League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

i dont know that i'd call trist far easier to play... IMO shes one of the harder ADs to play, up there with vayne and kog. ironically the skillshot ADCs are the ones that I tend to find faceroll (EZreal, graves.)

but anyways i think a lot more people get the free trist than ali
so i bought some rp and got maokai

then i hated him and refunded it and got yorick

then i went 20/5 in my first game with yorick

i think ill keep yorick


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Yorick has a ridiculous earlygame and a questionable lategame.

And by questionable I mean he's an ultbot.
Hey yo I've been playing LoL for just a couple of weeks now and I was thinking of saving up for ahri because she is so badass looking and shit and I was just wondering people's opinions of her.

I've been mostly playing as teemo, Janna, lux and soraka so far of that makes any difference
ironically the skillshot ADCs are the ones that I tend to find faceroll (EZreal, graves.)
Yeah I find I do well with any champ that has a line skillshot. Lux is supposed to be one of the hardest champs to play because of all of her skillshots, but I can hit her binding and shield without a problem. When playing a champ like Kennen or Corki, I can just poke my opponent to death. I also picked up Lee Sin pretty quickly, but I think that was more because I like being able to jump all over the place.
Will I eventually come to a point where the people I'm facing are good enough to not get steamrolled by Master Yi? If I don't get 20 kills or more with Yi, I had a bad game >_> At least at the point in my LoL "career" I guess.
Will I eventually come to a point where the people I'm facing are good enough to not get steamrolled by Master Yi? If I don't get 20 kills or more with Yi, I had a bad game >_> At least at the point in my LoL "career" I guess.
yes it is called 1400 elo

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
You need to pretty much tell your team where Yi is at all times. Just keep your eyes on the minimap, and whenever you see Yi walk into the fog of war, ping him. If he goes mia, call mia. A Yi that's not fed is a Yi that loses to every champion in the game except junk like Heimerdinger, Karma, Trundle etc.
You need to pretty much tell your team where Yi is at all times. Just keep your eyes on the minimap, and whenever you see Yi walk into the fog of war, ping him. If he goes mia, call mia. A Yi that's not fed is a Yi that loses to every champion in the game except junk like Heimerdinger, Karma, Trundle etc.
See, in normals when you're only level 12, nobody does this. Nobody even wards. It's too easy to just head into the jungle with Yi, hide in the bushes, and then Q>R>E>Auto Attack for a stupid easy kill when nobody does these things. Then when mid-game comes around and you have 12 kills and most of your build finished, if you can catch ANY champion wandering around alone at all with Yi...there's a kill and money for another Infinity Edge or something >_>

I can't wait till I'm level 30 when this game will actually involve strategy :P


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I enjoy how ever since the "report card" shit started there are people who whine Tribunal is too lenient because of blatant cases where should-be-obvious-punishes get pardoned... and then there's shit like this that doesn't even belong in Tribunal getting punished by a majority.

Oh well, join the club.
The stupid thing about yorick is that he will never lose a lane.

And M5 is playing right now

The first statement is so true.

I agree though that he falls off quite a bit late game. He can still contribute though...with a decent build his E is still pretty strong and getting all three ghouls out can still take chunks off an enemy's health.

Still, though, if I REALLY want to win a game, I use Yorick. If I see an enemy is using a champ that can be really strong if fed (which, really, is any champ, but I'm looking for champs that are particularly notable for insane late games), then I will use Yorick against them and make their life hell during the laning phase.
is yorick very common in ranked or something? i haven't seen him in about 3 months of normals but people complain about him all the time
is yorick very common in ranked or something? i haven't seen him in about 3 months of normals but people complain about him all the time
He's fallen out of popularity recently after a series of nerfs, but he's still a strong pick against certain champions and does very well in 1v2 lanes so he is picked reasonably often in competitive games.

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