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Welcome to C&C--A Beginner's Guide to Contributing
By Redew and GatoDelFuego. Updated by Oglemi.


Hello! Contributions and Corrections, also known as C&C, is an enormous forum with a lot to offer! Within this forum, you will find the analyses of different Pokemon for all of Smogon's official metagames, as well as a few other things. All of these go on-site in our SmogDex, and it's a great place for you to get started on Smogon--contributing, having fun, anything! As you might expect from such a big forum, we have a lot of different activities going on. There's the writers themselves, who write the analyses; the Quality Control team, who ensure that every bit of data in our analyses is up-to-date with that generation’s competitive standards; and the Grammar-Prose team, who take care of formatting and punctuation issues to make sure that every analysis is as presentable as possible.

The C&C forum can be intimidating sometimes--it's not always easy to jump into a forum with many veteran contributors. Don't feel bad if you think you're not as good as them; you're just starting out and will get there with time--just like they did. If you're confused as to where to get help, don't fret! Any user with a Contributor
badge will point you in the right direction. A good presence on Discord will go a long way not just in C&C, but on Smogon as a whole; it's just a very good way to get integrated into the community. Besides, it's a much more convenient way to discuss EV spreads and item slashes than back-and-forth posting on the forums! Communication on Discord speeds up the back-and-forth discussion that naturally occurs while writing, and talking with a group of contributors can do nothing but help make C&C work the best it can be.

All in all, being a valued member of C&C is a great way to become recognized on Smogon. Between you and me, it's the easiest and most rewarding way to get involved on Smogon, and is worth every minute you put into it. This guide will show you the basics and layout of the C&C process, helping you to become a top-tier contributor in no time!

How does the 7th Gen process work?


Before you jump in to writing an analysis for your favorite Pokemon, the first step is to check the reservation thread of the forum it's in. If an analysis/article is unreserved, you can usually just post that you'll be taking the analysis/idea on in the reservation thread and start your work. Be sure not to start writing ASAP, though! After you reserve an analysis/article, the next step is to post a skeleton in the specific subforum. Skeletons are bullet points or short bits of all information that's going to be included in your thread. This is so it's easy for Quality Control members to look through and make sure all necessary and viable information is present before the analysis/article is written up. You can find a detailed explanation of the individual parts of the skeleton for analyses in the second post of this thread.


The Quality Control process is when QC members go over analyses and help you fill it with the most, but worthwhile, information possible. Their decisions are to be respected; it takes a great deal of work, devotion, and dedication to become a QC member, as well as extensive metagame knowledge. QC members have a vast knowledge of the metagame, show that they know what they're talking about whenever they post a suggestion to an analysis, and are picked by other QC members. Keep in mind that anyone can put forth QC suggestions in an analysis, which QC members will usually comment on and acknowledge to be added or changed. If you aim to critique a competitive choice in a skeleton, you should probably provide good evidence that what you're adding is viable; replays, damage calculations, and similar data is good for this purpose. Once your analysis has accumulated 2 or 3 QC checks, depending on the tier, you're free to write up your analysis. Note: your analysis will need one final QC check after being written and before going up on-site most times, so be sure you know the tier's process.


The writeup stage is fairly easy: take the bullet point format of your analysis and turn it into actual paragraphs. Tip: Go point by point, making sure you include everything that QC has approved. You change everything into paragraphs except for the set. Once you have done this, QC will look it over one final time and tell you to add anything if needed. If all is good, you're ready to head to the next step: grammar. One note: if you feel that a GP member has made some changes you don't agree with or that don't seem to make sense, feel free to ask them about it, or another GP member to discuss the changes. A good place to contact someone about writeup or grammar is GP on Discord.


The Grammar-Prose team are individuals who check and edit the grammar and prose in the articles and anything else that goes on-site. Once you have written your analysis, post in the GP Queue so a GP mod can add it to the list of analyses to edit. The member who checks your analysis will correct any improper grammar or PokeGrammar. You can look at our Spelling and Grammar Standards to get a better idea of what these corrections will likely be. Once the GP member is done with their check, it's your job to go and edit all of the corrections in your analysis. Be thorough and careful! Some members give a copy/paste version of their check, making it easier for you to implement. In these cases, though, it's still important to look over all the changes, because otherwise you won't have learned from the mistakes you made previously. However, some tags are left in there often, such as (AC) and (AP), so be sure to take them out!

