LC Venipede


Venipede's access to Speed Boost, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed-boosting entry hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hit STAB move Pin Missile can OHKO Focus Sash users like Abra and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters, Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. Its defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves. Additionally, Venipede has the ability to deal heavy damage to common spinners and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble, which have much better defensive and offensive presence, respectively.

name: Entry Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as an entry hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in as well as breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not a very good move on its own, can be used with Grassium Z to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile utilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. 204 Defense EVs are used to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist-boosted Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attacking power and longevity, respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are equally important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use Bloom Doom; however, if using Toxic Spikes, an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses.

Usage Tips

If the opponent has an antilead to Venipede, such as Dwebble, Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If the opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but because Venipede outspeeds them thanks to Speed Boost anyway, it should set up entry hazards first and use Bloom Doom only after they have switched in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually focus on this instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential for its its teammates to score KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates its support and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, with some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force foes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats more easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force foes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Ferroseed, and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin.

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack and then bring any slower foe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it turns Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, its movepool isn't good enough, and it doesn't have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't affected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, in particular, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Setup Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.
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QC amcheck, don't add it.

Mention that it can act as a suicide lead.


Set comments

Set details
Write that in the case of running Toxic Spikes instead of Solar Beam, use a Impish nature for further boost Venipede's capability of take hits.

Usage tips

Team Options
Change to spinblockers in general, such as Pumpkaboo and Gastly in the first line.

Strategy comments
Other options
Mention a more offensive oriented EV spread in the LO section and type about its flaws.

Checks and Counters
Add Taunt users.

And I think that's all, hope I helped.
you really want to mention that venipede is a stellar pokemon at spiking at any point in the match, providing it can find a time to get into play, due to how common veni-food is (read: fighters) and the importance of speed boost. this ties into usage tips which i've always liked doing.

nitpick but spikes in slot 1, bloom doom / t spikes in 2, protect in slot 3. change bullet point order to reflect the change

set details:
"Due to Venipede not being able to drop any of its stats, a neutral nature should be used to keep any of its stats from being decreased."
^ your wording sucks. fix that
impish if t spikes

team options:
I would say "threatening Pokemon", or "Pokemon with strong offensive presences," instead of just 'powerful pokemon'
i would then expand this to include cleaners such as scarf mienfoo (reckless!?) who can overcome checks with raw power after hazards
reword set up sweepers bit, it sounds not good, ya'know?
i'm not too keen on having phasers, but keep it. i would just use this as a good point to add veni enjoys sr support too, as almost everything which enjoys spikes up enjoys sr up too. both examples you used for phasing get up sr, so yh natural flow.
add spinblockers

sash makes it essentially only a suicide lead, ruining veni's good flexibility
however sash sets can make use of endeavor!
"Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost utilizer is done better by Carvanha and Torchic" then message its raw power is lacking too

fine if brief.

you really want to mention that venipede is a stellar pokemon at spiking at any point in the match, providing it can find a time to get into play, due to how common veni-food is (read: fighters) and the importance of speed boost. this ties into usage tips which i've always liked doing.

nitpick but spikes in slot 1, bloom doom / t spikes in 2, protect in slot 3. change bullet point order to reflect the change

set details:
"Due to Venipede not being able to drop any of its stats, a neutral nature should be used to keep any of its stats from being decreased."
^ your wording sucks. fix that
impish if t spikes

team options:
I would say "threatening Pokemon", or "Pokemon with strong offensive presences," instead of just 'powerful pokemon'
i would then expand this to include cleaners such as scarf mienfoo (reckless!?) who can overcome checks with raw power after hazards
reword set up sweepers bit, it sounds not good, ya'know?
i'm not too keen on having phasers, but keep it. i would just use this as a good point to add veni enjoys sr support too, as almost everything which enjoys spikes up enjoys sr up too. both examples you used for phasing get up sr, so yh natural flow.
add spinblockers

sash makes it essentially only a suicide lead, ruining veni's good flexibility
however sash sets can make use of endeavor!
"Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost utilizer is done better by Carvanha and Torchic" then message its raw power is lacking too

fine if brief.

  • Your fourth bullet points' sentence structure makes no sense
  • Mention that STAB Pin Missile is cool to break through Abra's Sash if really needed
name: Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe
  • The Eviolite TSpikes set is slashed, so slash it entirely
Set Details
  • Why does the non-Bloom Doom set run SpA EVs? I get that they aren't useful elsewhere, but just don't use them.
Usage Tips
  • If your opponent leaves with Aipom leaves? (I know what you mean, fix it)
  • Change the end of the third bullet point to but due to Venipede outspeeding them thanks to Speed Boost, it should be used after they have switches in. Clarifies things
QC 2/3, write me up Scotty
Uhh Fire-types wall the shit out of you so that needs to be the second section under Checks and Counters. Especially dangerous ones are Torchic and Ponyta, as they can boost Speed alongside Venipede with Speed Boost and Flame Charge.

