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  • We haven't battled so I haven't really reported anything. We need to finish by Tuesday Midnight. I'll be on 3-7 pm PST tomorrow in order to try and catch you. When're you going to be on? o-o. Once again, main PO server, name is Ranigad. Just pm me if you see me online and if I don't respond check again in like, 30 mins.
    Hey, I'm your opponent for the Smogon Tournament. I'll meet you on the PO main server whenever you can be on xD It would be good if we were able to schedule a time but I'll be on most of the time for the next few days while I'm doing some apps online. Username is Ranigad (go figure xD)
    Hi Mazel, seeing as I've been sending some frequent messages recently, I thought it would be faster to communicate via VM. In response to your question regarding a good Choice Bander, the first thought that came to me in regards to your team was Tyranitar. It has the advantage of synergizing well with Rotom, and can make for a potent trapper of opposing Rotom, which will open up opportunities for Gyarados to sweep. Provided that Gyarados Taunts on the switch, even defensive Rotom with Will-o-Wisp can be trapped and taken out with Pursuit in this manner.
    Hey MazeL, I finally found some time to rate your team. It was already a very good team though, so I didn't have much to say. Good job!
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