Data Usage-Based Tier Update for July 2020

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Okay, I get T-tar and Skarm dropping. But how on earth did Kyurem, Aegislash and Terrakion drop at the same time too?
He's finally home.

welcome to uu.png
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Ninetales-Alola moved from OU to UUBL
Grimmsnarl moved from OU to UU
I haven't played UU in awhile, but I'm curious to see how this will play out; Alolan Ninetales was always considered outclassed by Grimmsnarl in OU, so I wonder if it'll be thrust into UUBL as well (and/or if Alolatales gets unbanned).

Tyranitar moved from OU to UU
Bye Felicia.

Rillaboom moved from RU to OU
Grassy Surge + Grassy Glide = Can we safely call this the newest incarnate of XY Talonflame?
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