Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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I think the stats with 113 is the Grass starter's stats. In the Pokemon Sunday video, his HP was around that level assuming Lv50. His small feet could also explain the poor speed.
Not necessarily-- isn't Lucario also oriented towards Special Attack? But that kinda sucks because Shell Blade sounds like a Physical attack.
This is exactly what I was thinking. I've noticed that the pre-GenIV "Physical/Special is defined by type" mentality is still everywhere, even though basically anything goes now. Mijimaru could still end up being part Fighting, it would just throw out stronger special attacks. Then again, it's a starter, so it will probably be able to hit from both sides pretty effectively.

My main concern is that Speed stat. It just looks really low . . .
About the Pokémon with 113 HP, 42 Attack, etc... I don't think it's Tsutaja. The stats are showed in a window dedicated to triple battles and they show a move in a similar window. I think those stats aren't the main focus of the pic. Rather, the Ability is. I'm pretty sure it's the new Ability, Telepathy. So those stats are definitely not Tsutaja's

EDIT: Or Mijumaru's or any of the starters'
I think the stats with 113 is the Grass starter's stats. In the Pokemon Sunday video, his HP was around that level assuming Lv50. His small feet could also explain the poor speed.
impossmble, that not the katakanas for overgrown as stated here: http://www.serebii.net/abilitydex/overgrow.shtml
unless of course game freak decide to not give it Overgrown, which i doubt, since i can see into the description a mention to the atack stat, but still working into the full translation :p
Edit: Ninja'd no cool man.
Anyone else care that Serebii says, using infared, you can trade "on the spot from your box"? No more long animation and/or mass trades?
Finally! Mass trading! Gonna making transferring between my games so much easier :heart:

It suggests its not Fighting, then doesnt it?
No. Not at all lol.


I'm probably just hoping it doesn't turn into Water/Fighting, my least wanted typing.
Just shut up. :x

Are we even sure those are Mijumaru's stats? Where is the evidence that they are?
About the Pokémon with 113 HP, 42 Attack, etc... I don't think it's Tsutaja. The stats are showed in a window dedicated to triple battles and they show a move in a similar window. I think those stats aren't the main focus of the pic. Rather, the Ability is. I'm pretty sure it's the new Ability, Telepathy. So those stats are definitely not Tsutaja's

EDIT: Or Mijumaru's or any of the starters'
THIS is good news. neither Tsutaja nor Mijumaru are that slow, now tsutaja needs to be /electric and Mijumaru /fighting and the starters are almost perfect ( I dont care for pigs, but its okay).
Um okay. I think I've seen a bit too many Psychic types so far. Can we have more Fire types please? I mean Gen IV introduced five new Fire types out of a hundred-something pokemon, six if you wanna include Arceus. Five?! Seriously?
I'm pretty excited for the Pokemon released this time around, which is more than I could have said last CoroCoro. I have a feeling Gen 5 will be my second favourite generation for Pokemon designs, right after Gen 1. Hoenn wasn't too bad, but imo Johto and Sinooh had meh designs. Already I want Musharna, Wooguru and Rankurusu/Gochiruzeru (depending on which version each is in) on my in-game team. Musharna could possibly be one of my favourite Pokemon ever. I love the idea of fighting a floating, sleeping elephant.

Wooguru has an amazing design. I never liked Normal/Flying type Pokemon, but Wooguru is an exception. I like the chief native american/fierceness theme it has.

Rankurusu and Gochiruzeru are very odd, but I like this. The Psychic type is my favourite, and many Pokemon with the typing are just.. odd. Rankurusu looks a fun Pokemon that causes mischief in battle. Also, I hope Koromori has either good stats or an evolution with good stats. Flying type stops some of the rape Psychic types would otherwise get from bugs, but if it has Xatu-like stats it's useless nonetheless.

I think the whole Route restart idea was a good one, plus it makes sense because of the fact Isshu is far away from the other regions.
Gochiruzeru: Frisk is a great ability, and with Magic Room lasting 5 turns, I think she could really mix things up.

Rankurusu: The translations make it sound like Sandstorm and Hail will hit your Pokemon outside of battle, if this is the case then Hail-based teams will be really good, Steels will become even more common, or this guy will see a lot of usage. If it works while Rankurusu is inside his Pokeball, while the others are outside, then it could be useful still.

Kibago: Now now Gamefreak, don't make his final evolution be Dragon/Ground with Mold Breaker (like I thought it would be >.>), Garchomp-esque stats, and Swords Dance.

Koromori: Two great abilities, and it's pretty much guaranteed Trick by virtue of its psychic-typing (good for Klutz).

Minezumi: I thought this would get a good ability, oh well. You First doesn't make much sense either.

EDIT: Yay for non-douchebag rivals? :D
EDIT: BTW, all the rodents so far have two abilities.
So chances are good the chipmunk has too.
Hope it's not "Run Away"!.
lol, thanks GF!
I'm still digesting all this new information.

Unaware and Klutz are potentially useful on Koromori's line.
We know it has pretty good HP and Psychic/Flying tanks Fighting attacks all day esp. with the potential for Roost in it's movepool and Unaware negating any stat boosts.
Also, most Psychic types learn Trick so I'm thinking it'll get some use out of Klutz as sell.

Kibago being a Dragon type with Mold Breaker is full of tremendous win.
I keep telling people they have to adjust their stale view of how the game ought to be played because we'll only keep getting more offensive threats.
(And defensive Pokemon are "offensive" too because if you can't dispatch them quickly they'll wear you down)

Pokemon these days is a lot about being the most efficient player at executing your own strategy before your ass is swept.
You can't sit back and expect to neutralise everything your opponent does before going on the attack yourself.
I'm feeling this view will be even more relevant come B&W.
Hopefully Minezumi will have an evolution that'll get rid of Run Away, because that's just a pretty useless ability. But I guess you can't expect too much out of the early pokemon
I really like all the Pokemon revealed so far. The only ones that we know of that have yet to get official confirmation are the Rock Dragon-esque thing, broccoli head, and big eared thing.

So you start off with your 2 friends? I hope they are rivals too (Like we get to battle them)... N seems pretty cool, one of those evil for justice protags.
Haha, I just realized that Frisk and Magic Room work well together.
Is it confirmed that it gets Frisk only?
It works well with its signature(?) move but I'm hoping for another option.

BTW, I just noticed that Scarf'ed Gochiruzeru with Magic Room could have some use.
Because you get to go first to execute it and then you're no longer locked in once it takes effect.

Edit: I don't think they changed Magic Guard mechanics.
I just think Dust Proof is the multiples ability like Storm Drain or Lightning Rod.
God, if they mess with magic guard I'll cry. I'm so stoked for that little green dude, if he's a way better clefable, who's fun as hell to play with, I'ma have a happy pee
Is it confirmed that it gets Frisk only?
It works well with its signature(?) move but I'm hoping for another option.

BTW, I just noticed that Scarf'ed Gochiruzeru with Magic Room could have some use.
Because you get to go first to execute it and then you're no longer locked in once it takes effect.
The way I see it, Magic Room will be a useless move. Unless it actually make the item do the opposite (Choice items lower their stat, Leftovers hurts a Pokemon, weather rocks make weather last 3 turn) which is unlikely, it won't be worth the turn to set up.
Not sure if its been discussed yet, but, I take it we are going to see a decrease in EQ and explosion/self destruct in 2v2 and 3v3 due to that new move that will "cause all your team members to avoid attacks that hit all team members".
The way I see it, Magic Room will be a useless move. Unless it actually make the item do the opposite (Choice items lower their stat, Leftovers hurts a Pokemon, weather rocks make weather last 3 turn) which is unlikely, it won't be worth the turn to set up.
I pretty much agree.
I don't see it giving the user much of an advantage if it simply cancels items.
Unless they're some seriously powerful items introduced and that's an unknown right now.
Still, if it proves useful in any way, it would work OK on a scarfed Pokemon (with the suspected mechanics).
This Generation looks awesome: a dragon with mold breaker, another Magic Guard user, encourage and magic room look promising, hopefully Koromori can make use of unaware it looks like game freak is taking competitive battling into account.
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