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I could see using this as a wish-passer in NU, or perhaps a gimmick in OU. Actually, I'm very tempted to use this.

It's annoying, though. It's not as funny as when we were making it yesterday. Now I'm actually thinking seriously about what applications the Tuff could have.
Wish is a great bonus for Wigglytuff and teammates, and maybe Frisk helps a bit. I don't see any use out of that unfortunately.
What are the pro's of using Wish Wigglytuff over Wish Lickilicky? Not only does he boast superior defensive stats, he even gets Cloud Nine in this gen as a Dream World ability. Unless Wigglytuff ends up in a tier where none of the normal reside, she's going to end up being bad again...
What are the pro's of using Wish Wigglytuff over Wish Lickilicky? Not only does he boast superior defensive stats, he even gets Cloud Nine in this gen as a Dream World ability. Unless Wigglytuff ends up in a tier where none of the normal reside, she's going to end up being bad again...

No offense, but Cloud Nine and Wish are not legal.Wish is an event and Cloud Nine is DW...
I wasn't even aware lickilicky legally got wish 0_o

and hearing everyone say legal and illegal...makes me think everyone is cheatin to get their mons >.>
I wasn't even aware lickilicky legally got wish 0_o

and hearing everyone say legal and illegal...makes me think everyone is cheatin to get their mons >.>

It's common practice to SAV in Pokémon, let's not get into this discussion here.

I also wasn't aware that Lickilicky got Wish. I suppose the only thing Tuff has over licky is a superior movepool. Perhaps a niche as the end of a Baton Pass chain is all it can hope for.
Hey, thanks for making a thread named after me =D

Try this set purely for nostalgia

True Final Smasher
(Cute charm)
Item:Lum Berry
Nature: Adament
Evs 252attack/252speed
(other: A shiny wigglytuff would work better as the jigglypuff in ssbb is shiny)
Summary: Thats right, jigglypuffs true final smash, forget about puff up, it turns into the eater of souls wigglytuff, Packed with increased power with all its moves and upgrades its weak slap with a full on punch in the face. But being serious this set is just for lols if you have ever played super smash bros brawl, i doubt this will make serious batttling.

Edit: Turns out you already put the set in, must of missed it.

Hyper Voice
Item:Focus Sash
Nature: Naughty
Evs: 252speed/252 special

Hyper voice to attract your opponents attention, then start to troll them until they are so angry they are so upset they leave the forum err field in a fit. Then rest up to recharge your trolling powers. Then when the target least expects it, use return to return and start trolling again. You need to be Naughty to properly troll some one and don't forget the focus sash to survive any ban hammers that come your way.
What are the pro's of using Wish Wigglytuff over Wish Lickilicky? Not only does he boast superior defensive stats, he even gets Cloud Nine in this gen as a Dream World ability. Unless Wigglytuff ends up in a tier where none of the normal reside, she's going to end up being bad again...

A bigger Wish and Thunder Wave is all I can think of. ._.
anyway ya wigglytuff needs more. it needs the opossite of medichams ability. That get it more use.
I've thought for a long time that it should get a "Puff Up" ability that works like the Pre-Evolution Stone. 421 HP/283 Defense/328 Special Defense (with Calm and 252 EVs in both defenses) would be completely workable with such a huge movepool, so seeing Frisk here is just sad.

On the bright side, in the past two generations they've saved about twelve of my other Kanto favorites with moves, abilities, or mechanics, so I hope the day will come eventually that Wigglytuff is usable. That's not this gen, though.

There is one use I can think of Frisk, but it's a stretch and probably a gimmick. With Frisk, Wiggly will know to stall with Wish and Protect when she sees a Life Orb (just wait for them to lower their own health if they don't have Fighting moves) and when she sees a Choice opponent, especially a Scarf one, she can use Disable to force them out. Of course, she'll probably have taken more damage from forcing them out than they did unless her side has three layers of Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes all up, but I try to work with what I have here and--well, it's not much. Disable is one thing that Clefable, Blissey, and Tabunne all can't use.

