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Wigglytuff, Eater of Souls

Ah, Wigglytuff. Under that cute facade you hide a burning desire for destruction. Unfortunately your rotund and rather hideous body does not allow for this. Fortunately fifth gen brings many mighty new friends to to acquire souls for Wiggly.

#40 Wigglytuff
Typing: Normal
Ability 1: 
   Cute Charm
    Opponent is attracted with a 30% chance after hitting with a contact move.
Ability 2: 
Ability 3: (Dream World)
    Reveals Foe's held item.

HP:  140
Atk: 70
Def: 45
SpA: 75
SpD: 50
Spe: 45

Pre-Evo Moves:
Lv1: Sing
Lv5: Defence Curl
Lv9: Pound
Lv13: Disable
Lv17: Troll (Sing-a-Round)
Lv21: Rollout
Lv25: Doubleslap
Lv29: Rest
Lv33: Body Slam
Lv37: Gyro Ball
Lv41: Wake Up Slap
Lv45: Mimic
Lv49: Hyper Voice
Lv53: Double Edge

Level-Up Moves:

TM Moves:
TM06 - Toxic
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM13 - Ice Beam
TM14 - Blizzard
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Light Screen
TM17 - Protect
TM18 - Rain Dance
TM20 - Safeguard
TM21 - Frustration
TM22 - Solarbeam
TM24 - Thunderbolt
TM25 - Thunder
TM27 - Return
TM28 - Dig
TM29 - Psychic
TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 - Double  Team
TM33 - Reflect
TM35 - Flamethrower
TM38 - Fire Blast
TM42 - Facade
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Attract
TM48 - Troll
TM49 - Echo Voice
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM56 - Fling
TM57 - Charge Beam
TM59 - Incinerate
TM67 - Get Even/ Vengeance
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM70 - Flash
TM73 - Thunder Wave
TM74 - Gyro Ball
TM77 - Psych Up
TM83 - Cheer Up
TM85 - Dream Eater
TM86 - Grass Knot
TM87 - Swagger
TM90 - Substitute
TM93 - Wild Volt
HM04 - Strength

Troll: Normal Special PP: 15 / Power: 60 / Accuracy: 100
Raises Base Power the more Pokemon you have with the attack.

Echo Voice: Normal Special PP: 15 / Power: 40 / Accuracy: 100
If used in succession, power increases.

Incinerate: Fire Special PP: 15 / Power: 30 / Accuracy: 100
Destroys the opponents berry.

Vengeance: Normal Physical PP: 5 / Power: 70 / Accuracy: 100
If a teammate fainted last turn, power increases.

Cheer Up: Normal Status PP: 30 / Power: - / Accuracy: - 
Raises Attack and Special Attack one stage.

Wild Volt: Electric Physical PP: 15 / Power: 90 / Accuracy: 100
Deals 1/4 recoil damage.

Egg Moves:
Perish Song
Faint Attack
Fake Tears
Last Resort
Sleep Talk
Wigglytuff will not stop until complete destruction of your opponents team has completed. And then he will eat their souls! Wiggly has the following tools to help him accomplish is goal:

  • Frisk
    Wigglytuff's thirst for knowledge is only seconded by his thirst for souls! With the new battle format allowing you to see your opponents team before the battle, scouting for pokemon becomes worthless. However, scouting for moves becomes doubly important, because you can no longer surprise opponents with pokemon, but you can surprise them by running, for example, Specsdos (With Earthquake Spiral/Overconfidence). Wigglytuff allows you to see, for example, if they have a girly focus sash or a even wimpier escape button. And once you know their item, you're halfway to their moveset. And once you know their moveset, you're halfway to their soul.
  • Sleep Talk
    Yes, Wigglytuff is such a beast that it can dismember it's enemies in its sleep! Now last gen, sleep talk was no big deal, what with it being a TM and all, but now it is much more limited.
  • Wish Support
    With Wish's new tweaking, it now heals 50% of the user's HP. Wigglytuff can support is mighty teammates in their quest for victory by healing even the most grievious wounds (provided said wounds are between 210 and 242 HP worth of damage). It can now restore easily upward of 75 or 80 percent of a pokemon's health. Sturdy pokemon especially will benefit from this, allowing them to stat up, sweep, and switch out and back again. Twice the sweep = twice the souls.
  • Support
    Besides wish, Wigglytuff has a fairly broad support movepool. It can set up both rain, sun (NU?), and Dualscreen. It can use Gravity, Perish Song, Thunder Wave, Toxic, and Sing. It has Cute Charm to deal with physical sweepers, and a ghost immunity. Wigglytuff has many things with which to prepare the field for the sweepers yet to come. It also got stealth rock last gen.
  • The bad news
    Wigglytuff is likely to force lots of swiches. This is unfortunate as you will not get a chance to try to take their attacks with your mighty 45 Def / 50 SD. Unfortunately, Wigglytuff is a team player and doesn't like extracting souls itself. As such, even with Cheer Up and excellent coverage, Wigglytuff is unlikely to be sweeping many teams. ALso, Wigglytuff can't stand anybody who's more brawn then brains. When faced with some fighting type who's throwing punches left and right, Wigglytuff is likely to pity the musclebound fool and and drop out of the fight.
I suspect that a dominant set will look like this:

Fetch me Souls!
Wigglytuff @ Leftovers
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SA
Nature: Impish
~ Wish
~ Protect
~ Toxic / Thunder Wave
~ Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower

Dominantly designed to heal Wiggly's injured minions, Wiggly still manages to fill multiple roles. Frisk is to scout. Max Def, to shore up Wiggly's less impenetrable defence stat, and the aforementioned wish. Protect is to scout for moves, and also to heal Wigglytuff if an opponent actually manages to land a blow. Toxic or Thunder Wave to make it a little easier for your minions to sweep, and coverage move of choice, just in case Wigglytuff gets taunted. Wiggly could never resist such a challenge!

