Resource VGC Metagame Discussion (Series 13!)

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ABSOLUTE CURVEBALL of a new format for series 10. Series 8 rules with NO DYNAMAX!!! Honestly so excited, anyone who knows me knows I'm big on no max and restricted Pokemon. I'm so ready. What's everyone thinking about this though? Keep in mind also, still another month of Series 9 to go!
I absolutely love restricteds and also like no max so this should be good, I'm already hyped!
edit: Xerneas is my all time favorite restricted as most people know already and she's more than just viable rn, it's a huge threat!! any format where I can relive Ultra Series by using Xerneas is a great format :3
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Wow ok so I’m writing this on mobile at almost two o clock in the morning so this will be brief. I don’t think anyone expected this, I was personally thinking GS Cup. I was scared of no max for the very reason that TPC isn’t gonna listen to the community. What do I mean by that? Well, every unofficial no max tour has banned Urshifu and Gothitelle because well, it’s busted. In Wacka World Tour they ran it without the bans and it was living hell, people were running Shed Shell whimsicott. This series of course doesn’t have them banned so I’m fully expecting this to be a Ursh Goth fueled slug fest with a little Zacian and Shadow Rider mixed in. Buckle up and let’s get ready for this high octane series folks, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
O no please no Gothitelle Calyrex-S and Urshifu PLEASE NOOO.
Gothitelle and Urshifu on its own is super unhealthy throw in Calyrex-S and Zacian-C in a no max meta and it sounds awful Here is a replay to picture how awful Urshifu Gothitelle is. Now imagine it with Restricted teammates HELP.
Ima probably do this during the format.
Ight ima headout.jpg
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Oh boy time for goth + urshi teams to go sicko mode. Get your shed shells and your ghost types ready, folks, we're in for a treat. On the bright side, galarian zapdos could be usable, and that makes me happy.
I can't wait to spam dracovish on the series 10 ladder, like i'm literally just gonna use dracovish/whims/gzap/other/mons/zacian
I think Aegislash is going to be a lot better in this meta. Yeah it hates Incineroar with a passion, but you have Groudon and Kyogre to help with that. It walls Zacian and Xerneas, has Wide Guard to stop Precipice Blades, Water Spout and Astral Barrage. It was awful in the dynamax meta, but now that’s gone…
I think Aegislash is going to be a lot better in this meta. Yeah it hates Incineroar with a passion, but you have Groudon and Kyogre to help with that. It walls Zacian and Xerneas, has Wide Guard to stop Precipice Blades, Water Spout and Astral Barrage. It was awful in the dynamax meta, but now that’s gone…

This is one of the first mon’s that came to mind in Eevee cup / No max + Urshifu ban series—I’m a bit more hesitant with Series 10 rules but it would be cool to see some Aegislash placements
No idea how the format will turn out until it has been played, but I really like the idea. Restricted pokemon are cool and more importantly, I'm just happy to see Dynamax gone.
This probably will sound like a shitpost or even a meme, and honestly I am totally okay with that because I am funny anyway.

But I believe Tsareena is a really good Pokémon in S10. You could say "oh, just use Indeedee, lol". First of all, Indeedeez. Second of all, Tsareena can actually pair up against Urshifu with Play Rough, both Kyogre and Groudon with Power Whip, Landorus with Triple Axel, while Indeedee just redirect attacks. Plus, Tsareena offers pivoting, which is extremely good, specially in No-Dynamax formats. I think she will be a really cool pick, and not only with Kyogre as her pairing

zee if i can win like 1-2 weeks on spl may i write a tsareena analysis? :3
This probably will sound like a shitpost or even a meme, and honestly I am totally okay with that because I am funny anyway.

