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Are you a real villain?
So I went to Sylhet last month, which is my country's northeastern part, which is a hilly area with a lot of tea gardens. Here are some pictures of it:

I also went to Ratargul Swamp Forest, which gets fully submerged in water during monsoon, but it was winter so the forest is dry

Also went to Jaflong, right beside the Indian border, here are the hills of Meghalaya, India from Bangladesh:
Here's a pic of me in a tea garden:
Semi-Pro? Pro?
If so what club?
Looking ock btw

Depends on the code I choose to play this year. If I decide to play american football, my goal is to be starting for the the best team in the country (Sydney Uni Lions, in Australia), they've won 14 straight state championships. I guess you could consider it semi professional, since it is the top division in the country. I don't think you get paid for playing at club level, only if you go on to make a representative team (like Australia). If I decide to play rugby league, I haven't decided on a club and I guess it depends on what the selectors think, but I doubt I'd make anything resembling a professional level in the sport - the country is full of super talented rugby players. Still, I guess you can never 100% say never! If you reach for the stars and fall short, you might still land on the moon.

Also excuse my Australianness, but what does "ock" mean?
Depends on the code I choose to play this year. If I decide to play american football, my goal is to be starting for the the best team in the country (Sydney Uni Lions, in Australia), they've won 14 straight state championships. I guess you could consider it semi professional, since it is the top division in the country. I don't think you get paid for playing at club level, only if you go on to make a representative team (like Australia). If I decide to play rugby league, I haven't decided on a club and I guess it depends on what the selectors think, but I doubt I'd make anything resembling a professional level in the sport - the country is full of super talented rugby players. Still, I guess you can never 100% say never! If you reach for the stars and fall short, you might still land on the moon.

Also excuse my Australianness, but what does "ock" mean?
Ahh, righteous, American Football is a great sport can't say i knew it was that big in Australia. Ock just means swole, short for ocky.
Ahh, righteous, American Football is a great sport can't say i knew it was that big in Australia. Ock just means swole, short for ocky.

It's got a bigger following than people think, still nothing remotely close to what rugby league has (hence the incredible difficulty in making it at a pro/semi pro level in the latter here) but enough for a decent league. I'm still tossing up between the two, it's very hard to choose which direction to go in. Oh I've never heard that term before, thank you :D.
play league man, best sport to play in the world. bet the standard even at low club level in australia is really good too

It's crazy good. Idk I much prefer watching American Football, and I'm way more likely to make a rep level there compared to league, but there's just something about carrying the ball and stepping people, or having the chance to affect the game every single play in League that is magical. Also for those who are gonna counter with "but you could play running back in american football", the answer is "I very much doubt it". I've got decently quick acceleration but don't have elite top end speed that a running back needs.