RU Tsareena


It's as big as a goose egg!
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PUPL Champion

Tsareena @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Queenly Majesty
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power Whip
- Knock Off
- Triple Axel
- Rapid Spin

Tsareena spins majestically into RU as a great hazard remover! Thanks to its decent Speed tier, it stands apart from other spinners available such as Dhelmise, outspeeding the entire unboosted metagame after just one boost. Knock Off provides some very valuable utility and coverage, making Chandelure and Metagross think twice before switching in while punishing foes like Incineroar and Heracross. Triple Axel allows Tsareena to beat Crobat, Noivern, and Togekiss on the switch. Because it lacks recovery, Tsareena can't reliably check to the numerous Electric- and Water-types of RU, even though it's a Grass-type. Teammates such as Gastrodon, Guzzlord, and Goodra help pick up the slack. Electric-types such as Raikou, Xurkitree, and Heliolisk can check the Flying-types that threaten Tsareena, while Tsareena can beat Ground-types such as Rhyperior and Gastrodon for them. Finally, Crobat is an amazing partner against foes Tsareena can't realistically beat, such as Roserade and Heracross, and can pivot into Galarian Weezing.
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Tsareena @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Queenly Majesty
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power Whip
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin (rapid spin being third feels really odd. could we put it anywhere else so that the "real but not mandatory attacks" in knock/axel aren't separated?)
- Triple Axel

Tsareena spins majestically into RU as a great hazard remover! Thanks to its decent Speed tier, it stands apart from other Rapid Spinners spinners available such as Dhelmise, outspeeding the entire unboosted metagame after just one boost. Knock Off provides some very valuable utility and coverage, making the likes of Chandelure and Metagross think twice before switching in and while punishing foes like Incineroar and Heracross. Triple Axel allows Tsareena to beat Crobat, Noivern, and Togekiss on the switch-in. Because of its lack of it lacks recovery, Tsareena is not a very reliable check to can't reliably check the numerous Electric- and Water-types of RU. As such, RU, even though it's a Grass-type. Teammates such as Gastrodon, Guzzlord, and Goodra help pick up the slack. Electric-types such as Raikou, Xurkitree, and Heliolisk can check the Flying-types that threaten Tsareena, while Tsareena can beat Ground-types such as Rhyperior and Gastrodon for them. Finally, Crobat is an amazing partner that helps beat against foes Tsareena can't realistically beat, (AC) such as Roserade and Heracross, (AC) and can pivot into Galarian Weezing.

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