Pokémon Trevenant

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I came up with this set earlier, I have yet to try it out though so I have no Idea how effective this could be.
Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry/Kee Berry/Maranga Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Ingrain
- Protect/Substitute

This set could act as a very effective stalling set. With Curse and Leech seed damage, you're taking a significant chunk of their HP every turn. Leech seed+Ingrain restores a good percentage of your HP every turn as well. Protect would be immediate protection against attacking moves, stalling even more, but substitute prevents you from getting hit by a status move. Sitrus berry is self explanatory, but the Kee and Maranga berries could be an effective replacement. Every time you are hit by a physical/special move, that defensive stat gets boosted by one. Every time that berry activates, Trevenant becomes harder to take out.
Also, the Bold Nature and 0 Attack Ivs are for better protection against foul play.

Any thoughts?

Seems good, but taunt fks you over.

Having a sitrus with ingrain and leech seed seems really pointless, so could you consider using a attacking move to replace one of them?
I came up with this set earlier, I have yet to try it out though so I have no Idea how effective this could be.
Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry/Kee Berry/Maranga Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Ingrain
- Protect/Substitute

This set could act as a very effective stalling set. With Curse and Leech seed damage, you're taking a significant chunk of their HP every turn. Leech seed+Ingrain restores a good percentage of your HP every turn as well. Protect would be immediate protection against attacking moves, stalling even more, but substitute prevents you from getting hit by a status move. Sitrus berry is self explanatory, but the Kee and Maranga berries could be an effective replacement. Every time you are hit by a physical/special move, that defensive stat gets boosted by one. Every time that berry activates, Trevenant becomes harder to take out.
Also, the Bold Nature and 0 Attack Ivs are for better protection against foul play.

Any thoughts?
An interesting set, but NEVER use ingrain. It's basically committing suicide. Once you're stuck, and ingrained into the ground, out comes any counter, and you have convienently trapped yourself for the opponent to kill. I'd suggest using foul play, as you can keep the 0 IV's in attack, and still do decent damage. Aegis and talonflame, the 2 biggest counters, can't safely switch in to foul play, so they're gonna have to sacrifice. That's just my thoughts, I have had bad experiences with ingrain...
That is actually a pretty interesting idea...

That is viable, it was discussed a bit earlier in the thread, i is a fantastic way to create a shit-ton of offensive pressure against many pokemon, when used in conjunction with a substitute.
That is viable, it was discussed a bit earlier in the thread, i is a fantastic way to create a shit-ton of offensive pressure against many pokemon, when used in conjunction with a substitute.

Yeah, I saw that. I probably should have added more to my post, but was kinda distracted.

Anyway, That is pretty offensive, plus, it could be a way to force many switches, meaning it would go well with a rocks user. I was thinking of a set to go with my Mega Aggron who will have Stealth rocks (only added Stealth rocks due to this curse idea) I am not sure on Nature though, or EV placement. And I have 2 ideas that are slight variants of what I have seen here.

Lum Berry
Leech Seed/WoW/Substitute
Phantom Force

Sitrus Berry
Leech Seed/WoW
WoW/Horn Leech/Substitute
Phantom Force

I have attacks there mainly to stop being taunt bait, which seems to be the biggest killer of the past curse sets i saw. I am not sure which I like better. My team as a Sylveon with heal Bell and Wish, though Trevenant being able to heal him/her self is a great way to keep going. I am leaning a bit towards the rest set, since you can keep yourself pretty healthy and be very hard to kill


I decided Careful nature would be best, with full HP EV investment. Not sure on how much SpD investment. Should I go full SpD, or go mostly with some speed? I am also leaning more towards the sitrus berry set with Protect as the third slot, mainly for the reasons stated in previous posts. though I could use WoW since Phantom force does protect you, and I would imagine trevenant could survive a lot of attacks at 75% health.

