Other Metagames Zipcodes - 500th Post RMT


Aw Phooey
is a Contributor to Smogon
Zipcodes: an ORAS Pure Hackmons RMT
1. Introduction
2. Proof of Peak
3. Team and Description
4. Teambuilding Process
5. Usage Tips
6. Threatlist
7. Replays
8. Importable
9. Shoutouts

1. Introduction

Hello everyone! It's Ducky, and I'm back with my second RMT, this time being ORAS PH. For those who don't know me, I'm mostly an OM and OMM player (Go play Ultra Mix btw), but recently I have been feeling a little burned out of those metas and decided to learn how to play ORAS Pure Hackmons. I used a couple of teams during my laddering experience, but this is by far my most successful one, getting me all the way to #11 on the ladder. I'm also going to use this RMT as a way to share some of my favorite songs from the new Joey Bada$$ album, 2000. I hope you enjoy both the team and the songs!

2. Proof of Peak

3. Team and Description

Life is too short, we came a long way
From pissy hallways to court-side up in Barclays
Stuntin' is a sport, the way I'm ballin', we could all play (Ballin')

My cup overflowin', I'm feelin' fine in this Chardonnay

:ss/mewtwo-mega-y: :choice-scarf:
Zipcodes (Mewtwo-Mega-Y) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Steam Eruption
- Searing Shot
- Sludge Wave

Mega Mewtwo Y was chosen for its great speed tier and incredible special attack since this team does not have any form of set up or damage amp to get past opposing Wonder Guards. Choice Scarf allows it to outspeed all of the unboosted metagame, as well as certain threats such as +2 Adamant Primal Groudon, which it can then eliminate with Steam Eruption. Thunderbolt hits common Wonder Guards such as Gyarados and Primal Kyogre for large amounts of damage, OHKOing the former and 2HKOing the latter after rocks. Steam Eruption hits the aforementioned Primal Groudon, as well as Mega Diancie, and Ho-Oh while also being Mewtwo's best way to hit neutral targets such as Regigigas. Searing Shot OHKOes the large amount of Steel-types in the meta such as Mega Scizor, Mega Lucario, and Genesect, as well as Mega Beedrill. Finally, Sludge Wave hits the very common Fairy-types Mega Audino and Xerneas.

And you thinkin' 'bout the past, see your whole life in a flash
Best friends lowerin' your casket, now your son a bastard
Pressure on his shoulders make him gotta grow faster

Where I'm from, thе stories never еnd with no happily ever afters (Uh)

:ss/mewtwo-mega-x: :choice-scarf:
Head High (Mewtwo-Mega-X) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Thousand Arrows
- Gear Grind

Choice Scarf Mega Mewtwo X was my next choice and was picked for very similar reasons as Mega Mewtwo Y. Since Mega Mewtwo Y traps a large amount of Wonder Guards on its own, it frees up room on my last two slots to run Fighting STAB, as it is incredibly powerful against neutral targets thanks to Mewtwo's insanely high Attack stat. Close Combat also hits a wide variety of Dark-, Normal-, and Steel-type Pokemon including Mega Gyarados, Dialga, Mega Lucario, Slaking, and Regigigas. Knock Off hits Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon such as Giratina, Mega Mewtwo Y, Gengar, and all of Deoxys's various forms. Thousand Arrows hits Primal Groudon and Electric-type Wonder Guards like Mega Manectric and Electrode, which this team is otherwise unable to touch. Lastly, Gear Grind is to hit Fairy-types such as Mega Diance, Xerneas, and Mega Audino.

'Cause I remember linkin' after school and we'd be plottin' (Plottin')
Talk about our problems and what we do about 'em (Yeah)
Journalin' and jottin', we ain't know the world was watchin' (Facts)

We was just two kids tryna make it out the bottom (Uh-huh)

:ss/mewtwo-mega-x: :choice-band:
Survivors Guilt (Mewtwo-Mega-X) @ Choice Band
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Petal Blizzard
- Play Rough
- Sacred Fire
- Low Kick

With just a few key Pokemon left to hit, I decided to use Choice Band Mega Mewtwo X as the final Shadow Tag as the team was already fast enough, especially as I knew I would add a Scarf Imposter and some kind of AteSpeed later. Just like Searing shot on MMY, Sacred Fire hits the large amount of Bug- and Steel-type Pokemon in the meta. Low Kick in used on this set because its less consistent damage is offset by the Choice Band, and makes it harder to revenge kill. Petal Blizzards hits Primal Kyogre and Mega Swampert, the latter being annoying for this team with Petal Blizzard. Play Rough hits opposing MMX, Giratina, and Yveltal, and rounds out the Shadow Tag part of the team.

Just so I could elevate and levitate, now let me set the record straight
Every day, I meditate 'cause I'm the one they love to hate
Focus on the bigger picture, tryna find a better way

'Cause I ain't finna cut myself short

:ss/deoxys-speed: :focus-sash:
Cruise Control (Deoxys-Speed) @ Focus Sash
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sing
- Sheer Cold
- Gastro Acid
- Stealth Rock

Deoxys is the main breaker of the team, as the general plan is to trap and KO the opposing Wonder Guards with the Mewtwos, allowing Deoxys to freely click Sheer Cold to OHKO the other team. This set is fairly standard and doesn't need much explanation, but I opted for Focus Sash on this particular set to deal with random Choice Scarf users or other unexpected things that would otherwise KO Deoxys. However, it is hard to reliably keep hazards off, but I still believe that Focus Sash is a good option for this team.

