Ferrothorn's amazing defensive typing and Iron Barbs ability allow it to check common Pokemon in the metagame, such as Landorus-T, Mega Metagross, and Rotom-W. Ferrothorn's typing makes it immune to Spore and Rage Powder and makes it one of the best checks to rain teams; Ferrothorn is also an amazing asset on rain teams due to the rain weakening Fire-type attacks and its synergy with Kingdra. Ferrothorn, however, is easily checked by common Pokemon such as Mega Charizard Y and Heatran. Ferrothorn also faces competition from Amoonguss as a bulky Grass-type. On the other hand, Ferrothorn is a Pokemon of extremes; you either can't touch it or it can't touch you.
name: Standard
move 1: Gyro Ball / Iron Head
move 2: Power Whip
move 3: Leech Seed / Thunder Wave
move 4: Protect
item: Lum Berry / Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Brave
evs: 252 HP / 204 Atk / 52 SpD
Gyro Ball is a STAB move that can hit faster Pokemon, such as Landorus-T, hard due to Ferrothorn's low Speed. Iron Head is a more consistent Steel-type STAB move that does more damage to slower Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Mega Mawile, Clefairy, and Clefable. Power Whip is a Grass-type STAB move that allows Ferrothorn to check Suicune and OHKO 252 HP / 44 Def Rotom-W. Leech Seed gives Ferrothorn the ability to heal back some HP while also doing residual damage to the foe, while Thunder Wave gives Ferrothorn the ability to provide speed control. Protect is standard and can protect Ferrothorn from a hit that would otherwise KO it, such as a Heat Wave from Mega Charizard Y.
Set Details
204 Attack EVs with a Brave nature allow Ferrothorn to OHKO standard 252 HP / 44 Def Rotom-W with Power Whip. A Brave nature also boosts the power of Gyro Ball by lowering Ferrothorn's Speed. Maximum HP EVs with 52 Special Defense EVs give Ferrothorn more bulk. Lum Berry is usually the preferred item, as it prevents Ferrothorn from being crippled by burns, which allows it to check Rotom-W better. Rocky Helmet is an option to punish weaker contact moves, such as a Fake Out on the switch in. Ferrothorn is also a solid user of Leftovers, as it can add to Ferrothorn's longevity allowing it to function as a supporting tank longer.
Usage Tips
Ferrothorn can easily be switched into weaker non-super effective attacks such as Fake Out and Draco Meteor, but be wary of Fire-type moves. Ferrothorn works great late-game. Take out whatever can threaten Ferrothorn and use it as a win condition to tank whatever the opponent has left.
Team Options
Terrakion is a great partner, as it is able to check Fire-types, such as Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Talonflame, that threaten Ferrothorn, while also checking opposing Steel-types that resist Ferrothorn's STAB moves. Ferrothorn, in turn, can check Landorus-T, one of the biggest checks to Terrakion, and bulky Water-types that Terrakion has trouble OHKOing. Heatran, Talonflame, and Mega Charizard Y have good synergy with Ferrothorn, as they can all check Steel-types. Heatran deters Heat Wave users, while Talonflame can also check Fighting-types that threaten Ferrothorn. Ferrothorn, in turn, helps by checking Rotom-W and Rock-types. Ferrothorn also has a great matchup against rain teams, which helps out Mega Charizard Y immensely. Ferrothorn appreciates support from Water-types in particular; Rotom-W and Politoed all work with it wonderfully. Ferrothorn works really well in a rain team, most notably with Kingdra, as Ferrothorn can easily switch into Dragon- and Fairy-type moves aimed at Kingdra. Rain teams tend to struggle with the Mega Kangaskhan and Clefairy duo, which Ferrothorn does pretty well against, though Gyro Ball doesn't do much to Clefairy. Mega Salamence is another good partner, as Ferrothorn is able to switch into Fairy-, Rock-, and Dragon-type attacks aimed at Mega Salamence while Salamence can switch into Fighting- and Fire-type attacks aimed at Ferrothorn. Ferrothorn can also check both Landorus-T and Rotom-W, which benefits Mega Salamence greatly. Most Dragon-types, in general, have nice synergy with Ferrothorn. Chandelure also works well with Ferrothorn, as it can use Trick Room to turn Ferrothorn's terrible Speed into an advantage and checks Steel-types, such as Aegislash, that Ferrothorn has trouble hitting.
Other Options
Seed Bomb is an option for a more reliable Grass-type STAB move, but it lacks power. Occa Berry can mitigate Ferrothorn's Fire weakness. Keep in mind, however, that Ferrothorn needs more Special Defense investment to survive common Fire-type attacks. Chople Berry allows Ferrothorn to survive Terrakion's Close Combat and OHKO with any of its STAB options after the defense drops.
Checks and Counters
**Ignoring Ferrothorn**: Grass- and Steel-type coverage isn't exactly stellar. Having two Pokemon on the field that resist both, especially if they're immune to Leech Seed, helps immensely with dealing with Ferrothorn. Taunting it also helps cut down on how many Pokemon get Leech Seeded.
**Fire-type Attacks**: Due to Ferrothorn's 4x Fire weakness, most Fire-type attacks, even weaker non-STAB ones, will OHKO Ferrothorn. Common Fire-type Pokemon include Talonflame and Mega Charizard Y, while Pokemon such as Hydreigon tend to carry a Fire-type coverage move. Because Ferrothorn works best late-game, opponents should be sure to conserve their Fire-type attackers until Ferrothorn is gone.
**Fighting-types**: While some Fighting-types, such as Terrakion, don't like to be hit with Thunder Wave or Gyro Ball, most Fighting-types, such as Virizion, Mega Lucario, Conkeldurr, Superpower Breloom, and Hariyama, can do upwards of 75% to Ferrothorn, making them great checks provided Ferrothorn gets hit with chip damage, which is fairly easy considering how slow Ferrothorn is.
**Intimidate and Burns**: Intimidate and burns will severely cripple Ferrothorn, as they massively lower its damage output, while burn also slowly chips away at Ferrothorn's HP.
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