Smogon Premier League XV - Commencement Thread

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Justifying the decision with the excuse that giving a rematch could be abused by a player to hack himself or give his password to a friend is completely nonsensical, since it ignores the precedent of handing an instant loss to whoever gets hacked and how it would be even worse.

Basically, by setting this precedent you are allowing any banned user with the required knowledge to control SPL by simply hacking whoever they want to lose, while having no way to punish it at all (what are you going to do? Double permaban them?)

On the other hand, allowing for a rematch would only allow for the previously mentioned method, in where if found out the player would be severely punished and thus creates a reason NOT to do it which is lacking on the other possibillity. And if detecting said cheating method would be a concern, i'd like to point out how since we do not have to post videos playing our games, ghosting via discord PMs is basically undetectable aside from a confession, and yet i don't see anybody clamoring for a way to detect it, so that is clearly not an issue.

Making a decision without leaving a precedent is probably the best choice seeing the flaws of the other ones, but if this case doesn't amerit a rematch i seriously don't know what does.
A few years ago something similar happened to me, if I'm not mistaken in 2021, the last cycle of the SS OLT after spending 4 hard cycles trying, I managed to get into the top 8 in time, the ladder took more than 10/20s to update and in the meantime the screenshot was taken and I was left out because of the shit showdown that didn't update, (everyone was watching my game against ox the fox, so they saw it was on time) I felt (and probably was) very harmed, I was very sad and angry until unfortunately I had to accept this shit decision that at the time was made by quit quiet if I'm not mistaken, because it would either harm me or lopunny kicks which, if I'm not mistaken, ended up being ranked 8th. Here we have the situation in which one of the two will have to be harmed and in my opinion it would harm Malekith least, because whether he likes it or not, he has part of the blame (just like I did in just getting into the top 8 almost at the last minute), and from what I heard our MU was very good, dridri457 showed the team that he worked for two whole weeks preparing since he asked to stay on the bench w9 since we were classified and committed himself to his team, and another factor that still has at least TB to play for, nothing is lost to anyone. So even though I don't think it's 100% fair, I believe it's the right choice, having already been through something similar on the other side.
While I understand that the prior precedent for accounts being compromised was to disqualify the compromised accounts, this case is different from the dice sensei axew case in that the account was both registered and had changed its password in the past 6 months. Malekith took every reasonable step that he could have short of asking a staff member to set up 2fa, and the attached screenshot from charmflash shows the unreliability of the system, not to mention there is no where on forums that is easily accessible that states showdown even has this capability. The administrative decision post says that "it would be unfair to the tyrants to replay the match", but it is even more unfair to us to force a forfeit. With factors equal, both teams have a 50/50 chance of winning a rematch whereas this scenario was a guaranteed loss for us. Malekith did nothing wrong and is getting punished significantly more harshly than DriDri would be in a rematch situation. This ruling is unfair as the 3rd party is the one in the wrong here, and goes against a lot of what SPL stands for. There are a slew of tournament policies and language that state the importance of incentivizing people to play games being a primary goal with tournament rule construction, and this ruling flies in the face of such a philosophy. In protest of this decision and it invalidating the integrity of SPL, the Ruiners will be boycotting SPL for the time being.
and the attached screenshot from charmflash shows the unreliability of the system
Yeah 2FA isn't widespread because setting it up requires an admin on PS or a member of Senior Staff from here, a ticket with an "Other" issue tag where regular staff can't even help, or might not be completely knowledgeable about the how to, has a chance of just simply going unanswered.

I don't know the feasibility of a public 2FA system at this time, but there might be easier things to implement to prevent password bruteforcing for example.