I do have a question: I noticed this a lot in my Sitrus Azumarril when i fight online. the berry doesn't activate after a belly drum when he is at Level 50, the default level of online gaming, and I do almost need that berry. I don't want the same thing to happen to my Trevenant. how do I make sure the berry will activate after curse?
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Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spd
Careful Nature
- Horn Leech
- Leech Seed
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
An interesting set, but NEVER use ingrain. It's basically committing suicide. Once you're stuck, and ingrained into the ground, out comes any counter, and you have convienently trapped yourself for the opponent to kill.
As a Ghost, Trevenant can even switch out of Ingrain. I was actually caught off-guard by that once in a wi-fi battle; I brought in my Skarmory to stack Spikes but only got one layer because of the switch out.

That said, I still agree with you on not using Ingrain; it's really unimpressive on anything that isn't a Smeargle on a Baton Pass team. (Come to think of it, I wonder whether Whirlwind would have worked in my battle or if Trevenant could only choose to switch on its own.) Phantom Force, Protect, and Substitute are all just such good general purpose moves that work so well with whatever Trevenant has out of Sitrus Berry, Leech Seed, and Will-O-Wisp.
As a Ghost, Trevenant can even switch out of Ingrain. I was actually caught off-guard by that once in a wi-fi battle; I brought in my Skarmory to stack Spikes but only got one layer because of the switch out.
Wow, I didn't know that. Makes it a little more tempting, but there's better options.

I do have a question: I noticed this a lot in my Sitrus Azumarril when i fight online. the berry doesn't activate after a belly drum when he is at Level 50, the default level of online gaming, and I do almost need that berry. I don't want the same thing to happen to my Trevenant. how do I make sure the berry will activate after curse?
Does your azu have an uneven amount of hp? Belly drum rounds hp down, so you will have 50.1% or so, thus, not activating the berry
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Ok guys, this is my first post at Smogon, but i believe that this is the future go-to set for Trevenant. I'll explain the strategy in detail.

Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Jolly/Careful Nature
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Protect

The Jolly Spread is not necessarily targeted to Spinblock Starmie, as Analytic/Lifeorb Starmie will in most cases get past you. The Careful spread is for primary use of Spinblocking. The idea of the Jolly Set is much more to get in on something you can tank (Fighting, Normal, or non very-effective Special attacks) and then directly Curse the switch-in. The second turn you protect to rack up Curse damage and then comes the interesting part: With max Speed investment you outspeed a lot of potential threats (e.g. Mega Scizor, Heatran) or Status spreaders (e.g. Impish Gliscor with no more than 16 Spe EVs) which will give you in the first case another round of curse damage and, in the second case, a free Substitute! Now, most players will start to panic and switch out to another pokemon, which you will instantly Leech Seed. With Sitrus Berry Harvest, Leech Seed and a Substitute out your opponent will be in quite some trouble. Some (but very little) people tend to directly switch out after they get cursed. Try to look for such tendencies and Leech Seed/Substitute appropriately. Only real counters to this strategy are strong, fast offenders who can Ohko Trevenant, like Brave Bird Talonflame. Taunters are a problem too, but this set is definitely not for switching into them.

From my personal experience this set works extremely well along with status spreaders or good hazarders (Sticky Web is especially powerful!!). Please leave questions or ideas, i'd be happy to discuss on the set.

EDIT: Ok did a little more calculation, so this is what i'd run:

Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 52 SpD / 204 Spe
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Protect

You can't outspeed max def impish Gliscor, but as qwazz mentioned most people will put that extra 72 in spe so that's ok. What you can outspeed though is the full range of bulky offensive pokemon with base 80 spe, like Togekiss, Mega Blastoise, Mega Venusaur or bulky (Mega) Gyarados. So this is what i am going to run in the future.
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Ok guys, this is my first post at Smogon, but i believe that this is the future go-to set for Trevenant. I'll explain the strategy in detail.
Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Jolly/Careful Nature
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Protect