Joining the Grammar-Prose team can be easy or hard, depending on your knowledge of the English language. For some, it takes time to learn and memorize important grammar rules, and would require multiple applications to get in, but some only require one time to apply. You can get stamps by making amateur checks (also known as amchecks) that are approved and stamped by official GP members. Applications depend on (at least) three stamped checks before applying, although if you feel like you did superbly well, you can apply with two checks, as well. Don't fret if you didn't get in on your first try! Keep amchecking until you get more stamps! For more help on this, you can check out Oglemi's Smogon Grammar and Prose 101 - Helpful Tips and the Basics. This will help in catching common errors and serves as a great guide to learn how to get started easily with the GP team.


Now, you're done! Once the final GP check has been implemented, you can post saying that you've finished the analysis. It will then be uploaded to the site on our Dex.

How does the Technical Project process work?

What are Technical Projects?

Technical Projects is the forum that covers everything technical-related to Smogon. However, any large-scale project (such as a forum switch!) will be done behind the scenes. A lot of the main projects go here, though, such as Pokemon Showdown! when it was being developed. There are also many other things to look for, such as the damage calculator or the Grammar-Prose Diff App! There are also many HTML tools to utilize there, so if you're looking to HTML for the site, this is a good forum to look at. You can also look at Oglemi's Smogon HTML 101 - The Utter Basics thread for some quick but in-depth help. Contributing HTML to the site by HTMLing analyses/articles can land you a Pre-Contributor badge, and contributing HTML or translations to The Flying Press/Translations Project can land you a Smogon Media Contributor badge.


There are different tags throughout the Technical Project section, and all of them mean something specific for that thread. Programming is for the different programs written by code, such as Honko's 6th gen damage calculator and bReakMyTeam 6th gen damage calculator. HTML deals with the visual part of anything on the web. The HTML tagged posts are normally just threads that have great tools for you to utilize if you are looking to HTML. The Other tag is mainly for misc things that don’t deal with code or markup. The Smogon Sprite List is a good example of this.

You can contact the following people if you need help with anything:
- martha, The Dutch Plumberjack (C&C Leaders)
- martha, P Squared, The Dutch Plumberjack (GP Leaders)
- GMars, Leo (OU C&C)
- Nayrz, Minority (Ubers C&C)
- Amane Misa, Hilomilo, martha (UU C&C)
- phantom, MrAldo, zizalith (RU C&C)
- Blast, Eternally, Rabia (NU C&C)
- Megazard, TONE (PU C&C)
- Merritt, Nineage (LC C&C)
- MajorBowman, talkingtree (Doubles C&C)
- Eien, Moosical (Monotype C&C)
- Alakazam, Funbot28, E4 Flint (OM C&C)
- Theorymon, cant say, Psynergy (Battle Spot C&C)
- Jho, snake_rattler (CAP C&C)
- Earthworm, Excal (Past Gens C&C)
- shiny finder, DHR-107 (Articles and In-Game Guides)

Join the following servers to work with fellow contributors in real-time:
*: separate channel in main tier server
- https://discord.gg/CatcTvS (GP)
- https://discord.gg/xS4Z2XQ (OU C&C)
- https://discord.gg/jMBVmVt (Ubers C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/zQckyDE (UU C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/dR7Mphd (RU C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/vuTb8HM (NU C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/yTWkuB5 (LC C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/5Cp2rvV (1v1 C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/RPYZ58k (AG C&C)*
- https://discord.gg/dV3mzfc (Past Gens C&C)
- https://discord.gg/TXmgYKu (Battle Spot C&C)*

That's it! Happy contributing!
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Guide to Writing an Analysis
Written by bb skarm
Art by MiniArchitect



If you've heard of Smogon, you've most likely heard of the Smogon Strategy Dex. If not, allow me to inform you about it. The Smogon Strategy Dex is a collection of Pokemon analyses that go in-depth into the best sets of a Pokemon and how to use them properly. One thing about the Dex is that anyone can contribute to it for any tier, and it's generally a community project. Each Pokemon analysis page has sections titled Overview, Movesets, Moves, Set Details, Usage Tips, Team Options, Other Options, and Checks & Counters. This article will show you how to properly write a Pokemon analysis for Smogon, as well as going straight through the process of how an analysis is checked and uploaded. The purpose of this article is to walk you through this process and acquaint you with the knowledge of how to do it yourself. Without further ado, let's hop right into the article!