4 year old replay irrelevant
u played well but rng favored u in g2 was a good set ppl just shouldnt ignore that
fat into hoopa-u is not an autowin
dont be so dramatic I trashtalked about playing skill in a video game
cringe af to attack all my games based on you winning in your main tier with luck but ppl will eat it up so enjoy your likes and gl in the finals :)
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fade and I are the greatest players to ever grace this game and both these noob finals teams should be glad that the sharks got haxed out of playoffs. We have an iron wall tiebreak lineup and no mayter what any team picks fade is a powerful counterpick that would grant us the advantage in tiebreak

4 year old replay irrelevant
u played well but rng favored u in g2 was a good set ppl just shouldnt ignore that
fat into hoopa-u is not an autowin
dont be so dramatic I trashtalked about playing skill in a video game
cringe af to attack all my games based on you winning in your main tier with luck but ppl will eat it up so enjoy your likes and gl in the finals :)
If you talk shit you dont get to complain when people clap back. That is not how it works lol

Id honestly not show my ass again for A WHILE after getting giga ratio'd like that :totodiLUL:
If you talk shit you dont get to complain when people clap back. That is not how it works lol

Id honestly not show my ass again for A WHILE after getting giga ratio'd like that :totodiLUL:

They are free to clap back, its just using a 4 year old game and an unlucky rby series to prove the claim of me only winning 100-0 matchups such as darkresistless fat vs hoopa-u seems like an incoherent string of thoughts. It is only ratioing due to who troller is and the fact that people are not fond of me not showing enough humility in victory rather than because of how much his point has been proven.
Also ratio is a sham on a small tight-knit community like smogon. I realized this 10 years ago when ppl were dming me for my ost posts that I was right but they were too scared to like them because the community had sided with the other opinion. Youd have a lot of negative social implications for liking these posts for example
Congrats to my friends on the Tyrants, especially my goats CyberOdin✝, CTC, and blunder. While a couple Tyrants may lack in humility and one veteran is still learning how to say "gg," many more on this team were here to play good Pokemon, and I am glad that you were able to be rewarded for your effort and execution. Rey, as much distaste as I have for your character, you have a great ability to lead teams to consistent success and you finally getting the dub is well deserved.
TDs - take more ownership and responsibility. You have the power to make decisions and enact policies that can make or break the backbone of our tournaments. If you're not willing to make hard choices to uphold competitive integrity, what are you still doing in this volunteer position? Stop giving into logistic and peer pressure, and following logical fallacies in circles to convince yourself you were right. Mistakes are normal and it takes courage to admit it and do right by others. What's done is done, but I hope we can at least take some responsibility and initiative to prevent this situation from happening again.

Theia in particular - cultivate empathy and strive to serve the tournament. Our job as managers is not to make your life as easy as possible, it's to look out for our team. You have no idea how devastating it feels to have an opportunity born from months of hard work ripped away by a freak situation, and displaying heartlessness and making public biased comments only makes the situation more difficult. A little compassion or even basic courtesy can go a long way.

To my team - thank you for giving it your all and letting me lead you. While this tournament had the most unfortunate conclusion, you all should be proud of what you accomplished and the team we forged. Especially to my partners in crime for three straight seasons of semifinal eliminations to the champions, MANNAT, xavgb, Malekith, Raptor, pj, Fakes and others - I am so thankful for this opportunity I had to grow with you all. Ironically, this is the first season where I truly feel like I can let go of my regrets and cherish the journey we shared. Although I still have more room to improve, I finally feel at peace with my efforts and hope you can forgive me for my mistakes. If the fire in you still burns, never stop chasing your dreams; I will continue to support you all to the end.

The memories of SPL are certainly ones I will treasure for a long time. Despite the circumstances of this year, this tournament somehow still manages to hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you Nails for giving me my first chance and always being supportive throughout the years. Maybe it's time for me to give Chansey its VGC comeback?
Thank you obii for all the cool times and that especially memorable season in my one of my peak and formative seasons.
Thank you Raiza and Tricking for a fun off-season from managing filled with many hilarious moments and great teammates.
Thank you TPP for always being a true friend who I can always trust to keep it real and have my back. I had a great time scooting with you, and you are and always will be the hero behind my OST trophy. You better be on time for the next pogo event!
Thank you Dave for being an awesome coach and mentor. I'm glad I got to enjoy many amazing years of World Cup with you leading the team, especially on old east, the team I always aspired to play for. I wouldn't the competitor and person I am today without you beating my ass on Pokebattler with rain so many times.
Thank you Philip7086 for everything. I started playing competitive Pokemon because of you, and even jump-started my managerial journey with your guidance in that roller-coaster season of scooting we shared together. You are one of the few true GOATs in every aspect, and I am incredibly lucky to consider you a close friend and mentor. Cheers to many more years to come!
Thank you to everyone I have made connections with over the many years. If you are still here for your love of Pokemon, I'm glad we could play together and I hope we can again in the future.

