What musical instruments do you play?

I played piano starting in 1st grade and ending last year and I've played guitar since June 08.

Edit: I also know how to play a few songs on both the madolin and the harmonica.
I am a drummer and a self-taught pianist. I am pretty damn good at Bass Drum in marching band, and as far as mallets and piano go, I have taught myself to play everything for Coldplay to Dragonforce. I also compose my own music, and I am in the early phases of my own band.
Played the keyboard from age 5-9. Looking to pick it up back again due to major inspirers like Steven Wilson and Richard Barbieri. I also played the recorder in high school forcefully!
Guitar for about 4 years, but never practiced so I consider myself about the same skill level as a 2nd year player.

Bass for fun. Terrible at it, but it works

Trumpet for 3rd year. 2nd parts mainly, but can play 1st pretty decently.

Took Piano for about a year or two. Know basic skills, and can play easy things ok.
I don't play any instruments, I just do vocals if that counts.
Anyone listen to Whitechapel or Carnifex, that is what I sound like a sort of.
Self-taught guitarist, I can also kinda play the clarinet and drums but nowhere near as well as guitar.

Haven't done any grades but I've glanced at grade 4 guitar stuff and it seems easy enough (Although I haven't tried so it might be harder than it looks)

Edit: @ Lawman: When you say you can play Dragonforce songs do you mean the whole thing? If so I am impressed (Only thing of theirs I ever learned is Valley of the Damned and I'm still stuck on the solo.)
I play bass guitar, guitar, viola, piano, and can pick up most instruments pretty quickly (although bass is my "main" squeeze). I really enjoy music, especially learning how to do new things/learning theory and being able to apply it to what I'm playing. Knowing why what you're doing works is pretty cool imo.
notice how the only clarinet players are greek and all the greeks play clarinet.

anybody play cultural instruments? like sitar / other stuff?
I've been playing classical piano for 10 years and jazz piano for about 4. I taught myself how to play guitar about 3 years ago but at a certain point I wanted to get to the next level of playing so I now have a teacher. I can also play bass, drums, harmonica, and am a half decent vocalist, but my main focus is and always has been piano, followed by guitar. I am taking AP Music Theory in school (WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE). I play piano for a jazz combo outside of school in a program run by my jazz teacher, and we are actually really good we perform pretty regularly around the city. I also play piano and occasionally guitar in my school's jazz band.

and i started/play guitar/sing for a ska band, but we're sort of a trombonist short
This is my eighth year playing the clarinet, and I love the thing to death. For my birthday last year, instead of getting a Wii (which I really wanted) I decided to ask my parents for a decent wooden clarinet. It plays soo much better than my plastic one. x3

I also decided to play the saxophone because my high school's jazz bands don't let clarinets in (I had played in my middle school's jazz band with my clarinet), so this is my third year playing the alto sax. I'm the lead alto in my school's jazz 2 band (we have 3 jazz bands) and we've been told my a lot of people that we're better than a lot of other school's jazz 1 bands *bragbrag*. I also played the tenor for our jazz 3 band last year because they needed a tenor player and I thought it's be fun.

Btw, I still play my clarinet, for our school's concert band. 2 bands for twice the fun ~__~

I plan to major in music performance in college, also.
I play the guitar, for about 2 years now, though I have no experience with an electric.

I actually feel a bit awkward when I play in public. I've asked a few people, and some say they feel mad because they feel people that play in public are only doing it to show off. I don't feel like I want to show off when I play, but I can see where they're coming from, what with guitar
having the "cool" connotation.

I also play a bit of piano, but not as well as guitar, heh heh.
Does anyone know how long you have to play guitar until you become an expert? Or at least close to it?
A few things. ._.

I've been playing saxophone for six years...and by now, I'm pretty good. I can play any of the basic four types, but I greatly prefer the tenor sax over all the others. It just sounds nicer. It's gotten me into a pretty good place in my local marching band. ^_^ I'm the youngest section-leader, if anyone knows what that means.

I also learned how to play rudiment bass drum for a winter drumline (only second bass though...I hate being underestimated 'cause I'm not a guy._.), and I was pretty good at it. But I don't think that counts. XD It led me into learning how to play drum set.

Also self-taught at piano, just because it's a good instrument to know. Haven't had any use for it, yet.
I have played the saxophone since 6th grade ad i self taught myself to play the drum.And now I'm learning to play the guitar by myself
I've been playing the piano for about ten years, and this year I started learning the violin, but for some reason I play percussion for school. I also play guitar, but not very seriously.

I'm trying to learn Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody #2, and it's absolutely incredible.

I have been playing guitar for a couple of years now. Mostly classical pieces, particularly Bach.

Bach is baroque ¬_¬