The General Process

  • Reserving an Analysis

Reserving an analysis is the very first step in getting involved with writing one. To reserve an analysis, one must head over to the S/M Analyses forum and look for the tier subforum that corresponds to the tier one would like to reserve an analysis for. For instance, if one wanted to write an analysis for the OverUsed tier, one would head over to the OU Analyses subforum, and likewise for other tiers, such as UU Analyses for UU, RU Analyses for RU, NU Analyses for NU, and even Other Metagames Analyses for Other Metagames. Every subforum in Sixth Generation Contributions has a stickied thread that generally goes by the title of "ORAS Analysis Reservation Index" for the use of reserving analyses. Inside that thread, there will be three lists of Pokemon, containing those which analyses are unreserved, reserved, and in progress, respectively. Obviously, one would want to take a look at the unreserved list. Every analysis in the list is reservable by anyone, except for a select few that can be reserved only by a badgeholder or QC member. To officially reserve a Pokemon analysis, simply reply to the thread with the name of the Pokemon you would like to reserve (be sure you have decent experience with said Pokemon to keep the process going smoothly). Keep in mind that most users are able to reserve a maximum two analyses at a time, whereas badgeholders are allowed to reserve up to three. Unless you specify otherwise, your analyses should be posted within 72 hours of reservation. It is imperative that you reserve an analysis before posting a skeleton, as if you do not, you might mess up someone's chances of getting that analysis.

  • Analysis Process

The process of writing an analysis is generally very simple. First, the writer posts the analysis skeleton, using the format found in the third post of this thread (following this format is necessary for your analysis to be uploaded). The analysis skeleton is the description for each section in bullet points and is to ensure that the necessary information is conveyed clearly. Then, when the writer feels that the analysis is of high enough quality in bullet points, he may go ahead and move it to the Quality Control stage. The QC team will take a look at the analysis and give some input on it. The writer will implement the input to the best of their ability and post in their thread when it is done. Then, when a QC member feels that the analysis is of high enough quality, they will stamp it with various small changes. Each analysis requires three QC checks - two while the analysis is in bullet point format, and the third for after the writer has written the analysis up in paragraph form. After the writer is given the third stamp and has implemented the changes, the writer will move the analysis into the GP, or Grammar-Prose, stage. A GP team member will post a collation of changes to the analysis's grammar and spelling, as well as anything else format- or prose-related and then stamp the analysis for one check. After two GP checks, the analysis is completed and is ready for upload to the Smogon Dex.

Keep in mind that you should update the title after implementing a check to correspond to how many checks the analysis has had. For instance, if my analysis has had one QC check, the title should be "[Pokemon] (QC: 1/3), and likewise for GP checks.

  • QC / GP

The Quality Control team is a group of experts in the tier that the analysis is being written for. While it was mentioned above in the above paragraph, the QC team is mainly what moves the analysis forward, because the analysis requires three checks from them. Most of the time, the QC team will be listed in the analysis reservation thread, although there are instances where there are whole threads just for them. The QC team will point out things such as incorrect statements and missing statements and will suggest changes to moves on the set. The QC team will not always immediately stamp an analysis, and it might take multiple posts from a member of the QC team to get an analysis stamped. Generally, a QC check will look like this:

Another thing worth mentioning in the Overview is how it often deters setup attempts from the opponent. This ends up being a large part of its utility in offensive teams, as no competent player will set up something they can't handle (but if it can prevent setup and maybe revenge kill something it's done its job). Also, regarding the Team Options, I think Giratina-O and the Lati twins would be better Defoggers to mention, as they better fit the offensive teams you want Ditto on (support Arceus aren't great for momentum). Cloyster is also a good offensive spinner.

