Unpopular opinions

For starters, I'd be fine with Gen IV and V starters getting their Megas in eventual remakes (since it seems inevitable that they will happen). Maybe randomly throw in Gen VI starters in the middle or something.

I only say Mega Flygon because we were already teased with "We would have made it if we knew what to do with it in time." Maybe I'm just salty about it.
Well if we're going into speculation into things that will probably get Megas rather than things that, by some arbitrary definition, deserve it, then yeah I think Flygon is likely just due to that interview.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
"This Pokémon needs a mega" is also one of my least favourite phrases
Especially since any Pokemon that doesn't have a Mega is just as deserving/qualified of a Mega as the next. What makes the Pokemon that person pointing out so special that it should be on the list above others? The only Pokemon (that we know) who would have any priority to get a Mega would be Flygon since GF said they were planning on giving it a Mega but couldn't think of a design in time. So while other Pokemon are begging for a Mega, Flygon is the only one who's going "so did you think of anything yet?".

"Megas should be removed" is one of my least favourites phrases because GF/Nintendo will never remove them, whether we want them gone or not.
Don't see why they would want it to be removed. Okay, maybe because they feel like they're forced to use a Mega to be competitive... but then again when haven't you been forced to use a certain Pokemon or strategy to be competitive? Also, sure while some Pokemon already competitive get Mega to make them even more powerful, Mega gives a chance to Pokemon which aren't a chance to play in the big leagues.

I would be more worried about, from the success of Mega Evolutions, of GF adding in another form transformation mechanic; mainly the one the anime introduced because Ash just has to be a special flower instead of wising up and getting a Mega he and Greninja instead get their very own power-up transformation. This would draw work on more Megas and I'd prefer GF to work on a new mechanic they introduced than putting it on a shelf (they have a habit of doing that, like a child playing with a new toy but forgetting it when something new comes along).

Kurona needs a Mega

I actually think, aside from wanting Mega Flygon and a few more Gen V Megas, I think we're good with Gamefreak surprising us with ridiculously random Megas (like seriously, Beedrill?)
Don't forget Gen VI (and VII) Megas (unless they want to ignore giving new gen Pokemon a Mega which I can understand).

As for surprising Megas, I would say there's still a few. Actually, it's not really the Pokemon itself but the mechanic associated with certain Pokemon. Ditto, Pokemon with Formes, Zoroark, Pokemon with major gender differences, etc.. Also who knows what direction they may go with a Mega. Would they go the obvious or would they pull a twist? Though if your standard for "random" Mega is Beedrill there's a ton similar Pokemon I can mention on its level.

The only things I could really see as a Mega being necessary for is Starters to keep things equal, but even then it's pretty arbitrary.
Starters will most likely get their Megas in their remakes. That leaves the Gen 2 Starters in a tricky spot though.
If Gen VI is anything to go by they might buff non-new Starters until they have no more. If I were to make a prediction:

Gen VII: Sun & Moon will have the Johto Starters. There will be no remake as we're still on the 3DS which has ORAS. Alola's "third version" might give Alola Starters Megas. They may also do the Johto Legendaries at this time as well.
Gen VIII: First pair games will have the Kalos Starters. A new handheld will probably be out by then so there will be a Sinnoh Remake for their starters. This gen's "third" version will give their Starter's Mega.
Gen VIX: If it's on the same handheld as Gen VIII than it'll have the Unova Starters. If not they'll save the Unova Starters for the Unova Remake.

Of course, this is just assumptions based on their current model. For all we know they may decide to release a Gen I, Gen II, or maybe a Kanto + Johto game and that's when they'll do the Johto Starters and Sun & Moon will have the Unova or Kalos Starters. Or since Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos remakes would be in the future they'll save their Stater's Mega until then, playing the long game (and thus giving other Pokemon a chance to have Megas).
I personally dislike the fact not every evolutionary line has access to a Mega. Sure, sure, I could understand why they didn't all get Megas in XY (Especially with known cases like Flygon where they simply could not think of a proper Mega Evolution. Not to mention trying to be sure they are balanced for VGC) but still. All I expect is it being fixed in due time, with legitimately bad Pokemon (Just like they did for Mawile, Kangaskhan, Beedrill, Audino...) being priority.
mainly the one the anime introduced because Ash just has to be a special flower instead of wising up and getting a Mega he and Greninja instead get their very own power-up transformation.
Ash-Greninja is one of the worst ideas I have ever seen. Ever.

