Wikey v Darkamber [battle over]

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Engineer Pikachu

Good morning, you bastards!
is a Contributor Alumnus
Battle is currently going on. Please don't comment until it's over.Thanks.

Format: 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 2 Days
Restrictions: 2 recovery moves, 5 chills

Arena: Kanto Route 1
Kanto Route 1 - A winding route between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Plenty of tall patches of grass for Pokémon to hide in and plenty of bends to hide behind. Small ledges break the path up. The ground is soft enough to dig into. There are no sources of water, however.
I. Wikey will send out the first Pokemon.
II. Darkamber will then send out his first Pokemon.
III. Darkamber will issue actions.
IV. Wikey will issue actions.
V. Engineer Pikachu will ref the round.
VI. Wikey will issue actions.
VII. Darkamberwill issue actions.
. Engineer Pikachu will ref the round.
IX. Start from step III.

Wikey, please send out your first Pokemon.
This should be easy, Keasbey.

Start off by closing the distance with a Bite. Then let him know you mean business with a ferocious Howl. Then close out with one more Bite.
Deblob (Yuniran), SET UP!

Trick Room, Calm Mind, Psycho Shock, let's go!

This should be easy, Keasbey.

Start off by closing the distance with a Bite. Then let him know you mean business with a ferocious Howl. Then close out with one more Bite.
Format: 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 2 Days
Restrictions: 2 recovery moves, 5 chills

Arena: Kanto Route 1
Kanto Route 1 - A winding route between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Plenty of tall patches of grass for Pokémon to hide in and plenty of bends to hide behind. Small ledges break the path up. The ground is soft enough to dig into. There are no sources of water, however.
Let's meet the combatants.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 100
Boosts: None
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 90
Energy: 100
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 1 Start!
The two Pokemon start a fair distance apart from each other. However, Keasbey immediately closes the distance by dashing forward and Bites Deblob, teeth covered in dark energy; this hits for a significant amount of damage. Deblob attempts to immediately retaliate with setting up Trick Room, but the dark energy causes the Yuniran to flinch!

Keasbey, apparently satisfied with the attack, lets out a loud Howl, which raises its Attack by one (1) stages. Deblob, irritated by the flinch caused by the dark energy, cools down and Calms her Mind, which raises its Special Attack and Special Defense by one (1) stage.

Gloating complete, Keasbey decides that it's time to go on the offensive again. His fangs become covered in dark energy, and Keasbey Bites Deblob again for a large chunk of damage. Deblob, however, is used to this maneuver and manages to launch a Psycho Shock at Keasbey; the solid brain waves hit for a bit of damage.

Round 1 End!

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 76
Energy: 87
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 66
Energy: 89
Boosts: +1 Sp.A, +1 Sp.D
Other: None
(Not sure if the +2 mistake was just in the text or if it affected the numbers. But once that has been taken care of:)

Good job getting the flinch, Keasbey. Fortune was shining on us. Now let's change things up and make the sun shine on us.

Hop back from Deblob and use Sunny Day. Then Howl again to maintain your focus. Then hit Deblob with a super hot Flame Wheel.
Well, fuck. Didn't see that flinch.

Psycho Shock him while he's vulnerable, then Acid Armor
to block the incoming Flame Wheel! Finish up with Recover!
Sorry for double posting I don't know how to quote and edit at the same time.
Hop back from Deblob and use Sunny Day. Then Howl again to maintain your focus. Then hit Deblob with a super hot Flame Wheel.
Psycho Shock him while he's vulnerable, then Acid Armor to block the incoming Flame Wheel! Finish up with Recover!
Format: 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 2 Days
Restrictions: 2 recovery moves, 5 chills
Switch = KO

Arena: Kanto Route 1
Kanto Route 1 - A winding route between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Plenty of tall patches of grass for Pokémon to hide in and plenty of bends to hide behind. Small ledges break the path up. The ground is soft enough to dig into. There are no sources of water, however.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 76
Energy: 87
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 66
Energy: 89
Boosts: +1 Sp.A, +1 Sp.D
Other: None

