Super Spriting/Trainer Card/other art nonsense thread

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hi everyone again. I took some andvice from you guys and tried another sprite


Complaints I have with this
1)not enogh flygon elements...
2)his crotch looks weird to me.

Constructive critisim is greatly aprisiated (can't spell). God, these are so fun! anyone have a request for me? :D
Good job man! All I have to say is that it looks a little chubby, and that you don't need the border between the body and the tail.The wings are great, though.
And for future reference, its 'appreciated'. :P

I'm taking requests, too.
hi everyone again. I took some andvice from you guys and tried another sprite


Complaints I have with this
1)not enogh flygon elements...
2)his crotch looks weird to me.

Constructive critisim is greatly aprisiated (can't spell). God, these are so fun! anyone have a request for me? :D
looks nice man, i would erase the black line from the body and tail.. then remove the current ears and add flygons eats...


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
lol, Clezzy looks like Alf to me. :P

I finished that Garchomp/Dusknoir/Heatran fusion. Say hello to Heachoir:
The only thing I don't like about it is the head =\

I don't know why, but there is something that doesn't seem right about it. Otherwise that looks awesome!


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
That might be the bump on the top of it. Here's an edited version without it:

Wow, it actually does look much better without it. :o
Nice! My only problem is that the eyes are a little wierd, Try using Ambipom's eyes. Funny idea. :P
I did an Aipom one... with Wooper.

Looks like a baby form of Aipom.... Apom? lol
Yes, I know the eye is a little off.
yet another one for fun. this guy was inspired by the awful fushion in chawlas avatar that made the firebot-fuckhead-brigade attack him. I feel your pain :(

Yo KoA I took the megaman enemy drawing of the guy with the glowing yellow chest and I am turning him into a sprite. He has his head and arm done and it looks sweet. Can't wait to show everyone when it is done.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
X-Trader: I don't mind at all, give let the world know who created it. ;o

Trogdor: Who are you talking about? :o
This guy:

But when I first saw him he was not sprited. Basicly mine would have looked like this except fewer coloring on the hands.
Wow, that looks pretty awesome there. I don't know what it is, but it looks very good. The Shading looks awesome, and does sorta give me the feel that it is metal. I'm not even sure if my Giga Bowser is as good a sprite as that.

I also update Pimperior. He now has some fixes, Gold Horns, and a Jacket.

Edit: I also touched up Shadow Lugia and Miror B a little bit...
Hey dude, can I use that Shadow Lugia sprite as my avatar? It looks ridiculously cool. I'll credit you of course.


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Oh, I don't really like that one. >.<

First off, he isn't my sprite. A friend of mine posted that over a year ago and I held onto it since he lost his gallery a long while ago.

Also, that thing is really only a huge C&P of all the final bosses from the Megaman Battle Network games. :/


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Actually the hands are Duo's from BN4. The Head is Nebula Grey's from BN5, the body is Alpha's from BN3, the tails is Greiga's from BN6, the wings are Faltzer's from BN6. There's also 2 little spikes behind him, from Gospel from BN2.
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