Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 8

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Smeargle doesn't belong in Ubers because of its poor defenses. One hit instantly ko's it. Even with Sash it'd go down without a kill.
Do you honestly try to take hits or kill pokemon with smeargle in ANY teir? 99.99% of smeargles are just spore+set up stuff sets that make him good. He cannot do anything with his other stats. How about instead of telling me not to use a pokemon, give me a not bullshit reason and answer my fucking question. Noob.
No, but if you don't take the male from day care, even if it's at an level that made it lose all the moves, the attacks that it had when you deposited in Day Care will be passed.

That's one more reason to use SR way too...
What is Soft Resetting mean, and how does it make breeding faster? I've been working on multiple breeding projects and I need all the tips I can get.

If you know anything else that can help me, let me know. I use good Dittos, I upgrade parents with better babies, and I use Camerupt to hatch faster. What else makes this process quicker?
You're welcome ;D

What is Soft Resetting mean, and how does it make breeding faster? I've been working on multiple breeding projects and I need all the tips I can get.

If you know anything else that can help me, let me know. I use good Dittos, I upgrade parents with better babies, and I use Camerupt to hatch faster. What else makes this process quicker?
You save before gettin the egg, you'll be getting the same nature/gender/ability, but diferent IVs.
That's faster because you won't need to rely in luck to get natures, etc, just for one time.
Also, the more eggs from the same specie in the party you carry, slower they hatch. In SR you just need to carry one.
Do you honestly try to take hits or kill pokemon with smeargle in ANY teir? 99.99% of smeargles are just spore+set up stuff sets that make him good. He cannot do anything with his other stats. How about instead of telling me not to use a pokemon, give me a not bullshit reason and answer my fucking question. Noob.
Aww, hell no. Now I know you're not trying to tell me off. I wasn't trying to be an asshole or anything. But now that you're going to provoke a fight, then you better be expecting a response. Calling me a noob isn't an insult, because I'm not the one with the 78 post-count of bullshit and has the "I could be banned" above my username now am I? So instead of trying to tell people off and acting like you know everything, why don't you just shut the fuck up and go back to being told what to do. By the way, I never told you to NOT use a Pokemon, I just pointed out that it wouldn't be good inside of a Uber tier. Now you think about it, you're the noob dumbass, not me.

I'd say so.
Level doesn't matter.

Miamisportsfan45: Old Chateau FOR SURE!
Oh shit. lol. Forgot about that completely. Wow... such a blonde moment. haha. Thanks man.
I don't understand why people prefer EV train against high-leveled Pokémon to get 2 EVs* than getting 1 EV against Lv 15 or less Pokémon in quick battles.

*excluding Power items and Pvirus
Realy? Wow, that realy sucks.
It's not a straight decreasing of how they hatch. As far as I remember, each specie egg has an egg count number. When you hit 256 steps (not since you've had the egg, just based on your overall stepcount), it goes through your party eggs. The game decreases the first egg's egg count by one, then if it doesn't hatch, decreases the next egg's count by one. If that makes sense.
Im getting my Goldbat to evolve into Crobat in-game. It has reached lvl 45 and hasnt died even once. Meaning it should have enough happiness to evolve right? But its not evolving. Is there somethign im missing? Like feeding it the Poffins and stuff?
I need some tips on hatching eggs quicker. Please help!
Besides Magma Armor/Flame Body, I don't see a lot.

Im getting my Goldbat to evolve into Crobat in-game. It has reached lvl 45 and hasnt died even once. Meaning it should have enough happiness to evolve right? But its not evolving. Is there somethign im missing? Like feeding it the Poffins and stuff?
Try giving it EVdrop berries in stat you didn't EV train.
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