Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 248 HP / 44 Atk / 16 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite/Knock Off/Superpower/U-turn
Currently, your team gets absolutely floored by Weavile, you relying on sacking a mon and revenging with Excadrill or Luring it with Chople tar, and they will probably be wary of chople when they see rocks anyways. Mega Scizor counters Weavile while also assisting in the fight vs BD Azu, who can manhandle your team if it gets to +6, and that's really nice. Also, MSciz is a fairy resist that can actually switch into fairies for your team lol (sorry excadrill and talon), and it can help even tho you already have a couple of solid fairy checks. However, the greatest thing that MSciz probably does for your team is giving you a mon that doesn't get obliterated 1v1 vs max attack Diancie, eating an HP fire and threatening it with BP that OHKOs it. MSciz is also nice bc it gives you a solid wincon that can setup vs a lot of shit and really threaten a lot of teams. Obviously you still get obliterated by Manaphy, but Slowking can deal with any non-eball variant and u have twave ttar to paralyze it when it tries to setup.