Round 2 Start!
The tall grass waves back and forth in the soft wind, and other Trainers battle with their weak Pidgeys. Keasbey and Deblob stand close to each other, eyeing each other with suspicion. Keasbey doesn't think the time is right to attack, summoning a Sunny Day to the route. As Deblob hurls shockingly material brainwaves at the Growlithe with a Psycho Shock, dealing significant damage, the route becomes extremely hot, courtesy of the harsh sunlight now coming from the sky.

Like a wolf with the moon, Keasbey Howls at the Sun, raising his attack by one (1) stage. Deblob doesn't seem quite so confident, however, as it melts into a pile of liquid, which has the effect of raising her defense by two (2) stages. It seems that the Yuniran has turned from a blob to a... deformed blob.

To Keasbey, now seems like the opportune moment to strike. The Growlithe ignites into flame, spins into the air, and tackles Deblob with a Flame Wheel, who has reformed into the customary blob of a Yuniran just to take a sizable chunk of damage. Deblob immediately reacts by focusing energy into her burning wounds and Recovers 20 HP.

Round 2 End!

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 58
Energy: 70
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 70
Energy: 67
Boosts: +2 Defense
Other: None

Field Effects:
It is very Sunny. The Sun will last for four (4) more rounds.

Darkamber, you're up for actions.
Derp, I feel like an idiot.

Deblob, Psycho Shock, Calm Mind, Psycho Shock! If Keasby attacks, replace your action with Acid Armor!

Psycho Shock/Acid Armor ~ Calm Mind/Acid Armor ~ Psycho Shock/Acid Armor

awesome strategy is awesome

Alright, Keasbey. We're not going to let his crazy strategy throw us off our gameplan.

Start by giving Deblob a faceful of Ember. Keep momentum with a hearty Roar. Finish the round strong with another Ember.
Derp, I feel like an idiot.

Deblob, Psycho Shock, Calm Mind, Psycho Shock! If Keasby attacks, replace your action with Acid Armor!

Psycho Shock/Acid Armor ~ Calm Mind/Acid Armor ~ Psycho Shock/Acid Armor

awesome strategy is awesome

Alright, Keasbey. We're not going to let his crazy strategy throw us off our gameplan.

Start by giving Deblob a faceful of Ember. Keep momentum with a hearty Roar. Finish the round strong with another Ember.
Format: 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 2 Days
Restrictions: 2 recovery moves, 5 chills
Switch = KO

Arena: Kanto Route 1
Kanto Route 1 - A winding route between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Plenty of tall patches of grass for Pokémon to hide in and plenty of bends to hide behind. Small ledges break the path up. The ground is soft enough to dig into. There are no sources of water, however.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 58
Energy: 70
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 70
Energy: 67
Boosts: +2 Defense
Other: None

Round 3 Start!
The weather is nice and sunny. The wind has stopped, so the area is nice and calm. Keasbey and Deblob glare at each other with enmity, and the Sun shines every brightly.

Keasbey starts immediately by throwing small flames at Deblob. The Ember grows bigger as the Sun fuels it, hitting Deblob for a chunk of damage. Deblob instantly reacts, remembering her trainer's command, and melts into another pool of liquid; the Acid Armor raises its Defense by 2 stages!

Keasbey, visibly irritated at Deblob's transformations from blob to blob, Roars at the top of its lungs at Deblob. It shocks the Yuniran so badly that Deblob resumes its normal blob-shape and Deblob's stat changes are negated! However, Deblob isn't to be dissuaded from changing its stats, so it calms its mind, blocks out the Roar, and raises its Special Attack and Special Defense by one stage each.

