Welcome to ZUPL V Official Power Rankings
Each team could submit a vote ranking every player but their teammate for every pool, moreover
czim, who doesn't take part to this edition but has been one of the most consistent ZU player across multiple generations as shown by his first spot on the ZU Hall of Fame, was also allowed to vote. Each player was then ranked within their pool based on the average ranking received through votes (czim's votes were applied a 7/8 factor to account for the fact he ranked 8 teams instead of 7). Every team is then being given a score corresponding to the average rank of each of their slot at the exception of SV which due to having multiple slots is calculated slightly differently. The SV score is shared between the average of the 3 starters factored by 1/3 and the ranking of the SV core based on the average grade of the 3 starters; this SV core is then factored by 3 to match the number of slots. I would like to thank everyone who voted in no particular order,
a fruitshop owner,
Luck O' the Irish,
Monai, and myself. Monai also co-wrote the following texts with me.
8th - To Pimp A Butterfree
7th SV (8th, 11th, 24th) - 2nd SS - 7th SM - 8th ORAS - 7th BW - 2nd DPP
A team once destined for greatness, To Pimp A Butterfree encountered some player legality issues and has since fallen to the wayside in the mind of the voters. Drud, Twitt, and clean, who was retained, went for a very top heavy draft, spending much of their money on experienced ZU mainstays like TheFranklin, Jett, and selfbuying clean. TheFranklin of course having consistently great records across the tiers he plays and having unique builds to boot, the Butterfrees seem to be willing to bank on his support to carry many of the newer slots as he is unable to play for several weeks. After clean’s breakout performance last ZUPL, he is a consensus pick for one of the strongest SS slots and a very strong retain, while Jett is a solid player who can anchor their SV. Drud has made the decision to self buy as well, giving their team another great slot that should at minimum go positive in a competitive DPP pool. With all these great players, why are the Butterfrees ranked at the bottom of the barrel? An important factor would be the drama that went down regarding S1nn0hC0nfirm3d’s signup and removal from the tournament, resulting in the loss of one of their best players. The second thing voters took issue with was the Butterfrees’ many unproven purchases. AtraX Madara, Thiago Nunes, tier, Lilo, siras, and LPZ are all players with respectable achievements in a variety of lower tiers. However, none of them are known to have experience in ZU at all, let alone ZUPL. So the vast majority of them found themselves at the bottom of the voting ratings. With low expectations and strong talent though, the Butterfrees can definitely defy expectations and put up a strong run.
7th - Proud Pupitars
4th SV (2nd, 17th, 19th) - 8th SS - 4th SM - 5th ORAS - 4th BW - 7th DPP
Colteor and Monai failed to convince the voters in their first appearance as managers, with their team, the Proud Pupitars, in seventh place. Only three of their players were ranked in the top half of their respective pools, starting with Monai who seems to dominate in SV, being ranked second out of twenty-four. He should be able to bring his team many victories. In contrast, the rest of the SV core, consisting of Fragments and Elfuseon, were rated rather poorly. Fragments has some experience in SV ZU, having taken part in a few tournaments without achieving any notable results, while Elfuseon has no known experience of the tier. However, both players are regulars in team tournaments and should not be left underestimated thanks to Monai's support. The team's two most expensive players, Danny and Xrn, find themselves in highly competitive pools in which they are doing rather well, both in fourth place. The ORAS core led by gorex and aided by deg are only in fifth place despite their tier experience, which is understandable given their combined winrate of 3-10 during last ZUPL. In DPP, we find SOMALIA in seventh place, which suffers from making his debut in a competitive pool with players already well established. Finally, in SS, we find diegoyuhhi in the last position of the rankings, who although an amateur in the tier has no tournament performance in the tier other than a poor 0-3 winrate in ZU Olympiad. The Pupitars are an original team, made up mainly of experienced players yet to prove themselves in ZU and just waiting to prove the Power Rankings wrong.
6th - Shiiny Shiinotics
6th SV (12th, 7th, 22nd) - 1st SS - 3rd SM - 6th ORAS - 6th BW - 6th DPP
The Shiiny Shiinotics are in the second half of the Power Rankings, and are expected to be weaker than last year, when they were eliminated in the semi-finals by the tournament winners. However, the team led by OranBerryBlissey10 is not very different from last year's, and we find him in SS once again. He was ranked first in the pool, which is hardly surprising, having won ZU Major, reaching final of ZU Championships, and climbing to first place in the standings of 2022 circuit. MZ leads the way for former Shiinotics, having established a reputation as an excellent SM ZU player since last year, with a 10-2 winrate in the tier since last year, and finds himself unsurprisingly in third place in this pool. The other Shiinotics slots are all in sixth place in their respective rankings. Although tlenit, another former Shiinotic, and love chants are ranked in the top half of the SV pool, LustfulLice only slightly improves his position from last year, finding himself in penultimate place, putting the whole core in 6th place. In the older generations, 5Dots, MrSoup and JabbaTheGriffin are struggling to hold their own against more experienced players, even though all team members have a good knowledge of these metagames, including non-starting members such as skrimps, wooper and Huargensy. Finally, we note the presence of Splash on the bench, who despite his lack of ZU knowledge should carry love chants on Valorant. All in all, the Shiiny Shiinotics rely mainly on their retain and selfbuy, but their players purchased during auctions are mainly considered as underdogs.
