League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
He got offered after writing a post on r/summoners about some OGN Spring matchup and some TL guy was like "hey you look like you know a lot wanna write for tl?!?!?"
man i'm jelly. gimme a shoutout if you ever manage to do cocaine off of jaedong's dick with loco :<

so does anyone want to talk about that KTB/Blaze set or are thorns and I the only two that watch OGN
I watched games 2-4 last night and the blind pick phase. The comeback Blaze made where cpt jack hyper carried was really entertaining. KTB made so many mistakes and they still almost won, while when blaze makes mistakes in the other games its game over.
RapidStar trained in the mountains for this glorious day. Mom ganks are nothing when RapidStar ganks get double kills.

Except for the Gragas/Amumu thing which was executed well like 1/4 of the time... :s

edit: After thinking about this I don't believe Gragas/Amumu is such a bad pick with players who know what they're doing. There were some awkward moments but RapidStar's ult was doing a lot of damage and CloudTemplar could set that up. Plus Gragas ult provides a nice potential disengage vs. Shield's divers and Gragas's kit allowed them to send him 1v2 while they sent Shy mid. Maybe not optimal for facerolling but it didn't exactly set them far back.

A little sad to see NaJin Shield surrender three times in a row =/ Although they did get stomped, there's something dispiriting about giving up (even if it's more practical sometimes).
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tactical surrender is a thing in OGN because of how KDA is used for some fringe situations. shield qualified for ro8 last season because ahq didn't ff fast enough. don't think there were any benefits this time but i'm certainly not willing to dismiss most surrenders as 'giving up'

i think they changed it around though, they play tiebreaker games now
tactical surrender is a thing in OGN because of how KDA is used for some fringe situations. shield qualified for ro8 last season because ahq didn't ff fast enough. don't think there were any benefits this time but i'm certainly not willing to dismiss most surrenders as 'giving up'

i think they changed it around though, they play tiebreaker games now
Not like it would matter in this context, heh. It's past group stage. Although I see, that is interesting, thanks for the explanation. I think this has come up in discussion before actually. There are obviously several benefits to players from surrendering early when you know a game is lost but three surrenders in a row is kinda depressing.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Reign of Gaming said:
  • No longer gives 275 Health
  • Now gives 30 Armor
  • Old passive "Icy" has been removed
  • New Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds on hit.Kills grant 60 Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
Frozen Mallet
  • Item Cost - Now 655 (down from 835)
  • Item Cost - Now 500 (down from 590)
  • No longer gives 200 Health
  • Now gives 20 Armor
  • Old passive "Icy" has been removed
  • New Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds on hit.Kills grant 60 Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
Trinity Force
  • No longer gives 250 Health
  • Now gives 30 Armor
  • Old passive "Icy" has been removed
  • New Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds on hit.Kills grant 60 Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
I swear - Jibaku, a few others in #tf3, and I spoke about changing the passive to phage to a movespeed boost like a week ago or something. Riot pls.

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
I'm getting back into the game after uninstalling for a few months so I wouldn't fail finals/my MCAT. What are all the current strong champs for each role? Based on what I've heard, some of my old go-to champs like Rumble and Maokai have fallen off the map due to nerfs and whatnot.
top: vlad, shen, zac, ryze, kennen, elise
mid: ahri, zed, orianna, diana
jungle: J4, nocturne, nunu, lee sin, elise
AD: twitch, vayne, caitlyn, ashe
support: thresh, sona, nami, fiddlesticks, zyra


Banned deucer.
ryze's range was never very good to begin with compared to other ap carries, the nerfs really hurt especially against matchups in mid like ahri and orianna where now they can just poke him to death without fear of a counterattack. increased movespeed on the ult tries to compensate and fails. hes really becoming more of a top laner than anything now (koreans always one step ahead, they saw this coming)

wheres eve on your list jebus? shen + eve is downright scary, and even without shen, the pressure eve puts on the map early game outclasses any other champ, not to mention opps have to spend more gold buying pinks

what happened to khazix :[ and maokai wtf hes still really good, w+q ganks 2ez


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Yes. Ashe over Ezreal.

Ashe is the second strongest AD in the game right now behind Vayne (and Vayne isn't even that far ahead of her).

As for Ryze top, it is utter and complete garbage with the range nerfs. Champions he previously had some hope of kiting/poking in lane (Renekton/Elise/Kennen/Jax/Darius) can now get their gap closers off/outrange him and utterly destroy him. Ryze top is, if anything, even worse than Ryze mid is now.

I just don't understand why Riot nerfed one of their most popular and mascot champions into oblivion. He was never even one of the top three or so strongest mids (Kassadin/Orianna have been stronger than Ryze in every stage of the game since probably forever and yet haven't been touched).

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