But I believe Tsareena is a really good Pokémon in S10. You could say "oh, just use Indeedee, lol". First of all, Indeedeez. Second of all, Tsareena can actually pair up against Urshifu with Play Rough, both Kyogre and Groudon with Power Whip, Landorus with Triple Axel, while Indeedee just redirect attacks. Plus, Tsareena offers pivoting, which is extremely good, specially in No-Dynamax formats. I think she will be a really cool pick, and not only with Kyogre as her pairing

zee if i can win like 1-2 weeks on spl may i write a tsareena analysis? :3

Actually I think you might be onto something. Grass STAB is strong in a meta with Groudon and Kyogre everywhere and blocking Fake Out is huge in a format with no dynamax.I think it could pairup great with the weather duo as it could prevent Scarf Kyogre from getting Fake Out’d, while helping Groudon against bulky Waters. It can also provide Helping Hand support for both of them.
Wow ok so I’m writing this on mobile at almost two o clock in the morning so this will be brief. I don’t think anyone expected this, I was personally thinking GS Cup. I was scared of no max for the very reason that TPC isn’t gonna listen to the community. What do I mean by that? Well, every unofficial no max tour has banned Urshifu and Gothitelle because well, it’s busted. In Wacka World Tour they ran it without the bans and it was living hell, people were running Shed Shell whimsicott. This series of course doesn’t have them banned so I’m fully expecting this to be a Ursh Goth fueled slug fest with a little Zacian and Shadow Rider mixed in. Buckle up and let’s get ready for this high octane series folks, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
honestly Zacian GothShifu is super overrated. the prevalence of Volcarona and Rillaboom on Xerneas teams especially completely destroys this core if used well. as a reference, I've played 17 bo3's so far (with the aforementioned Xerneas Rilla-Volc core) out of which 9 were GothShifu Zacian teams and all were taken 2-0 with a mix of Rilla-Volc in g1 and Volc Eleki g2. just goes to show that it won't be as broken as people are thinking it will be. not to mention, people will always innovate and find hard counters to all this.

Ight, these are the Top 50 Pokémon used on the Legacy VGC server S10 ladder. I want to do some quick comments regarding some Pokémon and I encourage you guys to do so.

:incineroar: - Staple mon, nothing surpring

:regieleki: :rillaboom: - As an early TornOgre user, I noticed that RegiBoom is a very strong lead overall. Both cover theirselves pretty well, and Fake Out + Immediate speed control is very, very good. I think both are a great synergy.

:zacian-crowned: - Zacian is our #1 restricted, not many surprises. Its very well rounded and flexible to H.O teams or more Bulky offense / balance comps

:urshifu: - Crit is busted so reasonable placing. Next.

:xerneas: I am kinda 50/50 regarding Xerneas. I feel it is a strong pick but I also think Xerneas is "dumb VGC 2019 hype". I think Volcarona sucks with Lando-I and other Pokémon that can K.O it quite easily are all around, so I don't think it is a good Xerneas pairing. I do think Xerneas team needs to develop.

:kyogre: I think this Pokémon is amazing and I'm B(i)ased

:gothitelle: I think Gothitelle kinda sucks ngl

and thats it. lo-

:tsareena: TSAREENA IS TOP 20 <3 shoutouts to my queen she is actually better then indeedeez and deal with eleki laboom lead easily

ight thats the end
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Ight, these are the Top 50 Pokémon used on the Legacy VGC server S10 ladder. I want to do some quick comments regarding some Pokémon and I encourage you guys to do so.

:incineroar: - Staple mon, nothing surpring

:regieleki: :rillaboom: - As an early TornOgre user, I noticed that RegiBoom is a very strong lead overall. Both cover theirselves pretty well, and Fake Out + Immediate speed control is very, very good. I think both are a great synergy.

:zacian-crowned: - Zacian is our #1 restricted, not many surprises. Its very well rounded and flexible to H.O teams or more Bulky offense / balance comps

:urshifu: - Crit is busted so reasonable placing. Next.

:xerneas: I am kinda 50/50 regarding Xerneas. I feel it is a strong pick but I also think Xerneas is "dumb VGC 2019 hype". I think Volcarona sucks with Lando-I and other Pokémon that can K.O it quite easily are all around, so I don't think it is a good Xerneas pairing. I do think Xerneas team needs to develop.

:kyogre: I think this Pokémon is amazing and I'm B(i)ased

:gothitelle: I think Gothitelle kinda sucks ngl

and thats it. lo-

:tsareena: TSAREENA IS TOP 20 <3 shoutouts to my queen she is actually better then indeedeez and deal with eleki laboom lead easily

ight thats the end
ayyy lessgo Xern #7. as for the 50/50 part, I totally agree. now the Xern-Volc teams have to move on and remove Eleki and Ursh for two other mons that also help check stuff like Caly-I - Torkoal. mixed Lando-I is definitely one of the biggest threats to this rn. run Sash Volc nerds or maybe even Charti Berry on a more serious note, it's way too situational bc Sitrus is just such a clutch item. changes have to be made that don't ruin already good mus like Kyogre
Been doing a ton of laddering and bo3s, figured i'd add my thoughts to the pool.

