I agree, i agree alot apart from kyurem, archaludon in rain isn’t broken or even top tier to me, but it fills enough consistency holes in rain and takes down enough rain checks and counters for rain itself to unleash its full toxic potential10+ bans is overboard, I don’t think the tier needs this many to create a balanced tier.
The reason there is such a panic rn is because the meta is in a state where wins are determined by matchups. Of course skill still plays a big role, but the tier is polarizing with so many threats to account for that its easier to try to play a team with a better matchup than to play around it. This is why there was so much Stall and Wogre offense teams.
The same can be said for BW, especially before the Gem ban. You run Sand because it gives you the best matchup into Rain, but if you run Sand then you’re opening yourself up to HO, and if you run HO, you get blasted by Keldeo and friends. Gems were a big part of the reason for this and Archaludon rn is triggering the same effect.
Because of how polarizing it is, you pretty much run Stall, HO with SD Superpower Wogre, or your own weather because only they could consistently answer Rain without needing multiple team-slots for one archetype. Even then Arch has been running EQ or Tera Dragon to blast past it.
You could argue keeping Arch grants us a bulky steel type that can click rocks and check Gambit + Weavile. However you rarely see Arch outside of rain and most players run Heatran for that role who also has the benefit of checking the ghosts.
I also see no benefit of keeping Roaring Moon. It just adds another cheesy setup sweeper, and what? Speed control on Sun teams? As if Sun doesn’t have several options for that.
Anyone claiming that banning any of these massive threats will strengthen Stall should realize people are running Stall because of these threats.
The next step after Arch should be to suspect Roaring Moon and re-test Kyurem. Also changing the ban criteria to 55% votes would be a nice QoL change. 60% is a bit much and 50% is too low, 55% is a good sweetspot for future votes, either this gen or Gen 10.
roaring moon can come on a fainted pokemon and instantly win the game if the pokemon in switch into can’t stop a dragon/dark or pure flying typed roaring moon from, and it has enough power, speed and good match ups in most priority to easily end the game after a boost, kyurem is hard to deal with defensively but not even half as hard to outspeed and kill, so i get why some people don’t like it
roaring moon and buffed rain have affected the metagame alot, not all issues come from, not all however their high usage has had an extremely harsh effect on an otherwise unique, diverse and even somewhat stable tier and combined with everyone having their own opinions some of which that others can’t even remotely understand may be causing OU to feel worse to play than december or January, or maybe theres more to it that i haven’t mentioned
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