Mega Evolutions in XY UU

Sorry to go back to the second page, but I am going to point out something: Fighting+Ice coverage is really good. SubPunch and Leech Seed is really good, and with Blizzard and Focus Punch having 165 BP and 150 BP respectively, it hits HARD. The only common wall that doesn't mind taking a Focus Punch or Blizzard or Leech Seed(TOO MUCH)is Florges, not to mention offensive teams hate the hard-hitting moves this Pokemon can fire out, and with correct prediction, this defeats Cobalion, Chansey, Empoleon, Chesnaught, Snorlax, to all of whom it does 60%+. It 1HKOs most top offensive threats, including Hawlucha and Mega-Houndoom. Even Suicune loses to this, with Leech Seed up, Focus Punch 2HKOs it after Hail damage and SR+1 Spike. Suicune does:
+3 4 SpA Suicune Scald vs. 52 HP / 0 SpD Mega Abomasnow: 95-112 (28.4 - 33.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
Pathetic. This is an amazing set to use, and needs to be tried out more. While I have only played ~25 games with SubSeed Abomasnow, this is really easy to use. It should be recommended for new players trying to use a powerful Ice type that destroys teams if it gets to set-up on a water type besides Crocune, or a Ground type such as Zygarde. Thanks to its powerful moves, this WILL beat you if you let it set-up Substitute and Leech Seed.

Wow that sounds like an really interesting set. The only downside I see being there is it's abysmal speed, making it vulnerable to Toxic and WoW if it wants to set up a sub. It can be somewhat mitigated by Leech Seed though.

Edit: Derp, wrong thread. how did I realise that just now O.o
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Before we jump into what each Mega Evolution does, let's refresh our memories on the mechanics of Mega Evolution:
  1. In order to Mega Evolve, a Pokemon must be holding its own Mega Stone and the player must click on the "Mega Evolve" button prior to making their move.
  2. There can only be ONE Mega Evolution per team.
  3. Mega Evolving occurs first in a battle unless the opposing player switches out; in that case, your Pokemon will Mega Evolve right after the opponent's Pokemon is sent out.
  4. On the turn of Mega Evolution, a Pokemon's Speed stat will be that of its original form, and its Mega Evolution's Speed will take its place in the following turn. This also means that Mega Banette's Prankster ability will not occur on the turn it Mega Evolves, but rather on the following turn.
  5. A Mega Stone cannot be Knocked Off or Tricked.

