Rate My Second UU Team Please

Hi and welcome to my second Rate My Team in UU :) I wish you will like to read it. Thanks for seeing and rating if you do so.​


― Uxie

move 1: Yawn
move 2: Rain Dance
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Psychic
item: Damp Rock
ability: Pressure
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Speed
Nature: Calm

In first I had a Celebi but it has to much weakness, then a guy suggested me Uxie, wich was a very good idea. This Uxie is my lead. Starting with Rain Dance, then Yawn and after the other will change or not, both side I will have time to set Stealth Rock.


― Omastar ―

move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Shell Smash
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Hidden Power Grass
item: White Herb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed

With his incredible defense stat and his very great SpA stat, plus the Swift Swim ability, a Shell smash will give him the power to become an incredible sweeper. Never underestimate Omastar.


― Azumarill ―

move 1: Aqua Jet
move 2: Waterfall
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Superpower
item: Choice Band
ability: Huge Power
nature: Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed

Azumarill is too underestimated. With the ability Huge Power, letting him double his Attack stat, Choice Band, STAB, plus the Rain condition, Waterfall become a serious attack. If the opponent resist water, I will choose a move that can OHKO/2HKO it and if it’s faster than me I will use Aqua Jet wich is really strong too. Azumarill will be a sweeper too.


― Whiscass ―

move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Waterfall
item: Life Orb
ability: Anticipation
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpDef / 4 Speed

Whiscass will be more used to block Electric type pokemon like Jolteon or Galvantula wich could be a real probleme for my team. Also, I got suprised by the fact that he can learn Dragon Dance so I decided to make a DD Whiscass to suprise the opponent. He is my Blocker/Sweeper


― Muk ―

move 1: Toxic
move 2: Protect
move 3: Poison Jab
move 4: Pain Split
item: Black Sludge
ability: Poison Touch
nature: Impish
evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpDef

Weezing is used as one of my wall and to block Grass type attack because they are a problem to my team too. Also, he is not that bad for attacking so I think grass type won't be a probleme anymore.


move 1: Scald
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Signal Beam
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Torrent
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

This Empoleon will be a Revenger.I choosed it because he learn lot of good moves and Ice Beam is really important because I'm afraid by Flygon, wich could be horribly a probleme to any team. Scald will be able to [if I have chance] to burn physical opponents.

Thats it, I hope you had fun reading my team description and thanks again for rating if you do so. I will accept any constructive critics, but don't be too rude please I don't have much experience yet in UU :P

See ya :nerd:

Hi there! I'm not very proficent with Weather teams but i want to share you my opinions on how to improve your team, hope you can try them and give me feedback!

First of all, i'm aware Celebi is a nice member for your team because you have 2 x4 and 1 x2 Grass-weak pokes, but you can try Uxie in it's place. Uxie's bulkier and can give you the chance to set up rain more than once in the match, so you can give him a try.

IMO Carracosta is pretty slow to abuse Shell Smash at it's fullest, so i would give Omastar the chance to compete for that teamslot, he can run a set as follows:

Omastar@White Herb or Life Orb/Modest/Swift Swim
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd
Surf or Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
HP Grass
Shell Smash

As you lack special sweepers Omastar can be useful for you, he he!

Being aware of your Grass-type weakness you can try Sap Sipper Azumarill, she losses the ability to use Superpower but she gets an inmunity to ALL grass-type moves (including Sleep and Stun spores) while gaining +1 Att in the process.

I also want to share you the idea to switch Wishcash trait from Anticipation to Hydration (if it's released) and give him Rest over Stone Edge, so you can have a durable bulky setup sweeper and abuse the rain more efficiently.

Weezing is an amazing defensive pivot for your team as he supports it with his resistances, so please don't sacrifice him (Explosion) as he is more useful alive than dead... I can suggest the following set:

Weezing@Black Sludge/Bold/Levitate
200 HP/172 Def/136 SpDef
Clear Smog
Pain Split

With this set Weezing becomes a durable wall with Pain Split AND a pseudo-hazer with Cear Smog, so you can defend your team from setup sweepers (at an excent, nobody is perfect, he he)

Sorry for the text wall, but i'll be glad to be helpful for you, good luck!
Hi there! I'm not very proficent with Weather teams but i want to share you my opinions on how to improve your team, hope you can try them and give me feedback!

First of all, i'm aware Celebi is a nice member for your team because you have 2 x4 and 1 x2 Grass-weak pokes, but you can try Uxie in it's place. Uxie's bulkier and can give you the chance to set up rain more than once in the match, so you can give him a try.

IMO Carracosta is pretty slow to abuse Shell Smash at it's fullest, so i would give Omastar the chance to compete for that teamslot, he can run a set as follows:

Omastar@White Herb or Life Orb/Modest/Swift Swim
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd
Surf or Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
HP Grass
Shell Smash

As you lack special sweepers Omastar can be useful for you, he he!

Being aware of your Grass-type weakness you can try Sap Sipper Azumarill, she losses the ability to use Superpower but she gets an inmunity to ALL grass-type moves (including Sleep and Stun spores) while gaining +1 Att in the process.

I also want to share you the idea to switch Wishcash trait from Anticipation to Hydration (if it's released) and give him Rest over Stone Edge, so you can have a durable bulky setup sweeper and abuse the rain more efficiently.

Weezing is an amazing defensive pivot for your team as he supports it with his resistances, so please don't sacrifice him (Explosion) as he is more useful alive than dead... I can suggest the following set:

Weezing@Black Sludge/Bold/Levitate
200 HP/172 Def/136 SpDef
Clear Smog
Pain Split

With this set Weezing becomes a durable wall with Pain Split AND a pseudo-hazer with Cear Smog, so you can defend your team from setup sweepers (at an excent, nobody is perfect, he he)

Sorry for the text wall, but i'll be glad to be helpful for you, good luck!
Hey thanks a lot for all these suggestions! I don't care about all that text :P I will make the modifications about the Celebi and Carracosta, thanks you again :) Do you have any threads that you want me to rate or suggest ?
I agree, sap sipper Azumarill is worth a try. Also, you might want to make sure your Weezing isn't taunt fodder by giving it Flamethrower or some move besides Explosion.
I agree, sap sipper Azumarill is worth a try. Also, you might want to make sure your Weezing isn't taunt fodder by giving it Flamethrower or some move besides Explosion.
For Azumarill I prefer keeping Huge Power because if I'm facing a grass type opponent I will immediately change for my Weezing.

Also, I changed my Weezing to a Muk. I much like it.
Nice! I suppose you like the HUGE SpDef and HP Muk has, don't you? It's a nice poke too! But with that change you become a little more weak to EQ, as Muk takes huge damage from it as Empoleon do, but i guess you have that covered, he he

As for Empoleon moveset i would rip off Scald from him in favor of Surf or Hydro Pump if you wanna keep the Scarf so he can fill the role of revenge killer as the power boost is always welcomed OR you can try an Agility set removing Signal Beam and run a Modest nature instead of Timid.

Hope that can be useful for your team and good luck!
There's one thing which doesn't really convince me about the strategy of this team, and that is that you have only got one poke setting up rain, which effectively means 8 turns, as you cant keep switching in and setting it up again. For that reason, I suggest you put Rain Dance on Empoleon instead of Signal Beam, as that doesnt seem to be doing much, and to stick Damp Rock on him too.

3 of your pokes are weak to grass and 4 are weak to water.
I suggest changing your empoleon to the special defensive set and running regen tan growth over whischash.
BTW Sap Sipper azumarril sucks because you get +1 when Huge Power already goes you +2.