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Man, I love this Pokemon.

Unfortunately, I can't find much use for it. Explosion is neat, though. But only one resistance to four weaknesses, which are fairly common...
Yea, that's true. Especially with all the stealth rock users around and the abundance of fire types. wonder if this pokemon is on the bottom of the pokemon food chain considering it's ice cream... and yum, exploding ice cream. :D
Vanilluxe @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Rash Nature (+SpAtk, -SpDef) - Ice Body
4 Atk/252 SpAtk/252 Spe
Ice Beam/Blizzard
Hidden Power - Ground

Reaches 514 Speed and 350 Special Attack after one Autotomize plus the boost from Life Orb, but as stated earlier in the thread there is a lack of safe switch ins. Leftovers could be used over Life Orb if there is going to be Hail already present on your team so you get that plus Ice Body (I didn't include Weak Armor as an option since Dream World technically isn't released yet and I'm playing on the DS and not a simulator). Ice Beam or Blizzard is the age old battle of accuracy vs. power and Hidden Power Ground, once again, takes care of Fire and Steel types. -and Finally, Explosion adds that little extra "Oomph" and is your cop-out in a bad situation.

EDIT: Sorry, just realized this is almost identical to the moveset posted on the first page.
The mods are actually the ones who are updating the threads' names. I suppose they simply forgot this one, although they also named the Gothitelle thread 'Gothita', and I was half-expecting a gimmick Eviolite TR set. :/ quite misleading I must say.
I use this set myself:

Vanilluxe@Choice Specs
Ice Body
4 HP/252 SATK/ 252 SPD
Ice Beam
Hidden Power Electric/Hidden Power Ground
Water Pulse/Weather Ball
Flash Cannon/Weather Ball

This set will never become standard. But it fits well on my team
I've been useing one on my trick room and it works pretty well since you dont need to invest in speed, thus haveing a pretty bulky cream with lots of SpA.

Vanilluxe@Life Orb
Ice Body
252 HP/252 SATK/ 4 SPD
Ice Beam
Hidden Power Ground
Weather Ball
Flash Cannon/Taunt/Toxic

Weather Ball is mostly to gain a strong 100 BP atack and some coverage with all the weather inducers running around, HP Ground for Steel types and fire types, Ice Beam for STAB and Flash Cannon/Toxic because his lackluster movepool lacks better options, Taunt is to prevent the enemy poke from gaining stats/drop hazzards or status you.

Its not a bad pokemon for UU/trick room/Double or tripple Hail teams but outside of that its just a pokemon that i wouldnt strap on a team anytime soon unless he gets a ton of great moves in Pokemon Grey( or whatever the next game will be called).
Vanilluxe @ Leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Ice body
252 HP/252 SpD

Acid Armor
Mirror Coat
Ice Beam

Vanilluxe @ Chesto Berry
Nature: Bold
Ability: Weak armor
252 HP/ 176 Def/ 76 SpD

Mirror Coat
Ice Beam

2 sets I had in mind.

Mist should stop the lowering of defense.
I'll do you one better:

Vaniluxe @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
Ability: Ice Body
252 Sp. Att / 252 Speed

Ice Breath
HP Rock
Flash Cannon

It still sucks, but hey, this is probably the best you can do with it.
I like this one used in conjunction with Hail, once the opponent's priority users are dead obviously:

Vanilluxe @ Life Orb
Ice Body
20 HP / 252 SpA / 236 Spe
-Flash Cannon
-Hidden Power (Fire)

This set can sweep late-game. Just set up an Automotize and proceed to sweep. With Ice Body and Life Orb, you take very minimal net damage. I don't know what to do for the EV spread, but 20 HP gives it a number to minimalize recoil damage the most. I don't know of any threats worth outspeeding, so I just dumped the rest in SpA and Spe
doesn't look like it would be good enough for OU without Hail support. it's pretty frail though, but Ice Body kind of mitigates that.
Would it be any good at soaking physical shots if it took an Acid Armor beforehand, and had Hail up to trigger Ice Body?

Oh who the heck am I kidding, this thing isn't going to be tanking anything physical as long as it has Rock/Fight/Steel weaknesses. It's like the trifecta of pain... at least it manages to avoid being EQ weak, I guess.
Would it be any good at soaking physical shots if it took an Acid Armor beforehand, and had Hail up to trigger Ice Body?

Oh who the heck am I kidding, this thing isn't going to be tanking anything physical as long as it has Rock/Fight/Steel weaknesses. It's like the trifecta of pain... at least it manages to avoid being EQ weak, I guess.
Of course, many things with EQ also carry rock-type moves...
doesn't look like it would be good enough for OU without Hail support. it's pretty frail though, but Ice Body kind of mitigates that.