If Gen VI is anything to go by they might buff non-new Starters until they have no more. If I were to make a prediction:

Gen VII: Sun & Moon will have the Johto Starters. There will be no remake as we're still on the 3DS which has ORAS. Alola's "third version" might give Alola Starters Megas. They may also do the Johto Legendaries at this time as well.
Gen VIII: First pair games will have the Kalos Starters. A new handheld will probably be out by then so there will be a Sinnoh Remake for their starters. This gen's "third" version will give their Starter's Mega.
Gen VIX: If it's on the same handheld as Gen VIII than it'll have the Unova Starters. If not they'll save the Unova Starters for the Unova Remake.

Of course, this is just assumptions based on their current model. For all we know they may decide to release a Gen I, Gen II, or maybe a Kanto + Johto game and that's when they'll do the Johto Starters and Sun & Moon will have the Unova or Kalos Starters. Or since Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos remakes would be in the future they'll save their Stater's Mega until then, playing the long game (and thus giving other Pokemon a chance to have Megas).
I honestly feel it's a bit random for S/M to have Johto Starters...like, it's a decent idea but why? As for Gen 8 and 9 I really can't think that far in advance lol

I personally dislike the fact not every evolutionary line has access to a Mega. Sure, sure, I could understand why they didn't all get Megas in XY (Especially with known cases like Flygon where they simply could not think of a proper Mega Evolution. Not to mention trying to be sure they are balanced for VGC) but still. All I expect is it being fixed in due time, with legitimately bad Pokemon (Just like they did for Mawile, Kangaskhan, Beedrill, Audino...) being priority.
I personally do not like the idea of every evolutionary line getting a mega. Whether they can or can't think of good designs, making them all (think of how many evolutionary lines we have) and coding them will take a very long time. It's not worth the effort imo. All that time spent designing megas may mean something else might not be as good as they could not spend as much time on it. Some Pokemon needs regular evolutions anyway, not a mega. Also Gen 6 Pokemon probably didn't get a mega because they're new Pokemon. As I said before, I want it kept to bad / unviable Pokemon only. No fan service megas and no legendary megas imo.
Okay, here's the thing with Megas:

Flygon should get a Mega because GameFreak already was planning to, and they've had plenty of time to come up with a suitable design.

Solrock and Lunatone should get Megas because it would be a crime for the Sun and Moon duo that isn't Eeveelutions to not receive some sort of recognition in the games called Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Aside from that, there's no real point in saying who should or should not get one.
Okay, here's the thing with Megas:

Flygon should get a Mega because GameFreak already was planning to, and they've had plenty of time to come up with a suitable design.

Solrock and Lunatone should get Megas because it would be a crime for the Sun and Moon duo that isn't Eeveelutions to not receive some sort of recognition in the games called Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Aside from that, there's no real point in saying who should or should not get one.
Well, I suppose "counter-part" megas should exist imo, if just for the sake of consistency. Since Beedrill-Mega is a thing, why not Butterfree-Mega?
Gen VI gave us Kanto ones
Gen VII comes after Gen VI
and Johto comes after Kanto
You need two dots to form a line...
You can't decide a pattern based on one thing alone

Quick edit after posting: That's like saying "Gen 2 had two regions. Gen 3 must have three regions!" or some stupid stuff like that.
Yeah, having the gen 2 starters in sun and moon would seem kinda random and out of place, like what are the gen 2 starters doing here on alola? It made sense in gen 6 because the gen 1 starters were kind of a gimmick that helped introduce the mega evolution mechanic, I just don't see it happening it sun and moon. Also, I would not like it to be a new tradition to get two sets of starter Pokemon in a single game. Tbh I wasn't even a big fan of it in XY- I feel like it took the spotlight off the new Pokemon a bit.
Largely the reason they're wanted is because we have Gen 1 and Gen 3 starter Megas, so it's a bit odd for the one in the middle to be left out - especially when it's for nostalgic value.
Plus, of all things to get a Mega to draw in people for nostalgic value... let's face it, it's gonna be the Starters which most people would be attracted to. Everyone's gotten a starter at some point - they're forced to - so they're the ones aside from Pikachu and some legendaries everyone recognizes. Giving a starter trio Megas just makes sense and is easily a selling point.

