Pokémon Golisopod

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I feel as though any setup sets are risky because Golisopod's ability will trigger and switch it out, cancelling its boosts should it get to low HP. You can try Leech Life but it's easy to play around, especially if you're at the receiving end of a critical hit.

I suppose once Golisopod comes back in, it's a different story, but is that ultimately worth it?
No Earthquake on this dude? Would have been useful for not making Goliscopod 100% Toxic Spikes bait for Toxapex which walls this mon to no end.
Yeah, I honestly wish Golisopod learned EQ or U-turn too. It's wonderful that he hard counters stuff like Weavile, M-Alakazam, Salazzle, but there's a large portion of the metagame that you have to switch out and lose momentum against. I think First Impression and Aqua Jet should be mandatory on every set, with the other 2 choices kind of up to your flex and coverage needs.
Yeah, I honestly wish Golisopod learned EQ or U-turn too. It's wonderful that he hard counters stuff like Weavile, M-Alakazam, Salazzle, but there's a large portion of the metagame that you have to switch out and lose momentum against. I think First Impression and Aqua Jet should be mandatory on every set, with the other 2 choices kind of up to your flex and coverage needs.

Umm... U-Turn? That's part of it's ability.
Makes me wonder how red card works with golisopod. Get hit, lose 50%, red card the opposing pokemon out, trigger ability and switch into a counter to setup.

Does emergency exit or red card trigger first?
I've been trying Golisopod a little on Showdown and I feel the meta is just too unkind to it right now to be very useful. I've been using him as a hit and run to pick off weakened opponents with his priority, but a lot of the current threats just resist his stabs or easily play around him. Aegislash, Garchomp, Mantine, Toxapex, Tapu Fini, Tapu Bulu, Heatran

You should definitely have teammates to get passed unfavorable match ups, but point is in my experience Golisopod hasn't been able to revenge too many things since often times teams right now are made up largely of things that handle his stab priority pretty well, and the things that don't are taken care of fairly easily without him.

I ran Assault Vest at first and then switched over to life orb which I ended up preferring on a hit and run mon. Oddly enough though, of all things holding him back I felt his ability was NOT one of them. With a bulkier set he does his job of chipping at the opponent and his ability let's him get out immediately to something that finishes the job if he couldn't, without wasting a turn. And in tougher situations where you need a safe switch, instead of sacking a teammate, if Golisopod is healthy to survive the hit with less than 50% on the switch, his ability will let you switch in that Pokemon you wanted safely.

I definitely think he has his niche, but he's not becoming the go to revenge killer any time soon, and his bulky pivoting is ok. Maybe after a few things end up band he might have more utility. I love his design and theme so I'll definitely be trying him again later on.
After the meta settles I could see this mon being pretty fun on some trolly trap spam teams just like how eject button slowking works. It's ability probably could be used to its fullest potential in those scenarios as it's essentially eject button but with a condition for it to activate. I also cud see it having some cool niche scenarios to prevent a uturn momentum or volt switch momentum as it prevents the other mon from switching out f emergency exit pops. Overall I don't see this mon being ou other than maybe a trolly trap team but probably cud see some good use in the lower tiers once they get organized...
What do you guys think about pairing it up with Magnezone? Seems interesting to me since it covers up Golisopod's weaknesses (namely rock, flying (x0.25) and electrik) and has a strong STABed volt-switch.
Could Golisopod be used as a Spiker? I checked its entry on Serebii and noticed it got Spikes. I mean hey, Spikes-->Emergency Exit into a sweeper?
Emergency Exit is interesting. Though pretty awkward to use. Golisopod is definitely not a Pokemon for beginners. It's offensive movepool needs some improvement. It gets walled by a number of Pokemon forcing it out. I'm sure open minded people will find cool ways to use Emergency Exit as time flys.
Could Golisopod be used as a Spiker? I checked its entry on Serebii and noticed it got Spikes. I mean hey, Spikes-->Emergency Exit into a sweeper?
It can use them. I think its ideal set is a bit different from the OPs, though:

- Spikes
- First Impression
- Leech Life
- Aqua Jet / Sucker Punch

I do agree with the OP that Skarm / Ferro fill the niche of Spike users a bit better, but one perk that Golisopod has that the other two don't is the utility in revenge killing. I would probably stick with Aqua Jet, but Sucker Punch has merit on catching Water-types that otherwise resist First Impression and Golisopod survives an attack.

