 ~ 16 damage
-6 energy

Blazer used Flamethrower!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=750 Hit]: 586/1000 (Hit)
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 228/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To Burn) [<=100 Yes]: 79/1000 (Yes)
Zaphyr was Burned!
(10 + 3 + 1.5) x 1.0 = 14.5 ~ 15 damage
-6 energy

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Zephyr used Earth Power!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 175/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To -1 SpD) [<=100 Yes]: 842/1000 (No)
(9 + 4.5) x 1.5 = 20.25 ~ 20 damage
-7 energy

Blazer Fainted!

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Zephyr used Wish!
-17 energy

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Bz your actions
Great job so far Zephyr. Now I want you to start with a taunt to make sure he can't get a sandstorm up, that evasion boost would be a serious problem! From there, I want you to chill then use Toxic

Round 4



..HP: 59
..Energy: 22%
..Status: Burned (1st Degree)
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent




.HP: 90....
.Energy: 100%...
.Status: x.x ...
.Boosts: x.x...
.Ability: Sand Veil..
Dragon Rage..


Blazekinmaster-Zeo is not done with this battle, so he sends out his reliable Gible, the mighty... well, Mighty, he seems like he is in great shape and wants to revenge his lost partner, he concentrates himself to call a big Sandstorm, but Zephyr is not done yet and he mocks about how little and un-mighty he is, and how he completely destroyed his partner, that makes Mighty really angry and he loses focus in what he was doing and failes to do so

Zephyr realy tired from the last rounds and needs to take a rest, so he calmly rest on the ground to regain a little bit of energy, but while the breezy is thinking about the birds and the bees, the gible unleashes all of his anger in a powerful red-orange fireball from it's mouth directly into the unprotected Zephyr dealing ok damage

Zephyr reacts to the fierce attack like his species uses to, launching a toxic purple gas that enters Mighty's mouth intoxicating him, this is not good for him, still badly poisoned as he currectly is he continues to use his sharp claws against Zephyr, they both fall at two feet from each other looking hurted by their resective states





..HP: 54
..Energy: 18%
..Status: Burned (1st Degree)
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent




.HP: 89....
.Energy: 88%...
.Status: Badly Poisoned (1)
Taunted (3 actions)...
.Boosts: x.x...
.Ability: Sand Veil..

Zephyr used Taunt!
Blazer fell for the Taunt!
-10 energy

Mighty couldn't use Sandstorm after the Taunt!

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Zephyr Chilled out!
Zephyr relaxes on the ground!
+12 energy

Mighty used Dragon Rage!
10 Damage
-7 energy

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Zephyr used Toxic!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=900 Hit]: 450/1000 (Hit)
-6 energy
Mighty was Badly Poisoned!

Mighty used Slash!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=125 Crit]: 656/1000 (No)
(7 + 1.5) x 1.0 = 8.5 ~ 9 damage
-5 energy

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp
Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-1 Hp
Zephyr's Wish came!
+20 Hp

TravelLog your actions
Let's regain some energy by chilling, then use sand attack, followed by a Shadow Ball

(also, shouldn't gible's status be taunted for this round?)

Round 5
"The Fury Unleashed"



..HP: 54
..Energy: 18%
..Status: Burned (1st Degree)
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent
..Sand Attack
..Shadow Ball




.HP: 89....
.Energy: 88%...
.Status: Badly Poisoned (1)
Taunted (3 actions)...
.Boosts: x.x...
.Ability: Sand Veil..


Than breezy is still tired, he sees a nice tree and just sits on one of its branches to take a moment to regain some energy to continue the battle, but the gible is not finish yet, no, Mighty is angry for being poisoned just moments ago and he is going to get revenge, he attacks the three where Zephyr was resting and make him fall, just to hit him with all of it's strength when falling down, that's got to hurt

Zephyr is on the floor, he is scared, Zephyr can just stay there while he sees Mighty coming at full speed once again, the little parachuter doesn't know what to do so he grabs a little dirt from the arena and trows it directly into Mighty's eyes, that just makes him angrier and Zephyr still get's hit with all of his force

Zephyr know the end is close, but he won't stop so he concentrates all the power he still have and fires a big orb of hatred and darkness that reflects the power inside of him, that hits the little dragon for a respectale amount of damage but is not enoug to stop him, Mighty still hits with all of his power, and that's just enough to make the little Zephyr faint because all of that damage, still, after Mighty relaxes a little bit he fells the headache that the tree left him, and regains consciousness of the poison going though it's veins, this doesn't look good for the little dragon





..HP: KO
..Energy: ...
..Status: x.x
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Persistent




.HP: 72....
.Energy: 67%...
.Status: Badly Poisoned (2)
-1 acc (4 actions)..
Confused (2 actions)d.
.Boosts: x.x...
.Ability: Sand Veil..

