League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I would like to know the current permabans and the "good" bans in reasonably high-ranked ELO please. (no troll bans thanks)

As usual, Shaco is generally banned in solo queue (even higher ranked, because hes just so annoying), but is not usually banned in team games. Warwick and Shen are also very common bans, and other common bans are Lee Sin, Cass, Ahri, Vlad, Morgana, Kennen, Ryze, Alistar, Dr. Mundo, Jax, Janna, Nocturne, and maybe a few other powerful champs like Kog or Riven.
I must be the only one who maxes W > E for Ezreal. W does more damage than E if you don't have any AP, it reduces attack speed by 40% and it goes through minions. Really, maxing E is only for CDR which, if you are playing Ezreal correctly, is negligible once you land a few Q's.
As usual, Shaco is generally banned in solo queue (even higher ranked, because hes just so annoying), but is not usually banned in team games. Warwick and Shen are also very common bans, and other common bans are Lee Sin, Cass, Ahri, Vlad, Morgana, Kennen, Ryze, Alistar, Dr. Mundo, Jax, Janna, Nocturne, and maybe a few other powerful champs like Kog or Riven.

Udyr is also very ban-worthy, in both solo queue and premade games.
jax is kinda strong now. more than anything if i banned jax is would be cause i dont know how to play against him since he was considered bad when i started playing.
Jax is a sleeper "OP" champ. He can top vs most champs and also clears jungle fast and ganks well to boot. Whats worse he can build literally anything and be effective.

Don't get me wrong I love Jax though
Personally I don't see Jax banned, but I've been playing him recently and a lot, in the jungle and top. More people have been playing him it seems, and he is definitely strong now. I don't think he's bannable though. More important champs to ban out there.
jax is all over solo queue when I play. keep in mind im 21 so these guys might all be terrible but w/e. perhaps people think he looks cool or something, like a robed lantern wielding jason.
Have to say I just got into this game within the last game and I'm loving it so far.

Could someone give me some insight as to what the LoL community is like? Obviously there are sights as mobafire and other strategy sites, but are there community sites? Also, how long did it take all of you to reach Level 30 (if you're there)?
I love this game. It's completely free, and it is AWESOME.
I don't have a main, but, like every game I play, I love playing the underrated characters, with the overrated.
It is because of that in which I like: Evelynn, Mordekaiser, Urgot, Malphite, Jax, Nasus, Ryze(Nerfed, sadface), Nidalee(Me heart), Soraka, Garen, etc.
I strongly dislike: Poppy(I don't know, it's just utter hate, maybe because I don't like her playstyle).
Yeah, I don't hate a lot of champions.
Have to say I just got into this game within the last game and I'm loving it so far.

Could someone give me some insight as to what the LoL community is like? Obviously there are sights as mobafire and other strategy sites, but are there community sites? Also, how long did it take all of you to reach Level 30 (if you're there)?

The community is decent. I am level 24, and so far there aren't many things that piss people off except people who get pissed off for NO REASON and REALLY BAD people.

All in all, I think this community is much better than HoN in that, if you go and suck because you are new, not many people will get mad at you.
Jax is a sleeper "OP" champ. He can top vs most champs and also clears jungle fast and ganks well to boot. Whats worse he can build literally anything and be effective.

Don't get me wrong I love Jax though

tell me your jungle route with him right now
Attention: Darius looks very very gay.

In other news, Nautilus is such a boss, I love him.

That is all.
Have to say I just got into this game within the last game and I'm loving it so far.

Could someone give me some insight as to what the LoL community is like? Obviously there are sights as mobafire and other strategy sites, but are there community sites? Also, how long did it take all of you to reach Level 30 (if you're there)?

Nice to see you getting into the game, Ray Jay! A lot of Smogoners recently (as in during the last few months) began to play LoL, including me, so we actually have a considerable Smogon LoL community in this thread and on IRC. So you should hop by #tf2 sometime and play with us (or just talk about the game / ask questions about it). I think this game is a lot better playing with at least one friend, because to be honest, the community is kind of like playing roulette as far as the types of people you'll encounter... like any other online game... like anything online... :x

As for discussion sites, aside from the strategy sites, there's quite an active LoL community on Reddit at r/leagueoflegends and associated subreddits. Also, there's the official Riot boards on the LoL site, but they're pretty fucking awful.

It took me somewhere between 4-6 weeks to hit Level 30 (I already forgot the date ;_;), and I've heard that figure from other people, but I have a lot of free time and played a lot of LoL. It depends on how often you play, and it depends what you play (if you play a lot of Co-op vs. AI games, you'll hit Level 30 more slowly than someone who plays an equivalent amount of normals, because Co-op vs. AI gives less XP than pvp). I was very excited to hit Level 30 to finally have full mastery and rune slots unlocked, but like was posted above, it's not the main objective -- you hit it when you hit it, and then you probably shouldn't rush into ranked anyway. It's a nice feeling to hit it, but I wouldn't worry if you're getting there more slowly than I did. ^_^

Add my summoner name if you like~ jumpluffers on the NA server.
I love this game. It's completely free, and it is AWESOME.
I don't have a main, but, like every game I play, I love playing the underrated characters, with the overrated.
It is because of that in which I like: Evelynn, Mordekaiser, Urgot, Malphite, Jax, Nasus, Ryze(Nerfed, sadface), Nidalee(Me heart), Soraka, Garen, etc.
I strongly dislike: Poppy(I don't know, it's just utter hate, maybe because I don't like her playstyle).
Yeah, I don't hate a lot of champions.

Pretty sure Ryze wasn't nerfed. Just build AAS earlier and get ROA over BV.
Well, I know that, but still. His item build has been changed around a bit.
What are the thoughts on the new Morrello's and the Athene's Unholy Grail?
I personally think they are both great. AP casters need this. AD chars have stackable Lifesteal, Grevious Wound, no mana, etc. Now AP casters get this.
In other news, Nautilus is such a boss, I love him.

That is all.

Yeah I think Nautilus has become my best character now and he even flies when you use /joke. Despite being a tank, he can still combo champs down from about half health and is amazing in 2v2 fights.
Ran teams of 5 supports with Danmantincan, Obbmud99, and a friend of mine.

solo top Taric/mid Janna/support Soraka/AD Sona/Jungle Alistar

New meta bro.
I don't know why I ever stop playing Cho'Gath. He is so amazing.

Thoughts on my build?

D Ring start (boots/pots if they are scary top) Rush ROA, Merc Treads, Glacial Shroud, Abyssal, Frozen Heart, GA.