Well done, this is ready to be written up.

QC Approved 2/3

On the other hand, there is the GP team. The GP team (short for Grammar-Prose team) is composed of people who correct grammar errors and fix the flow of many sentences in an analysis. The GP team is not subforum-specific - it operates on all analyses. They can be found in the S/M Analyses forum, under the Grammar-Prose Team Queue thread. With that being said, you can get GP checks for your analysis by posting your analysis in that thread or by personally contacting a GP member. GP team members will usually stamp right after they make their checks with the exception of a few certain cases. A GP check will usually look something like this:

add (Capitalize)


Ditto carves a small, yet unique, niche in the Ubers metagame: (colon) Ditto's its ability in Imposter allows it to completely copy the foe, including stats with the exception of HP, ability, and any boosts that have been acquired with the exception of the HP stat. When equipped with a Choice Scarf, Ditto is able to completely deter setup on the opposing team and revenge kill Pokemon who that have already acquired boosts, such as Xerneas, Rock Polish Primal Groudon, and weakened Extreme Speed Killer (clarification, I presume this is the set you mean and there are many more sets that carry ESpeed) Arceus. Furthermore, Ditto doesn't necessarily have to revenge kill - it can scout for moves using Imposter to potentially give you the advantage. However, Ditto can easily be played around. Since Because Ditto copies the opponent's opposing Pokemon's moveset, the opponent can potentially predict what you Ditto will use and play around it. Furthermore, Ditto is completely useless against stall teams and support Pokemon such as support Arceus formes and Mega Sableye, (AC) as it can't make use of its given their moves well; (SemiColon) and it is usually only effective against hyper offense, (AC) where the opponent does not have checks for everything, which is excluding players who can handle their own Pokemon. (Seems to be a bit redundant with the previous statement [i.e. 'Ditto isn't effective if someone carries checks to his own pokemon' - 'well duh, you've just said the reason Ditto can be effective against HO is because those teams don't carry checks to everything, which by default means Ditto is rendered ineffective if the opponent does carry a check to the pokemon Ditto transforms into, i.e. one of his own']. If I missed something here please clarify, but rn it seems rather self-explanatory) Ditto is also ineffective against Substitute users, (AC) as it cannot transform into a Pokemon behind a Substitute. To compound this all, Ditto's low HP means that it can easily be worn down.

When implementing QC checks, be sure that you reread the changes that you have made to ensure that they are implemented properly so the process runs much more quickly and smoothly. Implementing GP checks is a bit easier, as you'll generally be deleting the removals, in red, and keeping and implementing the additions, in blue, all while taking into account any comments, in green; however, these colors can be different, so check the GP member's color key. Also, it is advised to reread your analysis after implementing GP checks to fix any minor changes that might come to mind.

Writing The Analysis Itself

So, now that I've gone over the basics of the analysis process itself, it's time to get into what you're going to want to write for each part of the analysis itself. The sections are ordered as they are in the analysis.

  • The Overview of the Analysis

One of the most important parts of the analysis, the Overview is the opening to the entire analysis and goes over the Pokemon. The Overview will feature multiple aspects about the Pokemon that explain its worth in a tier and what it does. Main points that the Overview will include are: the Pokemon's niche, what it beats, what it commonly struggles against (opposing playstyles and Pokemon), and its true value (if the Pokemon is ranked B on the viability rankings, do not try to portray it as an S-rank Pokemon). If you have extended experience with the Pokemon, these points should all be relatively easy to include. The Overview, however, should NOT include anything that a quick Google search or look at the Smogon Dex will solve, nor should it include things that are irrelevant to the competitive scene. It is usually unnecessary to include points in the Overview such as a Pokemon's irrelevant stats, typing (unless it introduces a major strength or flaw), or visual design. These facets are either supposed to be known by the reader or simply unnecessary fluff in an Overview. However, a small joke or so will not be considered fluff, but do not overdo them.