Meta mons:

:incineroar: - Everyone knows what this thing does. The ultimate support mon, once again back to dictate the entire metagame.

:regieleki: - Very important mon this format. Runs through every team if they give up their counter, which is usually just Rillaboom.

:rillaboom: - Exists solely to counter Kyogre and Regieleki. Also good to control terrain, prevent Indeedee + Calyrex or Xerneas from running you over.

:gothitelle: :urshifu: - Incredibly overhyped. Urshifu is fine, but it doesn't feel as busted as everyone expected. Goth just kinda feels bad.

:tsareena: - Others have already sung the praises of Tsareena enough. I think this thing is necessary on Kyogre teams.

Some more niche stuff:

:yveltal: - I spent a long time trying to make Yveltal work. By the end, I found that I wasn't bringing Yveltal to most of the matchups anyways. It basically just exists to hard counter Calyrex-S, and it loses to every other meta restricted. Additionally, Regieleki on every team makes this thing really hard to pilot.

:entei: - Most underrated mon in the format. I've tried several different sets (scarf, AV, even goggles) and they all put in work. Scarf is my personal favorite, as most teams just can't deal with its pressure Inner Focus.

:groudon: - I think Groudon is somewhat underrated right now. Sun is still a great archetype, and almost every team is weak to ground types right now. It also works well in Trick room; I used it on a team with gravity Dusclops, which makes it nearly impossible to switch into.

:ninetales-alola: - A great partner for Zacian teams. Instant screens, threatens Landorus, speed control with icy wind, and a great support movepool. After a year of Dynamax, I think most people forgot the power of encore/disable. Encoring an Incineroar into fake out to set up a sub with Zacian feels great.

And finally, the real spice:

:alcremie: - In a restricted format, getting +2/+2 on a lot of legends can be an immediate game ender. Kyogre, Groudon, Zacian, and both Calyrex formes all become nearly unstoppable with some speed control and a decorate. Plus, Aroma Veil can be used to guarantee trick room on Groudon and Calyrex-Ice teams.

:ludicolo: - Counters Kyogre, Zacian, and Groudon all at once, as well as Incineroar and Landorus. This thing literally has to be good. I'm honestly surprised that more Kyogre teams aren't running Ludicolo. Additionally, I think most Zacian teams would kill for a mon that threatens Incineroar, Landorus, and Kyogre at the same time. Running Politoed feels like dead weight, but I think Ludi's upside might be worth it.
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Been doing a ton of laddering and bo3s, figured i'd add my thoughts to the pool.

:entei: - Most underrated mon in the format. I've tried several different sets (scarf, AV, even goggles) and they all put in work. Scarf is my personal favorite, as most teams just can't deal with its pressure Inner Focus.
Scarf Adamant Flare Blitz has a good shot to kill Zacian-C and is just a lot of damage in general.
252+ Atk Entei Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Zacian-Crowned: 186-218 (93.4 - 109.5%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO

:Dracozolt: and :Tyranitar: So something I think needs more experimentation myself would be Dracozolt in sand. Dracozolt checks Kyogre, Yveltal, outspeeds and OHKOs Regieleki in sand with Highhorsepower and is able to just OHKO some frailer offensive pokemon like Calyrex-S with LO Bolt Beak. Its just very threatening in general with its Bolt Beak

:Tyranitar: Ttar is necessary for zolt to function, thankfully it isn't deadweight outside this role checking Calyrex-shadow and Yveltal. I like focus sash a lot to take just about any one attack.

