
someday year of the dragon will be replaced by year of the bellibolt. i would rather we keep the dragon though. i think they're cool. we should replace like the rooster or something.

Everything will go up, except for unemployment and inflation. Wages will increase 5 billion percent and nobody will have to work again.
Get Bellibolt on the WTO board as the CEO.
Funny. I thought that was how inflation worked.
Bellibros.. We won.. 3D sprite on showdown, Bellibolt dominating OU ladder? But I say, my people. Do not get complacent. This is only the bellinning. Bellieve me, we are not done. My work will not be done until Bellibolt stands at the very apex of society.
hey guys. im amazed that a thread of such magnitude has been hiding under my nose for so long, hidden in plain sight, a pitchfork in a haystack(opposite of a needle.) i feel like im a little late to the party though. i got fomo-ed out of bellybolt and its just really interesting to see how things like this pan out.


how it feels to post
hey guys. im amazed that a thread of such magnitude has been hiding under my nose for so long, hidden in plain sight, a pitchfork in a haystack(opposite of a needle.) i feel like im a little late to the party though. i got fomo-ed out of bellybolt and its just really interesting to see how things like this pan out.

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how it feels to post
It is never too late to Bolt with us brother. We ride at dawn.
Oh wow, a bellibolt thread! They rly have everything around here.

Well anyway, my grandmother rly likes frogs, so for her birthday I decided to make her a little drawing of em!
She doesn't know anything about pokemon as a whole, but she loved the drawing regardless! Their power rly doesn't know no bounds...

Anyways did I capture his greatness correctly? I've been kind of troubled about it...
Oh wow, a bellibolt thread! They rly have everything around here.

Well anyway, my grandmother rly likes frogs, so for her birthday I decided to make her a little drawing of em!
She doesn't know anything about pokemon as a whole, but she loved the drawing regardless! Their power rly doesn't know no bounds...

Anyways did I capture his greatness correctly? I've been kind of troubled about it...
Magnificent. Lord Bellibolt will be most pleased by this offering.