I love team building and that probably still won't change for quite some time. If you want to check out my OU teams from this season, you can here.

Congrats to my friends on the Tyrants, especially my goats CyberOdin✝, CTC, and blunder. While a couple Tyrants may lack in humility and one veteran is still learning how to say "gg," many more on this team were here to play good Pokemon, and I am glad that you were able to be rewarded for your effort and execution. Rey, as much distaste as I have for your character, you have a great ability to lead teams to consistent success and you finally getting the dub is well deserved.
TDs - take more ownership and responsibility. You have the power to make decisions and enact policies that can make or break the backbone of our tournaments. If you're not willing to make hard choices to uphold competitive integrity, what are you still doing in this volunteer position? Stop giving into logistic and peer pressure, and following logical fallacies in circles to convince yourself you were right. Mistakes are normal and it takes courage to admit it and do right by others. What's done is done, but I hope we can at least take some responsibility and initiative to prevent this situation from happening again.

Theia in particular - cultivate empathy and strive to serve the tournament. Our job as managers is not to make your life as easy as possible, it's to look out for our team. You have no idea how devastating it feels to have an opportunity born from months of hard work ripped away by a freak situation, and displaying heartlessness and making public biased comments only makes the situation more difficult. A little compassion or even basic courtesy can go a long way.

To my team - thank you for giving it your all and letting me lead you. While this tournament had the most unfortunate conclusion, you all should be proud of what you accomplished and the team we forged. Especially to my partners in crime for three straight seasons of semifinal eliminations to the champions, MANNAT, xavgb, Malekith, Raptor, pj, Fakes and others - I am so thankful for this opportunity I had to grow with you all. Ironically, this is the first season where I truly feel like I can let go of my regrets and cherish the journey we shared. Although I still have more room to improve, I finally feel at peace with my efforts and hope you can forgive me for my mistakes. If the fire in you still burns, never stop chasing your dreams; I will continue to support you all to the end.

The memories of SPL are certainly ones I will treasure for a long time. Despite the circumstances of this year, this tournament somehow still manages to hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you Nails for giving me my first chance and always being supportive throughout the years. Maybe it's time for me to give Chansey its VGC comeback?
Thank you obii for all the cool times and that especially memorable season in my one of my peak and formative seasons.
Thank you Raiza and Tricking for a fun off-season from managing filled with many hilarious moments and great teammates.
Thank you TPP for always being a true friend who I can always trust to keep it real and have my back. I had a great time scooting with you, and you are and always will be the hero behind my OST trophy. You better be on time for the next pogo event!
Thank you Dave for being an awesome coach and mentor. I'm glad I got to enjoy many amazing years of World Cup with you leading the team, especially on old east, the team I always aspired to play for. I wouldn't the competitor and person I am today without you beating my ass on Pokebattler with rain so many times.
Thank you Philip7086 for everything. I started playing competitive Pokemon because of you, and even jump-started my managerial journey with your guidance in that roller-coaster season of scooting we shared together. You are one of the few true GOATs in every aspect, and I am incredibly lucky to consider you a close friend and mentor. Cheers to many more years to come!
Thank you to everyone I have made connections with over the many years. If you are still here for your love of Pokemon, I'm glad we could play together and I hope we can again in the future.

I love team building and that probably still won't change for quite some time. If you want to check out my OU teams from this season, you can here.


Don't blame yourself for the things you thought you did wrong or could have done better, we were a team so don't stress about it, keep your head up FV, the result doesn't matter because we gave it our all and I respect you for that. Thank you for being with me again and supporting me, I hope we can meet again in the future and get this trophy, partner.

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