Wish is a great bonus for Wigglytuff and teammates, and maybe Frisk helps a bit. I don't see any use out of that unfortunately.
What are the pro's of using Wish Wigglytuff over Wish Lickilicky? Not only does he boast superior defensive stats, he even gets Cloud Nine in this gen as a Dream World ability. Unless Wigglytuff ends up in a tier where none of the normal reside, she's going to end up being bad again...
I wasn't even aware lickilicky legally got wish 0_o
and hearing everyone say legal and illegal...makes me think everyone is cheatin to get their mons >.>
What are the pro's of using Wish Wigglytuff over Wish Lickilicky? Not only does he boast superior defensive stats, he even gets Cloud Nine in this gen as a Dream World ability. Unless Wigglytuff ends up in a tier where none of the normal reside, she's going to end up being bad again...
I've thought for a long time that it should get a "Puff Up" ability that works like the Pre-Evolution Stone. 421 HP/283 Defense/328 Special Defense (with Calm and 252 EVs in both defenses) would be completely workable with such a huge movepool, so seeing Frisk here is just sad.anyway ya wigglytuff needs more. it needs the opossite of medichams ability. That get it more use.
Calm Wigglytuff with 0/252/252: 421 HP, 189 Defense, 218 Special DefenseIsn't Wigglytuff outclassed by Jigglypuff with pre-evo stone? *Runs away*
What about this set
Wiggly @ Study the souls
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 252speed 252hp 4def
Item: Focus sash
-Pain split
-Perish Song
This is the Ideal lead set for Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff comes in uses his knowledge to study their soul, they will find their item this way. Then use wigglytuffs pure power to protect him from any attacks that come its way and find out its main attack. Then devour part of the your foes soul to disable his attacks. After he flee's in horror use ritual of soul devour to use wigglys wrath to destroy any soul on the field. It takes time to charge but can be used from the grave if wigglytuff plays its cards right. Use your soulspilt to equal your hp when needed.
What about this set
Wiggly @ Study the souls
Nature: Timid
Ivs: 252speed 252hp 4def
Item: Focus sash
-Pain split
-Perish Song
This is the Ideal lead set for Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff comes in uses his knowledge to study their soul, they will find their item this way. Then use wigglytuffs pure power to protect him from any attacks that come its way and find out its main attack. Then devour part of the your foes soul to disable his attacks. After he flee's in horror use ritual of soul devour to use wigglys wrath to destroy any soul on the field. It takes time to charge but can be used from the grave if wigglytuff plays its cards right. Use your soulspilt to equal your hp when needed.
If I knew more about competitive battling, I'd be tempted to make a serious Wigglytuff topic so this one died a horrible death like it clearly deserves. Troll posts like this are why I dislike Smogon's general attitude...
Also, you suck for not even mentioning Hyper Voice, one of the few unique toys Wigglytuff has to play with. It's also an OK Disable user, though the speed hurts that a bit.