Challenge Nuzlocke Challenge

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I also started a Fire Red Nuzlocke three days ago. This is the first Nuzlocke I've ever done and I greatly underestimated how brutal this challenge can be! There seems to be so many more crits than usual, or perhaps the peril is making me notice them more now. I was terrified to challenge Misty!

So far I have 3 badges and am currently in Rock Tunnel. Here's the captures/deaths so far:

Charmander - Charmeleon Lv 27
Rattata Lv 3-15 (Died in Mt. Moon by Zubat's Supersonic)
Mankey Lv 26
Weedle Lv 4 (Died to Misty's Starmie)
Magikarp Lv 5 (Died to Bug Catcher's Butterfree)
Zubat Lv 7
Oddish Lv 12 (Died to Misty's Starmie)
Meowth Lv 27
Diglett Lv 16-25 (Died to Rattata's Quick Attack crit)
Spearow Lv 16
Geodude Lv 21

So that's 11 captures, 5 deaths. Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice 2 Pokemon to Misty's Starmie. Currently, I'm traveling through Rock Tunnel without Flash. I tried to go through Diglett's Cave, but a Dugtrio nearly killed Meowth. Left with only 1 HP on Meowth, I exited that cave and decided that that journey was too perilous. Why is that cave so long? :pirate:

My team is pretty much composed of Charmeleon, Meowth, Mankey, and Geodude. 1 Water type, and I will probably lose. Will I survive this challenge?
The irony here being that Fire Red/Leaf Green is generally considered one of the easier games to Nuzlocke...
Exactly why I play it. Speaking of which, time for another (horribly late) update. Oh, and Eli is based on the FR run, Bianca is based on the LG run. Gary's team is the rival team from FR, and the fourth narrator is a psycho. Her team is not based on any run or in-game team.

1.3 Falling

A strong wind was blowing across Viridian City, whipping my grey scarf into my face as I walked. And contrary to what Gary has likely told you, I am not obsessed with dull colors due to some lack of personality. I just think they look nice. They don’t draw undue attention, or lead to any meaningless debates on fashion. Breath is limited. Anything limited should be conserved. That and I do not lack a personality thank you very much. I just have no reason to show it to that prick. Or anyone who wouldn’t take it seriously for that matter. And I’ve found out that very few people are willing to take things seriously.

And this is not one of Gary’s tangents. That was needed information to resolve any possible misconceptions you may have that would cloud your ability to understand the story. If I’m going to spend my breath telling it, I might as well make sure that it is heard properly. If I have made things clear, the actual story can resume.

While the last day had been calm, today a fierce wind blew through the city. It wasn’t uncommon for Viridian. In fact, intense winds were a frequent occurrence. I’d just forgotten how annoying they were. Even if it was a summer day, it felt like it could’ve been winter due to wind chill. Or at least late autumn. Possibly October. You should get the point by now.

The streets were slightly less crowded than I remembered. That or the people just looked smaller from my larger height. Both were possible. I was able to make my way through the streets of the West Side of town without much difficulty and at a very nice pace. I’m not as obsessed with speed as Eli, but my time in the city was limited. Ergo, it needed to be conserved. Especially the time I had alone.

Gary and Eli were off at the Pokémart picking up the package. After that they were going to the gym. Personally, I viewed the gym as my brother’s domain. I had no business there. My business was all on the west side of the city. As it had always been.

While I walked, I mentally debated with myself as to whether or not to visit a certain location. It was a fair distance out of the way, but not horribly so. That and it almost seemed necessary if I was in Viridian. After all, it was, at some level, the reason I had even come on the stupid errand. It was probably fairly high on the Professor’s list of reasons as well. Why else would he send a group of kids over to retrieve his mail when he had several perfectly competent aides with cars? It could’ve been what he said about getting us out of town, but there were better ways to go about doing that. It was almost certainly something else.

I stopped walking at an intersection. My official destination was straight ahead, but the other one was to the North. I glanced briefly between the two of them, and walked towards the North. The road was much quieter going in that direction. Only residential areas could be reached by heading north, so most of the traffic heading to the bases and Cathedral disappeared. There were still noises, cars roaring in the background, children crying, shouting from street venders, it was just increasingly quieter as it faded into the background. Even then, it still probably would’ve put Eli off edge. He hadn’t left Pallet yet. Viridian wasn’t big, but it still dwarfed the town. I wondered if he even knew normal traffic procedures. I shrugged and moved on to other thoughts. He had Gary with him. One of his few redeeming qualities was that he knew about the world, and was surprisingly not obsessively arrogant about it.

Putting it out of my mind, I looked around the street. Viridian City was a blend of memories and new frontier. In some areas the same shops and buildings still presided over the street. Most of them were slightly deteriorated but remained open after several years. Equally many familiar stores were closed, either replaced or a pair of dark windows with a sign hung over the door. I tried to recognize someone for a little while but gave up pretty quickly. It was a big city, and it had been years since I had last been here. Instead I kept on walking, periodically pausing at a location from the past, and mentally kicking myself back into motion. Like it or not, this wasn’t just another walk back to my house. Things had changed.

After roughly forty minutes of walking, I found myself outside of the first residential district. The south side of Viridian was mostly made up of businesses, monuments, and military fortifications. A few political areas existed there as well, Viridian being the auxiliary capitol of the continent and all. There just weren’t that many and they weren’t that important. All of the important decisions were made to the Northwest or in the army buildings. This left the northern area of the town for residential use. When the Kanto government built the city for their capitol, they planned it out methodically. A series of lines ran across the north of the town. These lines were made up of apartment complexes that housed the citizenry. The buildings closer to the city, starting with district one, were made up of bigger buildings that housed almost a thousand people each. Each subsequent district housed a smaller number of wealthier people, until the twelfth district was made up entirely of individual families living in mansions at the edge of the forest. Most of them were government officials. Some were businessmen. And then there were a few others who were officially businessmen or government officials. I was going to see one of those people.


I kept staring up at the house in front of me. I knew that a security guard was probably going to get suspicious soon, but I couldn’t leave. It was the largest of the mansion bordering the forest, five stories high and equally enormous in every other way. A number of white stone pillars supported the grey and white structure, making it look like some sort of a classical monument. Ancient, powerful, and proud. The headquarters of an empire. Many would never come close to realizing how accurate that was. Mr. Kyo was the owner of the mansion, as well as various laboratories around the region, as well as the Celadon Game Corner and the Kanto Electric Plant. Between all of this, he was quite wealthy. The mansion in Viridian was just the center of his economic empire. This was the public perception. There was quite a bit of private information as well, but very few living individuals knew about all of that.

I glanced through more of the house’s features. My eyes dwelled on a balcony a few floors up for a minute or so. I had almost fallen from that balcony once when I was playing with a friend. A wild Pokémon had caught me as I fell, and my dad let me play with it for years after that. My mom didn’t like him so much. When we moved to Pallet, he had to stay behind. It was probably pretty old by now, maybe even dead. I wasn’t exactly sure what to think of that. It would probably take some reflection before I made up my mind on the subject. Could I really accept it as dead? Had I already done so?

I noticed a guard moving in my direction out of the corner of my eye. I sighed, and took off in the other direction, cursing my stupidity under my breath. Being recognized was the last thing I needed, and I had known that from the beginning. It was my fault for standing there so long. It was stupid to go there in the first place, with no real reason to do so. But some idiotic part of me that I was normally quite good at keeping caged had taken control. Once again, this could have been prevented, and it was all my damn fault.

“Hey, lady!” The guard shouted out, running somewhere behind me to keep up, but at a much slower pace. “Will you slow down for a second?” Yup. They definitely recognized me. This was bad. I glanced back over my shoulder. The guard was panting, barely keeping within a few hundred feet when my head start was factored in. “The Master’s son wished to convey something to you!”

I almost stopped. I hadn’t seen Mr. Kyo’s son in ages. But I kept running until I was almost out of breath, and well into the residential districts. I looked back then, hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath from the multi-mile run. The guard was nowhere in sight. He had probably given up miles ago. Once again, I’d been an idiot. I swore at my own stupidity, and glanced down at my watch. I promptly swore again. I had about twenty minutes to reach the restaurant we had agreed to meet at. It happened to be about five miles away. I took a few deep breaths, and ran off again, keeping pace with a string of mental cussing.


“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I glanced across the battling court at Eli took his stance.

“Of course,” he replied. He was trying to look confident, but it was fairly easy to deduce that he was very nervous. He naturally knew that I was the superior battler, and would likely win.

Gary nodded on the sidelines. “Alright, Bianca, because of the coin flip you send out the first Pokémon.” As if I needed to know that.

I quickly thought things over. I had three Pokémon, as did Eli. Two of ours were the same species. Since we knew each other’s teams, I wanted to scout for tactics. In this case, it was best to sacrifice the weaker Pokémon first for the good of the team. And my most recent acquisition needed training. “Sting, come on out!” I said forcefully as I threw a Pokéball into the air. A stream of light flowed to the ground, and condensed into a small insect about the size of my foot. It was wormlike, with a brown segmented body and a horn on top of his head. Weedle weren’t known for combat, but they had a surprising amount of uses in certain sectors. I was hoping to use some of those skills in the fight.

Eli looked slightly puzzled at my choice. He knew that I was aware of his Pidgey, and yet I had sent out a Weedle anyways. I’m sure he suspected some sort of a trap. Regardless, he shrugged it off, and through his Pokéball into the air. “Jet, let’s do this!” His male Pidgey appeared in the air, fluttering a few feet above the court. It was only about the size of my fist. The first round would be a battle of tiny Pokémon.

I kept a straight face and looked at the field. He had one logical option, and that would be hard to beat. But if he should ever use anything but brute force, the match was mine. “Gust,” he called out. How unexpected. The Pidgey began to beat his wings particularly hard, creating a miniature windstorm that raged towards my bug type.

“Tether yourself to the ground,” I called over the wind. Right before the volley hit, Sting shot a clump of sticky thread at the floor of the court. As the winds picked up, the little insect was lifted into the air and blown around furiously, but the string held. He never flew into any objects, which kept him somewhat healthy.

Most people don’t pick up on such subtle things, but very few Pokémon have a straight out “weakness” to another type. Every one of these was explained in one way or another. The first and most common was simply anatomy. Fire types, for instance, didn’t like having their inner flame put out. Water was very painful to them if it got into contact with their flame. This often ended in an immediate KO unless the Pokémon was quite experienced. The other was far less common. Certain species had become abnormally good at hunting prey of a certain type, and their skills could be put to use in a battle. This was true of birds and bugs. Bug types didn’t hate the winds. Bird Pokémon were simply good at targeting vital areas with their close range attacks. For all practical purposes, a normal gust attack wasn’t any more dangerous than a neutral hit. Not that Eli would understand that.

