Resource VGC Past Metagames Resource and Discussion Hub


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Welcome to the Old Gens megathread for VGC! Past formats see play in some grassroots tournaments such as World Cup of VGC among others. They can also be insanely fun to play casually with friends or users in the Pokemon Showdown! room. In this thread, you will be able to find helpful resources such as mini viability rankings, speed tiers, sample teams, and more! Feel free to post anything related to past VGC formats in this thread, including teams, replays, suggestions to a VR, or anything you feel like! Just be sure to post intelligently and don't flood the thread.

Some great resources for checking out past gens:
Smogon's Past VGC Formats Subforum
Nugget Bridge Archives
Nugget Bridge YouTube
Trainer Tower's Legacy Mode
Victory Road

Jump Directly to Gen...

Note: Past format Gen 8 resources will not be included in this thread. You can find those elsewhere in this subforum.
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:sm/incineroar: GEN 7 :sm/tapu-koko:

Notable Gen 7 mechanics different from Gen 8:
-Megas instantly gain their speed upon Mega-Evolution, but otherwise, dynamic speed does not exist in this format.
-Figy/Aguav/Wiki/Iapapa/Mago berry heal 50% of the max HP
-Disguise does not incur any chip damage when broken
-Aegislash has 150/150 stats in its given form, and King's Shield drops Attack by 2 stages

VGC 2017:

Ruleset: All Pokemon in the Sun and Moon Alola Pokedex except for Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Magearna, Marshadow, and Zeraora. USUM Tutor moves are not permitted. Pokemon must be native to Alola to be eligible. Mega Stones are banned. In-Game Timer is 10 minutes of your time. Dark Void is banned.

Sample Teams:

Generic FakePG
:tapu koko: :tapu fini: :kartana: :arcanine: :porygon2: :gigalith:

GACT MimiLax
:tapu koko: :garchomp: :celesteela: :arcanine: :mimikyu: :snorlax:

Barudoru's Worlds Winning Team
:tapu koko: :tapu fini: :celesteela: :marowak-alola: :krookodile: :whimsicott:

Zelda's Worlds Runner-up Team
:tapu lele: :garchomp: :xurkitree: :arcanine: :mandibuzz: :ninetales-alola:

Tman Rain
:pelipper: :golduck: :tapu koko: :buzzwole: :porygon2: :muk-alola:

Speed Tiers

S Tier
:arcanine: Arcanine
:kartana: Kartana
:tapu fini: Tapu Fini
:tapu koko: Tapu Koko

:celesteela: Celesteela
:garchomp: Garchomp
:mimikyu: Mimikyu
:porygon2: Porygon2
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele
:Snorlax: Snorlax

:gastrodon-east: Gastrodon
:gyarados: Gyarados
:marowak-alola: Marowak-Alola
:metagross: Metagross
:mudsdale: Mudsdale
:muk-alola: Muk-Alola
:nihilego: Nihilego
:ninetales-alola: Ninetales-Alola
:togedemaru: Togedemaru

:golduck: Golduck
:hariyama: Hariyama
:magnezone: Magnezone
:mandibuzz: Mandibuzz
:pelipper: Pelipper
:persian-alola: Persian-Alola
:pheromosa: Pheromosa
:salamence: Salamence
:tapu bulu: Tapu Bulu
:torkoal: Torkoal
:whimsicott: Whimsicott

:araquanid: Araquanid
:buzzwole: Buzzwole
:drifblim: Drifblim
:krookodile: Krookodile
:lilligant: Lilligant
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z
:xurkitree: Xurkitree

:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl
:braviary: Braviary
:clefairy: Clefairy
:drampa: Drampa
:eevee: Eevee
:gengar: Gengar
:goodra: Goodra
:politoed: Politoed
:raichu-alola: Raichu-Alola
:smeargle: Smeargle
:vanilluxe: Vanilluxe
:vikavolt: Vikavolt

VGC 2018:

All Pokemon in the Gen 7 National Pokedex except for restricted Legendaries and mythicals. Pokemon must be native to Alola to be eligible. Mega Stones are permitted. In-Game Timer is 5 minutes of your time. Dark Void is banned.

