Trick Room with Sandstorm? What?!

Team at a glance...

Hey all, welcome to a newbie's second RMT. My first one, Magnezone, I realize was a bit too boring to attract the attention of most regular posters, so I figured I'd wait until I came up with a really interesting idea before posting again, and this is what I got. To my knowledge, no one has ever used a concept like this, and I stumbled across it while thinking of how to build an OU Trick Room team, which I have never seen a dedicated build for. I thought about the timescale that these type of teams are usually on, wanting to kill as much as possible in the five turns. Then I remembered how slow Tyranitar and Abomasnow are, and it clicked: the residual damage from Sand or Hail could help us defeat enemies faster and make more use out of the five turns. Although personally I prefer Hail, the Pokemon that work with it are in a much more limited pool than the Sandbox has, so I figured I was going with the Sand.
I havent actually used this team to battle with yet; I'm just throwing the idea out there before I go ahead and start breeding for the pokes on my diamond [soon to be platinum!] game. Since this is going to be in the games, IVs aren't specified; however if used in Shoddy each pokemon does best with a 0 Speed IV. We've got major grass and dark weaknesses, as well as a lack of special attackers, so any help would be appreciated.


Claydol +Wise Glasses / Life Orb
Quiet, 252HP, 252SpA, 4Def
-Trick Room
-Stealth Rock
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam
Despite his bulk, he is the team's suicide lead in a way. Usually he wont die in one hit, so after using Trick Room the first turn he is fast enough to get in a Stealth Rock before dying to the second hit. If he stays alive, he can go to work with STAB Earth Power backed up by Ice Beam. In the games, I only have one Life Orb so far and so he wears the Glasses. But in Shoddy he gets by just fine with an Orb, causing decent damage to anything weak to his attacks. Claydol has been one of my favorite pokemon for a little while now, but never having used or witnessed him in battles, I have no more comment.


Tyranitar +Life Orb
Brave, 252HP, 120Atk, 136SpA
-Fire Blast
-Ice Beam
This is basically the Choice Scarf set, but without the Scarf. It still attempts to damage as much as possible, and should usually come in as soon as Claydol is finished to get the Sand up. I think of Claydol being the more important choice as lead when compared against this guy, since Claydol can afford to waste moveslots on Stealth Rock and actually learns Trick Room, which is important to get up early on, as it supports everything else on the team.


Bronzong +Macho Brace
Brave, 252HP, 252Atk, 4Def
-Trick Room
-Gyro Ball

Oh, the many faces of Bronzong. He's one of my favorite Pokemon of all time, because he can play so many roles, and at the same time he can learn moves from my three favorite types, Grass, Ground, and Steel. Here on this team, he's used as a transition Pokemon and is our only Grass resist. He comes in to resist an attack, hopefully cause a switch and set up Trick Room on that switch, and then get off a speedy Explosion right in the face of whatever came in to take him out.
Several pokemon well suited to defeating Bronzong [Infernape] are somewhat fragile, allowing him to use Explosion with great success, and then we can bring in another slow powerhouse to use the remaining turns of Trick Room left.
Gyro Ball and Earthquake take out those Pokemon that resist Explosion, namely, Rocks and [most] Steels, allowing Bronzong to travel to his resting place as he desires.
I went with Macho Brace instead of Leftovers here because ideally, Bronzong shouldn't be sticking around for long. The brace cuts Bronzong's base speed even further, allowing greater synergy with both Trick Room and Gyro Ball, which, even though will boohit opponents first, still keeps its power boost. A speedy STAB Gyro Ball is something to be feared, coming from near-max / max base power and 304 Attack, especially if you're Weavile.


Swampert +Leftovers
Careful, 252HP, 96Atk, 160SpD
Cursing Swampert. I decided to add this after remembering being witness to the power of a cursing Snorlax, as well as being dissatisfied with my normal [MixPert] Swampert's defense when against enemies such as Metagross and Salamence. It does great in the late game when Infernape and other random Grass Knotters are finished, and is valuable on the team for not needing to have Trick Room up, yet still benefiting from it, with the exception of Avalanche. However, after a couple attack boosts from Curse, Avalanche's doubling is often no longer necessary. He does alright in 2 on 2 battles where we can bring out a Trick Roomer to set up after he's done Cursing, so as not to waste the duration of the Room.


Dusknoir +Leftovers
Relaxed, 252HP, 100Atk, 156Def
-Trick Room
-Brick Break / Earthquake
-Shadow Punch / Pain Split

This set is a bit more offensive than the standard Trick Rooming Dusknoir you'll see here on the site, keeping in line with our offensive intentions. He's our third and final Trick Roomer, and a sturdy defender with little to fear but a lot to do, being the sturdiest and most lingering user of Trick Room this team has to offer. His main purpose aside from inflicting nasty burns is to fight opponents with the unresisted Fighting and Ghost combination. He's the most recent addition to the team, and I'm quite torn between using fast recovery + Earthquake or using him as the more unorthodox attacker. Brick Break still beats up Weavile, Tyranitar, and Heatran like Earthquake would [and even better in the case of the first two], but recovery is of great use in a sandstorm. Never having used a Dusknoir before, I'm very confused. Any pointers would be nice.


