Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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SRing for a Mewtwo in FR/LG to be used with a mixed Selfdestruct / Shadow Ball / Ice Beam / Thunder set in 3rd gen:

Mild, 8-9 / 31 / 20-21 / 7 / 2 / 31

Mild is the ideal nature for my use. I don't really care about the poor HP and Sp. Def, especially with Selfdestruct. The low Sp. Atk is what makes it not an obvious keep for me. I only require a Speed stat of 351 (220 EVs) and an Attack stat of 305 (196 EVs), so I have 92 EVs to invest in SpA and can reach a very respectable stat of 377. If I keep resetting for one with higher SpA, I'm bound to get less-than-perfect Attack and Speed IVs, which means those stats will need more EVs and I will therefore have less to invest in SpA, which would cause it to be lower anyway. For example, an x/20/x/20/x/25 spread equates to less SpA than I have with my current spread. Also remember that this is FR/LG, which means RNG is extremely difficult (borderline impractical), no Synchronize, and no guaranteed perfect IVs.

Keep or toss?
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SRing for a Mewtwo in FR/LG to be used with a mixed Selfdestruct / Shadow Ball / Ice Beam / Thunder set in 3rd gen:

Mild, 8-9 / 31 / 20-21 / 7 / 2 / 31

Mild is the ideal nature for my use. I don't really care about the poor HP and Sp. Def, especially with Selfdestruct. The low Sp. Atk is what makes it not an obvious keep for me. I only require a Speed stat of 351 (220 EVs) and an Attack stat of 305 (196 EVs), so I have 92 EVs to invest in SpA and can reach a very respectable stat of 377. If I keep resetting for one with higher SpA, I'm bound to get less-than-perfect Attack and Speed IVs, which means those stats will need more EVs and I will therefore have less to invest in SpA, which would cause it to be lower anyway. For example, an x/20/x/20/x/25 spread equates to less SpA than I have with my current spread. Also remember that this is FR/LG, which means RNG is extremely difficult (borderline impractical), no Synchronize, and no guaranteed perfect IVs.

Keep or toss?

Hello Fluke reply whenever your ready for trade i will be needing 4 pokemon cloned at 1 copy each so ill get original and a clone back
I can help you now, if you're there. I'll be available for the next few hours.
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SRing for a Mewtwo in FR/LG to be used with a mixed Selfdestruct / Shadow Ball / Ice Beam / Thunder set in 3rd gen:

Mild, 8-9 / 31 / 20-21 / 7 / 2 / 31

Mild is the ideal nature for my use. I don't really care about the poor HP and Sp. Def, especially with Selfdestruct. The low Sp. Atk is what makes it not an obvious keep for me. I only require a Speed stat of 351 (220 EVs) and an Attack stat of 305 (196 EVs), so I have 92 EVs to invest in SpA and can reach a very respectable stat of 377. If I keep resetting for one with higher SpA, I'm bound to get less-than-perfect Attack and Speed IVs, which means those stats will need more EVs and I will therefore have less to invest in SpA, which would cause it to be lower anyway. For example, an x/20/x/20/x/25 spread equates to less SpA than I have with my current spread. Also remember that this is FR/LG, which means RNG is extremely difficult (borderline impractical), no Synchronize, and no guaranteed perfect IVs.

Keep or toss?
Toss. If you want mild I would be much more concerned with the 7 sp atk than the 31 atk. You're totally defeating the purpose of the positive nature
Thanks Fluke and flargananddingle. Just how good do you think it is realistic that I shoot for given the constraints of FR/LG?
Well if you're only concerned with self destruct I would go for a + atk or + speed nature...then you could be a little more lenient on ivs while still hitting your benchmarks. I would shoot for 28+ for your primary attacking stat, 25+ for the other with 31 speed.

I know those are really good rolls, but I wouldn't settle for less than that.
I'm not sure if you would consider it the same, but you could tutor it Mimic and use the glitch to get Selfdestruct on Mewtwo that way. It is quite legal because it is a 3rd gen Mewtwo
Yea, I'm considering that possibility. I may resort to it as a last ditch effort, but figured I'd try first for a while. I just don't want to start over my XD file (and my Wii is not even in my house at the moment, so it's impossible for me to do that currently)
I'm not sure if you would consider it the same, but you could tutor it Mimic and use the glitch to get Selfdestruct on Mewtwo that way. It is quite legal because it is a 3rd gen Mewtwo

RNG man, there are so many good spreads well within your requirements that show up on a frame less than 4 minutes.
But didn't you say RNG on retail FR/LG was next to impossible?
Hey guys, I have a few "simple" requests. If anyone can help with just a few at a time that'd be great! I need to evolve 8 pokemon as well as getting a few dex entries. I need: Kyogre, Groudon, and the regitrio. If you can trade Latias as well that'd be great.(: Of course these will all be tradebacks. ;) Let me know if you can help! My FC is: 1435-3471-7760
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