The Jolly Spread is not necessarily targeted to Spinblock Starmie, as Analytic/Lifeorb Starmie will in most cases get past you. The Careful spread is for primary use of Spinblocking. The idea of the Jolly Set is much more to get in on something you can tank (Fighting, Normal, or non very-effective Special attacks) and then directly Curse the switch-in. The second turn you protect to rack up Curse damage and then comes the interesting part: With max Speed investment you outspeed a lot of potential threats (e.g. Mega Scizor, Heatran) or Status spreaders (e.g. Impish Gliscor with no more than 16 Spe EVs) which will give you in the first case another round of curse damage and, in the second case, a free Substitute! Now, most players will start to panic and switch out to another pokemon, which you will instantly Leech Seed. With Sitrus Berry Harvest, Leech Seed and a Substitute out your opponent will be in quite some trouble. Some (but very little) people tend to directly switch out after they get cursed. Try to look for such tendencies and Leech Seed/Substitute appropriately. Only real counters to this strategy are strong, fast offenders who can Ohko Trevenant, like Brave Bird Talonflame. Taunters are a problem too, but this set is definitely not for switching into them.

From my personal experience this set works extremely well along with status spreaders or good hazarders (Sticky Web is especially powerful!!). Please leave questions or ideas, i'd be happy to discuss on the set.
Honestly, curse is not the go to set. When they find out what sort of shenanigans you're trying to pull, it's not tough to deal with. Also, in the recommended EVs for gliscor, it says to run 72 spd. So jolly isn't much of an option, as well as the fact that heatran is not a threat to trevenant for the most part. Will-o-wisp set is definitely gonna be the top used set. While this is not a bad set, it's more situational than the will-o set. I also see a problem with momentum teams. How do you deal with these?
Honestly, curse is not the go to set. When they find out what sort of shenanigans you're trying to pull, it's not tough to deal with. Also, in the recommended EVs for gliscor, it says to run 72 spd. So jolly isn't much of an option, as well as the fact that heatran is not a threat to trevenant for the most part. Will-o-wisp set is definitely gonna be the top used set. While this is not a bad set, it's more situational than the will-o set. I also see a problem with momentum teams. How do you deal with these?

Well i found, that people tend to have surprisingly little answers to this. Once they figured out what you're up to you are basically sitting on a substitute, 75% life, a cursed opposing pokemon near death and sometimes even a leech seed. TBH, curse leaves very little momentum to be gained. For the gliscor-jolly set (which outspeeds bulky offensive togekiss and mega venusaur as well btw) you might put a few more EVs in SpD, will recalculate and adjust it later. If your opponent tries to set up on you (e.g. SD talonflame, DD Salamence/Dragonite, BU Conkeldurr), i found Quagsire a near perfect partner to sponge that hit when you're switching out to not get killed. He also prevents those volt switchers from doing their job.

While defensive Heatran might be manageable for Trevenant, all offensive variants (timid/modest) can OHKO or at least 2HKO with lava plume, while not being threatened by anything Trevenant does, except Curse. Btw, they appreciate the free Spatk Boost from Will-o-Wisp a lot.
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Im looking for a physical wall set., which spread works the best?
248 HP 252 Def 8 Attack
252 HP 96 Attack 160 Defense
The set is WoW Shadow Claw Leech Seed and Horn Leech
@ Lum Berry">@ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
Ev's: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
- Rest

I have used Trevenant as an offensive tank and it worked wonderful. Wood Hammer hits like a truck, Shadow Claw is a much weaker secondary STAB but has good coverage. Earthquake is a great move for Trevenant, allowing the cursed tree OHKO most Fire types that switch in expecting a Flash Fire Boost or a weak Grass-Type move. Finally, Rest grants you a Full Restore when paired with Harvest!
Hello fellas.

Here's what I'm currently using, to varying degrees of success (I'm still a pokeymen battle nublet):

Yggdrasil (Trevenant) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 136 Def / 252 SDef / 120 Spd
Careful Nature
- Horn Leech
- Leech Seed
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

Notice that there is NO investment in hp. This is because I believe it is better to wall the damage and recover with leeches and rest (yay lum !!).
I've had many a forfeit against me because Lum removes all the statuses (yay harvest).