5th - Dave's Dunsparces
2nd SV (6th, 3rd, 18th) - 7th SS - 8th SM - 7th ORAS - 2nd BW - 5th DPP
Fulfilling their vow to manage every team tour, Stone Cold and Leru make an appearance as managers even in ZUPL, looking to overcome their low rating by the ZU community with sheer talent and experience. Mana is arguably the most skilled pilot in the auction, with a knack for solving new and niche metagames, but the voterbase seems to be turned off by his lack of ZU experience. Despite this, the Daves have made him the lynchpin of their SV support alongside another excellent current gen builder in Lily. Rounding out SV is TKO, a name not many ZU players may know but is a solid pilot nonetheless with solid showings in the lower tiers. Their strategy remains consistent in the old generations as well, drafting big name players like shiloh, dex, and especially TDK. While great players in their own right, their lack of experience necessitates the proper support, DJ Breloominati, BigFatMantis, and yovan33321 will do a great job of providing, although they may be stretched thin across the multiple tiers that will need help teambuilding. yovan33321 especially stands out as the sole ZU main among the Dave’s, where he will be starting for them in SM, along with being the supporting player most familiar with ZU. Joya rounds out the team, providing an inexperienced yet dedicated and consistent player to fill out their ORAS for a cheap price. A team with lots of potential for sure, both in the starters and the subs, but many of their players will have to find their footing quickly in unfamiliar tiers.
4th - Fiery Flamencos
8th SV (14th, 20th, 15th) - 3rd SS - 1st SM - 2nd ORAS - 8th BW - 1st DPP
DurzaOffTopic's Fiery Flamencos are used to being at the top of the Power Rankings, and we're almost surprised to find them only in fourth place. They are the most successful team over the years, having won half the iterations of the tournament. Once again this year, DurzaOffTopic has spent lavishly to surround himself with those he considers the best, starting with Greybaum, his loyal sidekick, who has established himself as the best SM ZU player and was accordingly ranked first, despite the competition looking tougher than ever in the SM pool. The former tier leader and most expensive player in the auction, 5gen is back for another season with the Fiery Flamencos, reaching the honourable position of third in SS. However, we know that his price also includes his ability to help out in all the ZU old generations, especially ORAS, where former 7-1 Butterfrees champion Raichy should be as dominant as last year, given the Power Rankings placed him second. Finally, for the fifth year in a row, Heysup plays for the Fiery Flamencos and, as every year, is expected to dominate the DPP pool and bring valuable victories to the Fiery Flamencos. However, the Fiery Flamencos are ranked last in SV and BW, which account for half the slots in the tournament. In BW we find innovamania who has so far been disappointing in ZU team tournaments, 1-5 in ORAS in ZUPL and 1-4 in GSC in the ZU Olympiads, while this year's BW pool looks very cruel. The SV core is led by plznostep, who despite his seemingly boundless motivation has yet to show success in a tournament. It is completed by pannu, who is discreetly making a place for himself in ZU team tournaments but who remains unconvincing, and Sylvi, who has managed to make a place for themselves in lower tiers PL since their appearance in SPL powered by MichaelderBeste2. This core is further supported by Lizardu' and BaitWiz, who have a good SV ZU knowledge, maining it since the beginning of the generation. We also note that the team's players are used to working together, with Sylvi, Greybaum, pannu, and hayedenn currently together in the OMPL playoff. We wonder, however, what role Beraldinho plays in the team, as he seems to be the question mark of this draft, having shared a lack of motivation for prep and being absent from the lineup. The Flamencos draft seems riskier than in previous years, being perfectly balanced between accomplished players and rookies needing to prove themselves.
