UU is Broken. 4th Gen UU RMT


So i'm not sure about you, but i hate modern day UU. Sweepers teams are dominated by balanced teams since in UU most balanced teams have 3 walls and 1 bulky poke. I may be wrong but on both PO and Wifi sweeper teams are awful now. And then the 2 pokemon that arn't bulky/walls are really fat sweepers I.E Missy, Scyther and Swellow. I remember when i topped the shoddy ladder way way back when sweeper teams worked and not every team had Registeel Milotic etc. I brought back my team after i quit the game for a while and i lost 6 games straight on wifi. So i stopped playing UU for about 8 months although it still remains my favorite tier because i love the pokemon in it. So about a month back i made this team. Its won about 80% of its games unfortunatly its still somewhere really random in the ladder since no one plays UU. But on wifi it has a 100% record, in about 11 matches. There are definatly problems for this team and its not perfect so thats why i want your help, This team was basically me saying " Here UU SUCK IT"!!!!!

The Team


Qwilfish (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Poison Point
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Taunt
- Spikes
- Explosion

Qwilfish is a very good lead in UU which is not used as much as it should, you get guaranteed 1 layer of spikes except against fake out leads, which i can just switch to Spiritomb and wall them. Qwiflish can also explode which is very handy against Milotic. I use poison point because poison point gives me a chance to do something and swift swim most of the time does nothing.
Worst case scenario they get no SR and i get no spikes.

Switch to Spiritomb and Dark Pulse predicting the Taunt, if there is no taunt that tells me its Adamant.
Not a too often seen lead but a switch to spiritomb allows me to dodge the psychic and dark pulse it.
I usually taunt it and get 1 layer of spikes but i only encountered this once.
I usually just set up spikes since SR don't bother My Team that much.
I usually set up spikes since toxic spikes doesn't matter that much, after 2 layers i explode.
Switch to Spiritomb and waste a turn see what they want to do.
Taunt it and get 1 layer of spikes up, if im still around after 1 layer i explode.
Waterfall right of the bat, i don't want to lose a speed tie get taunted and get nothing for it while he gets SR, T-Spikes etc so 2 waterfalls will mkill it if it doesn't have a sash great.
Taunt it and set up spikes.
Same as Nidoking, Waterfall then explode.
Taunt it then set up spikes.
Taunt it then set up spikes.
Set up spikes, just in case of trick scarf if no trick explode after they yawn me.


Venusaur (M) @ Life Orb
Grass/ Poison
Trait: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Sleep Powder
- Power Whip
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake

With all the walls running around this gives SD Venasaur a lot of options to set up on, Opposing Blaziken and Scyther need to be taken out first but i really enjoy the sleep and since every Venasaur packs sleep powder Some get nailed hard by some Power Whip or Earthquake


Donphan (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Atk / 68 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Assurance
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard

Now since my team doesn't mind Rocks i don't pack spin and since missy is a big problem for this team i get to NAIL it with an assurance which rolls it. Ice shard also allows Donphan to [inb4lol] revenge kill, since this team doesn't appreciate flyers.


Spiritomb (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Dark Pulse

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL people really find this thing hard to kill, Will-O-Wisp is very helpful for this team since it helps me wear things down with Burn and Hazzards while Dark Pulse can hit stuff surprisingly hard, Pursuit can be used over Dark Pulse but i prefer Dark Pulse. Rest/Talk is preferd for Pain split imo.


Milotic (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 56 SDef / 8 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Surf
- Toxic
- Haze
- Recover

Milotic is like the Mega Whore of UU its on nearly every team and for a reason, ITS REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD. Since Missy is such a big threat to my team i have to use Haze and Milotic without Toxic seems redundunt to me, while i prefer Rest/Talk i'm forced to use recover.


Ludicolo (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Rain Dance
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball

Ludicolo is my end game sweeper it works fantastic it OHKOs just about everything after all that hazard damage all that Burn and Toxic damage and also all that damage that my walls dished out, this guy has never dissapointed me. And im sure he never will.

Thats the Team Im Open to all Rates even if they're "Cool Team Brah". Also if anyone can link me to a threat list i'll do one.