To add on to the reasons every Pokémon shouldn't get a Mega, though... it would get insanely boring at some point. Like, at the point we have 140 Megas and then Game Freak are like "New: Mega Chimecho!", it's not exactly gonna be exciting as it once was aside from the two people who love Chimecho with all their heart.
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Another opinion, particularly one that is relevant to Sun and Moon: I like all three starters, but my least favorite is Rowlet. Amusingly, my favorite happens to be Popplio. It's really hard for me to hate any Pokémon!

Taking the market audience into account, I'm okay with the low difficulty in XY and ORAS, even if I'm not fully supportive of that move. Super Training to maximize effort values - preferably in two specific stats - is ironically easier without it, though.
unpopular opinion:
Rowlet looks really lame. I mean it's just a fat owl that's a grass type. It's going to die against ice types.
So does Garchomp, what's your point? ;)

Actually, I kind of like that my starter can also be my Fly-slave since it frees up more teamslots to try out the new pokemon. I've got a list a mile long of water types that I've wanted to use on in-game runs, but I just can't stop picking the water starters. Give Rowlet a few more HM's and I wouldn't mind if its stats are subpar.

Kind of like Bibarel if it could fly and looked 1000% cuter. I'm not looking for a competitive powerhouse, I'm looking for a team player.
unpopular opinion:
Rowlet looks really lame. I mean it's just a fat owl that's a grass type. It's going to die against ice types.
Another opinion, particularly one that is relevant to Sun and Moon: I like all three starters, but my least favorite is Rowlet. Amusingly, my favorite happens to be Popplio. It's really hard for me to hate any Pokémon!
Well, I guess it isn't a crime to be incredibly wrong.
Also, why do people keep dwelling on the x4 Ice weakness. How many powerful Pokémon have this exact weakness?:

Just don't keep it out against an Ice-type!
You need two dots to form a line...
You can't decide a pattern based on one thing alone

Quick edit after posting: That's like saying "Gen 2 had two regions. Gen 3 must have three regions!" or some stupid stuff like that.

Gen I had one region
Gen II had two regions
Gen II allowed you to revisit Gen I's region

You think it would have been 'stupid' or 'random' to speculate that Gen III might allow you to revisit the previous two generation's regions? Because that doesn't sound too outlandish to me.

Though I must admit, I've been arguing the wrong thing from the start. Sorry! I thought you meant Johto starter megas. :D

So, going back to the original question with this in mind... people think we might get Johto starters in SM because they think we might get Johto starter megas in SM.

Hope that helps :D
Vader_the_White Regarding Rowlet's Ice weakness, I wasn't even considering its gameplay merit. I was actually thinking about the artistic design by itself. It just won't be my current choice of Alola starters until evolutions arrive. Speaking of flavor, Rowlet also resembles a seedling that started to germinate recently, or even a tree stump. Its appearance probably grow on me soon, but I just need time to analyze the little owl.
I honestly like Rowlet the most. For me, Popplio seems like an inferior Seel, Litten is alright-ish, let's just hope it isn't a Houndoom copy. Rowlet looks decent and has a decent typing. Honestly, the starter choices, while not bad, definitely are not the best, imo.
Here's something probably major.

I think Grovyle is one of the worst middle-stages. Of course it's still better than Sceptile, which is my least favorite final evolution besides Emboar.
Here's something probably major.

I think Grovyle is one of the worst middle-stages. Of course it's still better than Sceptile, which is my least favorite final evolution besides Emboar.
I actually like Grovyle over the other two, but it's OK opinions are opinions XD
Here's something probably major.

I think Grovyle is one of the worst middle-stages. Of course it's still better than Sceptile, which is my least favorite final evolution besides Emboar.
I agree with you on the disdain for emboar, however sceptile is my absolute favorite starter and one of my favorite Pokemon. Also, I like grovyle, not a ton but I think he's decent. I don't really think the middle stage of any evolution is all that great, with a few exceptions such as dusclops and vigoroth.
I guess most of Grovyle's positive reputation stems from the Mystery Dungeon Explorers games.

Not my case, however. I remember picking Mudkip first in Sapphire (Gen III is the only one where I like all the starter lines) and, upon seeing Grovyle, I criticized myself for not picking Treecko. And upon seeing Grovyle in said Mystery Dungeon games, I was silently criticizing the fact they always picked a cool reptile as an antagonist. (Think Groudon and Rayquaza in Rescue Team, even if they were not evil, as well as Ekans)
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Okay the art for Grovyle is good, but the sprites and models don't do it justice and make it look much worse. The sprites are wonky, and the model isn't all that great either. The anime gives it justice.

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