League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


My heart has now been set on love
i see you guys and ur profiles and i see hundreds of thousands of ip and if you all wouldn't mind me asking, how do you get all this IP so fast?
either you buy IP boosts or you just grind for them. one thing that helps is playing with a group because you get a party bonus for playing with groups.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
I won't deny that mr yi did quite a bit but that said I carried teamfights hardcore. Rengar and Malzahar were both like 8/2 out of lane phase.

My ultis were juicy and tender and helped set up mr yi for greatness. We legit 2 v 4d them once.

And if we're being honest that's my preferred play style. Setting up the big boy bloodthirsty plays for someone else to pick up. Soooooooo I'm fine with it. Ayyyyyy


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Is it just me or is Ashe super OP now on paper? She's still the utility carry, except now she's effectively a hypercarry too because she also has some crazy steroids now where previously she had zero. Her passive is straight up +10% free damage on top of the slow it used to give her as a toggle and her new Q is effectively a 15-35% AD steroid, with added perks like instakilling Zyra fuckplants and instant stacking Cleaver, on top of the mediocre AS buff typical of a marksman steroid. Nothing short of Silver Bolts can compare.

While still having 600 range, getting buffs to both her W and E, and her permaslow no longer sucks her mana dry.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Ashe is Op, Walrein has much to learn about Amumu, and Katarina/Irelia are 100% must-bans to the point where I dodge if the other team gets them.

On Amumu I've been building Magus again since the Cinderhulk nerf and I can attest that Magus into Sunfire gives you way more fight presence than like Cinderhulk into Abyssal for example. Secondly max Q second 100% of the time because you'll insta-clear most camps with rangers Magus and Sunire anyway but with the 30% CDR from Magus/Glacial your Q will be on a 5 second cooldown so that you can actually Q, position ult, then Q again...there's basically nothing in the game that can tank that much damage and CC with any amount of team follow-up.
UncleSam do you actually have the gold to go Magus->Sunfire? I used to play the old Azingy build in S2 which was double Doran's Ring into Sunfire + Abyssal but now with junglers more or less being required to grab Locket and tank junglers more often than not getting Sightstone, I dunno where you'd fit Sunfire in that build (Magus does seem better than Cinderhulk as an enchant though)

Then again I haven't played ranked since December so idk
I don't know who you're playing with, but in my experience in yolo queue the only junglers that buy Sightstone are Lee Sin and Nunu. The pros may build it on most champs that buy Cinderhulk, but the rest of us are always behind in the vision wars anyway :^)


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Ya I mean I have to not dive in too far and if you fall behind you have to be extremely picky about what you try to gank/fight but in general you can just keep farming if you opt out of a gank due to it being too risky which will in turn accelerate when you get Sunfire and allow you to engage easier later.

I generally rush Magus into tier 2 boots (you desperately need the extra ms if you aren't very tanky) then to for the Bamis Cinder because Amumus health is horrid. I go Sorc shoes 75% of the time and pick up Mercs if they have like a Morgana/Tabis if they have a bunch of tanky AD damage (Sorcs are better vs squishy AD damage). I aim to get Sunfire around the 18 minute mark each game where you should have about 100-120 cs with a few assists/kills (ie focus on farming). Your presence early will be weak but so long as you successfully ignore your laners' whining you'll be able to carry team fights (not to mention that once you get Magus you can ult so much more often that your gank presence will still be pretty strong).


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
No such thing as a "must ban" in solo queue UncleSam. :[ Maybe in professional play where you know who you're facing, their comfort picks and potential overarching strategies they've implemented in the past with specific champions, but not in solo queue where your opponents are random and unknown. The more top champs you leave open, the more both teams are going to be able to pick. also insert unfavorable opinions about katarina and irelia here

I just ban the most annoying shit to me (Kalista, Nidalee, Shaco) and sometimes whatever my team is whining for me to ban (since I don't care anyway).

Ya I mean I have to not dive in too far and if you fall behind you have to be extremely picky about what you try to gank/fight but in general you can just keep farming if you opt out of a gank due to it being too risky

"successfully ignore your laners' whining"

oh okay


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
People won't afk in solo queue in 95% of circumstances. If you carry teamfights and aren't reliant on your teammates you will win more often than if you try (and generally fail) to win your lanes and they just position improperly anyway.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
That's what you think, you haven't seen MrE's games. He gets an afk in at least 25% (conservative estimate) of his games.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Then people must really hate MrE's attitude.

Just don't be a dick, pull an ipl, and utterly ignore everything anyone else is saying. People's won't afk unless you argue back at/flame them.

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