Changes Being Tested

CB arcanine > Ludicolo
LO Milotic > Sp Def Milotic

Changes Made
Threat List Mildly difficult Difficult to Deal with Near impossible to ounter

UU Threats

Absol - Spiritomb can Wall it pretty effectively

Arcanine - Milotic can take it easily and even donphan might be able to do something

Aggron - Ludioclo + Milotic + venasaur

Alakazam - Spiritomb can take it, donphan can hit it with an ice shard if it manages to kill spiritomb.

Altaria - Ludicolo can Ice Beam it and Milotic can stall it.

Azumarill - Milotic can take it as well as Venasaur who sets up on it.

Blaziken - Milotic and Donphan can take it out and ludicolo scares it away.

Chansey - A bit of a pain i have to wear it down and hope Vena can take it out.

Claydol - Spiritomb is the inital switch while i can burn it and wear it down with dark pulse, Vena and Ludicolo deal with it well too.

Clefable - The Same as chansey except I Really have to deal with vena

Cloyster - Ludicolo and Vena deal with it easily.

Donphan - Vena, Milo, Ludicolo, Spiritomb.

Drapion - Donphan deals with it well.

Dugtrio - It can only really trap vena or milo on low health

Feraligatr - Venasaur can take it since i don't see ice punch that often.

Hariyama - Spiritomb my good friends

Hitmonlee - Spiritomb my good friends

Hitmontop - Spiritomb my good friends

Houndoom - Milotic and ludicolo deal with it well.

Kabutops - Spiritomb can take it But its a little bit tricky if rain is up but ludicolo is max speed for the sole purpose of this guy.

Lanturn - Ludicolo and Vena deal with it easily

Leafeon - Ludicolo can deal with it, nothing else can beat it, but then nothing else really minds it.

Ludicolo - My ludicolo is a check as well as milotic to an extent.

Mesprit - Spiritomb is my best check

Milotic - Ludicolo, Vena and my Milo Deal with it.

Miltank - Im forced to wear it down with burn/toxic and kill it later with ludicolo

Mismagius - Pretty Damn hard to kill if donphan doesn't get it with an assurance, then milo is the best i can do.

Moltres - Milo takes it easily but since my team doesn't like flying it can be problematic.

Nidoking - I haven't encountered one yet [surprisingly] but i guess milo could deal with it well and spiritomb.

Omastar - Vena, Spiritomb, Ludicolo

Poliwrath - Vena, Ludicolo, Spiritomb.If its sub then a bit more of a problem since they usually have Fighting + ice.

Regirock - Spiritomb, Vena, Milo, Ludicolo, Donphan Basically everything.

Registeel - Donphan and Spiritomb can take it.

Rhyperior - Ludicolo, Milotic, Vena.

Rotom - Hmm i guess Ludicolo and Vena are my best chances but its definatly annoying

Sceptile - Very annoying I have to fodder something or switch in ludicolo on a resisted move.

Scyther - Donphan is my first switch always kinda difficult but this is my best chance.

Slowbro - Ludicolo, Vena, Spiritomb, Milo

Slowking - ^^^^^^^^^^

Spiritomb - I switch in my Tomb to scout the variant, CM is dealt with by Milo and Utility is left to ludicolo and Milo

Steelix - Milo, Vnea, Ludicolo, Spiritomb

Swellow - Donpahan + Spiritomb combination deals with while ludicolo can kill it later.

Tangrowth - Ludicolo is my main counter while sun variant is dealth with by vena.

Torterra - Ludicolo and Spiritomb deal with it

Toxicroak - Spiritomb and Donphan are my usual switches.

Uxie - Spiritomb can counter it well.

