Gen 6 The "Are my Pokémon IVs and Nature good?" Thread

If it weren't for the Kalos Native crap in tournaments, I wouldn't be SRing for this guy, since I already have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid one from Heartgold.


Timid Mewtwo
IVs: 31/30/28/31/23-24/31

Kinda wished that the attack and Sp. Def were switched, but it probably doesn't make a difference. Too bad that in order to do a proper Mega Mewtwo X, I have to go back two generations. This is a reset that I wasn't really eager to do but felt I had to do -___-. I'm still using my flawless Timid one in regular uber battles and situations where anything can be used.

Yeah, fuck that.


Jolly Mewtwo
IVs: 31/31/31/29/31/31
Tutors: Low Kick, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Fire Punch or Drain Punch


Hasty Mewtwo
IVs: 31/31/30/31/31/31
Tutors: Low Kick, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Zen Headbutt

Note: Rebattle Code Used for Both of Them

So in my Heartgold, I decided to get my RNG on again after a couple months, do a bunch of Mewtwos in Dusk Balls to confuse opponents, give them good move tutors, and transfer them over. Hasty can run Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y. Mega Mewtwo Y has a base 150 Atk and Low Kick will destroy Ttar and 2HKO Dialga. All I need now is to do a Naive one and that will complete my collection. Doing Mewtwo in X and Y for me is extremely pointless. #FuckKalosNativeRules
Hi there, been a lurker for some time but decided to post for a second opinion/double check:

Zygarde - #718 (Careful)
HP: 27 - 28
Att: 31
Def: 31
SpA: 16
SpD: 28
Speed: 30 - 31

I'm planning on running sub. If I'm not mistaken, the slightly low hp IVs won't affect seismic toss not breaking the sub at 50 or 100, right? (I don't know how much this matters, just something I noticed while reading)
Hi there, been a lurker for some time but decided to post for a second opinion/double check:

Zygarde - #718 (Careful)
HP: 27 - 28
Att: 31
Def: 31
SpA: 16
SpD: 28
Speed: 30 - 31

I'm planning on running sub. If I'm not mistaken, the slightly low hp IVs won't affect seismic toss not breaking the sub at 50 or 100, right? (I don't know how much this matters, just something I noticed while reading)

You can still get Subs that survive Seismic Toss at L50/100 with those HP IVs. That Zygarde looks pretty good to me.

I'm planning on posting some probabilities of getting legendaries with certain IV combinations (flawless, quint-flawless, etc.) However, I want to make sure my math is correct for some things.

For instance, let's say I'm calculating the probabilities of getting a Timid, quint-flawless or better Yveltal. Its Attack IV doesn't matter, but all of its other IVs have to be flawless.

1. (1/2) chance of getting Timid nature w/Synchronizer
2. (1/2) chance it will get 3 perfect IVs in relevant stats (stats other than Attack); (1/2) chance it will get 2 perfect IVs in relevant stats and a perfect Attack IV, which is pointless.
2a. If 3 perfect IVs in relevant stats:
(1/32)*(2/3) chance it will get flawless IV in stat other than Attack
(1/32)*(1/2) chance it will get flawless IV in stat other than Attack
2b. If 2 perfect IVs in relevant stats:
(1/32)^3 for perfect IVs in other stats.

Final Calculation: (1/2)*((1/2)*(1/32)*(2/3)*(1/32)*(1/2))+((1/2)*(1/32)^3)=.0097% of a quint-flawless or better Yveltal in stats other than Attack

Is this correct, or horribly wrong?
1. (1/2) chance of getting Timid nature w/Synchronizer
2. (1/2) chance it will get 3 perfect IVs in relevant stats (stats other than Attack); (1/2) chance it will get 2 perfect IVs in relevant stats and a perfect Attack IV, which is pointless.
2a. If 3 perfect IVs in relevant stats:
(1/32)*(2/3) chance it will get flawless IV in stat other than Attack
(1/32)*(1/2) chance it will get flawless IV in stat other than Attack
2b. If 2 perfect IVs in relevant stats:
(1/32)^3 for perfect IVs in other stats.

Final Calculation: (1/2)*((1/2)*(1/32)*(2/3)*(1/32)*(1/2))+((1/2)*(1/32)^3)=.0097% of a quint-flawless or better Yveltal in stats other than Attack

Is this correct, or horribly wrong?

