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Voting Nihi because its probably the best flying resist of the bunch and also the only other option that doesn't leave the team completely obliterated by Prim at team preview (At least it adds a degree of offensive pressure vs Prim)
Congratulations Estarossa for winning with your Nihilego submission, the original Pokemon was Scarf Infernape, for speed control and another answer to Scizor. It being able to lure in Pokemon like Mega Altaria and Primarina for Nidoqueen to get a free switch in. However, Nihilego does solve my team wanting a more secure Flying resist and can still provide some speed control with the given EV spread. Thank you everyone who participated this week and everyone who voted! This week we have a team sent in by Indigo Plateau!
Estarossa - 4
Notily - 3
Smallsmallrose - 2
Here is the team being featured by me for Week 20 :
Manectric-Mega @ Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Mienshao @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 100 HP / 156 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Poison Jab
I wanted to build a team-centered around DD Feraligatr, which can be an extremely scary sweeper if given even a single turn to set up. I decided that Manectric was a fantastic partner for it, as it can threaten the bulky Water-types that Gatr might struggle with while Gatr breaks down Ground-types for Manectric. The two lose to Latias and needed a way of pressuring Amoonguss and revenge kill Mega Aerodactyl, so Scizor seemed to be a natural fit as it usually is on VoltTurn. Gligar provided several roles all in one slot: a much-needed Fighting resist, a Ground-type, a rocker, a pivot, and a Ground immunity all in one. Lastly, I needed some extra insurance vs Dragon-types since my team struggled to switch into Hydreigon & Kyurem still, so I went with Mienshao for its ability to pivot and wear down bulkier teams with Knock Off. What’s my last?
Hydreigon @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Taunt
- Dark Pulse
- Roost
- Draco Meteor
The team lacks a sturdy check to Krookodile with Gligar really wanting it's item on a build like this. It also severely struggles with Crawdaunt with Feraligatr not quite hitting it well unboosted. For that matter, Feraligatr being the only water switch otherwise makes scald very spammable against this team. This team also lacks a wallbreaker with immediate power, making the team an underwhelming hitter in the early game. The team also lacks a sturdy stallbreaker, seeing as Feraligatr can struggle to break Quagsire without adamant and completely hard stops against Pyukumuku. The team also lacks a solid fire resist for pokemon like Chandelure, Moltres, and Rotom-H that can all discourage Feraligatr from trying to resist them with their strong secondary STABS and higher speed than unboosted gatr. The team also lacks some form of hazard counterplay. Hydreigon adds pretty much every resistance the team needs to various physical darks, bulky waters, and strong fires while providing a fairly strong stallbreaker/wallbreaker for good immediate presence as well as being able to help break through bulkier teams in the long term. It's taunt can also prevent some form of hazard play if used well against common rocks setters like Gligar, Krook, Aggron-Mega, etc. And while not perfect in this role, that's really all the hazard counterplay one needs with such an offensive, momentum geared team such as this. Hydregion being able to taunt or threaten most common setters while the rest of the team can help pressure some of those setters as well. Hydreigon can use a Z-move on this build since no other team member holds it, making it more effective in it's role as a switchin to certain knock off users like Krookodile and Crawdaunt as well as a breaker.
Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Nasty Plot
- Defog
This build doesn’t have a way of removing hazards at all. This team also would appreciate a solid switchin to Hydreigon, which can revenge some of the offensive parts on this team such as Hydreigon and Feraligatr. A defog Togekiss would help solve some of these problems, while also providing the team with another stall breaker. With Air Slash and Serene Grace, it makes itself as an annoying threat to the metagame.
This team doesn't like Krookidile and any sort of physical water type, mainly Crawdaunt. The team also had 0 stall matchup. This led me sadly to Chesnaught. Chesnaught provides it's good defenses alongside a good typing in this instance in order to check Physical Waters and Krookidile. Chesnaught can also Taunt to help the Stall Matchup. However, while Chesnaught itself doesn't provide hazard control, it can lay Spikes to help it's teammates wear down their checks, which benefits mainly Feraligatr. The spikes can also force the opponent to defog for the most part, which I guess counts as hazard control? Anyways, EV spread is standard except for 4 more speed EVs to creep 4 speed Scizors, which Chesnaught somewhat helps the matchup vs Scizor due to Taunt+Drain Punch.
As stated by rose, this team lacks good answers to pokemon such as crawdaunt, chandelure and krookodile. It also however lacks any hazard control, which this hydreigon set helps to fill the role of far more reliably than taunt.
While it dropped taunt, z-superpower still allows it to put in work against stall while still being able to deal with crawdaunt and krookodile, providing it a nuke that does around 80% damage to blissey, while also giving it a way of dealing with empoleon, although it needs to be careful of scald burns for this.
Amoonguss @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire
- Clear Smog
It helps check Primarina, absorbs Toxic Spikes, and counter some Scizors. You still have almost literally nothing for most Spike stack teams and 90%+ of stalls (what beats Alo/Quag/Bliss on this team?). I'm going to guess Amoonguss is wrong but also based on what I just said I don't think any Pokemon can fix the problems I just mentioned. I mean, you already have no stall breaker and no hazard control, so for a solid team you arguably need both in the last slot AND a Prim check which just isn't happening. Probably.
I'm guessing wildly but I think SD Sub or DD Sub Feraligatr could make some sense actually because it does decently well vs Alo/Quag/Bliss.
Congratulations Estarossa for winning with your Hydreigon submission, the original Pokemon was Roserade. It being able to lure pressure Pokemon like Mega Altaria and Primarina for Gatr to sweep and give the team a solid breaker. Hydreigon is a nice option here to provide the team with a way to lure foes like Blissey to open doors up for Mega Manectric. Thank you everyone who participated this week and everyone who voted! This week we have a team sent in by Juuno uwu
Estarossa - 4
Sickist - 1
infernodolphin - 1
Here is the team being featured by me for Week 21 :
"I built this team around Toxic Volcanion during the weather wars going on right now. It can easily screw up Sun and Rain if played well. Nihilego was added as a Flying resist, rocker, and Venusaur/Houndoom check. Next, I decided on DD Facade Mega Altaria to improve my matchup against stall, though it's in a rough spot at the moment. Scizor was chosen as a late-game sweeper and provided priority for my team. Lastly, Krookodile glues the team together with a Ground-type, a form of speed control. What’s my last?"
Slowbro @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Slack Off
Slowbro offers the team a swap in to terrakion, cobalion and mamoswine. With stall matchup already through altaria, a calm mind set can be run instead, with 12 speed allowing you to outspeed amoongus's that attempt to creep slowbro.
Gives team a check to fightings and provides with a solid breaker with an offensive movepool to clear Amoonguss and Scizor for Altaria. Recover to heal off damage from the fightings and improve longevity. Team doesn’t need another bulky mon as Volcanion is there.
This team like desperately needs a decently safe pivot into opposing Krookodile, Feraligatr, Nidoking, Prima (Volc isn’t really safe considering rocks and often needs to check Sciz), Coba/Terrak etc etc etc. Yache Berry is unorthodox but works in a pinch against aforementioned Gatr and Nidoking. Standard spread here with 16 speed creeping other creepers. Additionally, below are tournament replays of very similar teams in structure (steel-type/hydreigon switchin/fire-type that’s probably the defog/krookodile/filler/filler) having Amoonguss as a core member.