Lol, random nitpick but technically the Pokemon's Speed stat actually DOES change when it Mega Evolves - the only reason that it appears not to be the case is because turn order is decided before anything happens (only time it can change mid-turn is through the use of the move After You). Of course, this is only relevant when a pokemon uses Gyro Ball or anything else that is directly based on speed stats, but just thought I'd share it.
I decided to do the 'defensive set pending' for Mega-Aero.
Ability: Tough Claws
EVS: 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Taunt/EQ(?)
- Substitute
- Roost
- Stone Edge
Use with Sand support. Taunt is so you can stop set-up, Sub to scout, and Roost to heal. Stone Edge does huge damage uninvested. Some calcs:
252 SpA Mega Houndoom Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 69-82 (18.9 - 22.5%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 103-123 (28.2 - 33.7%) -- 0.5% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 125-148 (34.3 - 40.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Analytic Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 314-372 (86.2 - 102.1%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO(yeah, Top special attacker with STAB SE move can't 1HKO 87.5% of the time)
Pretty strong wall overall.
I decided to do the 'defensive set pending' for Mega-Aero.
Ability: Tough Claws
EVS: 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Taunt/EQ(?)
- Substitute
- Roost
- Stone Edge
Use with Sand support. Taunt is so you can stop set-up, Sub to scout, and Roost to heal. Stone Edge does huge damage uninvested. Some calcs:
252 SpA Mega Houndoom Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 69-82 (18.9 - 22.5%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 103-123 (28.2 - 33.7%) -- 0.5% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 125-148 (34.3 - 40.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Analytic Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 314-372 (86.2 - 102.1%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO(yeah, Top special attacker with STAB SE move can't 1HKO 87.5% of the time)
Pretty strong wall overall.
I'm actually surprised from the calc'ing that you done and the results that came out. The Taunt/Earthquake is a hard debate. Sometimes you may not want to get walled with just the use of Stone Edge which doesn't even have that much PP. This prevents Taunt from being the better option, could be bad when your against another wall that resists Rock however it could stop potential sweepers. Its one or the other but each help in different situations really. Depends on the other Pokemon on your team and how they work with eachother.
Where did people find mention about mega latias? I havent seen anything. I saw the in ge pictures with diancie, hoopa and other one, but i didnt see anything about stats being confirmed...
I decided to do the 'defensive set pending' for Mega-Aero.
Ability: Tough Claws
EVS: 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Taunt/EQ(?)
- Substitute
- Roost
- Stone Edge
Use with Sand support. Taunt is so you can stop set-up, Sub to scout, and Roost to heal. Stone Edge does huge damage uninvested. Some calcs:
252 SpA Mega Houndoom Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 69-82 (18.9 - 22.5%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 103-123 (28.2 - 33.7%) -- 0.5% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 125-148 (34.3 - 40.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Analytic Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 314-372 (86.2 - 102.1%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO(yeah, Top special attacker with STAB SE move can't 1HKO 87.5% of the time)
Pretty strong wall overall.
I would honestly never run specially defensive Mega Aero because its typing is much more suitable to take on physical moves. Also, I would never use that spread, since I would want to outspeed at least Torn-T, something that Mega Aero walls, and its not always guaranteed that sand will be up, especially due to its nerf, so your scenarios are highly unlikely. I've posted about this before (just forgot to update the OP, whoops :x), but I'm not going to be giving a defensive set to Aero just yet, since its typing only really lets it wall physical Fire-types like Victini and Darmanitan, as well as some other mons like Torn-T, and even they have ways around it. If Diggersby and Staraptor get unbanned, then defensive Mega Aero will definitely be worth using, but for the time being, I'm going to leave it in OO. For more information, read this post.

Where did people find mention about mega latias? I havent seen anything. I saw the in ge pictures with diancie, hoopa and other one, but i didnt see anything about stats being confirmed...
This thread it where I got my information from. Also, you can use /data Mega Latias on PS! or !data Mega Latias on IRC to find out their stats and such.
Rohail , this set definitely needs to get added to Mega Ampharos's listed sets:

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static --> Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8SDef
Nature: Bold
- Volt Switch
- Dragon Pulse
- Rest / Heal Bell
- Sleep Talk / Toxic