Zephyr Chilled out!
Zephyr relaxes on the ground!
+12 energy

Mighty used Outrage!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 891/1000 (No)
(12 + 3 + 1.5) x 1.0 = 16.5 ~ 17 damage
-7 energy

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-1 Hp

Zephyr used Sand Attack!
Mighty's Accuracy fell! (-1 Acc)
-3 energy

Mighty used Outrage!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=750 Hit]: 641/1000 (Hit)
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 119/1000 (No)
(12 + 3 + 1.5) x 1.0 = 16.5 ~ 17 damage
-7 energy

Zephyr is hurt by its burn!
-2 Hp

Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-1 Hp

Zephyr used Shadow Ball!
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 80/1000 (No)
RNG Roll (To -1 SpD) [<=200 Yes]: 904/1000 (No)
(8 + 4.5) x 1.0 = 12.5 ~ 13 damage
-6 energy

Mighty used Outrage!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=750 Hit]: 210/1000 (Hit)
RNG Roll (To Crit) [<=62 Crit]: 626/1000 (No)
(12 + 3 + 1.5) x 1.0 = 16.5 ~ 17 damage
-7 energy
Mighty is Confused!
RNG Roll (1st/2nd/3rd Conf): 301/1000 (Slight Confusion)
Mighty is Slightly Confused! (2)

Zephyr Fainted!

Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-2 Hp

Bz your actions
Don't I send out my poke first? Anyway...

go Danse Macabre with Flame Body!

Start things out with a Minimize then use Heatwave, followed by an Acid Armor using the moat (which should also act to dodge the Iron Head thanks to its nifty side-effect!)

Round 6
"Fighting What You Can't See"

Danse Macabre


..HP: 90
..Energy: 100%
..Status: ...
..Boosts: x.x
..Ability: Flame Body
..Heat Wave
..Acid Armor




.HP: 89....
.Energy: 88%...
.Status: Badly Poisoned (2)
-1 acc (4 actions)..
Confused (2 actions)d.
.Ability: Sand Veil..
Hone Claws....
Dragon Rage....
Iron head....


This battle just got really close, with every trainer with only one pokemon left, TravelLog pulls out a lttle candel, oh! it's Danse Macabre his last pokemon, this makes a very interesting choice, but Mighty doesn't seem scared of the spooky ghost candle, no he seems to be cleaning it's nails, but he is still confused from last round and he hits himself in the eye with them, meanwhile the Dance makes himself even smaller than he already was, he is gonna be hard to hit

After last round bad luck, Mighty is very angry, because of that he uses all of his anger and unleashes a big orb of energy and fire from it's mouth, that doesn't scare the sppoky Macabre and he lauches a great circle of flames all around the field, damaging the little dragon

Dance is getting a little Tricky so he uses his ghost powers to bring some of the water that surround the field and uses his flame to evaporate most of it to create a shield that raises his defensive power, the residual fogg also makes him harder to find, making Mighty's attack fail


Danse Macabre


..HP: 80
..Energy: 82%
..Status: x.x
.+1 Ev (3 actions)
..+2 Def (5 actions)
..Ability: Flame Body




.HP: 49....
.Energy: 73%...
.Status: Badly Poisoned (3)
-1 acc (1 action)..
.Boosts: x.x...
.Ability: Sand Veil..

Mighty used Hone Claws!
RNG Roll (Confusion) [<=500 Yes]: 406/1000 (Confusion)
Mighty hits himself in confusion!
(4 + 1) x 1.0 = 5 ~ 5 damage (to himself)
-3 energy

Danse Macabre used Minimize!
Danse Macabre's size was reduced!
Danse Macabre's Evasion Rose (+2 Ev)
-6 energy

Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-2 Hp

Mighty used Dragon Rage!
RNG Roll (Confusion) [<=500 Yes]: 710/1000 (Confusion)
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=450 Hit]: 436/1000 (Hit)
10 Damage
-7 energy

Danse Macabre used Heat Wave!
RNG Roll (To Hit) [<=900 Hit]: 900/1000 (Hit)
RNG Roll (To Burn) [<=100 Yes]: 978/1000 (No)
(10 + 3 + 3) * 2/3 = 10.67 ~ 11 damage
-6 energy

Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-2 Hp

Danse Macabre used Acid Armor!
Danse Macabre's Defense Rose (+2 Def)
-6 energy

Mighty used Iron head!
Mighty snapped out of it's confusion!
But it failed...
-5 energy

Mighty is hurt by its poison!
-3 Hp

TravelLog your actions
Well done Danse, now let's use Hex which will do double damage thanks to his status condition! Then use heat wave followed by another hex.

But if at any time he uses protect, replace that action with another acid armor
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