Of course these two share weaknesses so teammates like Mienshao and Urshifu-Rapid can help fix their issue of being slowed down by Intimidate easily. Calyrex-shadow, Calyrex-Ice, Zacian-C, and Ho-oh all seem like viable restricted teammates for the duo.
:Mienshao: :Urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax: :Calyrex-ice: :Calyrex-shadow: :Zacian-crowned: :ho-oh:
Tyranitar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Taunt
- Protect

Dracozolt @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Substitute
- Protect
- High Horsepower
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can anyone tell how to report scores for no johns tournament
wrong place bud

- Let's be honest this mon has been always in the meta and there is no denying that fact
- Ah yes regieleki this mon just goes wild if your opponent gets rid of the mons threatening it
- One of the almost staple fake out mon this gen don't have much to say about this cause it proves itself in the game
- Overhyped that's all
- Good mon which can clean up endgames well with rillaboom
- this mon is great due to d-max being banned and queenly majesty just provides relieve to kyogre
- great mon but can be played around easily with intimidate and parting shot
- another great mon but can be easily played around by using roar or taunt

Overall this meta seems the healthiest it can get this gen
Hey there! A while ago I put out this tweet on the bird app, which gathered a small amount of traction

This inspired me to think deeply about this meta and kinda give my stance on mons that stand out to me right now. Some are obvious choices and some are a bit more out there.

restricted pokemon

:ss/calyrex-shadow: Calyrex-Shadow

Definitely the Pokemon I've had the most experience with when it comes to restricted options in this format. I like that Calyrex is fast, accurate, not particularly prediction reliant, and immediate. I've used both Mienshao-Tapu Lele based HO leaning builds that focus on grabbing early momentum (though you're gonna have to forgive me for not having a good replay) and more balance builds that focus on setting up an endgame. You can see some replays of this in the no johns thread. Sometimes the game just ends because your rex hits the board at a point where nothing left can take Astral Barrage and positioning around the compounding boosts without recovery berries makes it impossible to withstand an assault at a weakened board state. My favorite set for Calyrex-S is double ghost moves + sub @ Life Orb, I think Tapu Lele can handle the Psychic-coverage on the HO stuff and you're not in terrain on balances so it doesn't hit hardly anything that just dies to ghost moves instead (though Psyshock can be nice for hitting Nihilego). I think overall this thing is as good or only slightly less good than Zacian-C, though I'm not sure if that's a commentary on Zacian-C being overhyped or the rex being overrated

:ss/xerneas: Xerneas

Everyone was pretty excited when Xerneas dropped but it turns out it's like... not that good? Xerneas is really honest AND demanding of setup, which is fine, but it means you're gonna be playing every game from the back until you're in a position to click Geomancy. The presence of stuff like Zacian-C, Shedinja, full SDef Rillaboom, Thundurus, etc just means it's probably the hardest it's ever been to really get a Geomancy sweep going. You can see this in my round 1 set from no johns where I had to fight really hard to win because my opponent's restricted was just better at coming in and putting on pressure.

:ss/kyogre: Kyogre

When you say Kyogre, I pretty much instantly pair it with Tornadus and Tsareena because imo its just so much worse without the two of them. Torn puts damage on Rilla and throws out speed control (crucial because you aren't outrunning fast Eleki even when scarfed) and Tsareena stops Thundurus and Rillaboom from ruining your day. Incineroar is generally good here, though I have seen some Entei to fit the more aggressive nature of these teams. Shedinja and Ditto are some of my favorite filler mons on Kyogre teams, the former can just checkmate so much stuff that Ogre struggles vs, primarily Xerneas and electrics.

:ss/zacian-crowned: Zacian-C

Fast, bulky, powerful, great moves, excellent typing, Zacian-C is pretty much everything that makes threatening Pokemon threatening. I don't have a lot to say about this mon that you couldn't surmise yourself though, it's pretty honest and it really likes being paired with "the good Pokemon" because it appreciates the stability in its partners. You're typically gonna see it with Incin, Rillaboom, an Electric, and maybe an Urshifu, and it's gonna pound you hard if you don't find a way to get the speed advantage of survive through the cycling of fake outs and pivot moves. Beating Zacian-C requires dedicated preparation in the builder, deeper than going "this Pokemon can live a Behemoth Blade and OHKO back!" but thinking about your gameplan into Zacian-C teams as you build. The mon will likely never be bad where as I can see so many other restricteds going in and out.

:ss/groudon: Groudon

The Don sees a new life in series 10 thanks to its Precipice Blades + Heat Crash coverage giving it an insane matchup spread into "the good Pokemon". I think fast Life Orb is really really good if you pair it with proper speed control (this is not Porygon2 btw). Bulky Berry sucks when berries aren't 50%. More people should probably run it with Venusaur, sleep isn't being respected properly right now. I think the Weezing stuff I've heard rumblings of should be pushed more, though it's funny that Groudon would prefer to turn its ability off.