This can check a lot of dangerous threats and works extremely well on stall teams. This is arguably the most reliable switch-in a stall team has for Tornadus-T as Chansey can't risk Torn-T catching it with a Knock Off. Volt Switch will often give switch advantage for a stall team, even if the opponent uses Volt Switch or U-turn thanks to Mega Ampharos's abysmal base 45 Speed. Dragon Pulse is a reliable STAB move to push damage onto offensive threats such as Zapdos, Mega Manectric, and Victini, all of which you counter or hard check. Rest and Sleep Talk combine to give Mega Ampharos a reliable means of recovery, and it can fall back on Cleric support that stall teams should have anyway. Also, because of the possibility of Sleep Talk picking Volt Switch, it can be quite difficult for the opponent to try and take advantage of a sleeping Mega Ampharos. If RestTalk isn't your deal and you're ok with relying on Wish Support, then Heal Bell and Toxic can be used to provide Cleric and status support. The EV spread maximizes Mega Ampharos's physical bulk to ensure it can avoid a 2HKO after Stealth Rock from all common moves used by Crawdaunt, Victini, Mega Manectric, and Tornadus-T. Pair this thing up with something like Florges, Chansey, and/or Slowbro as Mega Ampharos can cover various threats that give these Pokemon problems and vice versa.
I decided to do the 'defensive set pending' for Mega-Aero.
Ability: Tough Claws
EVS: 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Taunt/EQ(?)
- Substitute
- Roost
- Stone Edge
Use with Sand support. Taunt is so you can stop set-up, Sub to scout, and Roost to heal. Stone Edge does huge damage uninvested. Some calcs:
252 SpA Mega Houndoom Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 69-82 (18.9 - 22.5%) -- possible 5HKO
252 SpA Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 103-123 (28.2 - 33.7%) -- 0.5% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 125-148 (34.3 - 40.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Analytic Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mega Aerodactyl in Sand: 314-372 (86.2 - 102.1%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO(yeah, Top special attacker with STAB SE move can't 1HKO 87.5% of the time)
Pretty strong wall overall.
i have never used this set (or mega aero for that matter) but you would run out of pp for stone edge really fast. Maybe you could run rock slide instead. I know it has significantly less power but it has quite a bit more PP and a chance to flinch (which might actually be useful). again, im not being critical as i can not really judge mega aero but it just seems like it might be a bit better.
i have never used this set (or mega aero for that matter) but you would run out of pp for stone edge really fast. Maybe you could run rock slide instead. I know it has significantly less power but it has quite a bit more PP and a chance to flinch (which might actually be useful). again, im not being critical as i can not really judge mega aero but it just seems like it might be a bit better.
Yeah, just came up with that set on the spot, so yeah.
I would honestly never run specially defensive Mega Aero because its typing is much more suitable to take on physical moves. Also, I would never use that spread, since I would want to outspeed at least Torn-T, something that Mega Aero walls, and its not always guaranteed that sand will be up, especially due to its nerf, so your scenarios are highly unlikely. I've posted about this before (just forgot to update the OP, whoops :x), but I'm not going to be giving a defensive set to Aero just yet, since its typing only really lets it wall physical Fire-types like Victini and Darmanitan, as well as some other mons like Torn-T, and even they have ways around it. If Diggersby and Staraptor get unbanned, then defensive Mega Aero will definitely be worth using, but for the time being, I'm going to leave it in OO. For more information, read this post....
Sorry, I just remembered so e people on PS! Talking about SpDef Mega-Aero, so I thought maybe that was what you were talking about. Also, it still out speeds Timid/Jolly 115s, I checked when I did that. Not to mention, despite it's higher SpDef, it is more suited to PhysDef walling(I guess)... So yeah.
I'm a big fan of Mega Aggron. Even if it's build is that of a physical sweeper, it can still switch into almost any physical attack. Not being 4x effected by fighting type is an amazing boost, but along with filter his physical bulk is just amazing.

I also really like that he can dish out huge hits as well as tank them. with 140 base attack, he can devastate. Although I do believe his movepool is a tad shallow (feel free to correct me on that), he's still one of my favorite hard hitters because of his ability to tank hits and dish them out.
Mega Houndoom is very respectful its a really good UU sweeper. It counter some of the most over used Under Used pokemon like Heracross and gardevoir or even gaventula I gets walled very well by florges tho so watch out for those when using MegaHoundoom. Once it uses Nasty plot with respectful speed it can fire blast or dark pulse.
If i where to use him it would Ev train him in SP.A and Speed.
Will Mega Slowbro be around for long? I'm sort of liking the thought of a Calm Mind set immune to crits. Though no Regenerator sucks but it gets Slack Off at least. Higher Defence and Special Attack just screams 'Calm Mind' set to me though.
That has got to be a contender for, if not an outright winner for the stupidest or weirdest design for a pokemon ever, in regards to mega-slowbro.

But to answer the question, supposedly slowbro is gaining usage in OU at a decent rate, even without the mega form, so we may lose it from UU before we even get it if we're unlucky.
Does anyone else notice how the metagame has shifted away from mega evolutions. Now that we lost alot of great mega evolutions we are more or less stuck with them rather than wanting to use them. Mega aerodactyl and mega ampharos are the only two who are most present. But other than them we aren't seeing any megas being used. I can't wait for ORAS to come out so we can see a huge metagame shift and more megas in UU.
jamashawalker i dont think that its less about megas, its just the strongest ones are either banned or in OU and the weaker ones have dropped (banette, aboma). Dont forget absol, blast and aggron.