Truth be told I wouldn't run this Pokemon at all until Aegislash leaves, though. Once it is gone I think it will, temporarily, rise in popularity.
What do you guys think of a Band set with this thing? It's bulky enough to take some hits, has nice priority moves and even a recovery move, and an ability that can make it work as a slow U-turner. Didn't see any sets suggesting it but from what I understand how the ability works it seems as though this thing was meant to carry a Choice Band.
What do you guys think of a Band set with this thing? It's bulky enough to take some hits, has nice priority moves and even a recovery move, and an ability that can make it work as a slow U-turner. Didn't see any sets suggesting it but from what I understand how the ability works it seems as though this thing was meant to carry a Choice Band.
Not really. Being locked into his priority moves (especially first impression) is very easy to take advantage of, life orb at least ensures you can do respectable damage without being locked into your moves. LO orb also has the added bonus of potentially knocking yourself into emergency exit range, meaning if Golisopod is at 60% or less then it gets switch initiative on any of its attacks - for example the opponent sends out Skarmory to take the first impression only for you to immediately switch out to your Magnezone or Tapu Koko (or whatever).
It can use them. I think its ideal set is a bit different from the OPs, though:

- Spikes
- First Impression
- Leech Life
- Aqua Jet / Sucker Punch

I do agree with the OP that Skarm / Ferro fill the niche of Spike users a bit better, but one perk that Golisopod has that the other two don't is the utility in revenge killing. I would probably stick with Aqua Jet, but Sucker Punch has merit on catching Water-types that otherwise resist First Impression and Golisopod survives an attack.

Truth be told I wouldn't run this Pokemon at all until Aegislash leaves, though. Once it is gone I think it will, temporarily, rise in popularity.
Spikes Golis isn't all that great imo. Sure its powerful priority moves can force switches on the right opponents, but it's very unreliable at it due to emergency exit. Yes it would be amazing if Golis could use a move before it's forced out and make spikes a great set, but unfortunately it doesn't work this way. If the opponent brings your Golis down below 50% then your spikes user is unable to set spikes on that turn, something almost every other viable spiker can at least do, therefore it sucks :/
I got Emergency Exit to activate twice.
First Time was when an opponent brings me down below 1/2 HP.
Second Time was when Leech Life into a Substitute and took LO recoil.

I realized that this is expected mechanism,
but this does make it even trickier to use.
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The set with 3 priority moves all at once in one set to fight HO team is very strong and with 40 base Spe you are forced to run Adamant anyway:

Golisopod @ Life Orb
Ability: Emergency Exit
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Aqua Jet
- Sucker Punch
- Razor Shell

This is the set used in the replay above (http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-478961789) and is really good because it has nice power behind those moves which create some mindgames.

I think that the AV has competition from Buzzwole, which has a different typing but a similar spread/bulk.

I really like this set but I'm still debating between Life Orb or Assault Vest (kinda like Conkeldur) and running Leech Life rather than Liquidation. 3 priority attacks and Leech Life for longevity. It's a shame that Pheromosa has slowed the discussion on a lot of these threads (as most of the mons heavily analized are those that can do something in a meta where she exists) because I would have loved more input on this set, as revenge killing or bulky assault vest user seem like his two possible roles.
I'm not sure about what happened, but I was playing with my Golisopod in game and I was against a wild Skarmory ; I used Liquidation, and on the second turn I accidentaly clicked First Impression and it still worked, and with priority.
Emergency Exit is interesting. Though pretty awkward to use. Golisopod is definitely not a Pokemon for beginners. It's offensive movepool needs some improvement. It gets walled by a number of Pokemon forcing it out. I'm sure open minded people will find cool ways to use Emergency Exit as time flys.
so far I have found its a great way to bring in frail pokes like gengar and alakazam on pokemon that would otherwise ko them on the switch (its really usefull in ubers to trap with mega gengar)
I'm not sure about what happened, but I was playing with my Golisopod in game and I was against a wild Skarmory ; I used Liquidation, and on the second turn I accidentaly clicked First Impression and it still worked, and with priority.

