Who Needs Team Preview Tournament Round 1

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Oh lol.
My opponent got on today and didn't even bother to message here or to contact me work something out.
Active poster.
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to drop out of the tournament.
In case you didn't notice ;)

Here's his PM as well:

Rackham said:
Hey, man.

IRL stuff came up and it looks like I'll have to drop out. Sorry to mess you around like this, but it couldn't be avoided.

Good luck in the rest of the tourney.
Have a nice day
The deadline has now passed, and all the people with unactive opponents will move on. If both players are equally active or unactive, I coin will be tossed. Expect round 2 to up and the op of this thread to be fully updated sometime next week, probably wednesday or friday. A mod can now lock this thread.
ZeoAbyss was my opponent in the No Johns tournament also so when i posted my activity post there I forgot to post one here too. I went on when he asked me too but he wasn't there and I haven't gotten a response from him since.
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