I think that most people realized that some megas are just underwhelming compared to nothing on mega pokes. No lefties and obvious or semi obvious set leaves nothing to the imagination. Whos more of a threat in your opinion. Mega amphy or hydreigon? Hydreigon can go mixed, scarf, specs, lo and has fantastic coverage to beat both physical and special walls. Mega amphy is pretty one dimensional, but it does that dimension good!

I have seen some people run regular amphy with lefties and its just a waste of a slot.

But, i dont think UU will see much change with ORaS tbh. If you look at the megas so far some of them are pretty bad like mega audino. Mega swampy could be ok, but no lefties stinks. Mega scept and altaria could be game changers. Mega bro is going to be outclassed by regular bro imo. Im on eht fence with lopunny , it could be a top threat. Other than that mega diancie? Eh
With the new megas coming we can definitely see alot of change of who would drop down and would stay. And let's hope move tutors, or new movepool can raise the bar on some pokemon. Let's not forget that megas do consume one slot for team. So with more mega options, people are going to have to chose which mega is the best against other teams. M-Salamence and M-Metagross might just be OU's new top threats, bringing M-gardevoir, M-heracross back down and maybe we will say a drop in some of their checks from OU. who knows? that's heavy speculation :p but we will be having a huge change in the UU metagame from these new additions.

In terms of speculation towards the current UU mons getting megas, even BL ones, here is my list.
Slowbro- Unless this thing gets a HUGE boost in Def and an increase in SpDef. I dont see it's mega form being used over regular form. And the one thing it'll be good at is the CroBro set.

Sceptile- Good sweeper, getting better. It'll be a nice addition and threat to UU. I dont see this thing being broken.

Swampert- Same as sceptile. Though depending on it's speed, it might move up to OU. maybe...

Sabeleye- Same as slowbro. A defensive Magic Bouncer is nice though. It won't take the same role as regular sabeleye making it a real mind game pokemon on whether it wants to M-evolve or not. Gonna stay UU though.

Altaria- The BEST counter to Charizard X, and to all other dragons. Bulky DD set along with a powerful pixalate, Flamethrower, roost, healbell. Yeah this thing is seeing OU.

Salamence- Intimidate plus extra bulk, couple that with a reliable STAB return, we already see how powerful M-pinsir is, just wait ti'll this thing goes back to OU.

Metagross- Increase in ALL stats and a major increase in speed. Couple that with tough claws and mostly a contact movepool. Also Grassknot to go mixed if you need to get passed certain bulky grounds. Yeah this thing is going to OU

Lopunny- This thing might be the reason Aegislash will return to OU. I could care less if it gets +5 speed, that Atk stat is all that matters. Depending on how high that ATK stat is will determine whether it will be OU or a top threat in UU.

Audino- hhmmmm? well it has uses for a physically defensive fairy with reliable healing. being neutral to fighting isnt half bad. I can see this thing getting some usage in UU. though worthless ability that it's just like trollfreak to do this sorta thing.

Diancie- everyone is speculating for reverse stats for it's Atk/Def. That would be cool, but it still has an ass movepool. Hopefully move tutors come along and can get a significant amount of gain from that.

EDIT: In terms of what we have now, we have only 2 offensive pokemon. M-houndoom and m-absol. Both which are limited in many areas. The rest are mainly support, defensive, or just a revenge killer. Not alot going on with those choices. And some are outclassed by their role. And you are right M-ampharos compared to Hydreigon is one dimensional. Which makes you think why would I wanna run M-ampharos as my dragon when I can have hydreigon? Though they play different roles. But unlike OU, UU has become a metagame where you have to think will a Mega evolution pokemon fit on my team or can I go with a different pokemon?
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That last point is absolutely correct with hydre and amphy. I dont know about mega gross mence or eye being UU. Eye is a tossup, but it can run a boosting np set that cant be toxic or worn down by status. Heck mega eye counters regular sableye.