That looks correct to me, although I would note that on cartridge, 30 IVs is the same as 31 IVs (level 50), so if you consider 30 IVs flawless as well, you have a higher chance than that of getting a flawless
I'm a new member hear and I hope to settle nice on this forum ;-) i have soft resetting for a good ivs xerneas and I'm hoping to run a Geomancy Xerneas the best ivs I have found is :
Xerneas - #716 (Modest) : 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 29
So my question is it good enough to run a Geomancy Xerneas or should I keep soft resetting?
I think that's definitely good enough. 30 SpA is identical to 31 for lvl. 50, and at lvl. 100 30 still gets the same OHKOs as 31 IIRC. For example, you still just barely kill 252/0 Arceus with +2 Moonblast after SR, but you would miss out a small % of the time with an IV of 29. Regarding the Spe IV, Geomancer doesn't ever run max Spe so you can just move IVs from HP/Def.
31 Atk IV is still great on Yveltal because a -Atk Sucker Punch still checks certain Pokemon (ex. MMY). On top of that, you resist Foul Play, so it's unlikely to be much of a liability.
TY Jebus.

I finished SRing for this sexy Yveltal:

Yveltal - #717 (Timid, in a Luxury Ball)
HP: 29
Att: 31
Def: 31
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

I wish the HP and Attack IVs were swapped, but this is definitely a keeper. I'll be going for a Careful Zygarde next.
At level 50, 29 HP gives you 199 uninvested, which I believe is a perfect Life Orb number.
I just caught a zygarde with this spread.
Adamant (Was going for careful)
I'm not sure if the defense is too low or if its good.
Edit: Ended up resetting
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I've done it again!

I spent the past few days resetting for Careful Zygarde. I got a lot of quad-flawless ones, but none of them met my standards: the most heartbreaking failures were a 31/31/23/x/31/31 and a 31/29/31/x/31/23 Zygarde. However, I decided to keep going, since I saw a few quint-flawless XY legendaries on a trade thread. Here's the result:

Zygarde - Careful

I had to check with the judge several times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Here's the proof:


By the way, thanks for all the likes for my other SRs, such as the Yveltal above. They also encouraged me to keep going!

Alert to Sounds: I didn't think of Sucker Punch on Timid Yveltal. These SRs are mostly for fun anyway, though, since I mostly play VGC and Maison.
Having a hard time deciding how stubborn to be on this Mewtwo I'm SRing for.

Mewtwo (Intended Mega-Y)

What do you all think?
I've gotten an Yveltal with the following:

Yveltal - #717 (Modest)
HP: 30 - 31
Att: 28 - 31
Def: 30 - 31
SpA: 26 - 28
SpD: 20 - 21
Speed: 30 - 31

Keep or Reset?

Edit: I've decided to keep it, but if I decide to get a better Yveltal, I'll reset my game.

Having a hard time deciding how stubborn to be on this Mewtwo I'm SRing for.

Mewtwo (Intended Mega-Y)

What do you all think?

I feel like that HP being 31 is needed. But the difference at level 100 with no EV Spread is 346 and 353.

Overall it has some good defensive IV's and the speed and SpA is 31, which is good to have for Mega Mewtwo Y.
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Currently SRing for Yveltal, got this piece of crap:
Timid nature

Words can't express how ticked off I am. Also, is a higher Atk IV better even with Timid? Sucker Punch still hurts stuff like MMY, right?
Currently SRing for Yveltal, got this piece of crap:
Timid nature

Words can't express how ticked off I am. Also, is a higher Atk IV better even with Timid? Sucker Punch still hurts stuff like MMY, right?

Not with timid.

I would say 'keep it' if you had another stat, like spdef, with 2; but because it isn't...

Unless you run sticky web on your team or tailwind, It wouldn't pull its weight speed-wise.
After 1 and 1/2 days of SR'ing, found this:
Timid nature
HP: 26
Atk: 21-22
Def: 31
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Spe: 31

Keep or toss? I'd personally like the HP a little higher, but... a man can only be so picky, right?
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After 1 and 1/2 days of SR'ing, found this:
Timid nature
HP: 26-27
Atk: 22
Def: 31
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Spe: 31

Keep or toss? I'd personally like the HP a little higher, but... a man can only be so picky, right?
Definite keep. And at level 50, it's a perfect Life Orb number (thank you CyberWolf for correcting me earlier).