Sample Teams:

Generic MetaFini
:metagross-mega: :tapu fini: :incineroar: :landorus-therian: :zapdos: :amoonguss:

Ralfdude90's Worlds Winning Team
:salamence-mega: :tapu koko: :incineroar: :gastrodon: :kartana: :snorlax:

Jamesspeed1's Regionals Winning Team
:gengar-mega: :tapu bulu: :incineroar: :kommo-o: :azumarill: :clefairy:

Pwny Person's Top 4 NAIC Team
:kangaskhan-mega: :tapu fini: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :kartana: :cresselia:
Charizard + Calm Mind Cresselia Sun
:charizard-mega-y: :tapu koko: :incineroar: :landorus-therian: :kartana: :cresselia:

Speed Tiers

:metagross-mega: Metagross-Mega

:gengar-mega: Gengar-Mega
:incineroar: Incineroar
:kartana: Kartana
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:tapu fini: Tapu Fini
:tapu koko: Tapu Koko

:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:charizard-mega-y: Charizard-Mega-Y
:cresselia: Cresselia
:salamence-mega: Salamence-Mega
:snorlax: Snorlax
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele
:zapdos: Zapdos

:heatran: Heatran
:kangaskhan-mega: Kangaskhan-Mega
:milotic: Milotic
:mimikyu: Mimikyu
:nihilego: Nihilego
:porygon2: Porygon2
:tapu bulu: Tapu Bulu
:volcarona: Volcarona

:aegislash: Aegislash
:celesteela: Celesteela
:gardevoir-mega: Gardevoir-Mega
:gastrodon: Gastrodon
:gothitelle: Gothitelle
:kommo-o: Kommo-o
:nidoqueen: Nidoqueen
:stakataka: Stakataka
:tyranitar: Tyranitar
:tyranitar-mega: Tyranitar-Mega

:azumarill: Azumarill
:bisharp: Bisharp
:braviary: Braviary
:clefairy: Clefairy
:latias: Latias
:latias-mega: Latias-Mega
:ludicolo: Ludicolo
:manectric-mega: Manectric-Mega
:nidoking: Nidoking
:persian-alola: Persian-Alola
:pheromosa: Pheromosa
:politoed: Politoed
:scizor-mega: Scizor-Mega

:araquanid: Araquanid
:blaziken-mega: Blaziken-Mega
:camerupt-mega: Camerupt-Mega
:excadrill: Excadrill
:lurantis: Lurantis
:marowak-alola: Marowak-Alola
:raichu: Raichu
:suicune: Suicune
:venusaur-mega: Venusaur-Mega
:xurkitree: Xurkitree

VGC 2019:


  • Sun Series: All Pokemon in the Gen 7 National Pokedex except for Mythicals are legal, however players are only allowed to choose 2 restricted Legendaries maximum for their team. Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and the moves Dragon Ascent and Dark Void are banned. In-Game Timer is 7 minutes of your time.
  • Moon Series: All Pokemon in the Gen 7 National Pokedex except for Mythicals are legal, however players are only allowed to choose 2 restricted Legendaries maximum for their team. Mega Stones and the moves Dragon Ascent and Dark Void are banned. In-Game Timer is 7 minutes of your time.
  • Ultra Series: All Pokemon in the Gen 7 National Pokedex except for Mythicals are legal, however players are only allowed to choose 2 restricted Legendaries maximum for their team. In-Game Timer is 7 minutes of your time. Dark Void is banned.
Speed Tiers (all)

Sample Teams:

Generic TornOgre
:kyogre: :xerneas: :tornadus: :incineroar: :kartana: :amoonguss:

Ash & Serapis's Regional + International Winning Team
:lunala: :xerneas: :crobat: :incineroar: :toxicroak: :smeargle:

:groudon: :yveltal: :tapu koko: :incineroar: :stakataka: :venusaur:

Smogon VenuDon
:groudon: :xerneas: :heatran: :incineroar: :kartana: :venusaur:

zeefable & Animus's Triple Roar Xernala
:lunala: :xerneas: :tapu koko: :incineroar: :heatran: :amoonguss:

Weeblewobs's Regional Winning Team
:kyogre: :ho-oh: :raichu: :incineroar: :ferrothorn: :ludicolo:

Zygarde Solgaleo
:solgaleo: :zygarde: :tapu fini: :incineroar: :toxicroak: :volcarona:

Penguin's Worlds Winning Team
:groudon-primal: :lunala: :salamence-mega: :incineroar: :tapu fini: :stakataka:

Wolfey's International Winning Team
:kyogre-primal: :rayquaza-mega: :gengar-mega: :incineroar: :tapu koko: :celesteela:

Kang Torn Groudon Xerneas
:groudon-primal: :xerneas: :kangaskhan-mega: :incineroar: :tornadus: :amoonguss:

Generic PsySpam
:salamence-mega: :incineroar: :tapu lele: :stakataka:

:incineroar: Incineroar
:kyogre: Kyogre
:xerneas: Xerneas

:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:groudon: Groudon
:kartana: Kartana
:lunala: Lunala
:tapu koko: Tapu Koko
:yveltal: Yveltal

:stakataka: Stakataka
:tapu fini: Tapu Fini
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele
:tsareena: Tsareena
:venusaur: Venusaur
:zygarde: Zygarde

:crobat: Crobat
:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:ho-oh: Ho-Oh
:solgaleo: Solgaleo
:talonflame: Talonflame
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:volcarona: Volcarona

:clefairy: Clefairy
:dialga: Dialga
:ditto: Ditto
:gengar: Gengar
:heatran: Heatran
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:ludicolo: Ludicolo
:palkia: Palkia
:shedinja: Shedinja
:smeargle: Smeargle
:zekrom: Zekrom

:groudon-primal: Groudon-Primal
:incineroar: Incineroar

:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:kyogre-primal: Kyogre-Primal
:rayquaza-mega: Rayquaza-Mega
:salamence-mega: Salamence-Mega
:tapu fini: Tapu Fini
:xerneas: Xerneas

:kangaskhan-mega: Kangaskhan-Mega
:lunala: Lunala
:necrozma-ultra: Necrozma (Ultra)
:metagross-mega: Metagross-Mega
:stakataka: Stakataka
:tapu koko: Tapu Koko
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele

:crobat: Crobat
:gengar-mega: Gengar-Mega
:kartana: Kartana
:nihilego: Nihilego
:tornadus: Tornadus
:yveltal: Yveltal

:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:lucario-mega: Lucario-Mega
:smeargle: Smeargle
:venusaur: Venusaur

:celesteela: Celesteela
:jumpluff: Jumpluff
:mimikyu: Mimikyu
:shedinja: Shedinja
:togedemaru: Togedemaru
:umbreon: Umbreon

:aerodactyl-mega: Aerodactyl-Mega
:bronzong: Bronzong
:clefairy: Clefairy
:dialga: Dialga
:ditto: Ditto
:ho-oh: Ho-Oh
:kommo-o: Kommo-o
:mewtwo-mega-y: Mewtwo-Mega-Y
:salazzle: Salazzle
:solgaleo: Solgaleo
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:xy/kangaskhan-mega: GEN 6 :xy/salamence-mega:
Notable Gen 6 Mechanics:
-Critical Hits are a 1 in 16 chance
-Mega Evolutions gain their Speed boost the turn after Mega Evolving
-Thunder Wave has 100% accuracy and Paralysis quarters Speed
-Prankster will work on Dark types
-Confusion is a 50% chance for a self hit
-Parental Bond has a 1.5x multiplier for the second hit, and all -ate abilities such as Aerilate and Pixilate have a 1.3x multiplier
-Smeargle can use Dark Void
-All formats in gen 6 use a 15 minute live timer for the In-Game Timer

VGC 2014:

All Pokemon in any of the Kalos pokedexes with the exception of Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. Pokemon must be Kalos native to be eligible to compete.

Speed Tiers

Sample Teams:
Sejun's Worlds Winning Team
:gyarados-mega: :gothitelle: :pachirisu: :gardevoir: :garchomp: :talonflame:

GothMaw Rain
:mawile-mega: :gothitelle: :politoed: :ludicolo: :zapdos: :hydreigon:

Yoshi's Nationals Winning Team
:kangaskhan-mega: :mawile-mega: :gengar: :salamence: :garchomp: :rotom-heat:

Pledge Sun
:charizard-mega-y: :venusaur: :garchomp: :aegislash: :scrafty: :rotom-wash:

:mawile-mega: Mawile-Mega

:gothitelle: Gothitelle
:kangaskhan-mega: Kangaskhan-Mega

:aegislash: Aegislash
:charizard-mega-y: Charizard-Mega-Y
:garchomp: Garchomp
:ludicolo: Ludicolo
:talonflame: Talonflame
:tyranitar: Tyranitar
:zapdos: Zapdos

:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:azumarill: Azumarill
:gardevoir: Gardevoir
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:politoed: Politoed
:rotom-heat: Rotom-Heat
:rotom-wash: Rotom-Wash
:salamence: Salamence

:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl
:bisharp: Bisharp
:conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:gengar-mega: Gengar-Mega
:lucario: Lucario
:lucario-mega: Lucario-Mega
:tyranitar-mega: Tyranitar-Mega
:venusaur-mega: Venusaur-Mega

:chandelure: Chandelure
:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:goodra: Goodra
:hariyama: Hariyama
:machamp: Machamp
:rotom-mow: Rotom-Mow
:scizor: Scizor
:smeargle: Smeargle

:charizard-mega-x: Charizard-Mega-X
:gyarados: Gyarados
:gyarados-mega: Gyarados-Mega
:meowstic: Meowstic
:pachirisu: Pachirisu
:raichu: Raichu
:scrafty: Scrafty
:venusaur: Venusaur

:blastoise-mega: Blastoise-Mega
:gourgeist: Gourgeist
:klefki: Klefki
:machamp: Machamp
:manectric-mega: Manectric-Mega
:reuniclus: Reuniclus

VGC 2015:

All Pokemon in the Gen 6 National Pokedex are legal, with the exception of restricted Legendaries and mythicals. Pokemon must be native to a Gen 6 game in order to be eligible to compete.

Speed Tiers

Sample Teams:
SHADEViera's Worlds Winning Team
:kangaskhan-mega: :landorus-therian: :heatran: :amoonguss: :cresselia: :thundurus:
Scar's Top 8 Worlds Team Nugget Bridge Report
:gardevoir-mega: :landorus-therian: :heatran: :amoonguss: :tyranitar: :thundurus:

Bopper's Top 4 US Nationals Team
:charizard-mega-y: :landorus-therian: :sylveon: :aegislash: :conkeldurr: :thundurus:

Kaori's PASTAA Variant Nugget Bridge Report
:salamence-mega: :tyranitar: :porygon2: :aegislash: :amoonguss: :azumarill:

:kangaskhan-mega: Kangaskhan-Mega
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:thundurus: Thundurus

:aegislash: Aegislash
:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:cresselia: Cresselia
:heatran: Heatran
:sylveon: Sylveon

:charizard-mega-y: Charizard-Mega-Y
:gardevoir-mega: Gardevoir-Mega
:milotic: Milotic
:salamence-mega: Salamence-Mega
:tyranitar: Tyranitar
:volcarona: Volcarona

:azumarill: Azumarill
:entei: Entei
:gengar-mega: Gengar-Mega
:metagross-mega: Metagross-Mega
:scrafty: Scrafty

:arcanine: Arcanine
:clefairy: Clefairy
:conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:excadrill: Excadrill
:landorus: Landorus
:porygon2: Porygon2
:rhyperior: Rhyperior
:talonflame: Talonflame
:terrakion: Terrakion
:venusaur: Venusaur
:venusaur-mega: Venusaur-Mega
:zapdos: Zapdos

:breloom: Breloom
:gastrodon-east: Gastrodon
:gothitelle: Gothitelle
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:ludicolo: Ludicolo
:mawile-mega: Mawile-Mega
:politoed: Politoed
:rotom-wash: Rotom-Wash
:suicune: Suicune

:blaziken: Blaziken
:clefable: Clefable
:charizard-mega-x: Charizard-Mega-X
:hitmontop: Hitmontop
:jellicent: Jellicent
:raikou: Raikou
:swampert: Swampert
:togekiss: Togekiss
:tyranitar-mega: Tyranitar-Mega

VGC 2016:

All Pokemon in the Gen 6 national dex are legal (barring mythicals), with a restriction of 2 maximum restricted Legendaries per team. Pokemon must be native to a Gen 6 game in order to compete.