  • The Set

The set(s) that will be listed on Pokemon analyses are generally the best, most effective sets that the Pokemon can use. For this reason, extensive testing and experience with the Pokemon is preferred, as it usually will lead you to listing the most effective set. When writing the set up, ask yourself, "Is this why the Pokemon is viable in this tier?" However, if you do struggle with finding a set despite having experience, don't worry, because you're not lost yet. The set of the Pokemon that's most effective can be found by searching through the respective tier's subforum, asking experienced players for their opinion, or even just searching the usage stats. However, despite all methods you might have of uncovering the most effective set(s) of the Pokemon, by no means should you attempt to write an analysis on a Pokemon you don't understand. If you do feel as if you have the most effective set, then feel free to post it as one of the sets on the analysis, but do make sure that you understand how effective the set itself is. For instance, most effective sets will not have gimmicky, outclassed, or weak moves or items such as Wing Attack and Persim Berry, as they are usually better replaced by more effective options (Brave Bird and Lum Berry, in this case). Furthermore, be sure that the idea of the set is not gimmicky, such as using special moves on a Pokemon with very low Special Attack. Also, your sets must be correctly formatted as per the analysis format guide. Generally, the problem of writing the correct set will almost never happen if you have proper experience with the Pokemon and tier.

  • Moves

The "Moves" description is very simple; it is basically what the name implies. It is a summary of all the moves listed on the set, what they do and, why they are being used. For instance, an acceptable sentence that describes a move would be best along the lines of, "Flare Blitz is a strong STAB attack." The "Moves" description can also include moves that aren't worthy to be mentioned on the set, but still have enough merit to be placed out of the Other Options section; an example of this would be a weaker coverage move that can be used for more accuracy. Be sure to keep an eye out for the spelling of moves, as they might be overlooked when uploading, such as the lowercase "t" in U-turn.

  • Set Details

The "Set Details" section of the analysis goes through why the set uses the EVs, ability, nature, and item that are listed. For example, when talking about EVs and nature, one way to put why the EVs and nature are being used could be phrased as: "252 HP EVs add to [Pokemon's] bulk. 252 Defense EVs maximize [Pokemon's] physical bulk. An Impish nature further adds to [Pokemon's] physical bulk." Notice how in this example I thoroughly describe what the EVs actually do. These EVs might be very easy to understand for more experienced players, so a more complex example would go along the lines of: "116 Attack EVs are used to guarantee the OHKO on Mega Gardevoir with Iron Head. 252 Speed EVs with a Jolly nature allow Cobalion to outspeed everything up to Jolly Mega Pinsir. The remaining 140 EVs are put into HP to add to Cobalion's bulk." This is generally a good description on EVs because it goes into specifics of what the EVs and nature do. When describing, be sure to describe why they're the most optimal choices. For example: "Leftovers is the best item for [Pokemon], as it gradually lets it recover health. "The same applies to abilities. Also know that you can also provide alternate EV spreads not listed on the set.

  • Usage Tips

A trickier part of the analysis, the "Usage Tips" section describes how the Pokemon should be played in battle, what not to do with it, and some general tips that can help you avoid making bad moves with the Pokemon. For instance, a sweeper that only needs the opponent's team to be weakened before setting up would warrant a point along the lines of, "X Pokemon should only set up when the opposing team is weakened and can be easily finished off." Other cases of good usage tips include, "X Pokemon should avoid status at all costs," and "X Pokemon should set up against Pokemon that struggle to do much against it."

  • Team Options

The "Team Options" part of the analysis describes Pokemon that are good teammates for the Pokemon that the analysis is about, either because they provide helpful support or because they generally have good synergy with the Pokemon the analysis is about. For instance, Pokemon Y which provides useful entry hazard support for Pokemon X while sharing good offensive and defensive synergy with it would make for a good partner for Pokemon X - an example of this would be how well Keldeo and Ferrothorn support each other. Ferrothorn takes Psychic-, Grass-, and Water-type attacks for Keldeo, while Keldeo takes Fire-type attacks in return and can beat Bisharp and Mega Scizor, both of which can easily set up on Ferrothorn. To top this all off, Ferrothorn provides either Spikes or Stealth Rock support, which lets Keldeo more easily score KOs against opposing Pokemon. However, there are many exceptions to what Pokemon can work well with others, but they usually fall under the category of "providing helpful support to the other Pokemon." For instance, an example of this would be a Pokemon that can provide Trick Room support for a very slow Pokemon. Finding good Pokemon to list under Team Options usually requires testing with the Pokemon and is not something that can be done purely on paper.