Seems like more testing is needed.

Same goes for Emergency Exit.
Interestingly Golisopod has a check in Alolan Golem. Adamant 252 Stone Edge has 18% percent chance to OHKO without Defense investment on the Golisopod. Galvanize Double-Edge is a guaranteed OHKO. Golem has higher base speed, and the most Golisopod can do in return is a 3HKO from Aqua Jet if the Golem has no Speed EV's, and that is with max Attack investment. The only thing Golem cannot do safely is Rock Polish set-up, but even that is a 50/50 and the Golisopod has to run Liquidation and Aqua Jet (not that Rock Polish sets will be super common).
I dont really like the life orb set that much. it does have some great matchups but I dont like putting yourself in emergency exit range. its very rare that you even get the life orb hit to put you below 50% to force yourself to not switch out AND not die to the next move of the opponent (if you were faster / used prio).

I've been using this banded set to some success.

Golisopod @ Choice Band
Ability: Emergency Exit
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Aqua Jet
- Liquidation
- Spikes

It just uses priority to chip away at the opponent and if you do get swapped out via emergency exit, its because you set it up to do so. You have two priority moves so you wont waste a turn not hitting your opponent if you switch out via your ability. And spikes is cool so that if you get hit out when using spikes you are one turn ahead of your opponent if they have defog / spin. You can go to a set up sweeper and start setting up or force some switches with a very heavy hitter. I put max speed on there so that spikes and liquidation are used before you get hit by emergency exit. IT's still pretty slow but its better than being really slow and getting outsped by stuff like marowak and not being able to hit it at all.
I dont really like the life orb set that much. it does have some great matchups but I dont like putting yourself in emergency exit range. its very rare that you even get the life orb hit to put you below 50% to force yourself to not switch out AND not die to the next move of the opponent (if you were faster / used prio).

I've been using this banded set to some success.

Golisopod @ Choice Band
Ability: Emergency Exit
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Aqua Jet
- Liquidation
- Spikes

It just uses priority to chip away at the opponent and if you do get swapped out via emergency exit, its because you set it up to do so. You have two priority moves so you wont waste a turn not hitting your opponent if you switch out via your ability. And spikes is cool so that if you get hit out when using spikes you are one turn ahead of your opponent if they have defog / spin. You can go to a set up sweeper and start setting up or force some switches with a very heavy hitter. I put max speed on there so that spikes and liquidation are used before you get hit by emergency exit. IT's still pretty slow but its better than being really slow and getting outsped by stuff like marowak and not being able to hit it at all.
I haven't used Golisopod much so it's not like im in any position to say what the best set is, but idk that set really doesn't seem optimal to me. Do you have any replays of this set in action? idk being locked into any of it's moves seems like such a risk for a Pokemon like this, like if you're locked into first impression (and potentially aqua jet) then you're setup fodder, if you're locked into liquidation or spikes the opponent has a much easier time forcing you out (of course you get switch initiative regardless, but with life orb you can at least threaten them with a powerful hit before you're forced out, and this could potentially prevent them from coming in in the first place. if you're locked into liquidation then for example alakazam has no fear of coming in and getting off a powerful hit, but with life orb sucker punch or aqua jet you can prevent this. Oh, did i mention it's incredibly risky as a spiker?). LO does unfortunately reduce Golisopod's defensive effectiveness by wearing itself down, something choice band can offset, but that's the only overall benefit i can see with a choice band set.
Replays speak louder than words tho, i'd be happy to have my opinion challenged with some nice juicy replays
What happpens with Emergency Exit and Sitrus Berry? Do you heal then switch, or switch out -> heal the next time you come in (barring things like Wish), and what Priority is First Impression?
This thing looks amazing, we needed a good Bug/Water mon and we got two pretty usable ones.
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