“Dang. Really expected it to do more,” Eli muttered to himself as Sting fell back to the ground. I just smirked. Just as expected “Alright, let’s hit him up close.”

I flinched a little. Either he actually knew what he was doing, or he just randomly hit on it, but this was going to hurt. “Grapple on. Hurry!” I shouted out quickly. I wasn’t sure Sting would react in time, or even get the command at all. It was still better than the alternative.

The Pidgey flew downwards, and slammed into Sting, blasting him back a few feet. I put my hand over Sting’s ball. If he didn’t have a shot I might as well end it here. Suddenly a pulse of white shot up from the ground, connecting with the flying-type’s belly and causing him to cry out in shock. As he fluttered just a little higher, Sting was lifted off the ground. The rest of the round would be fought in the skies. Right in a bird’s element.

Eli stared up at the engagement above the court for a few seconds, watching in awe and confusion as Pidgey desperately flapped around, trying to maneuver safely and simultaneously trying to deal with the stowaway hanging from his belly. As Sting fought to climb, Eli finally lowered his head across the battlefield to look at me. “I have no idea where this is going, but I trust you have a plan?” I smiled slightly. If only he knew. “Shake him off Jet. Do a barrel roll!”

Gary cracked a smile on the sidelines. I have no idea why. Regardless, my attention was elsewhere. Pidgey was turning around desperately to no avail. Sting was latched directly onto the bird now, positioned to strike. This was going to be fun. I crossed my arms and continued to watch the struggle with a look of apathy. “Poison Sting,” I called out nonchalantly. There weren’t many things that could get Eli irritated. An opponent beating him, [I}and[/I] not seeming to care was one of them. I assumed that would apply to battles too.

My calm combined with Eli’s rather dark situation was not helping his composure. “Quick Attack, Tackle, do something!” he cried out in agitation. Of course, I doubt the Pidgey heard it. It’s kind of hard to hear over an extremely loud avian shriek. I glanced back up, a smile playing on my lips again. Perfect. The Pidgey was breathing heavily, barely staying aloft. It was obvious he was in pain, and a lot of it. I almost felt bad. Of course, it’s not like I hadn’t seen far worse.

Eli stared up at his battered Pidgey. “Since when can a Weedle do that?” he asked me, not taking his eyes off of his Pokémon as it tried to peck at the bug just out of his beak’s range.

I shrugged. “An old friend taught me some tricks. What more is there to say?” I glanced back at Eli, briefly making eye contact. “Again.”

The second sting didn’t have nearly the same effect as the first, but it was irrelevant. The poison was already in the bird’s blood. It would be over soon enough. As Sting withdrew his stinger, I noticed something. Eli hadn’t said anything in the entire time it took to complete the attack. I’d noticed in his battle with Gary he was fairly analytical, but that was pushing it. At long last he looked back down to give his orders. “Tackle the ground.”

“Get off. Now.” I called out as his Pidgey began to dive bomb towards the ground. He had hesitated briefly when given the orders that would cause him pain, and that had given enough opening for Sting to blast a jet of string towards a light post before the bird slammed into the ground with full force. It didn’t look good, to say the least.

“Come on Jet, you can do this!” Eli pleaded. Unfortunately, he couldn’t. The Pidgey shuddered once more before collapsing on the ground, the poison momentarily overcoming him.

We both stared down at the Pidgey for a moment as Weedle dropped back onto the court. Eventually, Eli withdrew him in a flash of red. “I never knew a Weedle’s venom was that powerful,” he murmured to himself.

“Normally it isn’t,” I affirmed. He glanced up at me, clearly wanting more explanation. “I can’t tell you everything, can I? Let’s just say that a friend taught me. He closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

“Alright,” he reopened his eyes, new intensity shining in them. “Let’s do this, Hive!” In a flash of light, his Weedle appeared in front of mine, the two bugs glaring at each other. I tapped my foot on the court thinking of options. Either by luck or skill, he had sent out the Pokémon I couldn’t take down easily. That and he had ensured a long battle. “Let’s go for a poison sting!” he called out. Maybe he was trying to imitate my last move. Or he simply didn’t have any better options.

I sighed. “Bug Bite,” I called out wearily. “Wake me up in about sixty exchanges,” I told Eli across the court.

It didn’t quite get to sixty. At around Bug Bite/Poison Sting thirty I stopped caring. “Sting, come back. You’ve done enough, and I have things to do.” Gary turned towards me as the beam of red emerged from my Weedle’s Pokéball.

“You know that-“

“Disqualifies him? Yeah, I know,” I replied. “Ace, let’s destroy him.” With a small battle cry, my female Pidgey appeared over the field, clearly intent on showing her younger brother how to kill a Weedle. Speaking of which, Hive was shaking pretty intensely. If he knew he was able to, he probably would have withdrawn himself back into his Pokéball. I shook my head as Eli gave some sort of a pep talk. This was going to be one fast round.

“Quick Attack!” I called out with a bit more enthusiasm than usual. Check.

Eli smirked, apparently grateful I’d just taught him how to counter it. “String shot when he gets close,” he called out boldly, probably to convince his Pokémon that, yes, he did want him to go into the air with a flying type. The training simulator denying crazy requests given without much force was surprisingly realistic.

“Veer to the right,” I casually ordered. Ace continued to rush forwards, but lunged off to the side, causing Hive’s hastily prepared attack to go wide. “Fly back into the air.”

Pidgey hovered a few feet above the ground in front of me, awaiting her next orders as she gave Hive the glare that only a predator could give. I smiled. I was quite lucky that I got the bird with hunting instincts. I just had to avoid having her and Sting fight together. I gave Eli my own arrogant smirk, arms crossed and head cocked in a way that simply screamed ‘beat that.’

Eli gave a wry smile in return. “I don’t know when you got time to train your Pokémon like that, but I’m quite impressed. Maybe you could teach me some time?” I smiled a little. “But I’m not giving up yet, String Shot his wings.”

“Her,” I calmly retorted. “She’s female,” Eli shrugged, which just ticked off Ace more. As Weedle finally prepared his String Shot, he was quite a bit slower than mine, I gave the only words that seemed right. “Get ‘em girl. Gust.” Check. As the silky fiber flew through the air, Ace beat her wings furiously, giving off a hunting cry as the string flew back, ensnaring a terrified Weedle. “Quick Attack,” I called out, voice imbued with the rush of victory. Ace gave one last predatory shriek, jaws wide open as she closed in on a particularly vulnerable segment.


Eli withdrew his Weedle back into his ball, and reached down for his third ball as I rubbed Ace’s head. “And that’s how you beat a Weedle,” I called out at him.

“Remind me not to irritate you unless you’ve got half your team unconscious,” he replied. “Marine, finish the bird.” His Squirtle appeared at his side, a battle-ready look on his face. I flicked my head from Ace to the water type and she flew back over the court.

Gary glanced out at the two competitors. “Alright, are you guys ready?”

“What about this doesn’t seem ready?” I wanted to glare at him, but I really couldn’t. Dominating a competition of any kind was too much fun.

He shrugged. “Begin.”

“Bubble, quick!” Eli shouted as his turtle began to spit out a slew of slow moving bubbles. Ace glanced at them all nervously, unsure of what to against all of the objects that entered her airspace.

“Gust,” I ordered reassuringly. With that she got her confidence back and beat her wings again, popping or redirecting most of the bubbles when they hit the winds. “Trust me, Eli. If it didn’t work against Gary, it won’t work against me.”

Eli nodded his head, “Well, it was worth a try. Let’s try to collide with him head on.”

I shifted uneasily on my feet. Wasn’t I the only one who could give orders without shouting out the name of my attack for the world to hear? Squirtle ran slowly across the battlefield on two legs, awkwardly waddling towards Ace. I shook my head, “Just dodge it.” Ace flew up in the air, and Squirtle broke into a malicious smile. Something bad was coming.

Sqirtle jumped into the air, withdrawing into his shell to make him more aerodynamic and spin higher. The attack hit Ace directly. I bit my lip as she blasted back by the much larger turtle, eventually stabilizing herself before she hit the ground. I’d forgotten how much more time Eli had training his Squirtle than his other Pokémon. For some reason I’d expected another easy fight. “Fly higher.” I said, trying to maintain composure and come up with a better plan.

Eli grinned over at my side of the field, a boastful look on his face. Once again, not good. “Same strategy, but let’s boost it a little!” he ordered. Normally he wasn’t one for grandeur. Apparently winning a fight brings that out in everyone.

“Dodge it,” I called out preemptively. I didn’t want to wait for the hit. And apparently I didn’t call it a moment too late, as a second later Squirtle shot into the sky, bubbles being launched from his shell as he propelled himself higher into the air. Ace barely ducked to the side. Even then she still got bubbles into her face and a slight scratch from the water type. “Tackle him while he’s in the air,” I had my composure back, and a plan to boot. This could be fun.

Ace slammed into the turtle as he plummeted, speeding up his descent and driving him into the ground hard. At the last moment, my Pidgey pulled back up, leaving a battered Squirtle beneath her. “She’s a her. She doesn’t like it when you call her a him,” I was giving Eli my best condescending smirk, which was quite impressive.

Eli laughed, and looked intently at his Squirtle as he pulled himself back up, slowly and painfully. “It’s not over yet.”

How tough can that thing be? My smirk turned into a frown. This was going to be more difficult than I expected.

“Marine, same tactic!” Damn it. How much longer can he keep this up? Ace was too close to dodge, which left me with almost no options. Ace stared into the onrushing turtle, beating herself up higher with every flap of her wings. It wasn’t going to be enough. That’s when it hit me. I couldn’t get Ace higher in the air, but did I really need to? “Gust attack, now!” I shouted quickly. Ace understood almost immediately, and beat her wings faster, but not to fly. The winds slowed Marine’s ascent to a stop, right before he hit Ace. The water type struggled against the gale with blasts of bubbles. But it wasn’t going to work. With one final cry of his name, Squirtle fell back to Earth once more.

As Marine hit the ground, Ace lowered herself closer to the court floor to keep it up. Squirtle was still in his shell, and was blown back towards the fence, where he continued to spin in the face of the gust attack. Sparks arced as Squirtle continued to grind against the fence. The friction, winds, and bashing against metal obviously wasn’t doing Squirtle any favors, but both Eli and I knew that it would only get worse if he came out.

“So, can you just surrender now and get it over with?” I asked Eli, trying to keep my tone from showing my satisfaction at putting him in checkmate. To my surprise he just shook his head.

“Not a chance. Marine, come out.” To Eli’s credit, his Squirtle had a lot of trust in him. A lot. The Squirtle slowly poked a limb out of his shell, only to cry out in pain as it was bashed against the fence hard. “Come on, keep trying!” The Pokémon continued to get his flesh pinched and slammed between the metal and his shell. This was followed by a splatter of a watery liquid and a cry of pain. This went on for about a minute, both Eli and I staring at Squirtle and waiting for something to happen as the pool of liquid grew.

“Stop,” I breathed out. Ace looked at me questioningly, trying to figure out if she’d heard me correctly. “I said stop,” I told her with a bit more force, eyes still locked onto the pool on the ground. Reluctantly, Ace stopped flapping her wings and landed on the ground. As Marine pulled himself off the ground, I turned back to Eli. “Shall we con-“

“Rapid Tackle!” Eli shouted.

“Dod-“ I didn’t finish before the attack was completed. Squirtle burst forth, spinning back in his shell and causing pale blood to spiral over the immediate area. At the last moment before collision, he jumped out. The water type slammed into Ace with a spinning tackle, taking her out for the count. I withdrew her quickly. “Lava, go!” In a flash of light, my Charmander appeared at my side, claws raised. I smiled faintly. However good Ace and Sting were, they were nothing compared to the one Pokémon I had been training for years. This would barely be a fight.

“Alright, let’s take him out fast. Bubble!” Eli shouted out. Hadn’t he figured out that the move never worked for him?

“Ember all of them,” I stated. Lava nodded and lashed out his tail towards Squirtle’s swarm of bubbles. Some of them instantly popped when exposed to the attack. Others popped when bubbles near them popped. A few made it close to Lava, and he simply tore them apart with his claws. Only one or two hit, and they weren’t going to be nearly enough to take Lava out of the fight.

I faked a yawn. “Are we done yet?”


The cathedral was a very impressive sight in the evening. A huge, black building stretched into the skyline. It illuminated the square around it with lights shining through massive red stained glass windows, giving a red hue to the plaza. I lost my breath as I looked up at the massive archway leading into the building. I’d almost forgotten how impressive this place was. I glanced over at Eli and Gary, both of whom were staring up at the building, mouths hanging open. I turned to Gary. “You’ve really never seen the cathedral at night?” He just shook his head, continuing to stare up at it. I laughed inside my head. If I’d had a camera, I definitely would have taken a picture of him staring dumbly at the structure.

“It’s more impressive inside if you two ever get around to closing your mouths.” I ran off towards the entrance. They could follow when they wanted to.

I feel as if I might need to give some background here, although I expect Gary will do it at some point during one of his tangents. Viridian was the headquarters of the League in Kanto. When the league had moved in, they decided to build a cathedral to the deity associated with Pokémon training. Fairly fitting for a league city. At least, as fitting as a church in that particular city could be.

Mew might have been better. Not many people would’ve understood though. So, Palkia it was.

The inside of the cathedral was the most spectacular sight in the city. Considering the luxury of some of the general’s and executive’s homes, that’s saying a lot. Red stained glass windows provided most of the light. As the sun went down, some was supplemented by torches in red spheres of glass. The largest of these was the gem on the gigantic relief of the Lord of Space above the alter. Along the walls, huge murals depicted the myths associated with Palkia.

The church was relatively crowded in the evening. Some of the people there were worshippers of Palkia who were offering up the prayers. There were a few tourists in the crowd, as well as a few new trainers who wanted to ask for Palkia’s benevolence in their training career. Most were locals, worshippers of Arceus or Mew, who simply used the cathedral as a place to worship their deity, and meet up with others.

With all of these groups together, it was packed in the main room. That makes it even more surprising that I noticed heart all. She couldn’t have been more than eight, and was noticeably shorter than those around her. Her eyes, hair, and clothing were either red, or light enough to be shaded pink due to the stained glass. Looking at the shade the light made her skin appear, probably the latter. She didn’t seem to have any parents with her, which was already strange. But what was stranger was that she was staring right at me.

I glanced to the side to make sure that Sting wasn’t still on my shoulder. Not many people would take it well if I walked into the most sacred site to Palkia in the Indigo League with a bug riding along on my shoulder. He would probably get crushed in the crowds anyways. I breathed a sigh of relief when I confirmed she wasn’t staring at my Weedle and turned my gaze back to meet hers.

She was still staring at me. If anything, her gaze had just gotten more intense. It felt really, really weird. It was almost like she was staring right through me and looking at something else. Something inside me. Mrs. Ambrose had done something similar a few times at the lab, but never for so long. Or as intensely. This girl, she had to know I saw her, but she just kept staring anyways. I was torn. Part of me wanted to go up to her and see what was wrong. Part of me wanted to get as far away from this girl as possible. Something just didn’t seem right. She resolved the matter.

The girl raised her hand in front of her slowly, and curled it towards her, motioning for me to come. I almost didn’t have a choice. My body started moving through the crowd before I could even think, and I would’ve done the same after thought anyways. Something was wrong. And I wanted to know what.

The girl slipped out of a door onto the outside balcony before I could catch up. When I got to the opening, I paused momentarily. Then I walked through. And fell right into history.

”Come on Silver, just come on out already. I give up!” A small girl in blue clothing walked out onto a balcony high above the ground below. Nearby, a small boy with dark hair and mischievous grin locked on his face crouched behind a vase, well hidden from the girl. His grin tightened, and he burst out from behind the vase.

“Boo!” he screamed out, causing the girl to whirl around and instinctively step back in shock.

One step too far.

“Aaaaaahhhhh!” She tripped on a toy car the boy had been playing with earlier and slid back, slamming into the balcony railing. Unfortunately, she was just a bit too small. Small enough that the cracks in the railing could let her slip through if she hit it just right. She hit it. Just right.


She was falling now, screaming her last scream for years after the event. She would always deny it, but she felt like she had to remain composure. Had to remain some of the dignity that was almost all lost in the fall. Oh, there were other reasons to be sure. The events of the following years didn’t help her any. Maybe it had nothing to do with the first fall. Maybe it’s just a part of growing up. Whatever the reason for the subsequent absence of screeching, the scream during the fall was the loudest of her life.

The reason? There wasn’t hope. Some part of her mind may have tried to reason that daddy would save her, but daddy wasn’t there. Silver and Janine were both above her. No one was in the yard. It was time to give up, and simply scream her objections to fate for another fifty feet. Or forty-five.

Right before the impact, a feral beast jumped up. He was young, still fairly small for a member of his already small species. His teeth were bared, and he was yelling something in his strange language of battle cries. Yeah, it could get worse. She should have just been thankful for a full fifty feet.

But then something completely defying the laws of nature occurred. The Mankey, a member of the most vicious species in the Pokémon world, caught her, breaking her fall. She opened her eyes, still screaming as her mind tried to process what was going on. People were running out into the yard now. The Mankey put her down, and jumped in between the people and the girl, teeth bared. What was all of this? The girl couldn’t piece it together before she finally went unconscious from shock.

He was older now. This time I still screamed after he picked me up in his arms, now more silver than tan, and dragged me onto a rather large ledge. He backed off, giving me a few minutes to compile my thoughts. I had fallen. It was impossible. That doorway had just led to another room. How had I ended up out here. Where was out here? I glanced back up at the building above me, taking some comfort in the sight of the stained glass. At least I hadn’t gone too far. After I caught my breath, I laughed quietly, causing the Mankey to stir uneasily. “How are you doing, Reaver?” I breathed out between small intervals of quiet laughter. I hugged my first Pokémon friend tightly, laughing louder now, not really caring if anyone else heard. Or why he was even here for that matter. It was just beyond caring about at the moment.

After a minute or so of that, Reaver pushed me away and held out his hand again. I noticed two things tied to it by a small string I hadn’t seen before. A Pokéball and a note. After glancing up at his eyes to make sure he was doing what I thought he was doing, I gently reached out and untied the knot.
The irony here being that Fire Red/Leaf Green is generally considered one of the easier games to Nuzlocke...
Is FR/LG really considered the easiest? I suppose I was having some bad luck at the beginning, but now my team is really coming together.

The challenge that I've decided to do is a bit more complex, though. I plan to do a Nuzlocke of Fire Red followed by a Nuzlocke on Emerald. Once I beat them both, my final challenge is to use the Pokemon that I gathered (and kept alive) in both games in order to beat all the facilities in the Emerald Battle frontier. I figured this would add on the difficulty by making me be resourceful with what I'm handed in order to create something competitive-like.
Oh yeah, my nuzlocke. I lost. T.T

Well, enough about that. I started a new one, and hopefully I don't do quite as horribly as last time.

This time, I started with Tepig, who I called Hogan. Because Emboar, now that it's been around for a while, has grown on me. As for why it's called Hogan, well, Emboar's a tank. 'Nuff said.

Anyway, Hogan destroyed Bianca and Cheren with no trouble, and unlike Neptulon, didn't critically hit the first pokemon I encountered! So enter Cheryl, the Patrat. She must have been out to prove Hogan wasn't the manliest pokemon in existence, because she wrecked three pokeballs before finally submitting.

After that, Hogan had to help her level a bit, because Patrat can't take a hit worth anything. Although she did learn bite, and Hogan learned ember.

In Accumula, Team Plasma were talking about pokemon liberation. Hogan and I just laughed at their foolishness. Battled N, and Hogan stomped his Purrloin.

In route 2, I enountered a... Patrat. >_> So no new team member there, but delicious experience for Hogan and Cheryl. Cheryl had a close call against a trainer, but Hogan saved the day, as per usual. Bianca wasn't any trouble either. I'm currently at Striation City.

Tepig "Hogan"
Lvl: 10
Tail Whip
Odour Sleuth

Patrat "Cheryl"
Lvl: 8

Casualties: None! :D
Box: None.
All right, I'mma do a Nuzlocke. This one: Pokemon Diamond.

Rules: 1st Pokemon in an area, period. When in doubt, no.
When you're dead, you're dead. No mulligan of any sort.
No purchasing items
Set, not Switch
Grinding restricted
(rules: I can grind to 90% of the level of any immediate MP, and/or bring anything to within 90% of my strongest mon)
Finally, no legendaries. We can't have Dialga waltzing in and OHKOing everything that moves, now can we?

Run to come later. It's going to be skeleton updated, though.


Maize and Blue Badge Set 2014-2017
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
So, I doubt you care that much that I didn't update but school is an absolute monster. Finally got a 3 day weekend so I thought I'd throw another update together. The only thing that can destroy my entire team at the moment is AP classes, but will another Pokemon fall this chapter? I'm going to put links to my updates in my signature soon, when I feel like it as otherwise well it's been so long run-on sentence you know UPDATE TIME!

DetroitLolcat's Firered Nuzlocke Challenge!
Part 9: Halfway to the Pokemon League!

Giovanni walked slowly and confidently across his underground tunnels, thinking to himself:

"Hmm...I never thought this tunnel between Silph and Celadon would be necessary. Good thing I'm always one steps ahead. But still, that kid...he just entered my lair, disposed of all my guards, and reached me in my office. That Hideout was designed to be impregnable. And then my battle...Even my Kangaskhan was defeated, and I didn't land a single KO. That Lolcat character must have a weakness..."

Giovanni continued walking for nearly half an hour. Even though Saffron City lies in the palm of his hand, Giovanni still cannot forget about that brutal loss he suffered at the hands of Lolcat. He strides into the President of Silph Co.'s office and summons both the President and a Rocket Commander, speaking to the President first:

"Mr. Silph, you have one month to surrender all of your corporation's assets to me. Until then, report to your holding cell on Floor 9."

Two burly Team Rocket guards escort the man back to his prison. Giovanni then continued speaking to the Rocket officer:

"We're losing ground in the struggle to conquer Kanto. Though Saffron City is impenetrable, Team Rocket needs to make its presence known in other cities...

Attack Lavender again."


Lolcat, armed with a Silph Scope stolen from Giovanni's office, returned to the Pokemon Center for the night. The night was uneventful; nothing was on TV and that recurring dream decided not to strike Lolcat again. The next morning, Lolcat woke up early in order to mount a challenge against Celadon's Gym Leader, Erika. Erika specializes in Grass-type Pokemon, so Lolcat decides to use Fearow first and Vileplume as a backup, as Vileplume carries super-effective Poison-type attacks.

The Gym lies on the south end of town, so Lolcat passed by the Celadon Game Corner. The Game Corner was barred off, however, as after Giovanni and Team Rocket left there was nobody to run the casino. However, since Team Rocket has already been ousted, Lolcat decided not to investigate the abandoned casino. After ten more minutes of walking, Lolcat chopped down a tree with Cut (apparently Meowth can chop down a tree? It's a small cat...).

An old man stood in front of the building, staring into one of the many windows that typically surround a Gym. Lolcat approached the old man, who began speaking to Lolcat,

"This Gym is great! It's full of women in little gardening dresses! Though it's kind of hard to feel happy after what just happened in Lavender Town..."

Intrigued, Lolcat replied, "What happened in Lavender Town?"

"Oh, haven't you heard? Team Rocket attacked the Pokemon Tower again yesterday. It's not looking good, either. All those Rockets that got driven out of Celadon had to go somewhere, I guess..."

Lolcat decided to drop the Gym Challenge for now and return to Lavender Town for some unfinished business with the Rockets. Pokemon Tower is pretty well fortified, and the workers in Pokemon Tower control powerful Ghost Pokemon, so it will probably take Team Rocket a couple of days to conquer the Tower; more than enough time for Lolcat to return to Lavender Town.

Lolcat left Celadon City almost as quickly as he entered it. The run through the Underground Path felt like an eternity, as every minute wasted travelling to the Tower was another minute Team Rocket could use to attack innocent citizens of Lavender Town. Route 8 was no different until a passing Gambler challenged Lolcat to a Pokemon battle. The common Trainer specialized in the Water type, so Vileplume had a field day blasting the Poliwag and Poliwhirl to pieces.

After a few hours traversing the familiar Route 8, Lolcat arrived in the eerie city. Much to Lolcat's surprise, the streets of Lavender seem empty even though it's late in the afternoon. "Hmm..", Lolcat thought, "Could Team Rocket have already attacked? Are the citizens hiding, or were they...captured? Worst of all, the Pokemon Center is barricaded and bolted shut. The only open building? Pokemon Tower.

Lolcat takes his first few steps into the tower and his eyes see pandemonium: dozens of Lavender denizens scrambling across the Tower floor in what seems to be a panic. One Channeler (a priest of Pokemon Tower that communicates with departed Pokemon) stood by the stairs leading up to the second floor. Lolcat began a conversation:

"Hello, ma'am. Uh, what's happened here in the last two weeks?"

The Channeler spoke to Lolcat calmly, "Team Rocket attacked Lavender Town again. I fear they are trying to expand their sphere of influence...The spirits are at unrest again, and this time...the Rockets have taken Mr. Fuji prisoner. With Fuji taken and the residents of Lavender Town either missing or seeking refuge in the Tower...I foresee bad times for Lavender Town..."

"Where are the Rockets now!?", immediately asked Lolcat

"Hmm...I have not seen any Rockets leave since they invaded today...The top of the Tower is where they are...You...You must climb the Tower in order to stop the Rockets...However...The other Channelers have been trained to attack any uninvited guest to the upper levels...I fear they might attack you...

Good luck, Lolcat...the spirits give you their blessing..."

Lolcat didn't expect to battle the Channelers along with the Rockets, but decided that wasting time at the Pokemon Center was out of the question. Placing the new recruit Vaporeon at the front of the party, Lolcat ascended the stairs to the floor where he had his duel with Blue.

After a second flight of stairs, Lolcat arrived on the third floor of the Tower. This floor, for some reason, is covered in mist or some kind of smoke. Lolcat decided that it's probably some religious incense that the Channelers use during times like this. Hundreds of tombstones litter the floor, and Channelers stand by some of the stones to challenge any intruders. Lolcat walks up to the first Channeler and a small movement occurs in Lolcat's peripheral vision...


Lolcat, seeing a motherf*cking ghost, cries out "VAPPY KILL KILL KILL OMFG GHOST!!"

Vaporeon shoots a large ring of water that rams into the ghost, immediately sending it back to the tombstone it arose out of. After he came to his senses, Lolcat realized...

"I could have caught that thing, couldn't I?"


Lolcat then speaks to the Channeler, who replies with,

"Evil Spirit! You must be a Rocket! I shall defend this Tower to the death!"

The medium sends out a Gastly, but it is swiftly knocked out by Vaporeon's Water Pulse. Lolcat proceeded on the tiled floor until he reached another set of stairs. However, a familiar voice is heard in the distance, and Lolcat is taken aback at what he heard.

"Miss me, Doc?"

It was Wartortle.

"Why ya looking so surprised? The lady said I was on the third floor! So, how's it been the last couple months?"

Lolcat stood speechless in front of his deceased partner. The tortoise continued talking.

"So, let's see the new party. After two-thirds of us got wiped by that Dugtrio you had to rebuild something, right Doc?"

Lolcat releases the five Pokemon from his Pokeballs.

"So, a Vaporeon, huh? I guess ya gotta replace me with something! And I'm glad that Water Pulse TM got put to good use! Us Water-types got a reputation around here, so don't be letting this Vappy get beat by a Critical, ya hear Lolcat? And whats ya got here?"

Wartortle turned towards Graveler.

"So, you're a new guy too? Ya have to be! My name's Wartortle; I was running this team until I got in a little accident with a few moles and the RNG. Eh, it ain't so bad here though; I got my buddy Butterfree and a couple Voltorb that got a little crazy with Selfdestruct a few weeks ago, and we keep each other company until Arceus uses Judgment. Well, just stay away from Surf and Solarbeam and you'll be on the Championship squad in no time!"

Wartortle turned to Lolcat's middle Pokemon, Vileplume.

"Oh, a Vileplume? Doc, you've picked up a lotta new Pokemon since I left ya! Is this that Oddish we caught back when I was still around?"

Lolcat nodded.

"Ya don't say! Well, it looks like you've evolved a couple times! How's it feel to be on the main squad now? You're the only three-stager on this team right now, that must put you in charge, right! Heh, good luck Plumey, you've got a pretty damn good Trainer trainin' ya!"

Wartortle turns to Lolcat's fourth Pokemon, who he seemed a little less than happy to see.

"Oh, it's you... Dugtrio. So how's it been since ya put me here? And before ya ask, I'm not mad, not mad at all! I know you're a good egg, and if you can hit some of those Rockets the way you hit me, this world will be a better place, no?

Wartortle turned to Lolcat's final Pokemon, Wartortle's best friend, Fearow.

"Fearow! Two months and you're still flappin' your wings right into yer opponents! I bet you sent a hundred Pokemon here, so thanks for giving me some more friends, heh! Just remember, now that I'm gone you're this team's elder, so don't let the younger folk upstage you!"

Wartortle turned to Lolcat to give his final words.

"Heh, so you're still around here, eh Doc? Well, promise me after ya become Champion ya visit me again, ya hear? Well, I've eaten enough of yer time, so go on and kick some Rockets!

The deceased turtle sank back into the mist of Pokemon Tower, and Lolcat solemnly ascended the stairs to the fourth floor, unsure if he had really seen anything at all... On the fourth floor, a maze of headstones greeted Lolcat. About half a dozen Channelers stood on the floor as well, guarding the sacred ground from intruders. The first Channeler challenged Lolcat to a battle; however, her pair of Gastly were not a match for Vaporeon's Water Pulses.

Lolcat slowly passed by the gravestones, blinking heavily when the mist entered his eyes. On this floor, numerous items were scattered across the floor. However, Lolcat soon realized that the items lie right in the Channeler's line of sight. As soon as Lolcat bent down to pick up an Elixir, a Channeler began to scream and charge right at Lolcat,

"Grave robber, begone!"

Before he knew it, another Gastly floated right in front of Lolcat, braced for attack. Before the Channeler could order the spirit to attack Lolcat, Vaporeon had already dispatched of it. "Hmm...", Lolcat thought, "These Channelers have definitely been corrupted by the Rockets. I mean them no harm, and yet, they risk their lives to stop me from saving them..."

After finishing off another Gastly, Lolcat steps up to the fifth floor. This floor was different than the others. The headstones and mist was still there, but this time the headstones made a circular path around a blue force field in the center, which one Channeler stood in. Many other Channelers formed a ring around the circular path, and Lolcat knew that he would have to battle them.

The first Channeler stared at Lolcat with crossed eyes and an unknown Pokemon behind her. This priestess did not act like the others, but rather spoke in a rudely loud voice.

"", the woman spoke. Lolcat was frightened that the Rockets did such damage to the residents of Lavender Town just by kidnapping Mr. Fuji and killing a Marowak. The woman commanded the Pokemon behind her to fight, and Lolcat retaliated with Vaporeon again. The Pokemon spoke, "Haunter....Haunnnn..." before lunging at Vaporeon, who fought back with a Water Pulse. Though this Pokemon was faster than the Gastly, it still couldn't get the drop on Vaporeon.

In the middle of the circular path, a lone Channeler stood in the middle of the blue rectangular space. Lolcat made eye contact with the woman, signaling a fight. The woman, instead, invited Lolcat into the field and began to speak.


Lolcat immediately responded, "How do you know my name?!"

"Of course I know your name. Your friend Wartortle lives here. He told me all about you, and warned me that the Rockets were to attack this Tower, so I created a safe zone for you and the Channelers. However, none of the other Channlelers could reach this protected ground before the Rockets attacked. You see, most Channelers rarely ever leave the Tower; I haven't left this ground in five years. They do not often see outsiders besides those that come here to visit their loved ones. When they saw the Rockets, they thought all Pokemon Trainers are like them, so they attack you. Lolcat, if you can defeat the Rockets who reside two floors above, you can restore the minds of the Channelers and save Lavender Town. Here, step in the center of the field."

Lolcat did so, and felt a wave of serenity wash over him. His Pokeballs changed to a teal color for a moment, then reverted back to normal. The Pokemon were healed, and ready to continue the fight.

Immediately after leaving the force field, Lolcat hears in the distance,

"Zombies!!!" Obviously a Channeler, Lolcat used the opportunity to test Vaporeon's new Bite technique, which ended up working quite well on Ghosts. One Channeler later, Lolcat proceeded to the sixth and penultimate floor.

This floor was the mistiest yet. Lolcat, looking down and with his eyes barely open, spies a Channeler. Knowing that Vaporeon can easily see through mist by virtue of its Water type, Lolcat send out the Water beast to battle a bloodthirsty Channeler.

Vaporeon began to bite at the Gastly, but by the end of the battle Vaporeon fell over with his eyes closed. Knowing that the Pokemon sustained no damage in the battle, Lolcat went over to the Pokemon and decided that the mist was to much even for a Water Pokemon. The only other Pokemon who could see though the mist would be Fearow because of its Keen Eye, so Lolcat placed the avian at the front of the party.

After demolishing more Gastly with Aerial Ace, Lolcat stood at the base of the stairs to the top floor of Pokemon Tower. Two steps later, an invisible force smacks Lolcat's shin, sending him tumbling down to the bottom of the stairs. Unable to see what caused the fall, Lolcat pulls out his Silph Scope and sees a Marowak charging at him at full speed. Thinking quickly, Lolcat pulls Fearow's Pokeball out and orders the bird to lift him above Marowak's reach.

Lolcat grabs onto the bird's talons and watches as the Bone Keeper Pokemon's club bashes into the floor, leaving a massive dent. If Fearow had been a second slower, Lolcat would have joined his friend Wartortle in the Tower. Fearow then deposits Lolcat a safe distance from the Marowak and charges in for a fight. Fearow was to battle the Bone Keeper for the right to summit Pokemon Tower.

Fearow moved first, slamming the Pokemon with a Secret Power. The energy from the blow knocked Marowak back, but Marowak focused on Fearow as the well-trained avian smacked it with another Secret Power. Marowak, fed up with taking hits, shot his bone at Fearow, who easily flew up and dodged it. One more Secret Power earned Lolcat the right to visit the seventh floor of Pokemon Tower.

The peak, unlike the other floors, was not a maze. Very little mist, too. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of headstones surrounded a small circle. There were no more staircases. Three Team Rocket grunts stood around an old man, presumably Mr. Fuji. The old man was kneeling in front of a headstone, probably in prayer. Deciding that the only way to rescue Fuji was to ram through the Rocket Grunts one by one, Lolcat sent out Fearow and battled the first Rocket. The Grunt's first two Pokemon were Zubat and both fell to Secret Power from Fearow. Golbat, the second Pokemon, landed a Supersonic on Fearow which did a little damage but was swiftly two-hit-KO'd.

The second Rocket Grunt went head-to-head with Vileplume. The flower moved first, and landed an Absorb on the smoke ball. The Rocket gained a devilish grin. "Koffing. Do it.", the man said.

Koffing took a deep breath, stored up poison in its body until the pent-up gasses exploded. It was Selfdestruct. The explosion wracked the Tower, sending two nearby headstones flying. Vileplume took the brunt of the attack though. The flower immediately fell to the ground and lay there. Lolcat was unsure if the Pokemon would wake up. A second passed. Then two.

About four seconds later, Vileplume stood up. The Grunt's gambit had failed. In a rage, the man threw out a Drowzee. Vileplume spammed Absorb to regain some health as the Drowzee failed to scratch it, then went for Acid for the swift KO.

The final Rocket Grunt went up against Graveler. Graveler began to Rollout on Zubat, then another Zubat, then Rattata, then Raticate. All were killed in one shot.

Only Mr. Fuji remained on the floor. The man spoke in a voice that contained authority and serenity even though he had just been kidnapped.

" are here to rescue me? I'm sorry, young one, but I do not need to be rescued. I came here of my own accord when these Rockets attacked me. i simply ignored them, and they could not do me any harm. The spirits of the Tower would never allow me to be harmed by such vermin. Well, I do suppose that you went through a lot of trouble to reach the top of this Tower. I bet those Channelers didn't make it easier, either!"

Fuji asked Lolcat to accompany him to his house in the southern end of Lavender Town. In the house, the man shared a few words with Lolcat,

"Lolcat. Your Pokedex quest will be difficult, but I bet you really don't care for catching a bunch of insignificant Pokemon especially when you're doing a Nuzlocke challenge. In fact, you seem troubled. Have you been hearing voices in your head when you sleep, or have weird recurring dreams?"

"Yes, Mr. Fuji" replied Lolcat, "But how did you know this?"

"Because I'm kind of like your Yoda in this story. I'm supposed to tell you why those dream are happening and stuff. It's probably some inexplicable phenomenon where some madman is using those dreams as a method of communicating with you so he can kill you so you can't stop his evil plan or something like that. I bet it's even going to continue in other regions, which is totally not revealing that DetroitLolcat plans on writing more Nuzlocke challenges after this one that are direct sequels! But that's all speculation. I've watched enough TV to know that the protagonist never learns all about why he's hearing this stuff in the first part, so don't worry about the voice. The spirits tell me this, or something like that. Now, I entrust you with this item, the Poke Flute! You'll need it next chapter. Goodbye, Lolcat. Go and challenge Erika."

After hearing Mr. Fuji's spoilers prophecies, Lolcat decided to return to Celadon City to duel Erika after a day of travelling. Lolcat checks into the Pokemon Center and quickly nods off to sleep.

The next morning, Lolcat traversed Route 8 and the Underground Path again and quickly arrived in Celadon City. Lolcat had already been to this city, and so he located the Gym easily and sees that the Gym is teeming with Trainers. At least they were all female. The first Trainer was a Beauty. Fearow tore up her stupid Bellsprouts.

The rest of the Gym Trainers really weren't that interesting. Imagine a small bird. Now make it twelve times bigger. Make it shoot fire out of its nostrils and have a machine gun for a beak. Now think of a little plant. A harmless, inanimate plant. The bird is Fearow. The plant is every one of the Gym Trainers.

After the utter massacre, Lolcat approached Erika. The lady began to speak,

"Hello, Trainer. As you know, I am the Grass Gym Leader, Erika! I like Grass Pokemon because they spam stupid moves like Stun Spore and Sleep Powder! As you can guess, my plan is to hax the living hell out of you, now let's begin!"

Lolcat threw out Fearow to match Erika's first Pokemon. "Oh, a Fearow. I haven't seen one of those in a while. Never mind then, go Victreebel!"

The ugly flycatcher stood face-to-face with the great bird. Fearow charged the Grass Pokemon with pinpoint accuracy and jabbed it with its beak and talons. Victreebel fell over, but before going down he released a mountain of Stun Spores at Fearow, whose muscles locked up and knocked Fearow out of the skies. Erika, distraught that her prized Victreebel fell so soon, sent out a Tangela. Fearow took a Constrict, but retaliated with an Aerial Ace that sent Tangela down for the count. Vileplume was the final Pokemon. Because of Fearow's paralysis the flower got the first strike, launching an Acid attack on Lolcat's bird. Fearow struck back with an Aerial Ace that just barely failed to knock it out, so the Vileplume went for another attack. Barely damaged at all, Fearow shocked the Vileplume again and won Lolcat the fourth Gym Badge.

End of Part 9

Level 34, Jolly.
-Secret Power
-Aerial Ace
-Mirror Move
-Fury Attack

Fearow has done really well this update, effectively soloing the entire Celadon Gym. I'm really not sure who the team's MVP is, but it's pretty hard to beat out Fearow right now because of how well he did in the recent Gym battle. Though I like to keep the team at an even level, Fearow is a little higher than the rest because of all the Celadon Gym Exp.

Level 31, Serious
-Water Pulse
-Quick Attack

Still working on that movepool, of course. Bite came at the right place at the right time, it really lessens the stress on Water Pulse's PP. Vaporeon probably received the most attention this update because he was a little lower than the rest. He's all caught up now, though.

Level 32, Careful
-Fury Swipes
-Sand Tomb

Dugtrio still hasn't done much for this team, but that's because everything I faced this update was either a Grass type or a Levitator, neither of which Dugtrio can really hit. Probably the LVP at the moment, but I see him rising immensely against Koga and his Poison-types next update. Also he killed my wartortle :(

Level 32, Careful
-Defense Curl
-Rock Throw

Dat moveset. Graveler is doing pretty well, especially against the Rockets who all use things that can't do jack shit to Graveler. I see Graveler waning in effectiveness soon as he's only good against Koga and Blaine and Agatha to an extent, assuming I even make it that far. Still, a solid mon right now.

Level 32, Naive
-Bullet Seed
-Sleep Powder

This guy really needs to go to rehab for all the Acid it's been using. Kidding aside, Vileplume is a real tank on this team, taking that Selfdestruct from Koffing. Thank God it wasn't a crit. His moveset is a but crappy but he can wear opponents down with Sleep Powder like no other. Solid mon but needs work on the moveset.

Assorted shitmons.

R.I.P. Wartortle you brave hero. Thanks for making an appearance in the recent chapter. Vaporeon's doing a good job in your place.

Butterfree (x2) R.I.P. Butterfree. Your ability to spread status went unmatched. Dugtrio feels sorry for killing you and Wartortle. If anything's filling the void, it's Vileplume, who's even bulkier and can at least spread sleep. I wish Vileplume got Confusion though, as Grass/Poison is crap attacking type.


It's all coming back to me now
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
You guys get half an update while I write the remainder. Enjoy

After escaping from Distortion World I knew that I had but one trail left to face, Volkner, the last Gym Leader, was in Sunnyshore City. I wanted to rush there right away but I knew that he would be no pushover. Training my team up was essential. Giving myself a target of Lv 50 or so to reach I began training in earnest, focusing more on Chaos and Celeste as I knew that they would have poor match ups against an electric Gym leader and I did not wish for them to get left behind. It took a long time, but when finished, I was proud of how the team looked. Happy with my accomplishment, I entered the gym for the last time.

Volkners underlings were tricky. I lacked a powerful ground pokemon so had to fight my way through on sheer power alone. To this end, Vulcan became my go to pokemon, ripping through trainers with its powerful attacks. Finally, Volkner stood before me. There was little need for words, as we both knew why I was here, Volkner threw a ball, a Jolteon appeared, and the battle began.

Facing off against a Jolteon, I knew I had a tough battle on my hands. It was a 4 vs 4 battle, so matchups were worth everything. Jolteon had blistering fast speed, so after a bit of thought I sent out Alex, to shrug off assaults. A flash of red light, and Alex appeared, seemingly unconcerned at finding itself in a battle. Jolteon charged, its fur charging, before it blasted Alex with a powerful jolt of electricity. I winced a little, but Alex seemed to be o.k and hit back with a glowing red beam of energy. Despite Jolteon’s incredible speed. The beam struck, throwing Jolteon backwards across the ground. It struggled to its feet, slightly dazed as to where it was.

Shaking its head in an attempt to rid itself of its confusion it blasted off another blast of electricity, but Alex was waiting for it. It spun itself like a top, before the electricity slammed into Bronzong. Volkner smirked at the direct hit but when the smoke cleared, Alex was still spinning, faster and faster while the electricity was caught up in the vortex. Alex finally shoot towards Jolteon still spinning, hurling it across the gym floor, the electrically charged Gyro Ball doing massive damage to the speedy Jolteon. I kept a close eye on Jolteon, that attack had done massive damage, another Gyro Ball would likely knock it out. I began to order the attack when Jolteon began to crackle and I realised I had made a huge mistake. The Gyro Ball had done massive damage to Jolteon it was true, however the electrical discharge it had picked up had just charged Jolteon up. Lightning began to flicker around Jolteon and I realised it was going to launch one final, desperate attack. “Alex stand firm” I called as the beam of electric energy slammed into Alex. Alex let out a groan, then rallied. Bronzong turned 90 degress, aiming its underside at Jolteon like a cannon. BANG, a beam of golden energy blasted out from Alex, picking up Jolteon in a fist and slamming it against the ground, knocking it out.

I let out a sign of relief as Volkner recalled Jolteon and sent out a Raichu. I knew how powerful that thing could be, and knew not to take chances. I flew a ball and a beautiful humming sound filled the room as Sielia took its place against Raichu. I weighed things up, before giving a small nod to Sielia. A beam of green energy slammed into Raichu, while it hit back with a Charge Beam. Both attacks connected and both secondary effects triggered. My Dragonbreath had paralysed Raichu, limiting its ability to dodge attacks, while Charge Beam had boosted Raichu’s special attack. Unconcerned, we both attacked, using the same attacks the turn before and again, both struck there respective targets. Volkner grinned as Raichu netted another boost to its special attack and I knew I had to think fast. At +2, its next attack was going to hurt very hard. I saw no other option but to unleash my all or nothing attack. Orange energy began to form around Sielia, before it struck, blasting a stream of Meteors at Raichu. Paralysed, and in shock, Raichu had no time to dodge, the meteors pulerising it, drilling it into the ground, causing it to faint in awe.

Volkner and I stared grimly at each other. I held the lead, but both my pokemon were crippled and Volkners pokemon were getting stronger every time. Could my remaining two pokemon weather the storm? Or would my challenge end here, causing the Nuzlocke Virus to spread and finally be unstoppable.
What? A ginganinja, lolcat, and Rediamond update in one weekend? Now I need to get Flamestrike to post something to make this the greatest Nuzlocke story weekend ever...

Oh yeah, no relevance at all to the run if anyone cares. Slightly more violent update than your average Nuzlocke fic, and really just used to build up the plot.

1.4 Survivor
I hate meetings. Actually, I don’t mind them so much at all if I’m in it, as at least I’m gaining valuable information. It’s annoying when it seems that everyone else who has any importance at all is in the meeting. Even then, I wouldn’t mind it as Father would tell me what I needed to know anyways, and if not I didn’t need to know about it. What I really hated was that work still needed to be done, and sitting around a conference table means that those people weren’t doing their obligations. This normally meant that I had to take over for the day. Sometimes, like when I needed to watch Pokémon or monitor some sort of a research project, it wasn’t all that bad. Actually, maybe I don’t hate meetings at all. But I am positively certain that I hate rookie training.

New recruits normally fall into one of three categories. They are either overly eager and try to hard at everything but are still completely inept, totally disregard any instructions given and try to be the hotshot who already deserves a promotion, or they start out well enough but are too weak to continue training for long before they complain. Category one I can deal with, as they are at least willing to learn and they treat any instructor they have as some sort of a god. Category three can normally be pressured back into working in silence by a glare, unsheathing my knife, or sending out Golbat. I absolutely cannot stand category two. Most of them will show some respect to an older figure such as my father, and Valence has the patience and personality to deal with them. Me? Most hotshots don’t think their pride can handle listening to a small fourteen year-old girl. That’s where the problems begin.

The class was surprisingly far in today with no incident. It was just a simple physical exercise consisting of a fairly long obstacle course with areas in the middle for strength or flexibility building activities. A few recruits had already finished the course, and were running the obligatory cool down laps. That probably meant that class was about three hours in or so. I didn’t think anyone had died yet, but I hadn’t really been paying attention. I was still fairly tired from staying out way too late last night. I’d even broken curfew, but Father had already left when I woke up in the morning. I was not looking forwards to receiving my punishment.

That or he would view rookie training supervision as enough.

Two more recruits stepped out of the course and I jumped down from my elevated platform to speak with them, landing on my feet as always. “Five laps,” I called out to them.

“Can’t we get a break?” one of them whined. Type three.

“In a real battle, there is no break until the enemy has been defeated or you are dead. I do not believe you wish to be in the second group, so I suggest you keep moving,” I responded.

“Oh, come on. We’ve been doing these exercises for a week now. Besides, it’s not like we’re ever going to use anything but our Pokémon anyways. What the hell is the point of all this?” The second recruit asked. Type two. Arceus, this was going to be annoying.

“The point is a commander in Team Rocket told you to do it,” I snapped, and immediately regretted it. Valence always said that being diplomatic would go a long way in cases like these, and I had been making an honest effort to be more diplomatic. But my patience under minimal sleep is very, very low.

The recruit raised his eyebrow, “Wait, you’re a commander? What kind of sorry state is this place-“ One well placed kick between the legs sent him to the ground. I smiled mentally. Male recruits were so much easier to deal with than their female counterparts. As he struggled back up, I glanced around at the others who were running laps. I waved my hand dismissively and firmly ordered them to continue. I turned back to see the second recruit rising from the ground and the first staring at me in fear. “Will I be having any more troubles with you?”

The second one grunted. “I’ll remember to respect the commanders. But seriously, why are we doing this again?”

I glared at him for a moment, and he shied away from me. “Even if you’re Pokémon are stronger than mine, which I very highly doubt, you still run the risk of all of them getting killed or fainted in a battle with multiple enemies. In most situations such as these, you don’t have the time to load and aim your gun before the enemy that defeated your last Pokémon can kill you. And carrying a loaded gun is not the brightest idea, before you ask. Therefore, you must be able to physically overpower and outlast your aggressor. Do you have any more questions?” he shook his head, apparently satisfied with my explanation. “Then go and run ten laps.”

The first recruit opened his mouth comically wide in shock. “B-But you said five!”

“Yes, but questioning the orders of a commander warrants another five laps.”

“Oh come on, I doubt that you could even do this course and the laps.” The first recruit muttered under his breath. He probably didn’t expect I could hear it.

“As a matter of fact, I could do this course faster than you when I was eight. And I was blindfolded. Therefore, I highly recommend that you start running now.” Well, so much for trying diplomacy earlier.

He shook his head, “I somehow doubt that. Let’s say this. We have a fight, no Pokémon involved. If I win, I can leave. If I lose,”

“I will give you the proper punishment for insubordination,” I finished.

“Fine, let’s do this,” he shouted out. There was a small crowd of people behind him who had finished the course who were staring at the scene with a mix of confusion, hope, and fear. A quick glance showed that the recruits who were running had all stopped to watch the scene. I turned back just in time to watch a punch sail towards my face.

I quickly ducked down, letting it barely come over me before I jumped back up to his side, and kicked him hard. He recoiled and stepped back a few feet while he recovered his balance. I didn’t let him. One final roundhouse kick to the head sent him slamming into the ground barely conscious. That’s when I pulled out my knife. The entire fight had taken maybe ten seconds as a maximum.

“Come on, the knife’s not fair,” the recruit groaned.

“If life isn’t fair, than fairness is banned in warfare,” I hissed out, pressing the blade closer to his neck as he looked at it, apparently uncaring. I doubt he believed that I would actually use it.

“Yeah, yeah, can you just get off of me?”

I glanced at him quizzically, “What did you say?”

“I said can you get off of me already,” he growled, making some sort of an attempt to push me off.

“I might consider it if you requested it properly,” I told him. Now I was just trying to be annoying. I really hate class two recruits.

“Oh for the love of Arceus, can you just get the,” he didn’t finish. His eyes got wide, and he started coughing, some sort of a question on his lips. For the first time today, and the last as well, he actually looked scared. And then his eyes rolled back and his head hit the ground. I made a mental note to get someone out here to clean up the blood as I stepped off of him.

I glanced back around at the recruits, their faces all somewhere between shock and fear. “Get back to running,” I called out. They all followed orders, most of them with a “Yes, commander” attached. I smiled as I wiped off my knife with a cloth. I really loved it when I got an excuse to do that.


It should be noted that I was dreading my meeting with Father far more than any training session. I had disregarded his curfew last night, and never provided an explanation why. That, and the explanation I had was very weak compared to what would normally be required to defy his orders. He also wouldn’t take to the dead recruit very well, but I doubt that was big enough to make him seriously angry. Actually, that might lighten his mood a bit. He would probably be proud that I had taken the correct approach to getting others respect, and dealing with those who refused to give it. At least I’d done something right recently.

I glanced up at the large old house ahead of me. It was one of the oldest buildings in the valley, being a small outpost for assassins hired by the league for centuries. When Father was in Viridian to meet with the other high level executives in Team Rocket, I stayed here with him. Being the heir to the ninja clan at Fuchsia, he had access to quite a few safe houses such as these around the continent. I often stayed in these during assignments outside of Fuchsia, and they’d grown on me. Most of them were just about the same; large, empty houses that appeared to have been abandoned for centuries. To be fair, some of them honestly had been. The city governments often tried to bulldoze them to either improve the scenery or make room for something else. Rumors of spirits inside of the homes was often enough to spark the opposition from the public needed to stop the project. If not, I was often asked to help. After I was done, paranoia was high enough that no one ever got close to destroying Father’s property.

I thought for just another moment before walking into the house. Father had told me he would be there by noon, and I did not want to keep him waiting after disregarding his curfew the previous night. I shivered a little as I entered. I really disliked the cold and my ninja outfit didn’t do much to keep me warm. This house in particular always managed to be freezing, even in the summer. Father really should’ve gotten someone to fix the place up a while ago to negate the many cracks that winds blew through. He always cited the need to keep the home private and secret, and he could not have workmen learning our secrets. I never questioned him aloud, but I did wonder why he couldn’t just let the workmen fix the house, and then dispose of them. It would solve the problem quite nicely.

At the end of the hall, Father was waiting in the living room reading through some papers. Father was dressed as usual in black ninja clothing with a small red cape. He glanced up when I entered and I bowed. He motioned for me to rise, and I sat down across from him in a red wooden chair. He put the stack of papers down and looked me over, trying to read any emotion I might be conveying. “You’ve gotten better at remaining neutral,” he said at last. “I almost have to blindly guess to tell what you’re feeling. I can only tell that you’re nervous, would you tell me why?” He was quite good at reading into people.

I steeled my resolve, and answered him, “I was out past curfew last night Father.”

He raised an eyebrow, “And why does this make you nervous?”

I opened my eyes wider in shock. Why didn’t he get it? “I broke a rule set by you without even asking in advance Father. That is forbidden and I deserve to be punished.”

Father stared at me intently for a few minutes, and then nodded. “That is true. Would you tell me why you were out past curfew?”

I tensed up for a moment. I doubted he would accept my answer. “I was visiting a friend.”

Koga frowned. “Would you tell me why you needed to visit them at night?”

“I didn’t know if they would be here for more than one night, father.”

Father looked perplexed, but slowly asked, “Would you tell me which friend were visiting?”

I breathed in and shut my eyes, trying to get up the resolve to tell him. “Bianca Aethus.”

If he was puzzled earlier, he was genuinely surprised by this. “Missus Aethus? What was she doing back in Viridian?” he retained his composure, but it was easy to tell that he had been rocked a little.

“She was on an assignment from Professor Oak and was needed in Viridian.”

“She knows Professor Oak?” he asked. Something about that in particular seemed to throw him off balance.

“Yes, Father. She recently got her trainer’s license and is now working for the Professor as an aide.” I glanced up at him, as he stared off into the distance, lost in thought. “Is something wrong father?”

He continued staring off for a moment, and then answered slowly, “Yes. Would you tell me,” his eyes refocused down on me, “why you didn’t tell me of this earlier?” he almost seemed angry. This wasn’t good.

“Father, I was only informed of this last night. I saw her walking out of the Cathedral, so I trailed her back to the Pokémon Center to talk to her.”

He nodded slowly. He understood, but he was still angry about something. “Would you tell me why you risked sneaking into a Pokémon Center to talk to her?” he asked evenly, but it was pretty easy to see the question was quite a bit more accusatory than the tone would suggest.

“Father, you know that I of all people could pull off such a task rather easily. It was no challenge at all to go undetected.”

His expression softened a little as he calmed down. “And you are sure that no one but Missus Ambrose saw you?”

I hesitated for a moment. There was that one boy who might have seen me. Of course I’d been below detection at the time, but he had been looking right at me, almost like he could see me. “Yes,” I lied.

Father nodded. Whether or not he noticed my hesitation he believed me. After all, I had never lied to him before this about anything. But for some reason, I felt like I almost couldn’t tell him about the run in. It would be embarrassing if he knew someone might have seen me. We sat in silence for several minutes. “Father,” I began. He glanced up and, motioned for me to continue. “There was another reason I was late last night. One of the two with Bianca, he was a bit strange.”

“How so?” Father asked.

“Well, he had a scar that matched mine almost exactly for one. And there seemed to be some sort of an aura around him. I couldn’t identify it exactly, but it was strange. Almost like the power emitted from a moon stone.”

Father leaned back into his chair, a smile playing on his lips. “Well, it seems like yet another one of the Dawn projects has appeared. This could warrant investigation.” His mind seemed to be racing, and he stood upright before looking down at me and sitting down into his chair. “My apologies, I forgot to tell you something.” I leaned forwards eagerly.

“Is it about the meeting?” I asked. He nodded.

“Yes, I’m sorry that you could not attend but someone had to watch the rookies. As for the meeting itself,” he inhaled and looked up at the ceiling. “Team Rocket is going to war.”

My eyes widened, “War? But, why? And with who?” I asked quickly before Father cut me off.

“All in due time, Janine. All in due time. As for your questions, yes, war. Lance himself approached Master Kyo with an offer to help him with some military operations to prevent a rebellion planned by a certain Samuel Oak. In two days, Rocket forces will storm Pallet Town and other resistance strongholds in an attempt to prevent the rebellion from occurring and disrupting order in the region. However your news complicates things.” I waited for him to continue.

“You can probably understand that there are certain,” he paused, “pressures to capture Missus Aethus alive rather than dead. That will possibly prevent us from burning the entire city to the ground before we have confirmation she is out of there. It also means that she has likely been corrupted by the Professor. Her father will not be happy about that. And the Operation Dawn survivor also has his uses.” He rose and began to walk towards another room. “I must discuss these matters with Master Kyo. Please wait here.”

A few minutes passed as I sat in the chair, waiting for Father to finish his phone call. I grew bored rather quickly, and really wanted to fall asleep. Of course, Father would be most displeased if I actually did fall asleep on him while he was expecting me to remain alert, so I forced myself to stay awake. If I had to stay awake, part of me really wanted to send out my Stantler so I could pet him, but Father disliked Pokémon out of their Pokeballs in the house, his Crobat being the only exception.

At long last, Father reentered the room and sat down. “It appears as if you have an assignment.” I shifted nervously in my seat. Those varied widely, but most of them were fairly time consuming and dangerous. “Master Kyo has requested that you trail the boy and Missus Aethus, keeping them safe until such time as they can be captured by Team Rocket. You are also to avoid detection yourself. Is this clear?” I nodded. “Good, you will begin tomorrow. The first stage of your assignment is to ensure that they do not die during the attack on Pallet Town.” He rose again. “I have a meeting with Master Kyo now. You may pack your bags and prepare to leave today or tomorrow morning. Leave me a message if you are leaving today.” And with that, he walked out of the door, shutting it softly.


I quickly packed up my backpack, the process taking no more than five minutes after years of assignments with little to no notice. At least I had almost a full day to prepare for this one, even if I had no intentions of using it all. I had nothing better to do, so I might as well start early and scout out the town and areas between Pallet and Viridian that could be used for camps or hiding areas, or even points where Rocket agents could meet up with me and finish the mission. When I was finally done packing, my cell phone hummed quietly. My head instinctively shot up and I jumped back a little before I realized what the noise had been. Father had made me get one for assignments a while ago, but I still disliked using it. I picked it up, and noted that Silver had sent a text message to me to meet him at the Cathedral in an hour. I shrugged, and placed the phone into the back of my backpack before leaving to write a note to Father.


The Cathedral was possibly my second favorite place in the entire Kanto region. It emitted a feel of sacredness and power that was virtually unmatched. Palkia wasn’t necessarily my favorite deity, but it was very high up there. Actually, only Darkrai and Arceus surpassed it, and Darkrai pretty much only because of his role as the legendary founder of the ninjas. I viewed Arceus as the chief deity like pretty much everyone else in Kanto. Ho-oh was a Johto thing, and I wasn’t quite sure what to think about Mew. It was kind of complicated, and I didn’t like to dwell on it long.

Palkia was the alleged founder and protector of trainers and trained Pokémon. By teaching humanity how to distort space to capture and transport Pokémon it had opened the way for Pokémon training. That was kind of a big deal for Team Rocket to the point where it was considered an immediate death penalty for anyone who disturbed a priest of Palkia. Of course, immediate death penalty was the punishment for pretty much everything. Including messing with a tired commander, apparently. I smiled; those rookies were never going to mess with any authority figure again.

I glanced down at the familiar layout of the cathedral floor beneath me from the balcony I usually stood on. I looked past the doorway that I’d seen Bianca run out of last night, eyes briefly lingering there. None of what happened last night made any sense. Bianca just randomly took off towards a doorway, and the next moment was screaming as she fell from a ledge behind the balcony I was standing on. I was used to some pretty strange things, but that probably topped the list. At least Silver had the foresight to keep Reaver around to watch for her.

I was brought out of my thoughts by footsteps to the right. They were purposefully quiet, and were almost drowned out by the background noise. They were faint in an unnatural way. He, and I was pretty sure it was a male by the sound of the footsteps, was trying to sneak up on me. I reached for my dagger, only to grab cloth and remember that I never went into the cathedral armed. I whirled around, prepared for a fistfight if need be, to face a young boy in a silver jacket about a foot shorter than me. His hair was died red and moderately long. I had no idea how a man as protective and formal as Master Kyo would allow his son to die his hair such an unnatural shade of red, and I never really would figure it out. “Silver,” I stated evenly, standing up into a more casual stance.

He laughed quietly, almost as if I’d said some sort of a joke. He laughed a lot at that time in such a strange foil to the rest of his family. “I really can’t sneak up on you can I?”

I shook my head, “It’s possible, but stealth isn’t your thing, is it?”

He laughed again. “No, it really isn’t.” His face became more serious. “You’re off to see Bianca, aren’t you.”

I was always amazed by how quickly he could go from light-hearted to very direct. “Someone’s got to make sure she doesn’t die,” I responded.

He smiled a little, “I don’t think she would need the help. She was always such a great strategist and tried to learn so much about battling. She has Reaver with her too, so she shouldn’t really be in any danger.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. There’s going to be a lot of chaos, and there will be a lot of grunts in the city. It could actually be dangerous for her,” I noted Silver’s expression and added on, “at least, the fires could be dangerous.”

His expression fell a little, “They’re really going to burn the city, aren’t they?” He sounded so dejected. He was honestly the only person I knew of who had grown up in the League or Rocket world and had not realized the need for violence to maintain order.

“I don’t know, actually. It’s probable, but it will really be up to the Champion, or Father, or your father, or whoever’s in charge of the mission. Besides, it’s not like that many people live there anyways,” I tried to be encouraging, but his expression became even more downcast if anything.

“Do you think she’ll fight us?”

“Who?” I asked.

“Bianca.” A heavy silence formed between Silver and I. I really didn’t know. She was an aide to Professor Oak, and she had lived in Pallet Town for almost as long as she had lived in Viridian. Whichever side she picked, she was going to be against friends and family. It was actually kind of depressing.

“I don’t think so,” I lied. Two lies in one day was my new record. That wasn’t one I was proud of. “She really didn’t want to leave Viridian in the first place, and she still remembers us quite well. Under different circumstances, she would almost certainly be here with us.”

He nodded and I felt really bad. I wasn’t confident at all in my answer, but I’d managed to convince Silver of it completely. That was one of his problems: he trusted his friends way too much. “I heard there’s another Dawn survivor in the town.”

I nodded, and glanced down at the floor. I still wasn’t quite able to wrap my mind around that. As far as anyone was aware, there was a problem in Operation Dawn that killed pretty much everyone involved. There had only been two known exceptions before yesterday, although a few people suspected that Samuel Oak had managed to keep someone else alive after the events that had claimed a championship, an island, and several dozen lives.

“Yes, there is.”

“And how do you feel about that?” he asked.

I turned away and stared up at the massive stained glass windows depicting the various myths involving Palkia. The sun was lowering, and the angle of sunlight hit the windows perfectly, lighting all of them up with a bright pink light and making the cathedral glow a shade of pink.

I stared in awe at the magnificence of the legendary Pokémon depicted before me, and took it as a sign to stop lying.

“I don’t know. I barely know anything about what’s coming next.”

“Do you know where you’re starting at,” Silver asked casually as he stared along with me at the stained glass.

“I think I know. A few things are falling into place,” I admitted.

He nodded, a smile coming onto his face as it was illuminated by the light. “That’s the hard part. Now you’ve just got to figure everything out.” He laughed again, and began to walk down the stairs towards the main floor of the building.

I slung my backpack over one shoulder, and started to follow him as I tried to figure out what he’d said.
I have some unfortunate news regarding my Fire Red Nuzlocke. I lost, mostly from crits, mostly on Route 17 (Cycling Road).

My team was Charizard, Persian, Primeape, Golem and Dratini. On Cycling Road, I lost Charizard, Persian, Golem, and Dratini. Charizard was KO'd by a Weezing's Sludge crit. Persian, Golem, and Dratini were KO'd by Machoke and Machamp. Primeape was KO'd in Rock Tunnel by Graveller's crit Magnitude. My challenge ended at the hands of Machamp.

Coming back from that terrible loss, I've started a Nuzlocke in Soul Silver (and with much more luck!) I love my team and have had unbelievable luck in terms of natures, abilities and captures. Here's my main team so far:

Chikorita - Bayleef (Bold nature!)
Aipom (Adamant nature w/ Run Away [future Technician] ability!)
Vulpix (Modest nature!)
Nidoran - Nidorina (Serious nature)

I couldn't ask for a better team at this point. I have 3 badges and right now I'm in the Pokeathelon trying to earn enough points for a Fire Stone. Once I receive Surf in Ecruteak I'm going to get my last 2 party members, Natu and Poliwag. Violet City has 90% chance for Poliwag (10% chance for Poliwhirl) and Ruins of Alph has a 90% chance for Natu. Natu will be my Fly user and I'll evolve Poliwhirl into either Poliwrath or Politoed (depending on the nature I get).

I'm considering replacing Nidorina with Umbreon once I get Eevee in Goldenrod.

An added challenge that I've come up with is that once I beat Red, I'm taking my in-game team to clear the Battle Frontier. This is made easier due to my luck in getting such good natures on my Pokemon.
I've decided to start a Nuzlocke of Black version.

My team thus far;
Shogun the Jolly Oshawott (Lv 7)
Yorkie the Rash Lillipup (Lv 4)

I haven't even faced N, yet. I'm nervous about that. He beat my starter on my normal run-throughs in that first fight, so I'm gonna train Yorkie up with Shogun, to about 8ish each. I'm actually debating if I want the Pansear, or if I want to risk getting a Munna.
I gave up on my Diamond Scramble and am going to do a Nuzlocke instead.

I black out, game over

Pokemon Centers are allowed

No repeats

If a Pokemon has a really low encounter rate, I am able to go for it (ie Chansey) but must catch the first one I see.

Grinding is allowed up to 12 levels.

Standard rules otherwise
ok then since its my birthday(9/11random i know) i am going to start a special Nuzlocke Challenge. One for my Pokemon SoulSilver. Rules are:
1. Any pokemon that faints, dies, simple as that.
2. I must catch first pokemon in a route/cave that i havent already caught. So basically no Duplicates
3. All must be named that start with a N, in honour of my name(not going to tell you)
4. No Antidotes.
5. Can only use the pokemon centre 4 times a day
6. No full restores, lava cookies and full heals.
7. Any Reviveing related stuff must be sold ASAP.
8. I cant black out(or maybe its white out)
9. I cant catch any normal types(unless they're the first on a route)
10. If i beat a gym with a pokemon, that pokemon cant be used against the next gym.
theres the rules, will post first update tommorrow.
ok then since its my birthday(9/11random i know) i am going to start a special Nuzlocke Challenge. One for my Pokemon SoulSilver. Rules are:
1. Any pokemon that faints, dies, simple as that.
2. I must catch first pokemon in a route/cave that i havent already caught. So basically no Duplicates
3. All must be named that start with a N, in honour of my name(not going to tell you)
4. No Antidotes.
5. Can only use the pokemon centre 4 times a day
6. No full restores, lava cookies and full heals.
7. Any Reviveing related stuff must be sold ASAP.
8. I cant black out(or maybe its white out)
9. I cant catch any normal types(unless they're the first on a route)
10. If i beat a gym with a pokemon, that pokemon cant be used against the next gym.
theres the rules, will post first update tommorrow.
No Normal types? That's an interesting rule. Will you make an exception for Eevee in Goldenrod City, seeing as how it eventually turns elemental (plus it's a must-have for HGSS Nuzlockes!)
I'm starting a Nuzlocke Challenge for White.
Pokemon Centers are allowed, but healing items can't be used in battle.
As soon as I catch a Pokemon, I have to level it up to the highest level of my team.
If I catch a Pokemon, and I don't like it (e.g. a Modest Axew), I can catch as many of those Pokemon as I like until I like it.
I must keep my Pokemon at least 5 levels above the highest-leveled Trainer in the area (e.g. by Striaton, I need Pokemon at least Lv. 19).
I can train all I want, but cannot use Rare Candies. Rare Candies must be sold ASAP.
I can catch anything I want to, but I cannot use Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, or currently hidden legendary Pokemon (Keldeo, etc.)
All Pokemon nicknames must be related to either their species, or one of their moves.
I may not catch more than one Pokemon of each type (e.g. I can't have Volcarona and Chandelure on the same team).
If I catch a Pokemon, it must be in the base form (e.g. I cannot catch the Volcarona in the Relic Castle, I'll have to train up the Larvesta that I get from the egg).
I must catch all legendary Pokemon that I can, but in the case of trios/duos, I can only use one of the 2/3.
I may not trade Pokemon to use, migrate Pokemon via PokeTransfer, or recieve Pokemon via Mystery Gift or Relocator, unless those are used for the Battle Subway only (so I can't use the Lv. 100 Mewtwo that I EV trained in SS).
I have a total of 3 "lives," or "black-outs." If those lives get used up, it's game over, and I have to restart.
Every Pokemon that gets KO'd must be replaced. Exceptions are the following:
-when I'm in the Battle Subway
-when I'm fighting the E4, N, and Ghetsis.
I must post updates after every Gym Battle.
No Normal types? That's an interesting rule. Will you make an exception for Eevee in Goldenrod City, seeing as how it eventually turns elemental (plus it's a must-have for HGSS Nuzlockes!)
yes i probably will, i like Flareon. but i will probably go with Umbreon or Espeon.
Oh and i guess i lied about the update i need to move pokemons off it and my brother lost his ds so i have to wait for my sister -_-. So will update when that happens
I just finished up in Striaton City. I beat Cilan no problem, thanks to Presley the Pansear. I decided it wasn't worth risking. I mean, what are the odds on the first pokemon I see in that grass in the Dreamyard actually being a Munna, right? When I got there, I checked, just to assure myself. Munna popped up o.O Oh well. Also joining the team is a Patrat I forgot to nickname, although I doubt I'll use him anyway. One gym down, 7 more to go!

none yet!
also i am just asking is it too late to add an addittional rule since i havent technically started? if not, not that big of a deal. Just completely forgot to add it until now-_-
I just finished up in Striaton City. I beat Cilan no problem, thanks to Presley the Pansear. I decided it wasn't worth risking. I mean, what are the odds on the first pokemon I see in that grass in the Dreamyard actually being a Munna, right? When I got there, I checked, just to assure myself. Munna popped up o.O Oh well. Also joining the team is a Patrat I forgot to nickname, although I doubt I'll use him anyway. One gym down, 7 more to go!

none yet!
Eh, let's face it, Munna's meh anyway. No big loss. Personally though, I don't count gift Pokémon.
also i am just asking is it too late to add an addittional rule since i havent technically started? if not, not that big of a deal. Just completely forgot to add it until now-_-
Adding rules is a-okay. What did you want to add?

Anyways, my Soul Silver Nuzlocke is going very well. At the moment I have what I would like to be my completed team. Here it is:

Bayleef (Bold!)
Ninetales (Modest!)
Psyduck (Serious)
Aipom (Adamant!)
Umbreon (Careful!)
Natu (Timid!)

I know that the natures would seem as if planned, but I'm honest when I say that those were the natures that I randomly got. Flawless! I'm protecting these Pokemon very well because those natures are too good to lose. With this team, I'm planning to go take on the Battle Frontier once I beat Red (hopefully everyone will survive till then). Right now I just got through the Lighthouse and am Surfing past the Whirl Islands.

In hoping that everyone on my team survives, I've been planning a general strategy for each Pokemon to take on the Battle Frontier. Here are the movesets that I plan to use for the BF using the Pokemon given to me:

Meganium @ Leftovers: Giga Drain, Toxic, Synthesis, Protect
Ninetales @ Wide Lens: Fire Blast, Will-o-wisp, Confuse Ray, Protect
Golduck @ Expert Belt: Surf, Ice Beam, Low Kick, Shadow Claw
Ambipom @ CB: Return, Low Kick, Payback, U-turn
Umbreon @ Bright Powder: Toxic, Moonlight, Confuse Ray, Double Team
Xatu @ Specs: Psychic, Heat Wave, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball

Hopefully everyone on my team will survive through the game so I can use them in BF!
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