Other Haxball 3v3 Tournament! [Round 2!]

well there were no more free agents who signed up so for now there's 1 free slot, meaning whoever may be interested can post here and the first one to do so will be added. Optionally you could ask somebody you know to post here and they'll be put on your team instead
of moose and men won the 1st half 4-2 against Hitler + Napoleon's army, 2nd half to be played at another time (get it done please)

e: also tagging megaqwer:D and TraceofLife again to check shubaka17's post (above) and try to schedule with him as he's the only potential player who can play with your team right now
idk what this means, but i think this a win to us since they don't have enough players to complete.

+cole: yo when do you want to play for the haxball tour
+TraceofLife: we only have 2 members .-.
+cole: fuck
+cole: so are you out
+TraceofLife: i have no idea
+TraceofLife: we're
+TraceofLife: free agents
+cole: hmm
+cole: ok well
due to the number of games that are incomplete i've given everyone a 3 day extension and started a PM with you so you can schedule more easily with teammates/opponents. If you want to sub someone in then let me know and i'll add them to the convo too.

For future rounds I recommend starting up a convo yourself between the 6 players so you can all schedule easily instead of relying on chance
when you give an extension and no additional games are played anyway... will post round 2 tomorrow or saturday

also any teams looking for a sub for round 2 feel free to ask Peli :]
Round 2:

DEADLINE: 6th September

of moose and men vs I FOTONI

<3 vs FA Team 2

Hitler + Napoleon's Army vs FA Team 3

The Wonder Trio vs Mushmonkey and friends (c0mp subbed in over Zepherox)

Aamir's (uu iz da shizzle) Muslim Disciples vs FA Team 1

If you don't know who is in your opponent's team check round 1 and I recommend making a PM with all players so you can schedule easily without complications with 6 players.

Unlike last round make sure you actually get these games DONE. If you want to sub somebody in then you may post now

<3: 2
FA Team 3: 2
of moose and men: 1
The Wonder Trio: 1
FA team 1: 1
FA Team 2: 1
Hitler + Napoleon's Army: 0
Mushmonkey and friends: 0
Aamir's (uu iz da shizzle) Muslim Disciples: 0

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