Which is your signature pokemon?

Cynthia-- O.o But . . . but garchomp is like, THE cynthia poke. :P BTW have you read the 2nd warstory in my sig? Features me using an "Ash-Only" team against a shoddy player using "Cynthia's Team" (you?) xD

True, Garchomp is Cynthia's highest level poke. I always use the same six pokemon, people know what is coming, but I win a surprising amount of the time( top 100 on shoddy :)

And yes, I saw the warstory. Very entertaining, although I use the pokes in a different fashion than your opponent did.
I sweep teams with my Blissey. So Blissey and my Exploding Azelf thats all it does. It doesn't have any other moves.
Signature...I guess that would be ScarfTar for me.

As for favorites though...a stalemate between Venusaur and Milotic. Feraligatr too if I can find a way to use him in OU.
On my DS D/P my nefarious Froslass. It used to piss off my friends so bad and it's even worked nicely for me against Smogon and IGN users. I love it.
Umbreon is my pet, but i haven't managed to breed a good one yet for my DP team.
At the moment, gyarados is my new signature
Dragonite-don't particularly know why, specially as I think Salamence actually looks better (and is better), but I simply like it more, and attempt to use it more often.
I honestly have no real idea why, but I simply like this original base 600.
Hmm... I'd have to say my Nasty Plot Persian which i nicknamed Charm and my cosmic power Clefairy nicknamed Waltdisneyworld! Never giving those guys up lol.

Lately, anyway. He owns hard.
My favorite is Octillery, but that requires a dedicated team to getting it set up so I don't use it as much, however with a Sp.Atk boost and a few speed boosts, he pwns.

Though at the moment I love using Lead Yanmega. Protect generally first to scout, then Hypnosis for Sleeping and I can use Air Slash/Bug Buzz from there. Focus Sash to get two Hypnosis in (if first misses), or just to generally get at least two hits in.
Just realized I had one all along: Jumpluff

Seriously, nothing is funnier (or as sad) as seeing someone get completely pwned by Jumpluff.
I like to use Azumarill, and occasionally throw in Gastrodon as my team's main poke on some test teams.

Blissey is the most reliable pokemon I've ever used. Seriously, I've used her to sweep teams during 4-1 phases, and she's usually the one who turns a battle around for me at times. However, I hate how she's so widespreadly used.
Salamence? I like him a lot, he's pretty cool..I haven't really made my team yet, but out of the monsters I have, it'd either be my Salamence or Tyranitar.