Outside of that fairly major thing, this is solid

QC 3/3
Uhh Fire-types wall the shit out of you so that needs to be the second section under Checks and Counters. Especially dangerous ones are Torchic and Ponyta, as they can boost Speed alongside Venipede with Speed Boost and Flame Charge.

Outside of that fairly major thing, this is solid

QC 3/3
Implemented! GP!!!!
Implemented! GP!!!!
No, mention Ponyta and Torchic first! Fire types aren't meant to clear hazards, offensive Pony and Torchic put huge pressure on Venipedes team by coming in free and threatening it out. Hazard removal is irrelevant in the fire types section so please rewrite it with this detail in mind
No, mention Ponyta and Torchic first! Fire types aren't meant to clear hazards, offensive Pony and Torchic put huge pressure on Venipedes team by coming in free and threatening it out. Hazard removal is irrelevant in the fire types section so please rewrite it with this detail in mind
Hey Drew, nice job! Amcheck
(AC) = Add Comma
(AH) = Add Hyphen

(RC) = Remova Comma
(RH) = Remove Hyphen


Venipede's access to Speed Boost and Spikes, (AC) Spikes, (AC) and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed Boosting-boosting (AH) hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hitting STAB move Pin Missile can breakOHKO Focus Sash users like Abra, and is just and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters., (AC) Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. It's defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves in Little Cup. Additionally, Venipede's has the ability to deal heavy damage to common Rapid Spinersspinners [or Rapid Spin users] and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble who have a, which have much better defensive and offensive presences respectively.

name: Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as a hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in, (RC) as well as having the benefit of breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not being a very good move on its own, can, when be used with Grassium Z, give Venipede one super powerful move to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile and almost always OHKOing Drilbur. [Pin Missile only applies to Dwebble, right? let me know if I'm wrong on this] Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage, usually to gain a Speed B while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile is Venipede's main STAB move, utilizingutilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile.certain Pokemon listed above. 204 Defense EVs are invested to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist boosted-boosted (AH) Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr, 204 Defense EVs are invested. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attack power and survivability respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are very important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use one super-powerful Grass-type moveBloom Doom. However, if using Toxic Spikes, Eviolite,then an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses. [optional change to improve readability]

Usage Tips

If youthe opponent has a counter lead to Venipede, the main one beingsuch as Dwebble, then Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If yourthe opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but due to Venipede outspeeding them thanks to Speed Boost, it should be used after they have switchesd in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, it is notable that if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role being as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually set hazards instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential to score its teammates KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates the Toxic Spikes support, (RC)and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force opponentfoes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats easiermore easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force opponentfoes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Feroseed, and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin from removing hazards. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede.[optional change for flow]

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack then bring any slower Pokemonfoe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it makes Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats in if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, and its movepool isn't good enough nor does it have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't eaffected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, (AC) in particular can, if using Weak Armor, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, (AC) if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Hazard rRemovers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Set-up (RH) Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.
Hey Drew, nice job! Amcheck
(AC) = Add Comma
(AH) = Add Hyphen

(RC) = Remova Comma
(RH) = Remove Hyphen


Venipede's access to Speed Boost and Spikes, (AC) Spikes, (AC) and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed Boosting-boosting (AH) hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hitting STAB move Pin Missile can breakOHKO Focus Sash users like Abra, and is just and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters., (AC) Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. It's defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves in Little Cup. Additionally, Venipede's has the ability to deal heavy damage to common Rapid Spinersspinners [or Rapid Spin users] and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble who have a, which have much better defensive and offensive presences respectively.

name: Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as a hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in, (RC) as well as having the benefit of breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not being a very good move on its own, can, when be used with Grassium Z, give Venipede one super powerful move to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile and almost always OHKOing Drilbur. [Pin Missile only applies to Dwebble, right? let me know if I'm wrong on this] Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage, usually to gain a Speed B while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile is Venipede's main STAB move, utilizingutilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile.certain Pokemon listed above. 204 Defense EVs are invested to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist boosted-boosted (AH) Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr, 204 Defense EVs are invested. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attack power and survivability respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are very important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use one super-powerful Grass-type moveBloom Doom. However, if using Toxic Spikes, Eviolite,then an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses. [optional change to improve readability]

Usage Tips

If youthe opponent has a counter lead to Venipede, the main one beingsuch as Dwebble, then Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If yourthe opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but due to Venipede outspeeding them thanks to Speed Boost, it should be used after they have switchesd in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, it is notable that if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role being as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually set hazards instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential to score its teammates KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates the Toxic Spikes support, (RC)and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force opponentfoes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats easiermore easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force opponentfoes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Feroseed, and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin from removing hazards. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede.[optional change for flow]