I'm not saying OU worthy, but definitely UU and RU worthy. I just swept a guy in UU with it. All i had to do was get his Empoleon out of the way first and I won. I set up on a Jolteon. All it really needs is the occasional Steel type out of the way (of which there are few in UU and RU), Hail (just carry a Abomasnow or Snover), very fast Scarfers out of the way (could use a Wob or just kill it the normal way), a spinner (most Hail teams carry one of those anyway), and one turn of setup (send him in off something that you just killed. Preferably without a Rock, Fire, Fighting, or Steel type move.). He's not THAT frail. A Jolly Scarfed Heracross's Megahorn does 76% - 89.6% to him. Just don't hit him with a SE hit from an offensive poke and you're set
Just trying to find the best hidden power

-water (HP: electric, grass)
-ice (flash cannon)
-fire (water pulse, HP ground)
-ice (flash cannon)

-electric (ice beam)
-fire (HP ground, water pulse)
-steel (HP Ground, HP-fire, HP fighting)
-water (HP electric, grass)

So HP ground is decent, although HP grass and electric might be better in some cases.

I was just bored.
Poor Vanilluxe. Completely outclassed by Glaceon.

It has to run Automize or Physical Attacking set just to go anything better. And even then Glaceon gets Curse and Nature Power.
Hmm I think Ground has best neutral coverage with Flash Cannon and Blizzard/Ice Beam

@Katakiri: I wouldn't say it's COMPLETELY outclassed by Glaceon. It gets a great setup move in Automize, so I think that should be on every set that Vanilluxe is used on, just to avoid being a worse Glaceon/Walrein.
Well if you believe in this Ice Cream then may this won't sound stupid. Automize Vanilluxe is really good in Sun. Weather Ball becomes a Base 100 Fire Attack + Pseudo-STAB via Sun. And Vanilluxe still gets to use Hidden Power Grass/Ground for Water/Fire-types.

Vanilluxe (F) @ Expert Belt Trait: Ice Body
EVs: 28 HP / 255 SAtk / 224 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Autotomize
- Ice Beam
- Weather Ball
- Hidden Power [Ground]

EVs optimized to beat Scarf Chomp by 1 point after an Automize.
Well if you believe in this Ice Cream then may this won't sound stupid. Automize Vanilluxe is really good in Sun. Weather Ball becomes a Base 100 Fire Attack + Pseudo-STAB via Sun. And Vanilluxe still gets to use Hidden Power Grass/Ground for Water/Fire-types.

Vanilluxe (F) @ Expert Belt Trait: Ice Body
EVs: 28 HP / 255 SAtk / 224 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Autotomize
- Ice Beam
- Weather Ball
- Hidden Power [Ground]

EVs optimized to beat Scarf Chomp by 1 point after an Automize.
Not bad. Vanilluxe pretty much works in every weather condition except for SS
I'll do you one better:

Vaniluxe @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
Ability: Ice Body
252 Sp. Att / 252 Speed

Ice Breath
HP Rock
Flash Cannon

It still sucks, but hey, this is probably the best you can do with it.

I can see myself using a very similar scarf set for Vanilluxe. It's just so hard to find a place for it on a team, even in lower tiers. Also I would use Ice Beam over Blizzard if I didn't have Hail up.
Well if you believe in this Ice Cream then may this won't sound stupid. Automize Vanilluxe is really good in Sun. Weather Ball becomes a Base 100 Fire Attack + Pseudo-STAB via Sun. And Vanilluxe still gets to use Hidden Power Grass/Ground for Water/Fire-types.

Vanilluxe (F) @ Expert Belt Trait: Ice Body
EVs: 28 HP / 255 SAtk / 224 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Autotomize
- Ice Beam
- Weather Ball
- Hidden Power [Ground]

EVs optimized to beat Scarf Chomp by 1 point after an Automize.

That is actually a novel idea! Time to find myself a Ninetales.....
I can see myself using a very similar scarf set for Vanilluxe. It's just so hard to find a place for it on a team, even in lower tiers. Also I would use Ice Beam over Blizzard if I didn't have Hail up.

When would you ever use Vanilluxe out of Hail? It gives it an epic win Blizzard and minimal net recoil with LO.

Edit: Sun. Gotcha. Then lemme change that to when would you ever use Vanilluxe out of weather?
@ Katakiri: U beat me to it suggesting to use ice cream in the sun (kinda makes sense really when u think about it, it's an ice cream lol). A simialr set with HP grass/electric/fighting/ground also works in th rain as well.
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