3rd - Mighty Mycelium Marauders
4th SV (5th, 20th, 13th) - 4th SS - 5th SM - 4th ORAS - 5th BW - 4th DPP
The Mighty Mycelium Marauders find themselves rated just below the top of the pack, but rather than lagging behind the Sakura and Grumpigs, they’re right on their heels. Corthius and Toto have drafted a nice spread of old and new generation talent, with a very strong emphasis on great pilots. Toto will be self buying for ORAS, rightfully confident in his play and prep after a convincing ZU Triathlon victory. For the all-important SV builder, the Marauders have drafted fish anemometer, a solid player with SV’s Kickoff tour under their belt, ensuring they also have a builder that has proven they can adapt to changing metas. His support will be vital to the success of Ciro Napoli and Sylveon used Calm Mind, two players with great showings in Smogon Grand Slam and OST that will need help easing into ZU for the first time. The Marauders were able to pick up their SV core for quite cheap, which allowed them to splurge on the rest of their starters and pick up a menacing lineup. After a solid practice run in Olympiad, btboy’s combination of solid piloting and great knowledge of BW, DPP, and SM will be an important factor in a Marauders victory. Finchinator needs no introduction and now has the experience in SM to turn his 5-4 record from last year into something truly impressive, while Lunala is another official tour staple whose experience from last ZUPL readies them to be a threat going into a new season. While both are excellent players, they lag somewhat behind in the rankings compared to some of the more established names, but it would be foolish to dismiss them. Rounding out the Marauders is Ninja, looking to repeat his success from last year in SS once again. While rated slightly lower than his SS peers, it goes to show the competitiveness of this slot that a player with such a solid showing as Ninja is rated only 4th. Definitely a team to give the top rated Sakura and Grumpigs a run for their money.
2nd - Flying Grumpigs
3rd SV (4th, 10th, 22nd) - 6th SS - 2nd SM - 1st ORAS - 1st BW - 8th DPP
The Flying Grumpigs stand at the second place in these Power Rankings, managed by two managers who reached playoffs last year and taking over a huge part of the Cursed Trevenants roster. We find no less than five veterans from the previous year, starting with their manager in a fruitshop owner who stands at the top of the ORAS rankings in this iteration without Ho3n and where Raichy is separated from TWiTT. TPP is not to be outdone, author of an incredible 8-1 performance last year and accompanied by BW ZU veterans like Mirbro and SBPC, he was quite naturally ranked best player in his pool. pokemonisfun and avarice are also two ZUPL veterans who always have incredible winrates, 13-4 and 11-3 respectively and both former ZUPL champions, and their consistency is reflected in their rankings at the top of their respective pools. ProDigeZz, who after his mid-tournament acquisition led his team to victory acquiring an excellent 5-0 win rate. These five players have a combined 29-4 winrate during ZUPL's previous iteration and it's hardly surprising to see their team ranked so high. However, their other players didn't convince as much the voters and find themselves at the bottom of the rankings of their respective pool. Despite very decent performances in previous ZUPLs, PrinceOfAllTacos is struggling to convince the general public of his level in ZU. However, JustFranco, who is coming off an excellent BLT in SV RU with a handsome 7-0 score, will certainly be able to pick up the slot if things go badly for POAT. TomatoZause, whose credibility has grown steadily since his fine debut at the ZU Olympiad earlier this year, and aided by AstilCodex, will have to assert himself in a pool of more experienced players. Finally, we discover SBPC in DPP, a player with average results in BW before the boom of the tier in early 2022 and former ZUPL manager who skipped last iteration. Many were surprised to see him in a brand new tier, in which he has no experience, even if he will be helped by LBN, and didn't hesitate to rank him at the very bottom of these PRs. All in all, the Flying Grumpigs have a very solid core of excellent veterans who should have their backs, while their three weakest slots will have to hang on to live up to their pool.
1st - Sacred Sakura
1st SV (1st, 9th, 16th) - 5th SS - 6th SM - 3rd ORAS - 3rd BW - 3rd DPP
Looking to redeem their disaster that was ZUPL IV, the Sakuras drafted a truly elite squad and are now poised to take over the season. The decision to selfbuy Tuthur was an obvious one, as he is the undisputed #1 SV player off the back of his ZU Open win and strong performance in ZULT. With a proven ability to adapt to and innovate on the constantly changing landscape of ZU, he will also be invaluable support to Bouff and Mashing, two excellent players that are only held back by their lack of experience in ZU. The Sakura spared no expense on the old generations either, spending top dollar for top talent in DPP, BW and ORAS. HSOWA is a household name of DPP lower tiers, having gotten in his ZU warm up sets in Olympiad, the voters agree that he is ready for a strong showing on the big stage. SuperEpicAmpharos is finally being given the chance he deserves in BW after having been shunted around in SS and SM last ZUPL. After some stellar performances in RoA Olympics and BWPL, expectations are high for his unique brand of Unfezant. Shaneghoul is another favorite for ORAS lower tiers, well regarded by both the managers for his high cost and by the playerbase for his solid #3 placement. These 3 great old generation players will anchor the Sakura’s only perceived flaw, being their middling SS and SM slots. However Luck O’ the Irish has already proven themselves quite solid in SS last ZUPL, and Beka has quite the respectable resume of an SM Cup finalist, so they can definitely defy their average rankings and rise above their pools. Overall, the Sacred Sakura have managed to secure both a well rounded team and high-expectation players, so it is no wonder they are a favorite to take home the victory.
Below you can find the details of the rankings.