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack then bring any slower Pokemonfoe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it makes Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats in if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, and its movepool isn't good enough nor does it have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't eaffected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, (AC) in particular can, if using Weak Armor, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, (AC) if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Hazard rRemovers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Set-up (RH) Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.
gotta love GMars (implemented)

add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Venipede's access to Speed Boost, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed-boosting entry hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hit STAB move Pin Missile can OHKO Focus Sash users like Abra and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters, Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. Its defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves in Little Cup. Additionally, Venipede has the ability to deal heavy damage to common spinners and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble, which have much better defensive and offensive presences presence, respectively.

name: Entry Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as an entry hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in as well as having the benefit of breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not a very good move on its own, can be used with Grassium Z to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile utilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. (AP) 204 Defense EVs are invested to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist-boosted Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attacking power and survivability longevity, respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are very equally (otherwise I guess you'd still boost the most important one?) important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use Bloom Doom. However, if using Toxic Spikes,then an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses.

Usage Tips

If the opponent has a counter lead an antilead to Venipede, such as Dwebble, then Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If the opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but due to because Venipede outspeeding outspeeds them thanks to Speed Boost anyway, it should be used set up entry hazards first and use Bloom Doom only (I think? hard to follow the logic here because it doesn't need to outspeed them to OHKO them anyways) after they have switchesd switched in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually set hazards focus on this instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential to score its teammates KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates the Toxic Spikes its support and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, with some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force foes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late-game (AH) cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats more easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force foes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Feroseed, Ferroseed and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin from removing hazards.

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack and then bring any slower foe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it makes Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, and its movepool isn't good enough, (AC) nor does it and it doesn't have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't affected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, in particular, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Setup Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.
Last edited:

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GP 1/2

Venipede's access to Speed Boost, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed-boosting entry hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hit STAB move Pin Missile can OHKO Focus Sash users like Abra and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters, Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. Its defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves in Little Cup. Additionally, Venipede has the ability to deal heavy damage to common spinners and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble, which have much better defensive and offensive presences presence, respectively.

name: Entry Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as an entry hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in as well as having the benefit of breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not a very good move on its own, can be used with Grassium Z to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile utilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. (AP) 204 Defense EVs are invested to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist-boosted Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attacking power and survivability longevity, respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are very equally (otherwise I guess you'd still boost the most important one?) important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use Bloom Doom. However, if using Toxic Spikes,then an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses.

Usage Tips

If the opponent has a counter lead an antilead to Venipede, such as Dwebble, then Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If the opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but due to because Venipede outspeeding outspeeds them thanks to Speed Boost anyway, it should be used set up entry hazards first and use Bloom Doom only (I think? hard to follow the logic here because it doesn't need to outspeed them to OHKO them anyways) after they have switchesd switched in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually set hazards focus on this instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential to score its teammates KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates the Toxic Spikes its support and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, with some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force foes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late-game (AH) cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats more easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force foes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Feroseed, Ferroseed and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin from removing hazards.

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack and then bring any slower foe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it makes Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, and its movepool isn't good enough, (AC) nor does it and it doesn't have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't affected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, in particular, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Setup Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.

Venipede's access to Speed Boost, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed-boosting entry hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hit STAB move Pin Missile can OHKO Focus Sash users like Abra and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters, Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. Its defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves. Additionally, Venipede has the ability to deal heavy damage to common spinners and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble, which have much better defensive and offensive presence, respectively.

name: Entry Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as an entry hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in as well as breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not a very good move on its own, can be used with Grassium Z to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile utilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. 204 Defense EVs are invested used to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist-boosted Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attacking power and longevity, respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are equally important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use Bloom Doom. However, Doom; however, if using Toxic Spikes, an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses.

Usage Tips

If the opponent has an antilead to Venipede, such as Dwebble, Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If the opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but because Venipede outspeeds them thanks to Speed Boost anyway, it should set up entry hazards first and use Bloom Doom only after they have switched in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually focus on this instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential for its to score its teammates to score KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates its support and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, with some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force foes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats more easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force foes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Ferroseed Ferroseed, and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin.