:ss/eternatus: :ss/ho-oh: :ss/lunala:

These are the ones I think are cool to use but you better be really damn good if you wanna win a tournament with them, and if so you're really good you should probably just use something more consistent. I think Eternatus and Lunala are both sick with Meteor Beam, I really dislike Cosmic Power Eternatus because it sucks on cartridge though. Ho-Oh seems to be The Call according to enlightened ones, I'm not a believer yet but I'll keep watching.

non restricted pokemon

:ss/incineroar: :ss/rillaboom: :ss/regieleki: :ss/stakataka: :ss/urshifu-rapid-strike:

The vanilla ice cream, chicken tenders, pepperoni pizza of the current metagame. These 5 offer a level of consistency via fake outs, speed tiers, great abilities/type spread, etc. that most other cores just really can't offer, which of course comes full circle to the tweet I linked at the start of the post. I think the core is fine and two skilled players playing some 3-5 of these + restricted is likely going to result in the more skilled player winning, which is really cool and a refreshing break from the Dynamax era, but I do think there are some cool alternative options! Let's dive in.

Priority Blockers
:ss/tapu lele: :ss/tsareena: :ss/mienshao: :ss/entei:

The former mostly seen with Calyrex-S and the latter with Kyogre (but far from exclusively, really), I think Tsareena and Lele are powerful disruptive tools for breaking up the cycling and balanced playstyle of "the guys". The biggest problem I have with them is that they don't actually threaten a ton offensively? Especially Lele, very few Dragons etc. in the format that it outright pressures from hitting the field unlike something akin to Ultra Series. Tsareena at least pressures Ogre hard, grasses with Triple Axel, and can always U-turn out. Mienshao and Entei, the meta's two common Inner Focus users, are also great for punishing the Fake Out + Intimidate loops as they're affected by neither. Entei gets bonus points for being pretty good into Xerneas and Zacian, while Mienshao makes the omnipresent Incineroar wish it weren't selected.

:ss/ditto: :ss/shedinja: :ss/chansey:

Stick with me here. Ditto is really cool because you need to knock out Pokemon to win the game, and in a format this bulky, a lot of what's doing the killing is a restricted. Using Ditto forces the opponent to play paranoid and carefully time their kills, when you can capitalize on accordingly by punishing the passive play. Shedinja is an option I mentioned earlier when talking about Kyogre, I heard it won some tournament and I'm really glad it did, the bug is just solid. 3 of the 5 restricteds I talked about earlier just can't touch it unless you're like Crunch Zacian (lol), a lot of the non restricteds can't hit it either, and it's just a great win condition. Better on PS because of the timer stuff but I'm excited to play with it on cart during World Cup of VGC.

Chansey is the one you may not have expected here. This is not the guard splitting Chansey oldcigarette preyed on you on the ladder with. This Chansey is wincon Chansey. I like to use it with Will-O-Wisp users like Calyrex-S and Shedinja which can forcibly spread burns until physical attackers can't break Chansey with a defense curl up. My standard set is Seismic Toss/Soft-Boiled/Defense Curl and then play with filler moves, my favorites have been Life Dew and Ally Switch.

:ss/whimsicott: :ss/thundurus:

The dichotomy between these two is really funny because Whimsicott is typically a (hyper) offense enabler while Thundurus appreciates these slower balances, crippling things with Eerie Impulse and the speed lowering move of your choice (Scary Face is way better). What I like about these two though is that going first just gives you more chances for disruption in a metagame where so many things are slow and honest. Putting your opponent on the backfoot early with these two and bringing in the late game restricted in prime position is a fast ticket to quick wins and I highly recommend you try these two out if you haven't yet.

Random Ass Nihilego

Yeah I think Nihi is cute. It snowballs and is extremely solid into the standard balance comps, though it has generally poor matchups into more restricteds than not, so be mindful when building with it. Rock / Poison is really great coverage though.

This is pretty much everything I wanted to talk about, the next time I'll make one of these posts will probably be once we hear about an official circuit or I do some world cup report or something. Did I mention I'm playing in World Cup?!

Thanks for reading~

I've been playing alot of Series 10 since it dropped. Got high on ladder etc. and, well, in my experience playing, I think Zacian could be dethroned by Galar's true king and its steed. I'm talking about Calyrex.