Speed Tiers

Sample Teams:

Wolfey's Worlds Winning Team
:rayquaza-mega: :kyogre-primal: :gengar-mega: :bronzong: :raichu: :hitmontop:

Big Six
:groudon-primal: :xerneas: :kangaskhan-mega: :salamence-mega: :talonflame: :smeargle:

Standard Dual Primals
:groudon-primal: :kyogre-primal: :kangaskhan-mega: :salamence-mega: :bronzong: :thundurus:

:groudon-primal: Groudon-Primal
:xerneas: Xerneas

:bronzong: Bronzong
:kyogre-primal: Kyogre-Primal
:salamence-mega: Salamence-Mega
:smeargle: Smeargle

:cresselia: Cresselia
:gengar-mega: Gengar-Mega
:kangaskhan-mega: Kangaskhan-Mega
:rayquaza-mega: Rayquaza-Mega
:talonflame: Talonflame
:thundurus: Thundurus

:amoonguss: Amoonguss
:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:hitmontop: Hitmontop
:manectric-mega: Manectric-Mega
:raichu: Raichu
:whimsicott: Whimsicott
:yveltal: Yveltal

:crobat: Crobat
:dialga: Dialga
:mawile-mega: Mawile-Mega
:scrafty: Scrafty
:volcarona: Volcarona
:weavile: Weavile

:aegislash: Aegislash
:clefairy: Clefairy
:ditto: Ditto
:exeggutor: Exeggutor
:ho-oh: Ho-Oh
:jumpluff: Jumpluff
:palkia: Palkia
:scizor: Scizor
:zapdos: Zapdos
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:bw/thundurus: GEN 5 :bw/hydreigon:
Notable Gen 5 Mechanics:
-Gems for all types exist and have a 1.5x damage modifier
-Autoweather does not expire until it is overridden by another weather
-Electric types can be hit by Paralysis
-Grass types are not immune to powder moves (Sleep Powder, Spore, Rage Powder, etc.)
-Critical Hits are a 2x damage modifier
-Subsequent protects are half the chance of the previous protect
-Redirection moves have +3 priority
-Special Attacks have increased power. This includes but is not limited to
--70 BP Hidden Power
--140 BP Draco Meteor
--95 BP Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Flamethrower
--120 BP Blizzard, Thunder, and Fire Blast
-Knock Off is only base 20 power

Notable VGC Mechanics:
-Pokemon from past gens can be used, allowing events such as Eruption Heatran or Follow Me Magmar
-All games have a 20 minute overall In-Game Timer

VGC 2011:

: Pokemon from the Unova Pokedex only are permitted to compete. Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect are banned. Sky Drop is also banned.

Speed Tiers

Sample Teams:
Ray's Worlds Winning Team
:hydreigon: :thundurus: :terrakion: :conkeldurr: :escavalier: :gothitelle:

Matty's Worlds Runner-up Team
:tornadus: :thundurus: :scrafty: :krookodile: :haxorus: :eelektross:

Standard TerraCott
:terrakion: :whimsicott: :thundurus: :tornadus: :scrafty: :jellicent:

(Super Old) Viability Rankings

VGC 2012:

Pokemon in the Gen 5 National Pokedex are legal, with the exception of restricted Legendaries, mythicals, and Therian formes. BW2 Move tutors are also not permitted. Sky Drop is banned.

Speed Tiers

Sample Teams
Ray's Worlds Winning Team
:hydreigon: :garchomp: :tyranitar: :metagross: :cresselia: :rotom-wash:

Cybertron's Nationals Winning Team
:thundurus: :garchomp: :tyranitar: :scizor: :cresselia: :hitmontop:

Skarm's Second Place Canadian Nationals Team
:metagross: :cresselia: :hydreigon: :hitmontop: :politoed: :kingdra:

Huy's 10th Place Worlds Team
:abomasnow: :rotom-frost: :rhyperior: :gastrodon: :gyarados: :scizor:

(VR Coming Soon)

VGC 2013:

Pokemon in the Gen 5 National Pokedex are legal, with the exception of restricted Legendaries and mythicals. Sky Drop is banned.

Sample Teams
Mean's Worlds Winning Team
:mamoswine: :tornadus: :latios: :heatran: :amoonguss: :conkeldurr:

Cybertron's Top 4 Worlds Team
:landorus-therian: :rotom-wash: :cresselia: :heatran: :tyranitar: :conkeldurr:

Baz Anderson's 9th Place Worlds Team
:breloom: :liepard: :thundurus: :scizor: :cresselia: :terrakion:

Bopper's Nugget Bridge Invitational Winning Team
:Tyranitar: :excadrill: :thundurus-therian: :gyarados: :cresselia: :amoonguss:

(VR Coming Soon)
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