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack and then bring any slower foe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it makes turns Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, its movepool isn't good enough, and it doesn't have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't affected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, in particular, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Setup Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.
2/2 good
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Venipede's access to Speed Boost, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes gives it a niche as a Speed-boosting entry hazard setter. Additionally, its multi-hit STAB move Pin Missile can OHKO Focus Sash users like Abra and is generally powerful. Unlike other Spikes setters, Venipede can effectively set up Spikes at nearly any point in the game. Its defensive typing is also pretty good, granting it a 4x resistance to the incredibly common Fighting- and Grass-type moves. Additionally, Venipede has the ability to deal heavy damage to common spinners and hazard setters such as Staryu, Drilbur, and Onix with Bloom Doom. Sadly, Venipede's overall poor offensive presence and relatively poor defensive presence make it outclassed by other hazard setters, mainly Ferroseed and Dwebble, which have much better defensive and offensive presence, respectively.

name: Entry Hazard Stacker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Solar Beam / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pin Missile
item: Grassium Z / Eviolite
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Serious / Impish
evs: 76 Atk / 204 Def / 36 SpA / 44 SpD / 148 Spe


Spikes lets Venipede function as an entry hazard setter and aid its team by dealing damage to foes every time they switch in as well as breaking Sturdy. Solar Beam, although not a very good move on its own, can be used with Grassium Z to give Venipede a powerful Bloom Doom, KOing most Staryu sets, almost always OHKOing Drilbur, and KOing Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. Alternatively, Toxic Spikes may be used instead of Bloom Doom to give Venipede more hazards to set. Protect allows Venipede to keep itself from taking damage while gaining a Speed boost. Pin Missile utilizes Little Cup's damage rolls to deal a significant amount of damage, OHKOing Abra despite its Focus Sash.

Set Details

148 Speed EVs give Venipede the ability to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon in Little Cup after one Speed boost. 36 Special Attack EVs let it OHKO most Staryu and Drilbur and KO Weak Armor Dwebble after a Pin Missile. 204 Defense EVs are invested used to let Venipede survive two Iron Fist-boosted Ice Punches into a Mach Punch from Timburr. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack and Special Defense to boost Venipede's attacking power and longevity, respectively. Since all of Venipede's stats are equally important, a neutral nature is recommended. As mentioned above, Grassium Z allows Venipede to use Bloom Doom. However, Doom; however, if using Toxic Spikes, an alternative EV spread of 76 Atk / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 148 Spe, Eviolite, and an Impish nature should be used to maximize Venipede's defenses.

Usage Tips

If the opponent has an antilead to Venipede, such as Dwebble, Venipede should be saved until it can be brought in and utilized safely. If the opponent leads with Aipom or any other Fake Out user, using Protect immediately can stop Venipede from taking unnecessary damage. Bloom Doom allows Venipede to function as a lure to common Rapid Spin users, but because Venipede outspeeds them thanks to Speed Boost anyway, it should set up entry hazards first and use Bloom Doom only after they have switched in. If Venipede needs to outspeed threats or set hazards for any reason, it should use Protect to gain extra Speed. However, if any of these threats commonly carry Substitute or can boost further, it may be better to attack and surprise them instead. Due to its primary role as a hazard setter, Venipede should usually focus on this instead of attempting to deal chip damage, unless this chip damage is essential for its to score its teammates to score KOs.

Team Options

If Venipede is running Toxic Spikes, Hex Gastly greatly appreciates its support and can also block Rapid Spin for Venipede. Sweepers appreciate hazard support from Venipede, with some of the best including Nasty Plot Vullaby, Shellder, and Snivy. Other threatening Pokemon that force switches, Doduo especially, can force foes to take extra damage every time they switch into a check. Late-game cleaners such as Choice Scarf Mienfoo and Torchic can overcome threats more easily with hazards set up. Phazers, namely Hippopotas and Onix, can force foes to switch and therefore take extra damage from Venipede's hazards. Stealth Rock setters such as Pawniard, Ferroseed Ferroseed, and especially Onix can set up Stealth Rock to stack on top of Venipede's Spikes. Pawniard also deters Defog for Venipede, whereas Ghost-types such as Pumpkaboo-XL, Gastly, and Frillish can block Rapid Spin.

Other Options

Focus Sash can be run in tandem with Endeavor to help Venipede take one attack and then bring any slower foe lacking priority down to 1 HP, but it makes turns Venipede into a suicide lead, severely limiting its use. Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, but Venipede needs all of its moves and Fairy-types usually can't do much to it anyways. Infestation can trap threats if they aren't carrying U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass, but this is very situational. Finally, using a Life Orb can grant Venipede more of an offensive presence, but the job of a powerful physical Speed Boost user is done better by Carvanha and Torchic, its movepool isn't good enough, and it doesn't have the raw power to be a good sweeper.

Checks and Counters
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can easily switch into anything Venipede can do and aren't affected by any of its hazards. Weak Armor Vullaby, in particular, can get easy boosts from Pin Missile and, if running Defog, can remove Venipede's hazards.

**Fire-types**: Similarly to Flying-types, Fire-types like Ponyta and Torchic can easily switch in on Venipede and apply much pressure to Venipede's team.

**Entry Hazard Removers**: Hazard removers in general can nullify Venipede's purpose, although many, namely Drilbur, Staryu, and Kabuto, are heavily damaged or KOed by Bloom Doom.

**Setup Sweepers**: Setup sweepers such as Zigzagoon and Doduo can easily set up on Venipede due to its relatively poor offensive presence.
2/2 good
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