I think what makes this Pokémon so strong is first of all, we don't have many Dark-types as we had on Series 8. Urshifu-Single has been dropping on usage, Grimmsnarl is not really a thing anymore neither Moltres-G, leaving only Incineroar up to the job of resisting it, and ONLY Incineroar, unless you are using Yveltal, but its flaw its costing your restricted. There are no Normal-types popular right now, so, if we are going to count, Calyrex can hit basically the whole meta by itself with its 120BP spread move.

What makes this Pokémon even more opressing, its Calyrex's allies. Mainly, Mienshao, Whimsicott and sometimes Psychic Terrain setters such as Tapu Lele. I think they are the worse of dealing with together with the king. Mienshao can easily break Incineroar and can Fake Out Zacian-C, or other Fake Out users such as Rillaboom, and Whimsicott being just the annoying H.O thing it always was, combined with Calyrex's ability to snowball games easily, one Tailwind could be enough for sealing the deal. Good Calyrex-S players will also control the terrain if they have access to it and prevent Rillaboom for going brr.

What makes me, overall, state that Calyrex-S > Zacian-C is simply that once it gets going, IT GETS GOING. If you K.O one of your opponents Pokémon with it, you are already a machine. And if that Pokémon is the opps. Incineroar or Regieleki, then GGs, you are going to snowball and be unstoppable.

Last but not least, although it needs to position itself well to deal the damage, when you do, you shut down opponents because they can't switch-in safely to this thing. But they can't just sack a Pokémon and enter safely, because you are just feeding it more and more.

And that's it. I don't know if what I'm writing is actually my opinion or I'm just hating on it on main. Seriously. I hate this thing.
:sm/spectrier: :sm/calyrex:
Hey! So if you haven't heard yet, Series 11 was announced late last night with series 8 rules being the format.

Looks like we're back into Venusaur country. I'll be reorganizing the forum to have series 8 resources front and center again soon!
Hey! So if you haven't heard yet, Series 11 was announced late last night with series 8 rules being the format.

Looks like we're back into Venusaur country. I'll be reorganizing the forum to have series 8 resources front and center again soon!
Well, I think this is the death of VGC, at least for 3 months. S8 was already quite hated and now recycling it is a HUGE mistake

Custom tournaments will be hosted, like GS Cup. I also wish you Smogon VGC mods create a thread about them (maybe where we can share them?)
Hey! So if you haven't heard yet, Series 11 was announced late last night with series 8 rules being the format.

Looks like we're back into Venusaur country. I'll be reorganizing the forum to have series 8 resources front and center again soon!
Well well well, Series 8. Now for me personally I am so happy that we got 8 back. It was by far my most successful series and I hated S10. With that said, this is absolutely the wrong move for the overall state of VGC. Series 8 was easily the most hated series barring Series 6 and bringing it back it’s a very questionable move on TPC’s part. As Eve said, expect a lot of GS Cup and Eevee series tours
Restricted mons with dynamax -___-

Series 10 was / is so refreshing. I started in series 9 so dynamax was all I knew when I started playing competitive. Series 10 taught me so much more about tactics, fake out, strategy, & cores then the previous series 9 ever did for me. I feel I will do better now knowing how the game can really "work" but not thrilled lol. I will play the series as I want to keep improving overall but not a fan of series 8 / 11 from what I gather. The GS / Eevee series is on cart or Smogen? Thanks in advance.
I'm torn about this. I got back into VGC with series 8 and liked the format, but I think going back to it is the wrong choice. I don't think there is that much room for metagame development after VenuKoal became dominant. I would prefer a new format rather than rehashing a previous one yet again. It would have been better to try something we haven't experienced yet like no Dynamax without restricteds, or a double restricted format with Dynamax.
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I’m probably in the minority here but I’m looking forward to this. Dynamax made a lot of restricteds viable (Solgaleo, Dialga to a lesser extent Zekrom) whereas S10 has pretty much been Calyrex-S, Zacian, Kyogre and Groudon. It also made other Pokemon like Charizard and Coalossal viable too. I was excited for S10, but I got bored of it pretty quickly. It also seemed like everyone and their mother was using the Incin/Eleki/Rilla core (not blaming them it’s a great core).