VGC '12 Northeast Regional - Philadelphia, PA - Won by JiveTime & KeepBayleefing!

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3 is a bigger number then 1 or 2, thus I often consider it superior.

I just assumed you were grouping Ludi, Chomp, and I together as newer players/smogon users, that seemed to be the implification. Sorry if wrong, if not wrong not sorry
Alright, need to find out which plush to bring... the ones I have and am interested in so far are a Scraggy, Munchlax, Drillbur, Celebi, or Sandile. Which one do you guys think is the one that should hang out of my Rumble Blast bag?
If you pick Celebi, people will think you're from Serebii...

Don't know if that makes it the least or most tempting to pick >.>


let's play bw lc!
is a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
3 is a bigger number then 1 or 2, thus I often consider it superior.

I just assumed you were grouping Ludi, Chomp, and I together as newer players/smogon users, that seemed to be the implification. Sorry if wrong, if not wrong not sorry

i don't understand how it is possible to write such an incorrect post


April Fools 2009 Participant
VGC '10, '11, '12 Masters Champion
tough choice between celebi and sandile man. celebi isn't a lettuce but a fairy that can travel through time while sandile lurks in the desert. honestly idk which one you should pick, maybe bring both.



sapphire birch
ryujin jaka




2 other cute kids
Alright, gonna pack my Munchlax out of my Rumble Blast bag, he fits in well inside there :)

Also checked the weather for Sunday, 81 degrees in the city with a 20% chance of rain. Looks awesome! :D
what is a square list

and why are you talking in the third person
Oh my god dude really

I know you're 12 but have you actually never heard someone be called a square before?

On topic: Wolfe pack is a much better and more clever name than kindergang. Sapphire Birch will make top 4 masters, and asian father will be VERY disappoint if Cybertron doesn't win seniors.


Has anyone in this family ever seen a chicken?
is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Tad, I think we can forgive him for not knowing what a square is. It always strikes me as a particularly 90's insult, which iss didn't see much of...

On topic myself. I'm not making any predictions, as they seem to be causing more trouble than good, and I don't want to spread "the curse of the commentator" as it's known in sports. This is probably the toughest regional though, so all I can do is wish luck to my boys going who know who they are. It should be an interesting one to be doing the coverage from!
Fun fact, this has the most views/posts out of any US VGC Regional thread from the past three years. Hype?

Whose gonna be there Saturday?
Good Luck to all those participating, no need for me to do any predictions, because those don't always happen, but I do know Cybertron will contiue to do well, and I have high hopes for SP67 this year, as for Masters I know little, but Wolfe, Human, Birch, BC if hes going, Infinity Cypher, I wish you all the best of luck. Hope to meet more people at Nationals. As for newbies like Drifblim sorry If I missed anyone, have fun guys.
Good luck to everybody participating! I honestly don't think I'm going to do well - I've been too busy with school to do anything Pokemon related o.O


VGCPL Champion
Good luck to everybody participating! I honestly don't think I'm going to do well - I've been too busy with school to do anything Pokemon related o.O
KRIS :D Don't worry buddy, you'll be able to do good :D

Anyways, 2 days left, almost prepared, just gotta redo something and just hone my skills :p
Ditto, that shirt is amazing!!!

I thought we would just go after regs at lunch time lol. If they take a lunch break, maybe then.

EDIT: My sister wants to be called Daffy in the OP :P.
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