Data Usage-Based Tier Update for January 2019 (Feb @ #99) (Mar @ #111)

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Why there isn't any percentage of Ubers? I understand that they are Ubers by power and not from usage, but I want to see it because of curiosity
Maybe it would be a better idea to make a new tier between OU and UU, instead of below PU. At this rate, we will have enough mons in UUBL before the beginning of gen 8.
Skarmory is actually not bad, sure, Celesteela gives it a reason why it shouldnt be used. But keep in mind that Skarm has better recovery, defog, entry hazards, phazing, and etc. Jolteon however is terrible and I agree with that.
Mega Snow being 4.296% in NU and 2.136% in RU is also kinda confusing. Magius is 4.457% in NU so let the ladder change.
| 53 | Torterra | 3.395% |
| 54 | Malamar | 3.297% |
| 55 | Cinccino | 3.273% |
| 56 | Hitmontop | 3.111% |
| 57 | Hitmonlee | 2.979% |
| 58 | Ferroseed | 2.887% |
| 60 | Guzzlord | 2.730% |
| 61 | Kingler | 2.721% |
| 62 | Cryogonal | 2.601% |

They're quickly learning at least.
But on the other hand...
Combined usage for NU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 44   | Ambipom            |  4.335% |
| 47   | Miltank            |  4.013% |
| 48   | Clawitzer          |  3.879% |
| 50   | Typhlosion         |  3.755% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
They've learned a few things, but others not so much.
Combined usage for RU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 116  | Darmanitan         |  0.477% |
| 131  | Gligar             |  0.336% |
| 145  | Doublade           |  0.232% |
| 165  | Steelix-Mega       |  0.184% |
| 180  | Chesnaught         |  0.150% |

+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for PU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 179  | Togedemaru         |  0.322% |
| 218  | Weezing            |  0.155% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Excuse me what the fuck
Jolteon: RU to NU
Gastrodon (if that stupid ladder starts thinking clearly): PU to OU
Slowbro (same with Gastrodon): NU to UU
Mega Slowbro (please): RUBL to OU
Mismagius (ugh): NU to RU
Tsereena: RU to UU
Sakataka: RU to UU
Mega Latios: UUBL to OU
Mega Latias: UUBL to OU
Mega Abomasnow: NU to RU
Jellicent (if the ladder is lucky): PU to UU
Hoopa Unbound: UUBL to OU
Let’s give these Pokémon what they deserve!
Wow this is from January 11, and he failed ALL the predictions... Lol stupid ladders (I agree with some, not with all, but most of them are truth)
| 49 | Mew | 3.518% | OU -> UU or UUBL?
(| 51 | Magneton | 3.902% | UU -> RU) () = Least Likely to Drop out of Them All.
| 53 | Torterra | 3.395% | NU -> PU or ZU?
| 54 | Malamar | 3.297% | NU -> PUBL
| 55 | Cinccino | 3.273% | NU -> PU
| 56 | Hitmontop | 3.111% | NU -> PU
| 57 | Hitmonlee | 2.979% | NU -> PU
| 58 | Ferroseed | 2.887% | NU -> PU
| 60 | Guzzlord | 2.730% | NU -> PU
| 61 | Kingler | 2.721% | NU -> PUBL
| 62 | Cryogonal | 2.601% | NU -> PU

^^ LIKELY TO DROP FROM TIERS If trend's continue, so I'll base my predictions for next time in March's Usage Rates aka in April.

V V LIKELY TO RISE FROM TIERS - If these trends continue, these Pokemon will rise so I'll base my predictions off of it. It'll be based off of recent usage for upcoming April aka March's usage rates.

| 46 | Hoopa-Unbound | 3.987% | UUBL -> OU
| 48 | Venusaur-Mega | 3.817% | UUBL -> OU
(| 53 | Florges | 3.093% | RU -> UU) () = Least Likely to Rise Out of Them All
| 57 | Venusaur | 3.227% | NUBL -> RU
| 50 | Typhlosion | 3.755% | PUBL -> NU
| 51 | Sandslash-Alola | 3.626% | PU -> NU
| 52 | Samurott | 3.586% | PUBL -> NU
| 51 | Abomasnow | 3.452% | Untiered -> PU
| 53 | Crabominable | 3.056% | Untiered -> PU
| 49 | Zangoose | 3.708% | Untiered -> PU
| 52 | Victreebel | 3.426% | Untiered -> PU

It's a huge ass list but these are mere predictions. Comment what you think about this?
How works the quick drop ? Because I don't understand why only Houndoom dropped and no other mon.
Houndoom needed 2.28% usage to keep itself in NU and since It for 2.178% it dropped oo
| 53 | Torterra | 3.395% | NU -> PU or ZU?
Also ZU,It was ZU before but rose to NU directly so yeah

| 51 | Abomasnow | 3.452% | Untiered -> PU
| 53 | Crabominable | 3.056% | Untiered -> PU
| 49 | Zangoose | 3.708% | Untiered -> PU
| 52 | Victreebel | 3.426% | Untiered -> PU
Also with exception from abomas(the ZU Guy),Zang vic and crab are ZUBL
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