What's in a Name? (Sandstall RMT)

Hullo all. After some success with rainstall in local tourneys I’ve decided to give sandstall a chance and the added effect of the weather chipping awy at most pokemon is very welcome to the stall playstyle. So without further stalling (Har har. =D) I give you WHAT’S IN A NAME?!


Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252HP/64SpA/192SpD
Nature: Sassy
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast
Firstly we have mixed, specially defensive Ttar. He acts as a special wall, Stealth Rocker, and the obligatory weather summoner. Crunch + Fire Blast are very effective together. The former is a wonderful STAB option and the latter taking out most steal types. The EVs allow Ttar to OHKO Gliscor with Ice Beam and to be bulkier in the sandstorm. I usually lead with this monster so I can get my weather and SR up.


Gastrodon @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252HP/4DEF/252SpD
Nature: Sassy
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Recover
Next we have Gastrodon; the slugger from down under. She checks many MANY special sweepers and with storm drain she covers heatran and my ground types very well. The EVs are standard so the Gdon can soak of those pesky special attacks. Gdon only comes in when a threat needs checking or when good prediction allows me to boost her special attack by cover for heatran (or the others).


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 253HP/184DEF/73SPE
Nature: Impish
- Substitute
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Toxic
Gliscor, the gliding scorpion pokemon, is such an annoyance I had to use him. Also he’s my physical wall. Toxic + Substitute + Protect = complete stalling of his opponents. Earthquake is for STAB and so taunt doesn’t cripple this annoying little(big?) flying scorponok.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248HP/100SpD/160SPE
Nature: Calm
- Lava Plume
- Roar
- Toxic
- Protect
Furthermore we have Heatran. He is my third and final special wall and is great at the job. Flash Fire allows him to covers Forretress really well. Lava Plume’s 30% burn rate is icing on the boiling hot cake. Roar is for compounding the spikes+SR damage. Toxic and protect are for good old fashioned toxistall.


Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252HP/176DEF/80SpD
Nature: Relaxed
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
This mon is (toxic)spikes layer and rapid spinner. That’s pretty much all he does except for Volt Switch to a teammate to stall once the spikes are up. The EVs are for bulk and that pretty much all I can say about this bagworm.


Reunliclus @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252HP/252DEF/4SpA
Nature: Bold
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
Finally we have Reuniclus. He is my third and final physical wall and also my only real sweeper. Calm Mind allows him to get bulkier and dealier as we all know. Recover is essential on Uni and Psychic and Focus Blast are his moves of choice. This green gummy comes in last after all his buddies have fainted or otherwise lost their respective battles and cleans up.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to RMT!
also blissey walls your whole team. to fix that and to kill sd terrkion I suggest you to use choice scarf terrakion or rock polish terrakion instead of gliscor/forretress, after a boost of rock polish it outspeeds everything and easily OHKOes bold blissey/chansey ad it also outspeeds SD terrakion. you can also run a chople berry on tyranitar over leftovers
CM Reunliclus loves to see Blissey, so that's not true. Offensive rain on the other hand destroys your team. Your only answer to any form of rain, offensive or defensive, is Gastrodon and he wont be around to long if he has to fight a whole team on his own. I suggest replacing Forretress with Ferrothorn to fix that problem.
Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Nature: Relaxed
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
Thanks to your CM Reunliclus, you shouldn't have to much trouble with all out stall (yes he is that good of a stall breaker) and between Heatran and Tyranitar if you play well enough you should do an adequate job of preventing to many layers of hazards from being down. So you aren't in desperate need of a spinner.
Both Terrakion and Landorus really fuck you up, and sadly, they usually come together. I would change Gliscor to a Landorus of your own.
Landorus @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Nature: Naive
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Hidden Power (Ice)
Hope i helped :) gl.
I would recommend Scarf Landorus. He is able to revenge kill many mons (including Terrakion) with an overpowered Earthquake. With a set of Stone Edge/Earthquake/Brick Break/U-turn, you will have a scouter, someone to handle Blissey and a great revenge killer on your hands. I would recommend changing Gliscor, because you already have a decent physical wall with Forretress. Another little change on your Gastrodon is using Scald over Earthquake so she can handle Physical attackers better.
Hope I helped!

lol: uvwxyz9 just typed when I was typing
Also slapping a Terrakion in the team further opens you to Landorus, that's a bad idea. Even what I suggested isn't a great fix to that problem but it should help a little, if you want a all out stop, Skarmory and Bronzong are the best. Just look out for Knock Down.
Pretty nice team, but it seems that you may have a problem checking opposing calm mind Reuniclus [especially variants that pack psyshock]. Although Tyranitar is a pretty decent switch into Reuniclus, you invest no attack evs and it is going to be able to sponge a hit or two in order to ko Tyranitar. Calm mind variants that pack psyshock will also be able to win the calm mind war as they run more speed as well as being able to do more damage with a boosted attack. I think that running choice scarf Tyranitar will at least allow Reuniclus one less place to set up provided that you are locked onto the correct move. Choice scarf Tyrantiar also revenge kills threats such as Tornadus and non bullet punch Lucario which can be very irritating for this team to face. You might want to consider running stealth rock > protect on Heatran as well as a spread of 252 HP / 252 SpDef. I do not really see the point in running all that speed on Heatran. This way, you will be able to sponge hits from the special spectrum such as draco meteor much better.

Maybe you could try to run a calm mind + psyshock variant of Reuniclus yourself. If you take my advice and try to use choice scarf Tyrantiar, it most likely won't be enough to completely stop opposing cm Reuniclus. I think that if you were to simply run a spread of 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spe, with psyshock over psychic then you can win against opposing Reuniclus as well as breaking down more defensive teams. I'm not sure about the ev spread on Forretress, but you may want to consider simply running a completely physically or specially defensive spread. This way you have a more reliable way to taking choice banded outrages or draco meteors which is extremely helpful to more defensive teams.
AB2 is Right. I hadn't noticed that when I rated your team earlier. Another option you could take for that problem would be a bulky Sword Dance Scizor. He handles Reunliclus pretty well and should match up with the rest of your team quite well. I would suggest the standard set.
Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD
Nature: Adamant / Careful
- Sword Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Roost
Adamant is preferable but if you find you just have to have more bulk you can use careful, but the power drop will be noticed. If you chose to keep your Reunliclus though I would agree that Psyshock is the better option for you though. Hope I helped, GL!
This team is solid, but its biggest weakness is Calm Mind Reuniclus. It sets up on half your team, and you've got no real way of damaging it. I don't think that the method of dealing with said threat - using Psyshock and a few speed EVs on your own Reuniclus - is very reliable; for all you know, your opponent could be doing the same. So, what I'd like you to try is Calm Mind + Roar Latias over your own Reun. Latias switches in on opposing Reuniclus with ease, bluffs a CM war by setting up two or three boosts, then Roars Reun out and sweeps. Roar is also an extremely effective way of weakening its own counters through Spikes - they come in, take hazard damage, get Roared out, and are at half health the next time they even try to switch in. The set is:

Latias @ Leftovers | Bold | 252 HP / 216 Def / 12 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Mind | Roar | Dragon Pulse | Roost

As for some more minor changes, I'll back up AB2 on the ScarfTar suggestion for reasons he already mentioned; as he also mentioned, I also think that, should you make this change, Stealth Rock should go on Heatran, but I suggest placing it over Toxic. Protect is extremely valuable on Heatran, scouting choice users such as Scarf Landorus and racking up Leftovers recovery; you've already got Gastrodon and Gliscor to spread poison, so it won't be missed on Tran.