3 Stocked! (Brawl set)
Jigglypuff @ Macho Brace
Ability: Cute Charm
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant
~ Rollout
~ Pound
~ Sing
~ Rest

Wiggly's little corpse creatin' kid comes all the way from SSBB to show fifth gen whats what! Macho Brace to be even more Macho, Pound to start the hurts, Rollout for damage, Sing for set up and Rest for the kill! Really, this set plays just like brawl.

Well, that's an overview of Wigglytuff, Eater of Souls. I highly recommend you find some minions for him, and create sets to help shore up the many weaknesses of his minions.
jigglypuff should have muscle band, umbrella, fan or flower xD

nice analysis of wigglytuff. did you say that wish heals HP depending on the users max HP? so if wigglytuff used wish, then switch to shuckle, it would effectively heal all of its HP? i haven't heard of that before, but it sounds amazing. wigglytuff might see a bit of use in NU!
I found this rather humorous, but was the jigglypuff set really necessary? lol.

I don't know, Mamanbo has more HP and defence than Wigglytuff and only a bit lower speical defence than Wigglytuff. To me, it looks like Wiggly will still go by the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none".
The jigglypuff set was recommended by an expert in the field. I gave him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Try it!
Hey, stop trolling (or sing-a-rounding)! This is a serious thread on Wigglytuff's limitless potential (in NU) this gen. Please take it seriously!
I don't know whether to cringe or laugh.

This reminds me of those analysis like the ones about Kakuna, Spinda, and Luvdisc (4th gen).

Wish is outclassed in OU by Blissey, but Wigglytuff's high HP makes it more usable in lower tiers. A "reason" to use Wigglytuff over Clefable, although it is more likely that Wigglytuff would be stuck tier that considers Clefable too powerful.

Frisk is incredibly interesting...but how does it help Wigglytuff? I can't see, with Wigglytuff's amazing defenses and speed, how it would be able to utilize the ability effectively.

Does Specsdos mean choice specs zapdos? Because I'm pretty sure Zapdos does not get overconfidence.
Well I hate to have to be one to say this, but Wigglytuff is doomed to failure in this gen.
Wigglytuff is outclassed by nearly every pokemon with a similar archetype. She's still very much inferior to Blissey when it comes to support / sponging special hits.

But what about the lower tiers?

Wigglytuff still faces competition with the likes of Clefable, and if you look even further Lickiliky. In gen 4, Wigglytuff didn't have a single niche because all of those aforementioned pokemon were dominant in each tier. (Blissey = OU, Clefable=UU, Lickilicky=NU)

Don't get me wrong, I love this pokemon (I really do) but I just can't see myself using it over any of the others.
you could try a move set of:
fake tears

now thismove set probably would only be useful on a trick room team, but well it's something. and you could replace one of the elemental beams for hyper voice if you perfer stab over coverage.

I'll leave ev's and nature to you guys, but maxed s.atk with the rest of the evs spread among the defensive stats will prob be the best choice.
you aren't

And the OP could use more sets with that many moves available. Something involving Sing, perhaps.
Enjoyed the OP. It's incredibly sad all that Wiggly got was FRISK. FRISK. Wigglytuff is probably one of the few pokemon that are outclassed at everything they can do. It would so have deserved a really broken ability...
and my set goes ignored....

anyway ya wigglytuff needs more. it needs the opossite of medichams ability. That get it more use.
Dude please be a litle more serious. I will admit the first 3 sentences made me laugh but the Jigglypuff set should be removed to be honest (Brawl or no... do you see a Charizard with Rock Smash on the Charizard page?)

I really don't get why you made a thread for a pokemon that didn't change at all... In any case I think running the same set from gen 4 (Dual Screen + Perish Song / Heal Bell + SR) is best IMO. Wigglytuff doesn't do much better than that.
he could be a trick room sweeper in NU, but other then that he won't get much use.

To sweep you first must have high attacking stat(s) lol... things like Rhyperior and Azumarill have godly attacks but crappy speed; Wigglytuff has terrible 70/75 attacking stats in comparison. Sure it has a wide movepool but so does a bunch of other stuff.
Posting to inform you all of what you should already know, that this is the best open (as the Afro Break one was closed) thread on Uncharted Territory.
well not a bunch, but yes a counter set could work. just throw it on a toxic stall set.

Well, counter need to be a surprise..so take out Protect/Toxic for Seismic Toss or even sing.I also think Thunder Wave is better than Toxic for Gengar and the fast special attackers it cant hurt.
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