Machamp +Leftovers
No Guard
Brave, 252HP, 252Atk, 4SpD
-Ice Punch
-Stone Edge
He can force a number of pokemon to switch, especially in Trick Room conditions, and throws up a Sub on said switch. From there, he can kill several things before they even get a chance to react with DynamicPunch for STAB, Ice Punch to hit Dragons and bulky Grounds, and Stone Edge to hit Gyarados and Togekiss. DynamicPunch helps the Sub stay up, as enemies may sometimes attack themselves instead of breaking the Sub after being hit with a speedy punch, assuming they survived anyways.
Although he and Tyranitar both resist Dark, all three of my Trick Roomers are either weak or neutral to it, which is why enemy Tyranitar could be a big problem. Also, Claydol, Tyranitar, and Swampert have problems with Grass attacks, so we're having some synergy problems.
I'll just write a quick post by saying that your team lacks offense...Machamp is your only real strong offense here...all of the other pokemon might have Max attack/special attack, but they have a low attack power to begin with...tyranitar can only go so far as well as dusknior...without max attack on dusknior his attack will be extremely disappointing without being a super effective hit...Sorry cant write up on everything, but my overall suggestion is to add one more high attacker on the team
Just a small note:
Why does bronzong have macho brace, even if his life is short, there is no point in macho brace at all. Give him an Occa Berry, could mean an extra attack, or an explosion :)
bronzong can't counter the grass type as EQ will be resisted and the only grass type affected by gyro ball is sceptyle.

and trick storm is very popular in double battle with lead bronzong and hippowdon, it doesn't work to well in singles as it is hard to make use of the trick room, with only five turns. I would suggest trying a gravity team as that would be unique and the accuracy of moves is increased, which most people forget about, it also allows dugtrio to become UBER.

I wouldn't lead with trick room as most leads are taunters and trick room is a decreased prioriy move, and this teem needs some speed for when the trick room ends, you could get a scizor as his bullet punch can be usful when trick room has ended, or get a lead aerodactyl who has some great speed and can taunt to allow a trick roomer to come in and provide speed when trick room is down.
Just a small note:
Why does bronzong have macho brace, even if his life is short, there is no point in macho brace at all. Give him an Occa Berry, could mean an extra attack, or an explosion :)

The Macho Brace cuts speed, so it lets him outspeed more things during Trick Room.

Thanks for your comments everybody, I really appreciate the help in seeing my mistakes. I'm starting to realize that maybe this team wasn't such a good idea after all
I'll just write a quick post by saying that your team lacks offense...Machamp is your only real strong offense here...all of the other pokemon might have Max attack/special attack, but they have a low attack power to begin with...tyranitar can only go so far as well as dusknior...without max attack on dusknior his attack will be extremely disappointing without being a super effective hit...Sorry cant write up on everything, but my overall suggestion is to add one more high attacker on the team
Tyranitar is one of the strongest Physical pokemon in the entire game, and he's not to shabby on the special side either
The Macho Brace cuts speed, so it lets him outspeed more things during Trick Room.

Thanks for your comments everybody, I really appreciate the help in seeing my mistakes. I'm starting to realize that maybe this team wasn't such a good idea after all

What exactly outslows Bronzong other than Shuckle and other Bronzongs and other pokemon which you will never see in OU. Occa Berry would still be better IMO
Macho brace adds power to Gyro Ball.

Why exactly do you have a Sandstorm Trick Room team without the premier Trick Room sweeper, which happens to be ground type, Marowak?
Yeah, when using uncommon strategies, you really have to consider EVERYTHING, as a lot of UUs/NUs would have been great if not for some crippling weakness, and you may have wiped away that weakness.

Here's a trick room guide for future reference.
Thanks man, that'll definitely help
Maybe I won't give up after all. After all, I did just get my Dusknoir and Machamp today from my friend :) Then again, I may not need them with the guide
Gastrodon could work. He has decent Special Attack, great HP, a Sandstorm immunity, and horrendous Speed. He may not have enough power, though. Just a suggestion.
Why not use Bronzong as a DualScreen? It could set them up, then Explode. Plus, it would help your other team members if they couldn't pull off a OHKO against something that can OHKO them.
Well, the team seeks a mainly offensive approach. I'm probably going to redesign it sometime and post the results here, if possible.
I've used a Sandstorm + Trick Room team a while ago, and I can tell you it's lots of fun.

Claydol needs a lot more defense. If it dies before it can set up Trick Room you're in big trouble, and if you want Claydol to die fast you can give it explosion. The same goes for Bronzong, it's better to use him as a long lasting Trick Roomer and blowing him up only when it's absolutely nescesary. I also suggest you use Leftovers on zong, its speed is already so low that halving it with Macho Brace won't have much effect.

Tyranitar works great with the expert belt set in Trick Room, try that. I also suggest you make use of his bulky SDef after the sandstorm boost.

Curse or other statup strategies are useless in Trick Room. The little time Trick Room is up just doesn't make setting up worth the trouble.

A big problem with Trick Room teams is that you're dead meat against fast, powerfull sweepers that don't let you set up Trick Room. If your opponent gets something in like an Infernape with Grass Knot or a Gengar with HP Fire, there's not much you can do. You really need a speedy alternative to destroy fast sweepers in case of emergency. Pryority moves work well, but I don't think Dusknoir has enough power to work well. You could replace Swampert for Scizor, that way you have a pokémon that works well in both Trick Room and without it, and you get rid of your rather large Grass weak. If the Fire weak bothers you, you could give Bronzong Heatproof and bluff high SDef, everyone expects it to have Levitate.

You can try to use Marowak, but it didn't help me much at all. He's quite fragile, and seeing as you only have 3 turns you won't get him switched in many times. You could try a suicide rush by letting Claydol set up Trick Room and then exploding, then switching in Marowak. This gives you 3 turns to wreak havoc, and if you're lucky you can switch him out after that and try another round after blowing up Bronzong.

Edit: yes you have only 3 turns to make use of Trick Room. The turn you use Trick Room already counts as one of the five turns its active, and you need to switch out to your sweeper.