As Deblob finishes calming its mind, Keasbey shoots more flames at the Yuniran. Once again, the flames swell up under the might under the Sun and the Embers hit for increased damage. A bit confused with its trainer's command, Deblob melts into yet another pool of liquid. The Acid Armor raises its Defense by two stages.

Has Deblob suddenly turned into a pacifist, or has she just decided to live as a pool of liquid?
Round 3 End.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 58
Energy: 59
Boosts: None
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 49
Energy: 49
Boosts: +2 Defense, +1 Sp.A, +1 Sp.D
Other: None

Field Effects:
It is very Sunny. The Sun will last for three (3) more rounds.

Wikey, you're up for actions.
That couldn't have worked any better, Keasbey. Start off by heading right at Deblob with a Flame Wheel. Follow that up by with another Bite. And then show her your bark is worse with another Roar.

(sorry about messing up the gender of my pronouns earlier. Also @EP you changed the number to 3 but left the word as four for Sunny Day. Not that I'd mind a free turn. :P )
That...fucking sucked.

Psycho Shock it.

Then use Rollout. You can't bite something that's SPINNING!

Then Psycho Shock.

Amazingly, I'm not losing too terribly.
That couldn't have worked any better, Keasbey. Start off by heading right at Deblob with a Flame Wheel. Follow that up by with another Bite. And then show her your bark is worse with another Roar.
That...fucking sucked.
Psycho Shock it.
Then use Rollout. You can't bite something that's SPINNING!
Then Psycho Shock.
Format: 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 2 Days
Restrictions: 2 recovery moves, 5 chills
Switch = KO

Arena: Kanto Route 1
Kanto Route 1 - A winding route between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Plenty of tall patches of grass for Pokémon to hide in and plenty of bends to hide behind. Small ledges break the path up. The ground is soft enough to dig into. There are no sources of water, however.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 58
Energy: 59
Boosts: None
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 49
Energy: 49
Boosts: +2 Defense, +1 Sp.A, +1 Sp.D
Other: None

Round 4 Start!
The weather is still Sunny; in fact, it seems rather unnatural. The harsh sunlight beats down upon Route 1, and the earthworms on the ground have long since dried up. Sooner or later, one of our combatants will metaphorically dry up as well.

The two Pokemon start the round by directly attacking each other. Keasbey shrouds himself in flame, spins, and tackles Deblob with a stellar Flame Wheel. Deblob easily shrugs off the attack and sends a Psycho Shock flying towards Keasbey, who takes significant damage.

Next, Keasbey Bites the Yuniran with darkness-infused fangs, sinking into Deblob's squishy interior, dealing a hefty amount of damage. However, Deblob continues the assault, albeit physically. The Yuniran squishes itself into and even tighter ball and rolls out into Keasbey. It lacks the effect of avoiding the faster attack, but it still deals some damage.

Deblob, now confident in her damage-dealing abilities, launches yet another Psycho Shock at Keasbey, who takes a large amount of damage. Very tired now, Keasbey Roars at Deblob, but it seems that there is absolutely no effect whatsoever.
Round 4 End.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 20
Energy: 48
Boosts: None
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 24
Energy: 34
Boosts: None
Other: None

Field Effects:
It is very Sunny. The Sun will last for two (2) more rounds.

Darkamber, you're up for actions.
Alright, Keas, endgame time.

Start off by going for another flinch with a well-aimed Bite. If you got the flinch try and finish her off with a mighty Flame Wheel. If she didn't flinch boost your attack for next round with another Howl. Finally, if she flinched from the Bite but is still alive and it looks like you can do her in with one attack then close out with a final Bite. If it doesn't look like a Bite will end it or she didn't flinch then finish out the round by healing your body and soul with a gaze into that Morning Sun.

Bite ~ Flame Wheel / Howl ~ Bite/Morning Sun
How do you send in actions so quickly ._.
Recover ~ Psycho Shock ~ Psycho Shock

Bite ~ Flame Wheel / Howl ~ Bite/Morning Sun

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 20
Energy: 48
Boosts: None
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 24
Energy: 34
Boosts: None
Other: None
Round 5 Start!
Both Pokemon are on the verge of collapsing, but their fighting spirit carries them on. The final blow is coming ever closer... Will this be the round?

