RU losing Snorlax and Steelix while also getting back Xatu is painRU lost Lax and Lix and Xatu is back yaaaaaayyy
RU losing Snorlax and Steelix while also getting back Xatu is painRU lost Lax and Lix and Xatu is back yaaaaaayyy
good news he was unbanned!poor gengar, dropping to UUBL so i can't even use it in UU :(
And Aegislash and Doublade are in the same tier.Imagine going back in time and telling someone Aegislash and Scyther would be in the same tier some day.
I haven't played UU in awhile, but I'm curious to see how this will play out; Alolan Ninetales was always considered outclassed by Grimmsnarl in OU, so I wonder if it'll be thrust into UUBL as well (and/or if Alolatales gets unbanned).Ninetales-Alola moved from OU to UUBL
Grimmsnarl moved from OU to UU
Bye Felicia.Tyranitar moved from OU to UU
Grassy Surge + Grassy Glide = Can we safely call this the newest incarnate of XY Talonflame?Rillaboom moved from RU to OU