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November grades are up! Good feedback all around. Special shoutouts to Amane Misa and Diophantine for receiving two great reviews respectively, as well as to LilyAC, Drud, and Teclis for a job well done on their first assignments.
December grades are up! Shoutouts to Diophantine, Yellow Paint, TPP, Eien, roman, and Simia for your hard work this round. Special shoutout to one of our newcomers, Jordy, who spent a lot of time with his tutee and received an excellent review on his first assingment!
March grades are up. Lots of great feedback this round! Shoutouts to Coconut, Diophantine, Drud, Eien, Jordy, Mannat, banks, and HJAD for your hard work, and special shoutouts to Jase The World, maroon, Moutemoute, and refsunpersons for receiving great reviews on your first assignments. Our tutor of the month is Vid who took on two tutees, putting in an incredible amount of time and effort with both!
April grades are up. Lots of good feedback overall this round. Shoutouts to Eien, false, itsjustdrew, Jordy, LilyAC, maroon, and Yellow Paint for your hard work. Our tutor of the month is firelit nights (refsunpersons) who took on three tutees and received stellar reviews! Keep up the good work!
May grades are up! Though we didn't have many evaluations this month, all of Chaitanya, Excal, Ika Ika Musume, Ticken, and maroon, and Mysterious M did a great job with their tutees! Our tutors of the month are all of them because it's too hard to choose just one
June grades are up! Not many evaluations this month but shoutouts to Excal, Chaitanya, and Mysterious M for your hard work. Our tutor of the month is Ticken who took on two tutees and received excellent reviews from both!
August grades areup! Not many evaluations this month but props to banks, CKW, Erzengel, Ika Ika Musume, Jordy, and Luthier for their great work. Our tutor of the month is itsjustdrew, who took on two tutees and received excellent reviews from both!
September grades are up - shoutouts to Mannat, maroon, snow, TPP, Vulpix03, and yogi for doing an excellent job with their tutees! Our tutor of the month is Harpp who has made a promising start, going the extra mile with his tutee!
October grades are up! Shoutouts to Jordy, Erzengel, gum, phosphor, Excal, Perish Song, ErPeris, Harpp, Ridley and Akir for your hard work. Our tutor of the month is Yellow Paint who received an excellent review and has, in general, received strong results in pretty much every round he's tutored in! Thats it for gen 7, hope to see you all in Gen 8!
November grades are up! Well done to all of CKW, Jordy, Minority, Mannat, Perish Song, Ridley and Yellow Paint for your hard work and commitment to continuing through to the end of SM. The tutor of the month goes to ErPeris who had two excellent reviews for the second month in a row! Props to Diophantine and maroon as well for taking on two tutees and both with overwhelmingly positive reviews.
December grades are up! Not many evaluations this month due to the holidays but shoutouts to Cynara, TPP, and Excal for doing an excellent job with their tutees! Our tutor of the month is Paraplegic who dedicated an incredible amount of time with his tutee and received an amazing review on his first assignment! Happy new year everyone!
February grades are up! Shoutouts to Eien, Amane Misa, and ErPeris for your hard work and dedication this round. Our tutor of the month is Fille, who has made a promising start to B101, receiving excellent reviews from both of his tutees on his first assignment!
March grades are up! Lots of good feedback. Shoutouts to GaryTheGengar, Jordy, ErPeris, false, and Harpp, for your hard work, as well as Conflux and Perish Song for receiving great reviews on their first assignments. Our tutors of the month are Decem and 1_TrickPhony, who both dedicated an incredible amount of time with their tutees and received fantastic reviews on their first assignments!
April grades are up! Shoutouts to ErPeris, 1_TrickPhony, Jordy, Ika Ika Musume, and Excal for finishing up great sessions with their tutees this round. Our tutor of the month is crayon pop, who just handled their first two assignments excellently this month. You put a lot of work in, congrats!
The tutor of the month goes to Splash, who took on multiple tutees and dedicated a lot of time to both of them and in return, received 2 excellent reviews.
Our tutor of the month this time is avarice, who completed their first two sessions excellently, putting a lot of effort in and getting great feedback!
November grades are up! Shoutouts to devin, ThelordofbadRNG, Quaze, Moutemoute, GaryTheGengar and StepC for your hard work and excellent reviews from your tutees. Our tutor of the month is Nalorium who received awsome reviews from both of his tutees! Great job, guys!