Isn't Wigglytuff outclassed by Jigglypuff with pre-evo stone? *Runs away*
Calm Wigglytuff with 0/252/252: 421 HP, 189 Defense, 218 Special Defense
Calm Jigglypuff: 371 HP, 208 Defense, 245 Special Defense

Wigglytuff has Leftovers, so it skews way in Wiggly's favor.
Gravity, Thunder, Sing, Blizzard

I can't really think of anything better for him, even in NU. He can kinda hurt things with this, but not really. His ability to set up gravity isn't terrible, but he'd need some defensive investment. The problem is that I don't know if you could invest enough in defenses and still have enough EVs to do any real damage attacking. 252 Def, 252 SAt, 4 HP, bold nature? Leaves him kinda open on the special side... You're just trying to make bricks without straw if you attempt to use him.

btw, great thread, OP. I wouldn't be able to take Wigglytuff seriously either.
I always liked Using Wigglytuff in RBY for ingame use. Sadly it seems like it's still going to be fairly minor even with the new moves it got.
What about this set

Wiggly @ Study the souls
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 252speed 252hp 4def
Item: Focus sash
-Pain split
-Perish Song

This is the Ideal lead set for Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff comes in uses his knowledge to study their soul, they will find their item this way. Then use wigglytuffs pure power to protect him from any attacks that come its way and find out its main attack. Then devour part of the your foes soul to disable his attacks. After he flee's in horror use ritual of soul devour to use wigglys wrath to destroy any soul on the field. It takes time to charge but can be used from the grave if wigglytuff plays its cards right. Use your soulspilt to equal your hp when needed.
What about this set

Wiggly @ Study the souls
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 252speed 252hp 4def
Item: Focus sash
-Pain split
-Perish Song

This is the Ideal lead set for Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff comes in uses his knowledge to study their soul, they will find their item this way. Then use wigglytuffs pure power to protect him from any attacks that come its way and find out its main attack. Then devour part of the your foes soul to disable his attacks. After he flee's in horror use ritual of soul devour to use wigglys wrath to destroy any soul on the field. It takes time to charge but can be used from the grave if wigglytuff plays its cards right. Use your soulspilt to equal your hp when needed.

Pain Split is horrible in Wigglytuff as it has tons of HP. Attempts to steal the foes HP will only incrase a little bit of Wiggly OR even decrease it.
What about this set

Wiggly @ Study the souls
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 252speed 252hp 4def
Item: Focus sash
-Pain split
-Perish Song

This is the Ideal lead set for Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff comes in uses his knowledge to study their soul, they will find their item this way. Then use wigglytuffs pure power to protect him from any attacks that come its way and find out its main attack. Then devour part of the your foes soul to disable his attacks. After he flee's in horror use ritual of soul devour to use wigglys wrath to destroy any soul on the field. It takes time to charge but can be used from the grave if wigglytuff plays its cards right. Use your soulspilt to equal your hp when needed.

Might need an umbreon to baton pass mean look seeing as, for some bizarre reason, Wigglytuff can't learn it. =/
If I knew more about competitive battling, I'd be tempted to make a serious Wigglytuff topic so this one died a horrible death like it clearly deserves. Troll posts like this are why I dislike Smogon's general attitude...

Also, you suck for not even mentioning Hyper Voice, one of the few unique toys Wigglytuff has to play with. It's also an OK Disable user, though the speed hurts that a bit.
If I knew more about competitive battling, I'd be tempted to make a serious Wigglytuff topic so this one died a horrible death like it clearly deserves. Troll posts like this are why I dislike Smogon's general attitude...

Also, you suck for not even mentioning Hyper Voice, one of the few unique toys Wigglytuff has to play with. It's also an OK Disable user, though the speed hurts that a bit.

Actually, you suck for mentioning hyper voice, because it's a terrible move. And if you link trolling to Smogon... just no.
There should be a Jigglypuff vs. Pikachu SSBB fight sometime. SSBB sets only.

But on a serious note, Wiggly will probably just be a niche Pokémon, like always. It could find some use in scouting items and passing huge chunks of HP while maybe putting a foe asleep, but that's just about it.
I laughed so hard at Wigglytuff, the user :'D

Wiggly won't get much love seeing as how Licki outclasses it in ever way, shape and form. It's also a better Wish passer.
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