  • Other Options

The "Other Options" section of the analysis is basically a compendium of other viable moves, abilities, sets, or even EV spreads that the Pokemon can use to certain effect. Most of the things that you will list here are moves that are meant for a certain Pokemon (such as Hidden Power Grass used just to hit Rotom-W) but are otherwise weak or not useful or different sets that are basically gimmicks, such as the classic Cosmic Power Sigilyph set. If you do not have much experience with other sets than the one listed, one option that you might want to consider would be to look up the Pokemon's moveset and single out options that can potentially be used. Sets that were removed from former analyses of the same Pokemon are also good material for the Other Options section, as they do fit the conditions of Other Options material in that they are sets that can be used but are generally inferior to the current set listed on the analysis.

  • Checks and Counters

The "Checks and Counters" section goes over threats to the Pokemon that the analysis is about. Checks & Counters generally includes Pokemon or moves that can give the analyzed Pokemon trouble executing its job throughout the battle. For instance, status effects such as burn or paralysis can cripple a sweeper mid-game, making its job much harder by halving or quartering its Attack or Speed, respectively. Another example would be a wall that stops a Pokemon from sweeping, such as Chansey being a roadblock to most special attackers due to its high special bulk, or a Pokemon which typing allows it to resist most attacks of said Pokemon, such as Heatran being able to take any of Venusaur's attacks due to its Fire / Steel typing.

The Checks & Counters section is formatted by inserting the name of Pokemon or move and giving a brief description of why it is threatening. Here is an example:

**Steel-types**: Steel-types counter X Pokemon because [...]
Continue as such for however many checks and counters the Pokemon has.


As you have finished reading this entire guide on how to write an analysis for the Smogon Strategy Dex and what to include in one, you should try to write an analysis. Be sure to refer to this article in case you need help, and don't hesitate if you're trying your best!
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This is the analysis format that ALL 7TH GENERATION ANALYSES should use. Copy and paste is available below for ease of access.


Generalize what the Pokemon does in the metagame and as a whole and why you should or shouldn't consider using it on your teams. See this thread for more tips.

name: Barack Aboma (Swords Dance)
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb
move 3: Ice Shard
move 4: Earthquake
item: Abomasite
ability: Soundproof
nature: Adamant
evs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 180 Spe


Describe what the moves on the set do.

Set Details

Describe the other aspects of the set such as what the EVs do and nature/item.

Usage Tips

Describe how to use the Pokemon in question.

Team Options

Describe some teammates that would be a good idea to pair with this Pokemon.

Other Options

List some options for the Pokemon user that are plausible but not always recommended due to being either not consistent enough or too outclassed by other Pokemon in the metagame.

Checks and Counters

**Insert Threat Here**: Describe why the Pokemon is a threat.

**Insert Threat Here**: Describe why the Pokemon is a threat.

- Written by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username3>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]


Generalize what the Pokemon does in the metagame and as a whole and why you should or shouldn't consider using it on your teams. See this thread for more tips.

name: SET NAME
move 1:
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:


Describe what the moves on the set do.

Set Details

Describe the other aspects of the set such as what the EVs do and nature/item.

Usage Tips

Describe how to use the Pokemon in question.

Team Options

Describe some teammates that would be a good idea to pair with this Pokemon.

Other Options

List some options for the Pokemon user that are plausible but not always recommended due to either being not consistent enough or too outclassed by other Pokemon in the metagame.

Checks and Counters

**Insert Threat Here**: Describe why the Pokemon is a threat.

**Insert Threat Here**: Describe why the Pokemon is a threat.

- Written by: [[, ]]
- Quality checked by: [[, ], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
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We've added a credits section to analyses, so I added a template for that section to the analysis format. Already uploaded analyses will be updated over time.

The format uses usernames and userids (the number in a profile's URL, e.g. https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/the-dutch-plumberjack.232216/ in my case), e.g. - Grammar checked by: [[P Squared, 168392], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]; if you want to add credits as your analysis is being completed then please do, otherwise staff will take care of it during upload.
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