Dude, that shit is the worst. I have a recurring theme in nightmares where I'm just suddenly covered in bees/ants/spiders/etc. that are all biting or stinging me. Usually its enough to kinda freak my body into being awake, but then I'm still locked, can't move or scream, and disoriented so just the feeling of blankets wrapped around me in the dark makes me feel like I'm still swarmed on. Always horrific, and if I go back to sleep right afterwards, I'll fall right back into the same nightmare, so I end up browsing the internet for a good hour or two just to get it out of my head.
I remember when I was a kid, I had one weird sleep paralysis thing where I'm not even sure if I had fully fallen asleep prior. I was still in my bed, could hear my parents watching TV a few rooms over, and was cognizant. It felt like I was levitating; I couldn't move or speak, and I was hallucinating a weird thing staring at me from the doorway. It was a strange mix of spooky and peaceful, lasted for what seemed like a really long time, too. Suddenly, it was gone and I felt like I fell back into my bed. I could move and talk again, and was just confused as to what happened. Reading about it years later, apparently during SP the feeling of levitating is common, as is the feeling of falling when it ends. Hallucinations can also occur since you're in a partial sleep state. It's still a pretty surreal experience, though.