Who do YOU start with in battle?

Trickroom team: Bronzong
Silly Spike team: Bronzong
Baton Pass Team 1: Ninjask
BP Team2: Ninjask
Fun team: Dragonite
COUNTER SASH FURRET FTW. Then reversal your way for the win. Jk, but it does work!
Anyhow, I use Forretress to lay down quick layers of spikes and then begin to outplay their team with wish support and resistances.
@Focus Stash
Sleep Powder
Stun Spore
Rain Dance.

Fear of status causes switches. People you dont know about it get put to sleep. And if some thing gets put to sleep. I set up rain and u-turn to a CB Azumarril
Gengar is probably one of the best leads out there. It's only real problem is it doesn't have godly speed. 350 is fast, but it's not fast enough.

I hear good things about Bronzong but it seems like mere set up fodder to me, especially against the hyper offensive leads like Gengar. >.>;;

Guess what kind of team I use.
Should be obvious. A Fog team.

Anyways, these all seem like great leads. I'm a little bit interested in that Weavile with Counter however.

- Taunt
- Counter
- Ice Punch / Ice Shard
- Pursuit

Is what looks good. Though Ice Punch / Pursuit would be the preffered, Ice Shard / Pursuit can handle revenge-kills.

Any other leads? I've once saw a Choice Specs Venemoth that caught a person off-gaurd. I've seen a couple of off-gaurd strategies. Gotta be more around here somewhere.
You forgot Yanmega on your list.
I start with SpecsZelf, or just Azelf, by the way,
Naive @ Lum Berry/Specs
Grass Knot
Gyara, HA! Swampert, HA!, Swampert, HA!, even Weavile gets U-Turned, and seeing I'm slower, he get to pursuit my counter XD. Tyranitar, really gets owned by GK. Gengar, too, gets a slice of ownage. Psychic his butt.

Focus Sash is much better. And what if Weavile night slashes you.
My only viable team right now is just a 3v3 team that leads with Focus Sash Weavile.

My 2v2 team generally leads with Spiritomb/Magnezone; Spiritomb generally eating the dust first and switching into Starmie/Magnezone.

Guess what kind of team I use.
Its a Baton passing team that utilizes rain, sun, hail, fog, etc, etc.

I believe that their are 2 things that would decide this answer...
1. The type of battle, shoddy, standard meta, etc.
2. The specific tier used. Ie- Uber, OU, UU, etc.

However, if infact you are talking about an OU 6v6 standard, you would be correct. There is no "right guy to lead with". In my opinion however, I personally lead with either probopass, or cbmence.

probo to set with sr, or sbmence to start off a strong sweep. I hope my opinion has helped in some way.
I've switched off with a few different leads. All of them have been extremely successful.

Staraptor@Choice Scarf
Brave Bird
Close Combat

For a while, this was my staple opener. It packs a huge punch, and the Scarf gets it a lot of easy kills.

Manectric@Life Orb
HP Ice

Since not many people know much about Manectric, it's good for a surprise. Substitute helps to ease with prediction, helps against Yanmega leads (lols at Speed Boost), and guards against status (Breloom mostly). The Speed of Manectric usually catches people off guard.

Magmortar@Life Orb
Fire Blast/Flamethrower
Focus Punch

Finally, this one was my favorite. Talk about being unexpected! I've had this bugger single handedly crush an entire team because my opponents never knew what was coming. It handles a lot of leads, and I always smiled when Blissey came in to eat a Focus Punch. :)

I haven't used these in a while, so I don't remember the natures/EVs. They weren't anything too special, though.
I used to lead with a counter/knock off/force palm/stone edge hariyama(thick fat) for support, but nowadays I run a sandstorm team with a ttar lead.
Lopunny for annoyer purposes :D
I'm addicted to my Switcheroo/Attract/Dizzy Punch/T-wave-combo.

Yay. Another addict xD

Switcheroo Flame orbs to cripple Physical Sweepers, barring fire types of course. An Ice punch faster than Salamence and Chomp is pretty useful. :D Healing wish is to heal my cressy :D
I have a couple of teams that I like to run with and the pokemon I lead with changes on each team. My main booty-kicking unit right now is a Hail team, so Abomasnow is the natural choice there. I also have a high-offense team that I like to lead with Specsmence and a Shuffle/Stall team that gets a Swampert lead.

I'm curious about this though... I'm starting to work on an Uber team, but I have almost never played Ubers in the past. What are the best/standard leads for Ubers?