I dont think swampy will make much of a splash (pun intended) since drizzle isnt permanent anymore. Even with a boosted speed, it still has to deal with mega saur and scept
Good point.on altaria, mega zard never crossed my mind, it really shuts it down
Honestly all the Megas in UU have a really good niche right now. I think you guys are underselling them a little bit. Blastoise is god tier spinner, crushes every ghost type in its way. Ampharos checks a lot of the metagame while bringing you momentum trough volt switch, and actually has versatility. It can run RestTalk on both defensive sides, cleric 3 attacks, agility, lot of good sets. Mega Aero has not come up at all which I'm surprised, he's probably my favorite mega right now. He checks so many things with just STABs and his speed. Stuff like Victini and Chandelure taken down with Pursuit, and he is one of the best Defoggers in the tier. (Between him and Mew) Aggron is great physical rank, who you can't really OHKO without something like STAB Fire Blast or Earth Power. Also very reliable rocks setter and has roar to deter switch ins. Absol is a threatening SD sweeper that is immune to status along with having very strong priority. Houndoom is probably the weakest right now imo, but it has cool options like Flame Charge Nasty Plot to keep it viable. As for new megas, bro is going OU anyway, audino is a waste of a mega slot, with a bad defensive typing. Mence and Altaria don't matter since Altaria may stop Zard X OU rape at least somewhat. Mence is mence, nuff said. Mega Sceptile is imo Borderline OU/ Top tier UU since it's a really good Rotom W check, and it can finally boost its SpA now. Immune to paralysis is also nice (inb4 glare Arbok). Swampert need stats, prob UU, could be good on like Gobo rain. Diancie idk, Loppuny I need stats to tell. I think that all of them.
1 | Blastoise | 19.57920%
12 | Aerodactyl | 11.40562%
20 | Absol | 9.85390%
28 | Ampharos | 8.50374%
31 | Aggron | 7.73845%
60 | Houndoom | 3.52475%
81 | Banette | 1.14925%
103 | Abomasnow | 0.65758%

it's fairly safe to guess that the vast vast majority of people running these pokemon in the (july, 1630) usage stats are using the megas. Given that you can only use one mega-evolution on a team, that makes it around 52% of teams that are running a Mega Evolution. So, no, I wouldn't exactly call that the metagame shifting away from mega evolutions.
I reckon mega swampert could be a force to reckon with in UU. Just come in on a choice-locked fire type, set up rain as the opponent switches out, and sweep with great STAB's + Ice Punch to cover grasses. If it's really lucky amoongus will go to OU before then, so you'll only need some prior damage on grass types to absolutely wreck.
Yeah maybe mega Swampy could pla like gen 5 Rain Dance Kingdra. It would need a big boost to its attack for this to be good though since it can't hold an item.
Honestly given that were adding 100 base stat to the starter with the highest bst, I'd be surprised if Mega Swampert dosen't shoot Swampert up to OU (at the very least I think the mega will be BL.) And I could honestly see Mega Salamence being a top OU threat, maybe even going up to ubers.
At first I thought that Salamence woud be a hugely destructive special attacker, but with word that he's getting bigger defensive boosts I think he'll he a massively powerful Dragon Dancer. He's probably gonna mostly make Pinsir obsolete, not having to rely on Quick Attack for faster Pokemon and not being countered/checked by Talonflame.
At first I thought that Salamence woud be a hugely destructive special attacker, but with word that he's getting bigger defensive boosts I think he'll he a massively powerful Dragon Dancer. He's probably gonna mostly make Pinsir obsolete, not having to rely on Quick Attack for faster Pokemon and not being countered/checked by Talonflame.

Assuming of course that Mence and Pinsir will remain in the same tier :P That said among the potential UU megas from ORAS discounting the ones that are likely to go OU my money is on Lopunny being another sleeper, I have a feeling it is going to be sat on for a while like MManetric and Diggersby.