Now, this is by no means an I-WIN button, but I'm getting good results with it and it's fun

Zombie Tree
Trevenant (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 80 SDef / 176 Spd
Careful Nature
- Wood Hammer / Horn Leech
- Shadow Claw
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

The name of this set is Zombie Tree, because with the combination of Rest and Natural Cure, it is almost impossible to take down. Will-O-Wisp allows you to cripple Physical attacking pokes, which are Trevenants biggest weakness, because his physical defense is not that good. Phantom Force is just an attack move on the set, and with the new mechanics you now hit steel types for neutral damage. You can also run Shadow Claw is you don't want to repeatedly get walled, by a dark type. Wood Hammer is the final attacking move and it does alot of damage to most thing with Trevenants base 110 attack with is nothing to laught at. This set is a very good and durable spin blocker that live for a long time threw out the match."

What does the (F) stand for, female? Why does the gender matter? Does it play some role I'm not aware of?

Zombie Tree
Trevenant (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 80 SDef / 176 Spd
Careful Nature
- Wood Hammer / Horn Leech
- Shadow Claw
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

The name of this set is Zombie Tree, because with the combination of Rest and Natural Cure, it is almost impossible to take down. Will-O-Wisp allows you to cripple Physical attacking pokes, which are Trevenants biggest weakness, because his physical defense is not that good. Phantom Force is just an attack move on the set, and with the new mechanics you now hit steel types for neutral damage. You can also run Shadow Claw is you don't want to repeatedly get walled, by a dark type. Wood Hammer is the final attacking move and it does alot of damage to most thing with Trevenants base 110 attack with is nothing to laught at. This set is a very good and durable spin blocker that live for a long time threw out the match."

What does the (F) stand for, female? Why does the gender matter? Does it play some role I'm not aware of?

Some (mean/annoying/noobish) battlers use the move attract. Most people don't both with changing the gender of a pokemon, so (I believe by default it's male). Thus, these attract users typically make their pokemon Female so their tactics will work. Making your pokemon is just a defense against this strategy. It's not necessary, but is often done to make pokemon "perfect."
why not rest + harvesting a lum berry?
Then you can comfortably run leech seed and will-o-wisp along with wood hammer and make the best of both worlds; you can get insane recovery and status immunity without bothering to switch!
I dunno why, but I feel like trevenant more than any other harvest mon can really abuse it.

There's the sitrus set, lum,

There's a lot of other berries it could run.

Imagine this guy constantly spamming occa, kasib, and yache berry? Granted its not the most solid option, but with leech seed and horn leech, you could have recovery handled.

Or imagine a jaboca/rowap set? It'd be great chip damage alongside leech seed and toxic.
The Natural Cure set is okay. However it is quite unreliable as for its purpouse. A set with Harvest and a Lum Berry is a much better option in my opinion. One last note. I have tested using Phantom Force in the place if Shadow Claw on the Sitrus Harvest set. It works mch more effectively on Trevenant, due to the Pokemon being able to restore its berry while being able to evade an attack next turn(or same turn if it outspeeds!), even while it is behind a substitute. I merely recommend that you input Phantom Force as a second viable option over Shadow Claw. I would also like to give credit to Captain Kaji for suggesting this to me when training my Trevenant.
Is the only thing preventing Trevenant from being another funbro it's stats and a good recovering move? Using harvest, of course.
Would a Choice Banded set be viable? It sort of works like Ferrothorn, switch in, they switch out into a taunter/brutishlypowerfulmon/grass type and then you hit them with a super powered Phantom Force/Shadow Claw/Horn Leech. Horn Leech doubles as healing, too, and its attack stat, whilst not amazing offensively is more than decent.
Its risky but i guess so
do you guys know any good build if you use trevenant in a sunny day team?
Hm my trevanant has max attack and max speed and it runs substitute ingrain hornleech and shadow claw and holds a sitrus berry (harvest) which i was planning on using in a sun team but haven't completed yet.
I guess it would be good for sun stall if you can get a substitute up on unsuspecting enemies
If you do find a good combo, id like to know as well
yeah was thinking on building my first ever team but so i want mega houndoom to be the main guy so a sun team would work well. then i also would get a normal venasaur and build him bulky with a heat rock and sunny day in his moveset
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