If you don't got the power, you just gotta peek and see for yourself
'Cause when you stay connected to source, you won't need nothin' else
Still I went and copped me the Porsche just for my mental health

I guess I couldn't help myself (Skrrt) I'm screamin' out

:ss/diancie-mega: :pixie-plate:
Brand New 911 (Diancie-Mega) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpA
Lonely Nature
- Fake Out
- Extreme Speed
- Gastro Acid
- Boomburst

Mega Diancie is the teams primary revenge killer, able to revenge Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Gyarados, and the large amount of Dragon-types in the tier. Since the rest of the team is very offensive, I decided to not invest in HP and instead in Special Attack for more Boomburst damage. Diancie is clicking Fake Out into Extreme Speed the majority of the time, but Boomburst is another very helpful option. Gastro Acid is to help get around opposing Wonder Guard. Water Shuriken is another option to consider over Gastro Acid, allowing Mega Diancie to more effectively revenge Primal Groudon.

Got street dreams of bein' richer than a Rockefeller (Yeah, now)
I tell her it's whatever, we can catch planes to dodge the bad weather
Alcantaras off in the Porsche until you feel this leather

And the Range Rover, kinda on the river

:ss/blissey: :choice-scarf:
One of Us (Blissey) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Wish
- Final Gambit
- Whirlwind
- Spikes

The second part of the teams revenge killing core, Imposter Blissey is the teams only way to scout the opposing Pokemon's sets and compliments Mega Diancie by revenging threats like Primal Groudon that it cannot. Its moveset is less important than the other Pokemon, but can still be very useful in some matchups. Whirlwind forces the opposing Pokemon out, allowing Blissey to disable a SubPass or WishPassing Wonder Guard. Wish and Final Gambit both take advantage of Blissey's massive HP stat to either do a large amount of damage to the opposing Pokemon or to heal a teammate. Finally, Spikes can take advantage of the free turns that Blissey creates, also synergizing very will with Deoxys's Stealth Rock. Choice Scarf is the item of choice (haha get it?) here to most effectively serve its role as a revenge killer.

4. Teambuilding Process


I started with MMY as the initial Shadow Tag user and simply tried to let it hit as many common Wonder Guards as possible.

:mewtwo-mega-y: :mewtwo-mega-x:

The first MMX was mostly just filling in the holes that were left by MYY only having 4 moves, along with CC as it is incredibly strong.

:mewtwo-mega-y: :mewtwo-mega-x: :mewtwo-mega-x:

With the second MMX, I realized the team as of yet had no way to touch WG Swampert and was still pretty shakey vs Primal Kyogre. Next, Giratina was an issue for the team, so Play Rough was added to help that matchup. Finally, Sacred Fire and Low Kick were added for a strong STAB move and better matchups vs Wonder Guards like Scizor.

:mewtwo-mega-y: :mewtwo-mega-x: :mewtwo-mega-x: :deoxys-speed:

I had No Guard Deoxys-Speed in mind from the very start as a Pokemon that could capitalize off of the Mewtwos breaking through the opposing teams Wonder Guards Pokemon. I threw on Stealth Rock at the end because I didn't know what else to put, but it had proven worth it.

:mewtwo-mega-y: :mewtwo-mega-x: :mewtwo-mega-x::deoxys-speed: :diancie-mega: :blissey:

The last two members of the team, Mega Diancie and Blissey were added at the same time as the two can revenge pretty much every single relevant Pokemon between them.

5. Usage Tips

The key to this team is making aggressive plays and switches. You have to be able to trust yourself to be able to switch into the correct Shadow Tag user in order to trap and KO an opposing Wonder Guard. The best way to make this happen is by putting one Wonder Guard to Sleep and using Gastro Acid with Deoxys-Speed. Your opponent will switch into their other Wonder Guard 9/10 times, and all you have to do is switch into the Shadow Tag user that can hit them.

6. Threat List

:ss/giratina: Even with Play Rough, Deoxys-Speed, and Mega Diancie, Prankster Giratina can be a huge threat to the team (Shoutout to the one guy running 6 Giratinas on the ladder). The most important thing to do vs Giratina is to conserve Deoxys's HP to allow it to OHKO it with Sheer Cold.

Shed Shell Wonder Guards are a huge issue for this team as it relies on being able to trap and remove them one by one. My honest advice for playing against Shed Shell Wonder Guards is pray only one of their 2 Wonder Guards has a Shed Shell and do everything you can to trap and remove the other one.

7. Replays

1. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen6purehackmons-1636624948 - vs BowlHotSoupNot on the ladder
2. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen6purehackmons-1638688701 - vs Orangex733 in a friendly game
3. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen6purehackmons-1641024918 - vs SoupHotBowlNot on the ladder
4. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen6purehackmons-1641073553 - vs IOXOID on the ladder

8. Importable

Paste with Nicknames - https://pokepast.es/c06f9463699acb1e
Paste without Nicknames - https://pokepast.es/a91b330167d31692

9. Shoutouts

Most people I would shout out here I've already shouted out so I'm just going to do a few people.

Daylight - Your RMT was what made me want to play PH and you really helped me when I was first starting out

TheCoastsOfToast - You've been a great friend these last few months and talking and playing hackmons cup with you is always a great time.

Eggs - You've been a huge help with managing the Golbats for TPP and hosting OM Madness with me

Finally, here's a spoiler full of people who I've already shouted out but still deserve one.
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