Venusaur - Well go to tomb to scout then Ludicolo/Stall with Tomb

Weezing - Clefable sets up on it..
Cool team, I like the use of Qwilfish lead. The main issue I see is a fast CM Clefable, which is a set slowly rising in popularity with players like Bad Ass and Smurf using it. It can set up very easily on Spiritomb or Milotic and proceed to pretty much rape you. Milotic is outsped and 2HKO'd by the combination of a boosted T-bolt followed by an unboosted one after the Haze; from there Venu can scare it out but Clef can come back in later, set up on Tomb again and sweep from there. So, a smart player using it will beat you fairly easily. I think one change you can make is to run a Life Orb Milotic over your current set. Milo is going to be luring in Clef alot, so you can abuse this and 2HKO it with Hydro Pump.

Milotic @ Life Orb | Modest | 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Ice Beam / Hidden Power Grass / Recover

Right off the bat I also saw that Milo+Ludicolo is really redundant, especially if you change Milo to the LO set. I think that using CB Arcanine over Ludi is worth a shot here. It gives you a potent FWG core and deals with Venusaur's counters / checks very well. You also have some problems with Rotom; Arcanine can soak up its Will-O-Wisps and fire off insanely powerful Flare Blitzes capable of 2HKOing Milotic if Spikes are on the field. Its strong ExtremeSpeed will also help check Agility Blaziken, who has the potential to give you hell provided that Donphan and Milotic are weakened.

Arcanine @ Choice Band | Adamant | Flash Fire | EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Flare Blitz / Thunder Fang / ExtremeSpeed / Morning Sun

In short:
-LO Milotic > current set
-CB Arcanine > Ludicolo

All I got for you, good team and good luck.
Cool team, I like the use of Qwilfish lead. The main issue I see is a fast CM Clefable, which is a set slowly rising in popularity with players like Bad Ass and Smurf using it. It can set up very easily on Spiritomb or Milotic and proceed to pretty much rape you. Milotic is outsped and 2HKO'd by the combination of a boosted T-bolt followed by an unboosted one after the Haze; from there Venu can scare it out but Clef can come back in later, set up on Tomb again and sweep from there. So, a smart player using it will beat you fairly easily. I think one change you can make is to run a Life Orb Milotic over your current set. Milo is going to be luring in Clef alot, so you can abuse this and 2HKO it with Hydro Pump.

Milotic @ Life Orb | Modest | 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Ice Beam / Hidden Power Grass / Recover

Right off the bat I also saw that Milo+Ludicolo is really redundant, especially if you change Milo to the LO set. I think that using CB Arcanine over Ludi is worth a shot here. It gives you a potent FWG core and deals with Venusaur's counters / checks very well. You also have some problems with Rotom; Arcanine can soak up its Will-O-Wisps and fire off insanely powerful Flare Blitzes capable of 2HKOing Milotic if Spikes are on the field. Its strong ExtremeSpeed will also help check Agility Blaziken, who has the potential to give you hell provided that Donphan and Milotic are weakened.

Arcanine @ Choice Band | Adamant | Flash Fire | EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Flare Blitz / Thunder Fang / ExtremeSpeed / Morning Sun

In short:
-LO Milotic > current set
-CB Arcanine > Ludicolo

All I got for you, good team and good luck.

kool i'l try them out. Thanks for the Rate and CM definatly fucks me, like hardcore.
Cool team, BKC pretty much addressed the main issues.

I however feel that a mixed Blaziken would fit better than Arcanine offensively, still taking random Will-O-Wisps and revenging when needed with priority. It also has the added benefit of taking on Clefable and Chansey whom you seem to have difficulty with.

Something like Fire Blast / Superpower / HP Electric / Vaccuum Wave perhaps.

You miss out on recovery and you don't hit as hard, but you hit from both sides of the spectrum and you resist SR upon entry - perhaps give it a try.
Cool team, BKC pretty much addressed the main issues.

I however feel that a mixed Blaziken would fit better than Arcanine offensively, still taking random Will-O-Wisps and revenging when needed with priority. It also has the added benefit of taking on Clefable and Chansey whom you seem to have difficulty with.

Something like Fire Blast / Superpower / HP Electric / Vaccuum Wave perhaps.

You miss out on recovery and you don't hit as hard, but you hit from both sides of the spectrum and you resist SR upon entry - perhaps give it a try.

thanks i'll give it a shot.

@TexasCloverleaf, its awesome isn't it:naughty: