Tournament Random Battle Classic Open II - Round 2

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Que no respiren, que no respiren!
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a defending World Cup of Pokemon Champion
Co-hosted by MaswoodShaheb, javitu and Clementine. Approved by Irpachuza.

Logo by Clementine.

Welcome to the third annual Random Battles Classic Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in the first 5 generations of Randbats, from RBY through BW2, in a best-of-5 series. The first player to 3 wins advances to the next round!

This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about the next one!

The winner of the Random Battles Classic Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam. The winner of the Playoff Round will get a Smogon banner for a full year, along with a month-long Room Prize Winner rank and joinphrase.

How does this tour work?

Each generation will be played one time, with no repeats
(so series that go to a 5th game will see players play all 5 of the oldest Randbats formats). The order of generations does NOT need to be chronological. Instead:
1. Contact your opponent (if you are unsure as to how to schedule with an opponent, follow this guide which will explain how to schedule in detail) and determine which generation will be played first. If both players cannot agree on a format, use the command “!roll 5” on PS to randomly pick a starting generation.
2. Battle each other in the chosen generation.
3. Loser picks the next generation to play. Battles continue, generation by generation, until one player has 3 wins.

For example:
MaswoodShaheb and I are paired in Round 1, and after/during scheduling our match, we mutually decided to start off with Gen 4. However, in an alternate reality where MaswoodShaheb and I have only ever played gen8 randbats and don't really care which gen we start off with, we decided to do !roll 5 to decide our starting generation and gen3 was chosen for us to start with. (It doesn't matter who does !roll as long as both parties agree to letting the starting gen be random)

Please note:

1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.

We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts, Maswoodshaheb, Clementine or myself here on Smogon.


Manan999  vs  Pebus Goob
TheFranklin  vs  Agatorian
(thePizzaZebra  vs  Tranquility)  vs  Xceloh
 vs  Bag of Trixx
(Mack Knife  vs  Pikachu23890)  vs  YBW
gubolumpkinz  vs  Quoise
Micoy  vs  Revenge Killer
appelsap  vs  mammalu
 vs  Kinzo Ketchum
Vistar122  vs  Maktig
neycwang  vs  maxhooij
Kipkluif  vs  Panty&Stockings
Nine Iota  vs  Ciro napoli
AtraX Madara  vs  chessprime
 vs  OOz!?
 vs  Landorus Norris
LoSconosciuto  vs  Banbadoro
Argavieso25  vs  luisin
zioziotrip  vs  SoJuicee
 vs  Shadows4
Khon Edan  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Portrait or Ruin
 vs  Yamaelnickel
PikaPlayer  vs  Ifeellikejohngotti
Rhmsitb  vs  MagearnaTheBoss
henguinie  vs  Dorron
RaJ.Shoot  vs  Betathunder
D2TheW  vs  Milkshook
MiNi Charizard-x
 vs  Lrogue
Limpy Lucario  vs  Kaede
Squirtle Nornor  vs  Chains of Markov
VanitasEcho  vs  (Yash_0987  vs  Davo2544)
Mr Crcr  vs  pokeblade101
itsjustdrew  vs  SpectralThief
PermaSnow  vs  crying
sharpclaw  vs  Noinfo101
Ballistic6x  vs  Michielleus
Nick.see  vs  Luchik
Sauzels  vs  (Elgino  vs  Ramzi65)
Clementine  vs  Alita Kazami
KingZuko  vs  Cureja
teresbahji  vs  Casual dot exe
Iamthing36  vs  TheS.S.Tyler
Royal1604  vs  SimonBoi
 vs  yungtogepi
Tarah204  vs  Irpachuza
goglnwd  vs  R1C3M4N
yukiko  vs  NikolaiOuHingWan
deftinwolf  vs  Ryou aka ash
(Dezpa1r  vs  Nudepantsman)  vs  Hyperactivity
Robert  vs  Wonter
drifttrick  vs. Monkey
martinvtran  vs. deepSeas
 vs  HeroicTobias
shnen  vs  lkapkd1
 vs  MultiAmmiratore
Xeizar  vs  tylerfitz8
El químico del pueblucho
 vs  (Emboar02  vs  mocrokiller2)
Petros  vs  mj
 vs  neomon
 vs  drakonium
Lalaya  vs  ironwater
 vs  Rage
 vs  Siriaco el Sabroso
MarteloDeGuerra  vs  Goblin
localdealerr  vs  Soul Unmei
 vs  snorlax142857
Yes or no my dude
 vs  TGA
Fakee  vs  txitxas
SPMagnezone97  vs  platinumCheesecake
Haider787  vs  MichaelderBeste2
DuckeryDoodle  vs  Plunder
 vs  (yuki  vs  Lialiabeast)
iamnathan  vs  trollkiller56
StitChuu  vs  ABR
 vs  TheBrightRising
 vs  Dj Breloominati♬
Illumi 99
 vs  DanDaMan99
PA  vs  ez522
(Windingsss  vs  JustCallMeJcm)  vs  WeepingDevil
Lucas2543  vs  fujitive
 vs  TeamCharm
Fragments  vs  SilverGigalith
 vs  London13
JBSmith  vs  matthewleiria
midmod  vs  blaze6571
TDR  vs  DynamaxHampter
Tarrembeau  vs  Alpha Rabbit
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  Amberr
Infinite Misery
 vs  D1390-DIEgO
Mihowk  vs  JonahRamone
 vs  marmanch
ZebstrikemDown  vs  (Beka vs ForgottenOnes)
SwordIsBored  vs  Wilski780
NoivernSkrub  vs  brettwhite3
Xiri  vs  gorex
 vs  Yahoo12

Last edited:
Manan999  vs  Pebus Goob
TheFranklin  vs  Agatorian
(thePizzaZebra  vs  Tranquility)  vs  Xceloh
LordST  vs  Bag of Trixx
(Mack Knife  vs  Pikachu23890)  vs  YBW
gubolumpkinz  vs  Quoise
Micoy  vs  Revenge Killer
appelsap  vs  mammalu
Dragonillis  vs  Kinzo Ketchum
Vistar122  vs  Maktig
neycwang  vs  maxhooij
Kipkluif  vs  Panty&Stockings
Nine Iota  vs  Ciro napoli
AtraX Madara  vs  chessprime
frostyicelad  vs  OOz!?
juano  vs  Landorus Norris
LoSconosciuto  vs  Banbadoro
Argavieso25  vs  luisin
zioziotrip  vs  SoJuicee
Noglastica  vs  Shadows4
Khon Edan  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Portrait or Ruin  vs  Yamaelnickel
PikaPlayer  vs  Ifeellikejohngotti
Rhmsitb  vs  MagearnaTheBoss
henguinie  vs  Dorron
RaJ.Shoot  vs  Betathunder
D2TheW  vs  Milkshook
MiNi Charizard-x  vs  Lrogue
Limpy Lucario  vs  Estuardo19
Squirtle Nornor  vs  Chains of Markov
VanitasEcho  vs  (Yash_0987  vs  Davo2544)
Mr Crcr  vs  pokeblade101
itsjustdrew  vs  SpectralThief
PermaSnow  vs  crying
sharpclaw  vs  Noinfo101
Ballistic6x  vs  Michielleus
Nick.see  vs  Luchik
(Sauzels  vs Lokifan)  vs  (Elgino  vs  Ramzi65)
Clementine  vs  Alita Kazami
KingZuko  vs  Cureja
teresbahji  vs  Casual dot exe
Iamthing36  vs  TheS.S.Tyler
Royal1604  vs  SimonBoi
yusei0162  vs  yungtogepi
Tarah204  vs  Irpachuza
goglnwd  vs  R1C3M4N
yukiko  vs  NikolaiOuHingWan
deftinwolf  vs  Ryou aka ash
(Dezpa1r  vs  Nudepantsman)  vs  Hyperactivity
Robert  vs  Wonter
drifttrick  vs  Monkey
martinvtran  vs  (Kamikaze_Koalq  vs  deepSeas)
Tomahawk  vs  HeroicTobias
shnen  vs  lkapkd1
Magmar54  vs  MultiAmmiratore
Xeizar  vs  tylerfitz8
El químico del pueblucho  vs  (Emboar02  vs  mocrokiller2)
Petros  vs  mj
Suiper  vs  neomon
Pideous  vs  drakonium
Lalaya  vs  ironwater
iLikeTurtl3s  vs  Rage
za  vs  Siriaco el Sabroso
MarteloDeGuerra  vs  Goblin
localdealerr  vs  Soul Unmei
Trefleuh  vs  snorlax142857
Yes or no my dude  vs  TGA
Fakee  vs  txitxas
SPMagnezone97  vs  platinumCheesecake
Haider787  vs  MichaelderBeste2
DuckeryDoodle  vs  Plunder
LydeXD  vs  (yuki  vs  Lialiabeast)
iamnathan  vs  trollkiller56
StitChuu  vs  ABR
soTsoT  vs  TheBrightRising
mc56556  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
Illumi 99  vs  DanDaMan99
PA  vs  ez522
(Windingsss  vs  JustCallMeJcm)  vs  WeepingDevil
Lucas2543  vs  fujitive
sunsets  vs  TeamCharm
Fragments  vs  SilverGigalith
trace  vs  London13
JBSmith  vs  matthewleiria
midmod  vs  blaze6571
TDR  vs  DynamaxHampter
Tarrembeau  vs  Alpha Rabbit
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  Amberr
Infinite Misery  vs  D1390-DIEgO
Mihowk  vs  JonahRamone
TLTK  vs  marmanch
ZebstrikemDown  vs  Beka
SwordIsBored  vs  Wilski780
NoivernSkrub  vs  brettwhite3
Xiri  vs  gorex
spareturtle1  vs  Yahoo12


Perdete il vostro tempo...
is a Tiering Contributor
Manan999  vs  Pebus Goob
TheFranklin  vs  Agatorian
(thePizzaZebra  vs  Tranquility)  vs  Xceloh
LordST  vs  Bag of Trixx
(Mack Knife  vs  Pikachu23890)  vs  YBW
gubolumpkinz  vs  Quoise
Micoy  vs  Revenge Killer
appelsap  vs  mammalu
Dragonillis  vs  Kinzo Ketchum
Vistar122  vs  Maktig
neycwang  vs  maxhooij
Kipkluif  vs  Panty&Stockings
Nine Iota  vs  Ciro napoli
AtraX Madara  vs  chessprime
frostyicelad  vs  OOz!?
juano  vs  Landorus Norris
LoSconosciuto  vs  Banbadoro
Argavieso25  vs  luisin
zioziotrip  vs  SoJuicee
Noglastica  vs  Shadows4
Khon Edan  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Portrait or Ruin  vs  Yamaelnickel
PikaPlayer  vs  Ifeellikejohngotti
Rhmsitb  vs  MagearnaTheBoss
henguinie  vs  Dorron
RaJ.Shoot  vs  Betathunder
D2TheW  vs  Milkshook
MiNi Charizard-x  vs  Lrogue
Limpy Lucario  vs  Estuardo19
Squirtle Nornor  vs  Chains of Markov
VanitasEcho  vs  (Yash_0987  vs  Davo2544)
Mr Crcr  vs  pokeblade101
itsjustdrew  vs  SpectralThief
PermaSnow  vs  crying
sharpclaw  vs  Noinfo101
Ballistic6x  vs  Michielleus
Nick.see  vs  Luchik
(Sauzels  vs Lokifan)  vs  (Elgino  vs  Ramzi65)
Clementine  vs  Alita Kazami
KingZuko  vs  Cureja
teresbahji  vs  Casual dot exe
Iamthing36  vs  TheS.S.Tyler
Royal1604  vs  SimonBoi
yusei0162  vs  yungtogepi
Tarah204  vs  Irpachuza
goglnwd  vs  R1C3M4N
yukiko  vs  NikolaiOuHingWan
deftinwolf  vs  Ryou aka ash
(Dezpa1r  vs  Nudepantsman)  vs  Hyperactivity
Robert  vs  Wonter
drifttrick  vs  Monkey
martinvtran  vs  (Kamikaze_Koalq  vs  deepSeas)
Tomahawk  vs  HeroicTobias
shnen  vs  lkapkd1
Magmar54  vs  MultiAmmiratore
Xeizar  vs  tylerfitz8
El químico del pueblucho  vs  (Emboar02  vs  mocrokiller2)
Petros  vs  mj
Suiper  vs  neomon
Pideous  vs  drakonium
Lalaya  vs  ironwater
iLikeTurtl3s  vs  Rage
za  vs  Siriaco el Sabroso
MarteloDeGuerra  vs  Goblin
localdealerr  vs  Soul Unmei
Trefleuh  vs  snorlax142857
Yes or no my dude  vs  TGA
Fakee  vs  txitxas
SPMagnezone97  vs  platinumCheesecake
Haider787  vs  MichaelderBeste2
DuckeryDoodle  vs  Plunder
LydeXD  vs  (yuki  vs  Lialiabeast)
iamnathan  vs  trollkiller56
StitChuu  vs  ABR
soTsoT  vs  TheBrightRising
mc56556  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
Illumi 99  vs  DanDaMan99
PA  vs  ez522
(Windingsss  vs  JustCallMeJcm)  vs  WeepingDevil
Lucas2543  vs  fujitive
sunsets  vs  TeamCharm
Fragments  vs  SilverGigalith
trace  vs  London13
JBSmith  vs  matthewleiria
midmod  vs  blaze6571
TDR  vs  DynamaxHampter
Tarrembeau  vs  Alpha Rabbit
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  Amberr
Infinite Misery  vs  D1390-DIEgO
Mihowk  vs  JonahRamone
TLTK  vs  marmanch
ZebstrikemDown  vs  Beka
SwordIsBored  vs  Wilski780
NoivernSkrub  vs  brettwhite3
Xiri  vs  gorex
spareturtle1  vs  Yahoo12
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