Keasbey wants to end this as soon as possible, Biting Deblob with his dark fangs, dealing damage. Deblob counters the hit by focusing her immense mental energies into the wound, recovering 20 HP. It seems that recovery is playing a big role in the Yuniran's survival.

The Growlithe, seeing that he's not doing too much damage, Howls at the Sun in order to raise its Attack by one (1) stage. Deblob takes this opportunity to attack without fear of retaliation. The Psycho Shock sent by Deblob smacks Keasbey right on, dealing significant damage. The Growlithe appears close to complete exhaustion!

Keasbey howls at the Sun for the second time this round, but focuses the solar power into his gaping wounds. The strong Sun aids his recovery, healing 35 HP. Deblob is still aiming to deal as much direct damage as possible, and the Psycho brainwaves Shock Keasbey into taking even more damage.

It appears that the two Pokemon have come out of this skirmish even healthier than before; how will the next round turn out?
Round 5 End.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 30
Energy: 24
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 33
Energy: 11
Boosts: None
Other: None

Field Effects:
It is very Sunny. The Sun will last for one (1) more round.

Wikey, you're up for actions.

Darkamber has 0 recovery moves left; Wikey has 1.
(I was supposed to act first so if you wish to change your actions after my post I'll understand, DA.)

Deblob is tough, but I think we can end this here, Keasbey.

Go after her with one more Bite. Now comes the strategy: if she flinched hit her with a Flame Wheel but if she got the reflect up go with Ember. Finish her off with one more Ember but if she's already fainted heal up with one last Morning Sun before the sunlight fades.

Bite ~ Flame Wheel/Ember ~ Ember/Morning Sun.
Bite ~ Flame Wheel/Ember ~ Ember/Morning Sun.

Charm ~ chill ~ Psycho Shock
Format: 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 2 Days
Restrictions: 2 recovery moves, 5 chills
Switch = KO

Arena: Kanto Route 1
Kanto Route 1 - A winding route between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Plenty of tall patches of grass for Pokémon to hide in and plenty of bends to hide behind. Small ledges break the path up. The ground is soft enough to dig into. There are no sources of water, however.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 30
Energy: 24
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
HP: 33
Energy: 11
Boosts: None
Other: None
Round Six Start!
Both Pokemon seem even more tired than last round. Even the Sun seems to be tiring. It seems as if this round will result in someone fainting; who will it be?

With the Sun shining ever weaker, Keasbey seems to think that he will be the one surviving, leaping forward and Biting Deblob with renewed gusto. It deals significant damage, and Deblob flinches in shock, making it unable to attack!

Proud of its Flinch, Keasbey spins into the air, ignites into flames, and Flame Wheels into Deblob, dealing significant damage under the rays of the bright sun. Weakened, Deblob just decides to chill and restore some energy, though it seems close to unconsciousness.

Keasbey sees that one more attack will finish Deblob off; he fires off an Ember at the Yuniran, who is no longer able to battle!

Round Six End.

Growlithe [Keasbey] (M)
HP: 30
Energy: 17
Boosts: +1 Attack
Other : None

Yuniran [Deblob] (F)
Energy: 21
Boosts: None
Other: None

Field Effects:
The Sun is still out, but the sunlight is no longer harsh.

Keasbey now has a KO Counter to redeem after the battle ends.

Darkamber, send out your next Pokemon and issue the actions.
I send out Tim the Cranidos!

Spam Earthquake from a distance until it keels over! If it Close Combats, use Earthquake to make a wall and rockblock his super effective hit!
Alright, Keasbey, you've got this.

You're faster than him so go right at him with right away with a Close Combat. Follow that up with one last Morning Sun. Finish the round with one more Close Combat.
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