What Real Life Locations Do YOU guys want to become Official Future Regions in the games?

What IRL Locations do YOU want to become Official Pokemon Regions

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I Mean there's a Lot of Different Places they could use;

After all; They've Done Japan for the first 4 Generations; Kanto being based off of the IRL Kanto Region; Johto being based off of the Kansai Region of Japan; Hoenn being based off of the Kyushu Region of Japan; and Sinnoh/Hisui Being based off of the Hokkaido Region. . .

and From Generation 5-onwards they've based each region off of Other Places in the world; Like The USA(Or More Accurately New York, New York) for Unova, Kalos is France, Alola is Hawaii; Galar is The United Kingdom/UK; & Paldea is Spain/Portugal. . .

But what Other Countries could they do for future regions Gen 10-beyond. . .

I mean there's a Lot to choose from for various different Regions such as;

1. Mexico[There is So Much they can take influence from Mexico; They could make Pokemon based off of Mayan & Aztech Culture; Have a Festival based off of Dia de los muertos/Day of the Dead; Have Hawlucha & Ludicolo as Pokemon you can catch in the Region; They could even have a Ghost-type Pokemon based off of a Calavera(a Sugar Skull)]

2. Egypt[There's SO Much they can do for a Pokemon Region based off of Egypt; They can have a Sphinx Pokemon; Have the Hieroglyphic pokemon as catchable pokemon in this region; have Coffagrius in this region; Heck; They could have a Regional Varient of Lucario that takes more influence from Anubis in its Design; and even a Dark/Ghost type to fit the Egyptian Entity it takes design influence from. . . Or ANY of the Egyptian Entities that are a part of Egyptian Mythology]

3. Australia[That'd be a Fun Region to do; Heck; They could even have Heeler Pokemon that are like the Pokemon Assistants of Nurse Joy; since They're also HEALERS. . . Get it? Healer Heeler; And They could even be Blue(Like a Certain Beloved Blue Heeler Cartoon Child); and have Red Shiny Forms; They could have locations based off of REAL Australian Landmarks]

4. Alaska[I'd Love to see a Pokemon based off of an alaskan Husky; or Any of the Wildlife you can find in alaska; Especially a Moose]

5. Greece [There's So Much Potential; with all the Monsters & Myths from Greek Mythology; The Olympic games; The Pantheon of Greek Entities; You could make Pokemon based off of the Centaur, the Minotaur, The Medusa/Gorgons, The Cyclops, The Satyrs; The Cerberus, etc]

6. Romania[After all; We could FINALLY Get a Vampire Pokemon; No, LUNALA is NOT A Vampire; so THAT doesn't count]

What Real World countries would YOU GUYS want to be made into Pokemon Regions?

Cobalt Pink

formerly patboiii
I see a lot of potential in Germany. Especially if you go south. You will need to imclude Switzerland and Austria, so they can also include the Alps but these countries already feel quite connected.

Aside from that my biggest wish would be Africa as a continent. That would be perfect
Have the Hieroglyphic pokemon as catchable pokemon in this region
Or having unown regional variant.

i'd see DRC/the two Congo as a nice place to Have a region: big cities, huge forest ( some places irl Have Never been discovered yet in this forest , a huge river, Savanna If kids see Africa as savanna, they could do a special place about equator Like a linear city/road, and the culture variété in this/these country/ies is huge! I could see a bunch of mons based off the cultures in that region of the world.

Aside from that my biggest wish would be Africa as a continent. That would be perfect
Why should Africa be a continent region? Why Not a country in africa? I won't share my opinion on this, but Why is Africa always generalised as continent when There is a region on New-York as a CITY. Like, There is a huge cultural difference between countries. And people Even Don't look alike depending on which part of the continent they come from. would you say Kazakhstanese people look like Thai people because they're asians?
I want a region based on the Appalachian mountains but I also recognize there isn't a lot of diversity in bio regions there that can lend itself to "the desert biome" and "the sea biome" and I kind of don't want a a region that has to make so many concessions it's not recognizable as the mountains, so that would be better suited to like a fan hack or something where fitting in 400 dudes isn't a priority
Voted for Australia and Italy, they’re my favourites of the list.

I would make a region based on Columbia. It has some of the greatest bio diversity of any country on earth, so there is so much potential. The twin legenaries could be based on a jaguar and sloth bear (not sure what types I’d make them though).

I’d also like to see one based on Canada. Contrary to how it’s portrayed in American media (shocking I know) it’s not always -40 and constantly snowing - like Columbia it has an extremely diverse array of scenery. The legendaries could be based off Native American folklore.

New Zealand is another interesting choice - because it’s so far from anywhere the wildlife is extremely unique. Again the legendary Pokémon could be based on creatures from Maori mythology.
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I made no typo in my statement. I was referring to the moon of Jupiter, and used 'in' rather than 'on' because the most interesting stuff on that particular body is below the surface. It is, after all, a real-life location >:P.
That would be a nice place for a legend deoxys hypothetical game tho. It would be a region with maybe many forms of deoxys and beheeyem and clef and dubwool (yes) and it would be a space colony with descendant s of hoenn dudes to make a relation with deoxys being gen3
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